How To Love A Crook

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How To Love A Crook Page 18

by Linda Verji

  “So what are you to Casper?” Lee asked the minion as they walked to the office where Lee had initially been stashed. Hopefully, his talking would distract the man enough that Lee could catch him off his guard. “His brother? His bodyguard? A pawn.”

  The man didn’t answer.

  “How much is he paying you for this?” Lee studied the man’s dark face. “Ten thousand dollars? More?”

  Though the man remained silent, his eyes flickered.

  Lee arched his eyebrows. “Less?”

  The man’s long drawn out breath was all the answer Lee needed. He was being paid less.

  “Wow. Less than ten thousand dollars for all the shit you’re about to be in?” Lee shook his head and clucked sympathetically. “You do know that you’re in shit though, right?”

  The minion frowned.

  “When the cops come for Casper, they’ll come for you too,” Lee pointed out. “And if you’re unlucky, Casper might toss you to them since you’re the one who brought me here.”

  From the man’s troubled expression it was clear that Lee’s words were getting to him, but all he did was shove Lee into the office. “Get in.”

  The office was nothing to write home about. It was big enough to fit a desk, three chairs and a cabinet. The walls might’ve been hospital white at some point in time but were now a murky brown and marred by several spray-painted images and words.

  “Man, I feel sorry for you.” Lee turned to face Casper’s minion. “I bet you don’t even know who I am.”

  “Sit.” The man pointed to the seat right next to him.

  Lee obeyed him, all while shaking his head as if he genuinely felt sorry for him. It was enough to prick the man’s curiosity.

  “Who the hell are you?” asked the minion.

  “You’ve watched American Legends, right?” Lee asked. When the man nodded curtly, Lee revealed, “I’m the director.” The skeptical look the man gave him was enough to make him say, “Honest. Check on your phone. My name’s Lee Marwick.”

  He expected the man to accuse him of lying, but as it turned out his captor was too curious for his own good. The man pulled out his phone and took his eyes off Lee so he could google his name.

  It was the opportunity Lee needed. He shot to his feet and grabbed the back of the man’s head. With all the force he was capable of, he shoved the man’s head to the wall.

  “Oh!” The man crumpled against the wall with a pained groan. Both his gun and phone dropped to the floor as his hands flew to cover his nose. Lee kicked the gun away from the man then slammed his leg to the back of the man’s knees, sending him crushing to the floors.

  “Oomph!” The man tried to crawl towards his gun, but Lee got there first.

  He grabbed the gun then smashed it into his abductor’s temple.

  There. Lee watched with a satisfied smirk as the man fell to his side unconscious. However, there was no time to gloat. It was convenient that the office’s keys were still in the door’s keyhole because Lee could lock the unconscious man in the shed.

  Quickly but noiselessly, Lee made his way across the salvage yard. Thankfully, there were two cars blocking him from the sight of the chop-shop’s occupants. When Lee was a couple of feet away from the chop-shop, he shot into the air. The sound of the bullet being released was so loud there was no possible way Casper, his other minion and A.J could miss it. Lee hid himself to the side of the chop-shop’s entrance where no one could spot him and waited.

  “What the hell was that?” Casper’s voice echoed from the depths of the shop. “Please tell me that idiot didn’t shoot Lee.”

  “I’ll go check,” the other minion offered, just as Lee expected.

  The moment the minion walked past the entrance, Lee crept up behind him and slammed the gun into the back of his head. The man crumpled noiselessly to the ground. Lee lugged him to the side of the entrance then waited.

  As expected, Casper came out of the chop-shop mere minutes later. His gun was out as if he was expecting trouble.

  Lee snuck up behind him. For a second he was tempted to give Casper the same treatment he’d given his men; a swift and hard hit to the back of the head. He certainly deserved it. But Lee stifled the urge. If any of Casper’s men came to, he’d need a hostage to make sure he and A.J walked out.

  He pressed the barrel of his gun to the back of Casper’s head. “Took you long enough.”

  “You!” Casper started to turn.

  “Uh uh!” Lee pressed the gun into the man’s skull. “Look straight ahead if you don’t want me to blow your head open.”

  Casper’s movements halted. “Well, this is surprising. I didn’t expect this from you.”

  “Your bad! You shouldn’t have underestimated me.” Lee ordered, “Drop the gun.”

  After a brief hesitation, Casper let the gold-plated gun fall from his fingers.

  Lee kicked it away then said, “Now, why don’t we get back in there?”

  “To do what?” Casper asked even as he followed the order.

  Lee didn’t answer. He simply dug his gun deeper into Casper’s head, silently ordering him to keep walking. Lee kept glancing backwards to make sure neither of the minions ambushed him. Thankfully, they got to A.J without any unexpected ambushes.

  A.J’s eyes widened when she saw Lee holding a gun to her father’s head. Then she smiled. That smile was enough to warm Lee.

  “You don’t have to smile so hard,” Casper glowered at her. “My men are still out there.”

  “Untie her!” Lee prodded.

  Casper’s pout as he obeyed the order was so childish Lee had to hide a smile. As soon as A.J was free, she slashed her hand into Casper’s throat. He staggered backwards, both hands clasping his throat and pain in his eyes.

  “Let’s go.” Lee held out his hand, and she took it easily.

  It was smooth sailing from there. One of the cars in the shop hadn’t been dismantled yet and though the keys weren’t in the ignition A.J knew how to hotwire a car. She started the car and soon they were zooming away.

  And that’s when the aftereffects of their harrowing day swept in. Now that Lee wasn’t fighting to protect A.J anymore, fear and adrenalin receded. The pain those two emotions had held at bay was unleashed.

  “Ugh!” Lee groaned as an unexpected pain stabbed his stomach.

  “Are you okay?” A.J shot a concerned look at him.

  “Yea-oh!” Another stab of pain cut off his words.

  She turned the car. “We’re going to hospital.”

  “No need,” Lee gritted through his pain. “It was just a few punches.”

  “Which could mean broken ribs.”

  “Forget it.” His eyes half closed, he leaned back against the seat. “Let’s go home.”

  “No way.” A.J’s tone was firm and determined as her expression. “We’re going to hospital.”

  Despite his pain, Lee couldn’t help watching her as she drove. As angry as he was at her, it was still a relief to see her safe and okay. He had no idea what he would’ve done if she’d been hurt, but one thing was sure; Casper wouldn’t have walked away with just an aching throat.

  TWO HOURS LATER, Lee found himself ensconced in a private room at St. Francis Memorial. Though he was still in pain it’d subsided somewhat after they’d shot him up with painkillers.

  “It looks like bruised ribs,” Dr. Warner said to A.J as they stood beside Lee’s bed. “But we can’t be sure there aren’t any further internal injuries until we’re done with the tests.”

  Gone was the panicked woman who’d brought Lee here. Instead, A.J was cool and calm as she questioned the doctor. “When will you do the tests?”

  “Later today,” the doctor said. “A nurse will come and get him.”

  “Doctor Warner?” Lee drew his attention.


  “Please don’t tell my dad I’m here,” Lee said. “You know how he can be.”

  It really was a small world. Somehow he’d ended up in the care of his father
’s poker buddy.

  “I’m sorry.” Dr. Warner offered him a sheepish smile. “I already told one of the nurses to call him.”

  Almost as if on cue, the door was roughly shoved inward and Mason rushed into the room. Complicated wasn’t big enough to describe Lee’s reaction to seeing his father.

  First came relief. Finally, his father was here. Then came exasperation because his father was an expert at nagging and hovering. Soon anger came rushing in to eclipse all other emotions. Lee didn’t want his father hovering and acting like he cared about him. Not when he’d never even bothered to tell him he was adopted. Not when he’d lied to him all these years.

  “That was quick,” Dr. Warner welcomed Mason.

  But Mason only had eyes for Lee. “Are you all right?”

  “Yup.” Lee nodded curtly.

  When the older man rushed to Lee’s side, A.J stepped back to give him space by Lee’s bed.

  His worried gaze taking in the injuries on his son’s face, Mason asked, “What happened?”

  “Nothing much,” Lee offered coldly.

  His answer wasn’t enough to satisfy his father. Mason spun around to pin A.J with an angry glare. “This was you, wasn’t it?”

  A.J didn’t say anything but her eyes flashed as if in acknowledgment of Mason’s accusation.

  “What did you get him involved in?” Mason demanded.

  “I’m sorry,” she said.

  “I asked what you got him involved in,” Mason barked. “Gangs, thefts-”

  “Dad, leave her alone,” Lee interrupted.

  “You stay out of this.” His father jabbed his finger at him before turning back to A.J. “I asked you a question.”

  “It wasn’t anything like that,” she mumbled.

  “Then wha-”

  “Dad!” Lee cut him off more firmly. “Leave her alone. This is between me and her.”

  “No, it’s not,” Mason retorted, his laser-sharp gaze firmly on A.J. “When you get hurt, I get involved too. You’re my son.”

  “Am I?” Lee blurted out. “Am I really?”

  His words were startling enough that Mason turned away from A.J. Frowning, he stared at Lee. “What does that mean?”

  “You know what I mean,” Lee countered.

  He hadn’t intended to confront his father about the subject of his adoption quite this soon. It would’ve been better to wait until he was calmer. But now that it was out there, well… what the hell? He might as well get his answers.

  It took a while for his father to get his meaning. In fact, A.J figured it out first. Her eyes widened with shock and her lips parted in a gasp. “Lee!”

  Mason’s shock came in a few seconds later. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped as he stared at Lee for a long minute. When he spoke, he sounded shaky and breathless. “No, I don’t know what you mean.”

  His response was as hurtful as it was disappointing. Even when obviously cornered, he refused to be honest.

  “To the end.” Lee shook his head and gave a humorless chuckle. “You’ll keep lying until the end, won’t you, Dad?”

  “Lee, I don’t know what-”

  “I’m adopted.” Lee cut him off. “I know I’m adopted, Dad. Or should I be calling you Mason?”

  His words sent fresh shock rippling through the room. The silence that suffused the room was as eerie as that of a graveyard and filled with such thick tension even a knife wouldn’t have cut through it. Lee stared at his father, waiting for him to deny it. Again.

  Dr. Warner broke the silence.

  “I think I should give you a moment alone,” he mumbled right before he scuttled out of the room leaving Lee with Mason and A.J.

  Pushing his fingers through his graying hair, Mason asked, “How did you know?”

  “How did I know? I think I should be the one asking questions here, not answering them,” Lee countered. “Why didn’t you tell me? Why did I have to find out on my own?”

  “Son-” Mason paused. “-Lee, I’m sorry for not telling you. I just wanted to protect you.”

  “Protect me from what?” Lee studied him.

  Mason didn’t answer.

  A.J chose that moment to pipe up. “Lee, your dad just-”

  “No.” Lee cut her off mid-sentence. “Don’t even say a word in his defense. Not when you also lied to me. Not when you’re also hiding things from me.” His words were enough to quiet her. Glaring at her he asked, “When were you going to tell me that we’ve met before?”

  Honestly, it was just a guess. But the look in her eyes confirmed it for him, as did her next words. Eyes wide, she asked, “You remembered?”

  Lee considered lying, but he changed his mind. There were entirely too many lies floating around this room already. So he bit out, “No. Why don’t you remind me? Where did we meet?”

  “Lee, I don’t think-”

  “I asked a question, answer it,” he interrupted. When all she did was stare at him with those wide eyes, he huffed in annoyance. “If you won’t answer me, then get out.”

  He waited for her to take the chance to come clean. But after studying him for a long time, she started towards the door.

  Before she could leave, he stopped her. “A.J?”

  She turned to face him.

  “You can’t be out there on your own,” he bit out. When her eyebrows lifted in question, he clarified, “Casper!”

  The most annoying thing about liking someone was that one could be angry at that person yet worried about them at the same time. Even though A.J was the last person he wanted to see right now, he still didn’t want this to be the last time they saw each other. He certainly didn’t want her getting hurt.

  “Don’t worry,” A.J reassured him calmly. “Casper won’t come for me again.”

  “How can you be sure?” Lee pushed out a heavy breath. “We should-”

  “I’m sure.” She cut him off. “Don’t worry about me or my father. I’ll take care of it. Just focus on getting better.”

  Then just like that she left. She really left. Lee stared at the closing door with equal measure of concern, disappointment and anger. How was he not supposed to worry about her? Her father was a psychotic thug. And what did she mean when she’d said she’d take care of it? More fighting?

  “Who’s Casper?” Mason yanked him out of his troubled thoughts.

  “No one you need to know about.” Lee zeroed in on the older man. “Are you going to tell me the truth now?”

  His father sighed. “Lee, your mom and I didn’t tell you about the adoption because we wanted to protect you.”

  “What did you want to protect me from?” Lee asked again.

  When all his father did was stare at him, just like A.J, he lost his cool.

  “Please leave,” Lee ordered curtly. “I want to be alone.”

  Mason studied Lee for a long time as if debating whether he should plead more. But finally, he made his decision. His shoulders slumped, he trudged out of the room, leaving Lee alone with his thoughts.

  These people were unbelievable. Why were they treating him like a kid who was unable to handle the truth? Was it that hard to just come out with it?


  Though Lee had kicked her out of his room, A.J couldn’t bring herself to leave the hospital. Frankly, she wasn’t sure she’d done the right thing by not telling him the whole truth. A part of her was sad that she was deceiving him and putting him through so much turmoil. The other part of her recognized that whatever turmoil he was experiencing now would be nothing compared to how he’d feel when – no, if he found out the whole truth. If he was having nightmares now just because of a few memories he could grab onto, who knew what would happen when his whole past was laid out before him.

  With a sigh, she leant against the wall next to his door. Who would’ve thought things would get this complicated? In his position, would she want to know the whole truth? Maybe. Okay, fine, she’d definitely want to know the whole truth. Even so, there was a reason Lee had buried his
past so deep down that he couldn’t dredge it up himself. Maybe he wasn’t ready to confront his truth as much as he thought. And even if he was, the truth wasn’t A.J’s to tell. She’d been away from him for over twenty years. She couldn’t just stroll in and burst the bubble his parents had cocooned him in. If there was any truth to be told, it needed to come from Mason. The man who’d raised Lee and truly saved him from his past.

  As if on cue, the door suddenly flew open and Mason emerged from Lee’s room. A.J immediately straightened to her full height. It was only after the older man closed the door behind him that he noticed A.J. Immediately, his eyes flashed with unrestrained anger.

  “We need to talk,” he growled as he grabbed her elbow.

  A.J did not like being manhandled. If this was any other situation, Mason would’ve found himself nursing a broken nose while curled up on the floor. But he was Lee’s father so she let him roughly lead her down the hall, past the emergency door to the emergency stairs where they could be alone.

  Fury vibrating from his body, Mason faced her. “You’re her, aren’t you?”

  A.J didn’t say anything. She just stared at him.

  “You’re her, aren’t you?” Mason repeated, this time his tone was firmer, surer, angrier.

  A.J sucked in a deep breath to calm her nerves before asking, “Her?”

  “The girl in Lee’s dreams.” Mason folded his arms over his chest as he glowered at her. “The girl who was with him in the foster home.”

  Mason knew about her? A.J’s heart jerked in her chest. If she had lighter skin, she would’ve gone pale because it certainly felt like all the blood had drained from her face.

  “You’re her.” This time it wasn’t a question.

  A.J nodded.

  “Then you need to leave.” Mason’s nostrils flared as he pointed his finger at her. “This is all happening because of you.”

  A.J wanted to deny it, but she couldn’t. Not when it’d crossed her mind too.


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