“Do you miss your dad Rox?” Kade questions me with a serious expression.
“Well sure I miss having a father figure and from what I can remember he was a great dad, we would go to the park, play games all the fun stuff,” I answer smiling.
“But it’s the bad stuff that outweighed the good, when he was drinking he would be scary and yell at mum and hit her; he would fall over and smash stuff. I remember the bad more often than the good,” I respond with a mellow tone that makes me sad.
“It’s been a long time Roxy, maybe he has changed, have you thought about getting in contact with him?” Kade questions me further.
“No way, he can’t erase what’s done, I will never forgive him, end of story!” I yell at him frantically.
“Okay sorry baby I just thought maybe the dreams mean something that’s all,” he says one last time and kisses me. I can’t help but think about what Kade said, it is true about having another meaning but what is it?
Two days later we are driving in Kade’s Ute up to Whitehaven Lake over New Years.
We are meeting Ebony and John there, they have two friends coming and Kade’s mate Coby from surfing with his girlfriend Cassie. I rang Jeremy again to come with us but he said something about partying with the band so I let it slide.
We asked Johnno and Julia but they have a party to go to and much to my disapproval also Pete and Emma but I’m sure she made something up, thank god as a few days with her would drive me nuts.
New Year’s is on a Sunday, today is New Year’s eve so we head to the beach, Kade goes for a jog and does a few push ups, training has intensified now as the comp is only seven weeks away. He comes back to get his board.
“Hey surfer boy, how about you teach me a few moves on that thing!” I call out to him seductively. The others all laugh and wait for his response.
“Oh really you want to have a ride Miss Thorne, I can definitely arrange that,” he answers me smirking then kisses me and pulls me in close.
“On the surf board thanks mister get your mind out of the gutter. Well maybe I will ride something else later but for now I want to give surfing a try,” I respond laughing.
“Okay well you and your smart mouth come and get wet then Roxy, in the water that is,” he says teasingly and I love that my sarcasm has rubbed off on him.
I follow him out to the water, mainly watching him walking from behind, the muscles in his back projecting out all sun kissed and sweaty from his jog. “Hmmmm,” I say out loud without realising it.
“Are you perving on me foxy Roxy?” he asks me grinning.
“Well I totally am perving on you, is that my new nickname foxy?” I question him seductively.
“Well it is very fitting actually,” he responds and slaps my arse.
“Hey you focus on getting me up on that board,”’ I say in a serious tone.
“Okay well first things first you gotta practice getting up from your stomach into standing,” he says while putting his board down on the sand.
“Just like this,” he says while showing me how it’s done. “You try baby,” he insists.
So I climb onto the surfboard and lay on my stomach, knowing he is eyeing my body as I only have bikini bottoms on with my rash shirt. So I shake my butt a bit to give him a show. Then I spring up to a standing position. “Like this?” I question him knowing I did well first go round.
“Yep perfect baby,” he answers now all serious as we are talking about his first love surfing, maybe I shouldn’t have done this after all.
“Now let’s trying paddling out,” Kade tells me and carries his board out to the water.
I climb onto the board lying on my tummy again. I start to paddle. Kade stands next to me in the water. “Faster Rox, paddle faster,” Kade yells and orders me.
Wow this is some work out; I can feel it in my abs and my arms. He is now swimming next to me while we go out deeper. “Okay see where the wave crests we want to stand up just as it starts to let it carry us along,” Kade tells me.
“Okay baby,” I say grinning over at him. “When I tell you I want you to try and stand and keep your balance baby, knees bent, arms out to balance okay?” he says bossily.
“Yes boss,” I say cheekily and out of breath.
“Straddle the board Roxy,” he tells me.
So I sit on the board and throw my legs either side. “Shit, it’s a bit different from the straddling I’m used to,” I say chuckling and trying to keep balanced. Kade is smirking at me from my comment and my struggling to stay balanced.
“Do you find something funny tough guy?” I ask him frowning.
“Not funny but very cute,” he replies adorably.
“Okay so you ready to try to stand? You will probably fall the first few attempts baby but I’ll get you,” he tells me sweetly.
“Okay tell me when,” I reply now a little scared, is it going to hurt when I fall? What if I fall on the board and hit my head. Okay brain overload. Stop Roxy, I tell myself.
“Okay see the wave, the next one is yours,” he says with enthusiasm.
“Ready, set, go,” Kade yells at me.
“Paddle Rox, faster faster, go go, now wait wait, stand, stand up!” he yells.
I paddle as fast as I can then try and stand but my footing slips and I fall. I go straight into the water, belly flop. I swim to the top and Kade has grabbed me. “Ouch,” I tell him laughing.
“Up you go on the board try again,” he pushes me up on the board.
“Damn you are bossy you know that?” I tell him. I start climbing and he pushes me up copping a feel of my arse and naked legs while doing so. “Very unprofessional there coach,” I tell him joking around.
“Okay so this wave is too choppy, can you see the white wash?” he questions, is he asking me if I am paying attention like an adult to a child.
“Yes dad,” I say snickering.
“This next wave is a one footer. It’s ankle to knee, too small but you can try the next one okay,” he hints to me that I better get ready. I am focused and waiting for his orders, which makes me think of him ordering me in the bedroom. Hot.
“Okay Rox, get ready, set, go,” he says to me excited. “Paddle faster, that’s it, harder baby, now stand up, arms out get your balance,” he yells to me cheering me on. I have managed to stand up for about two seconds and then I fall again harder than the last time. Oh man those waves are painful like falling onto hard ground. How does he do this over and over? But I guess when you are that good then you don’t fall. I swim to the surface into Kade's waiting arms.
“Oh Roxy that was awesome you actually stood, didn’t that feel great?” he quizzes me excited to see my response.
“Yeah that part was great, but the falling in really sucked,” I say to him grimacing. He cuddles me.
“Just try one more time for me okay baby, you are doing so well, try again while it’s all fresh in your mind okay,” he tells me insisting.
“One more time and that’s it Casanova,” I remark to him with a serious look.
“Next wave is yours, get ready!” he yells jovially. I nod to him ready, this is my wave and I’m going to nail it. “Okay ready, set, go!” he screams. I know the drill so I paddle fast and hard, faster and faster ready to stand on his command. “Okay Rox now stand, feet apart, bend your knees, arms out and balance,” he screams. “Woo hoo, my beautiful Roxy are surfing,” he calls out to me so impressed. I am surfing! I am balanced and it does feel great, like I’m walking on water.
The next thing I know I’m falling, I remember hitting my head and I everything goes black.
“Roxy, Roxy wake up.” I hear a female voice calling to me.
“Roxy its Ebony, can you hear me?” I hear it again. I open my eyes, it is so bright. My eyes start to adjust and I see Ebony’s pretty face. “It’s okay Roxy, you just hit your head surfing, Kade brought you up here to the sand,” Ebony recounts the events to me.
I look around. “Where’s Kade?” I panic when I can’t see his
“I’m here Roxy, I was so worried, I freaked out so Ebony took over,” he tells me and grabs my hand. “Shit you scared me when you were unconscious,” he declares and squeezes my hand.
“My head hurts,” I say and put my hand up to my head. “Ouch,” I say now aware of the bump I have on my scalp.
“Thank god you are okay baby,” Kade whispers in my ear and kisses me.
I realise I’m lying on the wet sand. “Can you help me to sit up?” I question Kade. He holds my hand and pulls me up into a sitting position. My head is throbbing but I don’t feel dizzy or nauseas so I know that’s a good sign.
“You okay honey?” Ebony questions me.
“Yep I’m getting there, headache from hell but that’s it so far,” I answer relieved.
We sit for another ten minutes and decide to head back to the house so I can shower and rest. I take some nurofen for the pain and put some ice on the lump and when it starts to ease I see Kade smile at me. “Don’t ever scare me like that again Roxy, okay,” he remarks with quite a serious look.
“I won’t be surfing again anytime soon that’s for sure,” I retort back to him grinning.
“Good!” he says. “The only thing I ride from now on is you okay baby,” I remark very sarcastically.
He laughs and the seriousness has now broken.
Kade sets up a bon fire for the New Year’s festivities and I can’t promise him that I’ll still be awake by midnight with this headache still hanging around but I said I’d try.
The party is pretty low key, everyone is relaxed, just drinking and eating, and all is pleasant.
I am in the kitchen when I hear Kade’s phone ringing. I look at the caller id and it reads EMMA, what the hell does she want, is she for real. He is conveniently too far to call out so I answer it. “Hello,” I say in my professional work type voice.
“Oh hi its Emma is Kade free?” What no small talk with me, rude bitch. Well two can play at this game.
“I can’t see him right now Emma can I pass on a message?” I assert back to her vindictively.
“Ahhh nope, it’s ok just tell him I called, might try later,” she remarks hastily.
“Okay I’ll pass on the message but he will be busy having hot sex with me later so you might have to wait for him to ring you back tomorrow. Bye Emma.” Score: Roxy 1 and Emma 0. I hang up and don’t even wait for a reply. She has her own man and she is ringing mine, if there is something she wants to know or ask why can’t Pete ring him? I’m so shitty thinking about her, oh well. I go and grab a cruiser out of the fridge and another beer for my baby. Then I turn his phone off. Screw her.
I pop some more nurofen and sit by the fire with the others, the music is pumping and I decide to hold out until midnight, it is our first New Year’s together after all. Its fifteen minutes till twelve, so we get the streamers, sparklers and poppers ready to make a big bang. ‘Blister in the Sun’ comes on and everyone sings along, definitely a great song and one that most people know. I sing along. Kade turns off the CD player and turns on the radio and just in time there is a minute to go so he comes up to me and holds my hand. Now the thirty second count down.
I have the lighter so I start lighting sparklers. Ten seconds. Now five, four, three, two, one
“HAPPY NEW YEAR!” everyone is screaming. Kade kisses me long and hard leaving me breathless.
“Happy New Year baby,” he tells me slurring obviously more drunk that I realised.
“Happy New Year to you too baby,” I say sweetly and kiss him again. “Our first one together with many more to come,” I add instinctively. Then Ebony is over hugging me and screaming Happy New Year and kisses me on the cheek, the atmosphere is awesome everyone is cheering and blowing their party horns.
A successful way to bring in the New Year. I last another thirty minutes and decide to crash. It has been a super long day that’s for sure. “Goodnight baby I’m going to bed,” I say to Kade while yawning. “You ready to join me?” I say invitingly.
“Oh me and Coby are just having another bourbon then I’ll be in promise,” he tells me sincerely and kisses me deeply on the lips. He reeks of bourbon; I think he will be the one with the headache tomorrow.
“Okay see you soon Mr. Thomas,” I say in my cheeky voice. Then I change and collapse into bed. I don’t even know what the time it is but I feel Kade climb into bed and hear him as it sounds like an elephant is tromping around our room. He cuddles up to me and his erection pokes me in the back.
“Are you happy to see me baby?” I say laughing.
He laughs back and tells me, “I’m always hard and happy to see you baby.” He kisses my neck and ears and it’s getting me hot and in the mood, like he usually does. His hands are on my breasts, squeezing and flicking them through my silky nightie.
“That feel nice Roxy?” he queries me mumbling slightly.
“You know it does baby,” I answer pleasantly. He rubs around my arse and legs and when he realises I have no undies on he moans.
“Oh Rox, your skin is so smooth,” he exclaims with his turned on voice. He finds my clit and starts to flick over and over, definitely drunk as he is fumbling around. He enters a finger into my core easily as I am always turned on for this man. “Wet as always baby,” he states and adds another finger.
“Put it in baby I want to feel you inside me,” I tell him hastily wanting him. I pull the sheet off and I climb onto all fours and stick my arse out, he follows my lead rubbing my nakedness.
“Oh Rox, I won’t last long this way baby,” he tells me. He puts his hardness at my wet throbbing entrance and starts to push, slowly to start, in and out, and then he pushes in deeper.
“Ohhhhh!” I cry out as his whole length fills me. “Shit that’s deep Kade, but so amazing,” I say to him feeling very gratified and hot. He reaches around and grabs my breasts then pushes into me harder and faster over and over. I feel my release coming. “I’m coming Kade don’t stop!” I yell. He pushes deeper, harder, and faster and I explode into an oblivion of pleasure and dazzling colours, buzzing and gleeful. He thrusts a few more times and one last time deeper again and I feel him burst with his own climax.
“Damn Roxy, you are fucking amazing woman, do you
know that?” Kade remarks very intimately.
“You are pretty fucking amazing yourself Kade Thomas,” I reply back meaning it from the depths of my soul.
The next morning I hear Kade on his phone. “Sorry Emma I guess Roxy forgot to tell me, it’s no big deal, not like it was urgent,” he tells the bitch face. My new nickname for her.
Is he really getting in trouble about the whole friggen thing?
“My phone has been off Em and I have the headache from hell, but I’m here now what did you want?” he asks her somewhat hastily. I get the feeling he gets annoyed with her as much as I do at times. Turns out the tramp messaged Ebony to tell him to ring her back.
“Okay when we are back I will come and try on my suit, don’t stress there is still plenty of time,” I hear Kade say into the phone. I walk over to him and make a face, as if to say hang up on the bitch.
Then I start to distract him by pulling up his t-shirt and rubbing his abs gently, I see goose bumps appearing and I know my plan is working.
“I gotta go Emma, Happy New Year I’ll call you Tuesday or Wednesday,” Kade says quickly ending the conversation.
He leans down and kisses me deeply then looks up at me.
“Baby did you take a message from Emma last night?” he interrogates me.
Whoops it must have slipped my mind that she called.
“Oh yeah shit I totally forgot baby,” I answer innocently.
“She never said it was urgent so I didn’t remember, sorry baby,” I say again acting coy. “Why is she ringing you anyway?” I say very jealously.
“Emma used to call me a few times a week, just to chat and see how I was, it’s nothing new and definitely nothing to worry about,” he tells me sincerely.
�Did you used to see her after work too?” I query wanting to know just how chummy they were.
“Probably twice a week for drinks and a chat Roxy, no big deal.” Fuck that. So I tell him in my sweetest voice.
“So if Jemma’s boyfriend was to ring me and wanna hang out, you would be ok with it?” Knowing he would be thinking no way, I think I made my point.
“Hmmm, well no,” he answers puzzled yet more understanding of my reaction.
“Sorry baby I guess I didn’t think of it like that, she was just always a friend to me as I was a third wheel and didn’t have a girlfriend, I think of her as another sister,” he answers throwing his arms around my waist. “I will talk to her next week about calling as it’s no longer necessary, now I have my beautiful angel Roxy to talk to and occupy my time.” I smile at his sweet and humorous words and kiss him on the lips. I wonder how Emma will take this bit of news, not well I can imagine. But hey Kade’s mine and if she wants a war she has got one.
Chapter 16
High on Life
The next weekend we go out with a few of my friends to the local tavern, it’s so nice to see the girls and have relaxed drinks. They are my rocks and I’m so glad they all get along well with Kade.
I feel at home with them and don’t have to worry about being judged or about jealous chicks causing trouble. Like the dreaded bitch face. “Hey Kade, nice to see you again,” Tia tells him and kisses his cheek.
“Yo bro,” calls Jemma as she playfully punches his arm. Yep I love these girls.
Kade and I are dancing on the dance floor. “See this is fun, you look pretty spunky out here busting some moves Mr. Thomas,” I say cheekily.
“Oh is that right Miss Thorne?” he asks and kisses me
running his octopus arms all over my arse and hips.
“How bout we have another round?” I ask him and point him to the bar, I need a bit of a girly dance, I love him to death but I can’t neglect my girlfriends. I shimmy on over to them and start dirty dancing, it is so much fun. “Just like old times,” I scream knowing another drink is going to make me a bit messy. I lose myself in the music, enjoying some freedom when I feel a hand around my waist. Just assuming it’s Kade I put my hand over his. Then start to dance with him.
Breaking My Heart Page 12