Page 92
Trust Bank, 504
Tsakalotos, Euclid, 526, 527
Tsipras, Alexis, 376, 516–17, 525–26, 527, 528, 530, 531–32, 537–38
Turkey, 477
collapse of 2008 and, 159
taper talk, effect of, 478
Tusk, Donald, 491, 531, 532, 533, 547
Tymoshenko, Yulia, 236, 237, 238, 493
UBS, 83, 88, 144, 154, 167, 209, 210, 215
UKIP, 538, 544, 552
Ukraine, 4, 125, 232
Association Agreement offered to, 489–90
Association Agreement signed by, 508
financial crisis of 2008 and, 236–38
NATO membership application of, 135–37
See also Ukraine crisis
Ukraine crisis
IMF emergency bailout, April 2014, 500–1
IMF/EU offer rejected by Ukraine, 495
IMF recommitment to Ukraine, March 2015, 507
Malaysian Airlines flight MH17, downing of, 502
Minsk ceasefire agreement, 502
oil price collapse and, 503–4
post-Soviet bloc countries, impact on, 506
protests against decision to reject Association Agreement, 496–97
provisional government signs Association Agreement, 497
Russian central bank ruble support and, 504–5
Russian gas contract and loans accepted by, 495–96
Russia seizes control of Crimea and backs rebels, 498
sanctions against Russia, 498–500, 502, 503
Yanukovych flees country, 497
unemployment, 44
in China, 242–43
in Germany, 94–95, 287
in Greece, 358–59, 374, 408, 428, 515
in Ireland, 374
in Latvia, 235
in Portgugal, 535
in Russia, 225
in Spain, 374, 431
in Turkey, 159
in US, 160, 280
worldwide, 2009-10, 160, 354
UniCredit, 124, 234
Unite, 549–50
United Kingdom, 167
bailout of UK banks, 189–91
collateral rehypothecation and, 81–82
debt of, 348–50
deregulation in, 80
eurodollar accounts in, 80
global banking industry in, 80–81, 82–83
household wealth lost in, 156
nationalism in general election of 2015, 538–39, 540–41
real estate boom in, 105
See also Brexit; City of London
United Nations
General Assembly, 1–4
rivalry with G20, 263–64
SDR currency plan, 267–68
United States
bankruptcies of cities and counties in, 450–51
budget deficits of, 27–30
budget of (See budget, US)
current account deficit of, 34–35
debt of, 350–53, 390
drug overdose, deaths from, 457
global governance role of, questioned by UN General Assembly, 1–4
Greek debt crisis and, 335–36
household wealth lost in, 156–57
housing market (See housing market, US)
inequality in, 455–63
mortgage system in (See mortgages/mortgage system)
Russian sanctions, 498–500, 502, 503
slow pace of economic recovery in, theories regarding, 451–54
unemployment, 2008-2009, 160, 280
US Treasury, 9, 89
banking deregulation and, 54
Dodd-Frank Act and, 302–5
Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac bailout and, 172–75
Lehman collapse and, 176–77
stress tests, 298–301
US Treasury market, 30
budget impasse of 2013 and, 471
Chinese treasury purchases, 30, 241, 392
credit default swaps against, 391
demand for, 2007-2009, 285
demand for, 2011, 390
foreign investment in, 30, 58–59
QE1 and, 285–86
Republican tax cut plan of 2017 and, 585–86
UTair, 504
Van Rompuy, Herman, 356, 416–17
Varoufakis, Yanis, 517–18, 520–22, 524, 525, 526, 530
Venizelos, Evangelos, 410
Vienna Initiative, 233–34
Vneshekonombank (VEB), 224–25
Volcker, Paul, 11, 37, 43–44, 84–85, 171, 294
Volcker rule, 308
Volkswagen (VW), 123
Wall Street Journal, 177, 373, 382, 468, 577
Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. See Dodd-Frank Act of 2010
Warren, Elizabeth, 302
Warsh, Kevin, 591
Washington Mutual, 55, 59–60, 180
Wasserstein Perella, 83
Watanabe, Katsuaki, 158
Weber, Alex, 188, 334, 341, 343
Weidman, Jens, 400, 439, 441
Wells Fargo, 197, 199, 208, 316
exits TARP program, 300
stress test of, 299
Wen Jiabao, 246, 441
WestLB, 144
Why the Real Estate Boom Will Not Bust (Lereah), 68
Wieseltier, Leon, 514
Wilders, Geert, 561, 562
WMD (weapons of mass destruction), 3
Wolf, Martin, 166
World Bank, 233
World Trade Organization (WTO), 31, 593
WTO. See World Trade Organization (WTO)
Xi Jinping, 487, 600, 601
Xinhua, 469
Yanukovych, Viktor, 237, 493–95
Yellen, Janet, 503, 590, 606, 607, 608
Yeltsin, Boris, 119
yuan panic of 2015, 601–7
Yukos, 129
Yushchenko, Viktor, 236, 237, 493
Zapatero, José Luis Rodríguez, 108–9, 374
Zhang Ping, 246
Zhou Xiaochuan, 266
Zhu Guangyao, 369
Zoellick, Bob, 232–33
Adam Tooze, winner of the Wolfson and Longman History Today Prizes, is Professor of History at Columbia University. He formerly taught at Yale University, where he was Director of International Security Studies, and at the University of Cambridge. He has worked in executive development with several major corporations and contributed to the National Intelligence Council. He has written and reviewed for Foreign Affairs, The Financial Times, The Guardian, and the Wall Street Journal.
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