Fertile Fields

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Fertile Fields Page 8

by Tim Miller

  She would crawl from under one cabin to the next. They each had skirting around them, which made it easier to hide. It wasn’t something she could keep up for too long, they’d figure it out soon enough. For now, it was buying her time. Most of the men were conferring in the center of the compound. She was glad at least they didn’t have search dogs or something. The way the lights of the compound and searchlights came on she could tell they had some kind of protocol for an escape, but judging by everyone’s reaction, this was a first for most of this crowd. What she needed was a car. She knew they had them here, but had to find one with the keys in it.

  As she lay in wait under one cabin, she looked across as an SUV came racing into the compound. In the car’s lights, she saw Sheri getting out and heading inside. She looked different, like she’d gained weight. Sheri was pregnant. Mother fucker. She crawled around from beneath cabin to cabin until she reached Sheri’s. Julia didn’t want to make a run for it across the courtyard.

  Once she reached it, she quickly slipped inside and closed the door. There she was.

  “Julia!” Sheri said. “You’re alive.”

  “And you’re pregnant. You look well taken care of.”

  “Look, it isn’t what you think. I don’t want to be here. I’m a fucking hostage. I can’t stand dick, especially this asshole. You have your way of surviving, I have mine.”

  “Yeah yours is working much better for you than mine. So, when are you due?”

  “A few months.”

  “How do you feel about it?” Julia asked.

  “About being a mom? I’m not sure yet. What are you going to do? They are searching every inch of this place for you.”

  “I need a car. I see Donald left his out here. Where are the keys?”

  “He has them. You won’t make it.”

  “Come with me.”

  “They’ll kill us.”

  “You’d rather live like this? As their fucking sex slave? You saw what went on in that barn. Look at me! I’ll never be the same again, that’s if I live much longer.”

  “Donald has the keys with him,” Sheri said. “There’s other cars at the top of the hill, where they hold the bonfire. They’re like pool cars. The keys are usually in them. If you can make it up there, that’s your best bet.”

  “Come on,” Julia said.

  “I can’t. It’s not safe. This is my home now,” Sheri insisted.

  What the fuck was wrong with her? Julia thought. Was she suffering from Stockholm Syndrome, thinking she cared for her captors? Julia grabbed her by the arm.

  “Let’s go. I’m not leaving you here!” she said.

  “No, Julia please.”

  “Trust me. I can get us out of here.”

  “Don! Donald!” Sheri began screaming. “She’s here! She’s right here!”

  The betrayal cut into Julia harder and deeper than any knife, fist, or penis had during her captivity. This was the woman she loved. Granted she’d brought her here. It was just supposed to be a fun filmmaking trip. Not any of this. Maybe Sheri hated her for it; maybe she was the one who was too far-gone. Either way, Julia just wanted to die in that instant. Until she heard Donald and his men yelling.

  She bolted out the door and back toward the barn. A couple of them were gaining on her but not by much. She reached the hill and started up the trail. Her legs and lungs burned as she pumped her fists from side to side until she was at the top. All she wanted to do was fall over and lie down, but doing so would be certain death.

  Once at the top, she remembered the first night, seeing the bonfire and strange child sex orgy. Since that night, she’d seen and experienced much worse things. She ran around the field until she reached the backside where there were five Land Rovers sitting there. Some of them were old and rusty, but a couple looked to be in good enough shape. She climbed into the most decent looking one and flipped down the visor. A single key fell into her hand, which she inserted in the ignition.

  Starting up the engine, she stomped on the gas and headed back to the hill. The men were just now coming to the top, she saw them and gunned it right for them. Some managed to get out of the way, but a couple she hit head on, sending them flying into the air and landing nearby. She didn’t know if they died and didn’t care. All she knew was this was a one-way drive. Home or hell.

  Chapter 22

  Julia charged down the hill doing everything she could to keep the Land Rover under control. She’d gone around one curve way too fast and almost rolled it over. That would have been bad. The bottom of the hill was approaching fast as cult members dove out of the way. The barn was just ahead of the hill a few dozen feet. There was no way she could avoid it. At her speed she tried to steer away as it approached but on the loose dirt, couldn’t veer out of the way in time.

  The Land rover smashed into the back of the barn, crashing through the wall and into several cages which were just inside. Bodies, metal and wood were flying as she stomped on the gas, plowing through anything in her way. She figured if she can’t stop she’ll just keep driving until something stopped her.

  There was a thick, steel posts in the center she couldn’t steer clear of and stomped on the brakes. The Rover went into a skid and slammed into the side of the post. She stepped on the gas again, but there was no movement, the axle had snapped. Julia climbed out to see the boys from the cages, many of whom helped rape her, were now loose. Some circling her.

  “Hey!” she yelled at them. “You’re free now. These people can’t hurt you. You’re stronger than all of them.”

  Some of them didn’t care as one lunged at her. She thrust the knife out and stabbed him in the chest knocking him to the ground as blood sprayed from his wound. The others took a step back as some of the cult members came entering through one of the back doors. The boys grunted and hollered as she pointed to the tall blond man. She remembered his name was Leon. Leon stood before them holding an axe. The boys circled Leon as he shouted.

  “Back in your cages! Now!” he shouted which was a stupid command, since their cages had all been busted by Julia’s SUV as she crashed into the barn. The boys ignored him anyway as the ones still in their cages laughed and howled as they watched one of their main tormenters grow afraid. Leon was visibly trembling as he waved the axe as if it were a baseball bat.

  “I’m warning you! I’ll chop all of your fucking nuts off!” Leon warned, but they were no longer scared of him. More men had entered the barn, but they stood in the doorway watching Leon. Julia wondered why they didn’t try to help, but they looked as shocked and afraid as Leon had. He reared the axe back over his shoulder as the boys charged him. He got a swing in, but it fell flat as they took him to the ground, hitting, biting, and literally tearing him apart. Leon’s screams filled the barn as Julia ran in and grabbed his keys off his body while the boys ripped the flesh off his bone.

  One small boy was chewing on Leon’s forearm as if it was a drumstick. Once she got the keys, she ran down the rows, unlocking the other cages. There were so many, a hundred at least. She didn’t unlock any of the girls’ cages upstairs. It would take too long to reach and none of them could help her now anyway. The other men now entered the barn, some had guns this time, others had knives and hatchets, but there were too many angry, wild boys. They descended upon the men.

  Some of them fell as gunshots rang out. Julia just watched in awe as the boys functioned like a pack of fire ants. They were of one mind, going after each target working together. If one of them went down, the others would fill in where he left. The men didn’t stand a chance. Within minutes, there was blood and chunks of flesh on the walls, and body parts strewn about the barn. From upstairs, she could hear some of the women screaming for help. She’d be back for them later.

  “Outside everyone!” Julia screamed. One of the boys walked up to her. He was also naked with long stringy hair. He looked like a caveman, all covered in blood and dirt.

  “Mother, what we do now?” he asked. He was the only one she’d heard talk so
far, and he called her mother? What the hell?

  “The camp! Burn it down!” she yelled as the boys all cheered and ran out of the barn into the night. Many boys picked up the weapons the men had left after they were torn apart. They approached the cabins like a charging barbarian horde. People in the camp were beginning to flee. Some stood to fight, but were cut down quickly and mercilessly. Others fled to the vehicles, but were swiftly surrounded and pulled out to be beaten and stabbed.

  She heard a familiar voice screaming from her right. Looking over, a group of boys were dragging Sheri out of her cabin. Julia just watched as they threw Sheri to the ground and one thrust a knife into Sheri’s stomach. Once he cut a small hole, he placed his fingers inside and ripped her stomach wide open. Julia wanted to look away, but couldn’t as the boys ripped the lifeless fetus out of the womb. One of them sniffed it and tossed it aside as another stomped on it as he ran by.

  Sheri continued her agonizing shrills of pain as they tore flesh from her bones. Her screams became muffled as one boy put his hand inside her mouth, hooked her jaw and began ripping in the opposite direction. Her shrieks turned to gagging as bone and cartilage crunched as the boy worked the jaw around. Another leaned in with a knife and began sawing through it. It was when a tall skinny boy stood up holding Sheri’s heart as if it were a trophy, that she finally stopped screaming.

  Chapter 23

  Donald stared out the window as he watched the cabins burn. The first fire started just before the screaming stopped. He’d been up the hill when the boys were turned loose so he retreated to The Prophets home. He stood in front of the window holding a rifle. The Prophet sat in his chair holding a pistol.

  “Do you think they’ll come for me?” The Prophet asked.

  “I’m sure they will,” Donald said.

  Donald had wanted to get him in his truck and hightail it out of there, but The Prophet insisted on staying. He apparently wanted to go down with the ship. Donald wasn’t in a hurry to go down with him, but he’d sworn an oath to protect the man. Not to mention he had nowhere to go. He’d been with the Church for years. This was his home and he was going to fight for it.

  “What happened Donald? How did this happen?”

  “It was one of the girls with that film crew.”

  “Wasn’t she dead?”

  “No sir. She was kept alive in one of the cages for months. Somehow she got out and started all this. She crashed one of the SUV’s into the barn and turned everyone loose.”

  “It had to happen sooner or later I guess. As I sit here and watched everything I’ve built being torn down, I prayed to the Goddess, asking her to intervene. She hasn’t answered. It’s as if she left this place. After everything I’ve done for her.”

  “Maybe we’ll both meet her. Maybe she’ll commune with us,” Donald said trying to lighten the mood.

  “I highly doubt that. Nice thought though,” The Prophet said as he sighed.

  Donald looked back out the window and saw the horde racing up the hill. Some carrying torches, others weapons and all of them screaming. Behind them, Julia walked standing up right and staring straight at the window as if she could see him.

  “They’re coming,” Donald said without looking back. He chambered a round in the rifle and cracked the window. A gunshot sounded from behind him causing him to jump. He spun around to see The Prophet slumped over in his chair, the gun lying next to his feet and the top of his head was missing. The old man killed himself. Donald shook his head and knelt down at the window, lined up his sights at Julia and squeezed the trigger.

  Chapter 24

  The gunshot hit just feet in front of Julia. She jumped back and ran forward.

  “Let’s go! He’s shooting! Get to the house now!” She yelled as they picked up the pace charging in with her. They traversed the rocks along the trail, which wound around the hill before they arrived at the top. The door was locked, but the boys picked up rocks and began hurling them at the windows. Glass rained down until one of the windows was completely shattered. One of the boys climbed through and came back out after opening the door.

  They stormed inside, checking each room. The house was quiet and Julia wondered if The Prophet hadn’t escaped. They went up the stairs and checked each room before another gun blast came from behind a door. The bullet struck one of the boys in the head as it exploded, spraying brain and skull onto the others as he collapsed.

  They took cover in the other rooms as more shots rang out. One of the older boys pushed a dresser into the hallway and hurled it into the door. The door broke open, splintering in all directions as Donald was on the other side firing more shots. The boys stayed in the rooms until Julia saw Donald reload. As he pushed more rounds into the gun, she screamed.

  “Grab him!”

  They charged the room knocking Donald to the ground. He struggled and fought, but the boys kicked and punched him until he stopped struggling. One of them pulled a knife when Julia called out.

  “No! He’s mine!” She screamed. The boys stopped and moved away as several remained holding his arms and legs. He looked up at her with both shock and awe, as she stood naked over him. Just hours ago she was a lost, broken pile of bone and flesh in a cage, but now she stood before him like a warrior queen who had come to reclaim her tribe. He struggled against the boys, but their grip was too strong.

  “Hello Donald. Looks like we have a slight role reversal here,” she said.

  “A slight one.”

  She put her hand out as one of the boys handed her a knife.

  “Get his pants off,” she ordered. They did as she commanded while he tried to resist, but it was all in vain.

  “Look at what you’ve done to me. Did you think you’d get away with this forever?

  “I’ve been doing it long enough. No reason to think it would end any time soon.”

  “It ends today,” she said as she took the knife in one hand, his scrotum in the other and sliced through the lose skin, cutting the sack free with his testicles inside. Donald screamed and howled with each slice, struggling and kicking to no end. She held up his sack and as the boys cheered. Blood bubbled from the large hole under Donald’s penis as he gasped for air.

  She held up the knife and began carving at his chest. He screamed again as she sliced through his skin. Blood spewed on her face and naked body while his screams filled the air. She closed her eyes as she carved way, bathing in his blood and pain. The bloodbath was a symbol of her rebirth. Months ago, she entered that cage like a second womb. Tonight she was reborn in the blood and pain of her enemies. The wild boys she’d set free was her new family. Her life hadn’t ended that day she was thrown in the cage. It had just begun.

  The End

  About the Author

  Tim began writing at a very young age. Even in grade school he'd sit around with his notebook, writing stories for himself and his friends.

  As an adult, Tim's writings have evolved into darker realms. He released his first horror novel, "The Hand of God" in 2011. Since then his books have become progressively more violent and gory. With the release of "Family Night" in 2013, Tim had moved into the world of extreme horror where he continues to push the boundaries of human suffering.

  Tim is now an international best seller as well. His book, "Hell, Texas" has recently ranked high on Amazon sales charges since its release in Germany under German publisher, Festa-Verlag.

  Tim is very active on social media and loves interacting with his readers. You can find him at his website at http://timmiller.org.

  Also follow Tim Miller’s Amazon Author Page to be notified of each new release!



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