Crimson Moon: The Crimson Chronicles Book 2

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Crimson Moon: The Crimson Chronicles Book 2 Page 9

by Christine Gabriel

  Elias chuckled, and Ctephanyi followed suit.

  “I’ll go with you,” Nicolai offered.

  “No, I’ll be alright.”

  He stood up, and in a flash, I found myself against his cool chest. I breathed him in and the butterflies returned. “Nicolai…”

  He put his finger against my lips. “Angelina, time is against us and I need you to know that regardless of whatever happens, I will always love you.”

  I looked up at him and tried to read his facial expression. “I…”

  “No, I need you to listen to me. I love you and I want you to be mine. Forever.”

  I nodded, still confused.

  Nicolai looked at his mother. “Will you do it?”

  Her eyes lit up. “It would be an honor.”

  My father looked at us. “Now, you all just wait a minute,” he said, standing up, “this should be her choice, too.”

  I stared into Nicolai’s beautiful eyes and suddenly knew what he meant. “Nicolai…I…”

  “No.” Daniel’s voice boomed over us. “I will not allow this to happen.”

  I spun around to face him. “Who the hell are you to try and tell me what I can and can’t do?”

  My father rushed to my side. “He’s just angry, Angelina, pay him no attention.”

  “Daniel, what’s your deal?” I asked, taking a step towards him.

  He took another step towards me. “I can’t let you do this.”

  I turned to Ctephanyi. “Do it.”

  She stood up and took a step towards us, stopping as Daniel pulled out his knife. “No, Angelina, I can’t allow this to happen.”

  Electricity shot through my body. “Daniel, I’m warning you…step back or else.”

  He took another step forward. “Angelina, don’t do this. Marrying into his family is a mistake. No good has ever come from their kind.”

  Everything moved in slow motion. Nicolai pushed past me and Jeremiah jumped in between them. My hand rose and the crimson moss darted across the ground and wound itself tightly around Daniel’s legs, pulling him towards a nearby oak tree. My father jumped up and came towards us. I lifted my other hand and without thinking, sent out an invisible force that flung him across the ground.

  “Angelina!” Jeremiah yelled out, fear in his eyes. “Stop!”

  It was too late. I took a step towards Daniel and motioned for his knife to come to me. It flew across the ground and found its way to my hand. “I’m sick and tired of you being an issue.”

  “Angelina, no!” Nicolai reached around me and I thrust the knife through his hand and into Daniel’s shoulder.

  I fell to the ground as an immense pain ran through my shoulder. “What the heck?”

  The moss fell to the ground and Daniel yanked the knife out of it. “Angelina!” he cried out, falling to the ground beside me.

  “Why am I bleeding?” I asked.

  “Because we are one,” he answered, blood pouring out of his wound.

  I turned to look at Nicolai. He was holding his hand, hurt in his ember eyes. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Angelina, look at me,” Daniel ordered.

  I felt weak and dizzy. “I…I’m sorry.”

  “Shh, it’s okay,” he said, pulling me close to him. He stroked my hair and I closed my eyes, “Angelina, I’m the one that’s sorry.”

  “For what?” I whispered.

  “I shouldn’t have listened to you,” his voice cracked. “I shouldn’t have done it.”

  “Done what?” I asked, darkness taking ahold of me.

  “I’ve regretted it every day since. I’m so sorry.” A tear fell down his cheek and I felt it kiss my forehead.



  “Who are you?”

  He kissed my forehead and rocked back and forth me with me in his arms. I let the darkness take ahold of me and passed out.

  Chapter 23


  Nicolai rushed to Angelina’s side. “Is she okay?!”

  Ctephanyi was next to us in a flash. “Her human body is in shock.”

  “From what?” Jeremiah asked, worry in his voice.

  Snow whimpered from behind Elias’ legs.

  “When she hit Daniel, their souls reconnected.”

  Jeremiah looked at her, confused. “I thought they were twins, weren’t their souls already connected?”

  “No, she was reborn, remember?” Nicolai reminded him.

  “Now what will happen?” Jeremiah asked.

  “I…don’t know. I’ve never seen this happen before.”

  “How do you feel, Daniel?” Josiah questioned.

  “Let me stab you in the shoulder and then you can tell me how you think it feels.” He glared at him.

  “Fair enough.”

  “Will she be okay?” Nicolai looked down at his fiancée.

  Ctephanyi put her hand on Angelina’s head. “She will be fine, but she may have a few questions for us once she wakes up.”

  Nicolai nodded.

  Ctephanyi motioned for him to give her his hand. She touched it tenderly and within a few moments it was completely healed. She laid her hand over Daniel’s shoulder and he grinned. “Well that’s a nice gift to have.”

  “Some days.” She laughed.

  “Will she remember me when she wakes up?” he questioned.

  She sat quietly for a moment. “I hope not.”

  His eyes widened. “Why would you say that?”

  She stood up and sighed. “Daniel, if she remembers you now, I’m not so sure you’ll be able to stop her from destroying the world.”

  Everyone stared at Ctephanyi in silence. She was hiding something from them…something terrible. None of them wanted to ask her because none of them wanted to know the terrible truth of what awaited them in the days yet to come.

  Chapter 24


  I awoke with a jolt and jumped up. My heart pounded angrily against my chest and I looked around the empty campsite. Where had everyone gone?

  “Nicolai?” I called out, “Jeremiah, where are you?”

  “You’re too late, I’m afraid,” a familiar voice called out from behind me.

  I spun around and took a step back. “Tristan.”

  He gave me a wicked smile and bowed before me. “My Queen.”

  “I’m not your anything,” I growled.

  He smirked. “You will be very soon.”

  “Not in this lifetime.”

  “See, that’s where you’re wrong.” He laughed.

  I watched him curiously. “What are you talking about?”

  He walked out of the brush and sat down on the fallen log, “You see, my dear, your soul has already been reborn. If you were to die in this lifetime you couldn’t come back.”

  “So,” I muttered. “Who says I would even want to come back again?”

  He glanced up at me, an evil twinkle in his emerald-green eyes. “You’ll want to come back, trust me.”

  “Please, enlighten me as to why I would want to return,” I taunted.

  “It’s quite simple really,” he scoffed. “You’ll want to save your unborn children.”

  I felt faint. “What did you just say?”

  He stood up, dusted his pants off and came towards me. “Angelina, this world has a funny way of”—he paused for a moment— “bringing people together.”

  We stood staring at each other momentarily before he reached for my stomach.

  “Don’t touch me,” I hissed, stumbling backwards.

  “I want to show you something.”

  “What could you possibly want to show me?”

  “You have a new little ‘addition’ to your body, correct?” he asked.

  “How did you know that?” I replied, wrapping my arms around my stomach protectively.

  “Because you’ve been marked,” he answered.


  “You’re meant for something greater, something so much more than I could have ever imagined.”<
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  I felt the little star shaped mark begin to tingle. I had almost forgotten about it until he had brought it up.

  “Angelina, if you stand by my side, we can rule this world together.”

  I grimaced. “Why is it that all villains want to rule the world? I mean, can’t you guys find something else to do? Like open up a casino or something?”

  He chuckled, “May I?”

  I watched him, and though I didn’t want him to touch me, I let him.

  He laid his hand across my stomach and his eyes widened. “Twins!”

  My eyes widened right along with his. “What?”

  He bent down and lifted my shirt up slightly. He wrapped his arms around my waist and put his ear on my bare belly. “Three heart beats—a boy, a girl, and yours.”

  I pulled away from him and shook my head. “Impossible.”

  “By now you should’ve learned that nothing is impossible.”

  Could it be true? Was I pregnant? No, I couldn’t be. Could I?

  “Stand by me, Angelina, I can protect you and the ones you carry.”

  I began to pace back and forth. It would explain a lot, my sudden emotional inconsistency with Nicolai, my angry outbursts with Daniel…

  Tristan came up behind me and put his hand on my shoulder. “Angelina…”

  I paused, a tear rolling lazily down my cheek. “What?” I asked, my voice cracking.

  I felt his warm breath against the side of my face. “Let me take the worries from your heart. Let me silence your thoughts and take away your pain.”

  I closed my eyes, “I can’t,” I whispered.

  He kissed my neck softly. “Let me love you like no man has ever loved you.” He turned me around slowly. “I can offer you something nobody else can.”

  “What could you possibly offer me, Tristan?”

  “I can offer you the world,” he promised. “I can give you everything you’ve ever wanted.”

  I moaned softly as I felt his lips lightly touch mine. They were hard and stern. “Tristan, I…”

  He caressed my face with his warm hand. “Let me give you the world. Let me take away your pain.”

  I felt his lips against mine again, this time more forceful. His kiss was so hungry and unforgiving. Nicolai’s ember eyes flashed in my mind and I pushed Tristan away. “Get away from me,” I screamed. “No, I will never be yours!”

  His emerald eyes hardened. “You’re a stupid girl. If you die, who is going to take care of your children? I can give you the gift of everlasting life.”

  My hand rose in the air and a surge of electric energy escaped from it, hitting Tristan square in the chest. He flew backwards, crashing into a tree behind him. It splintered and shook its branches in shock. “I may not live forever, but I’ll live long enough to raise my children in a world that I will fight to protect and keep safe for them,” I hissed.

  “You’ll fail,” he promised, pulling himself up.

  I stood my ground and held my head up proudly. “No, I won’t Tristan, it’s you who will fail.”

  “You’ve forgotten one little thing, my dear,” he said. He wiped the blood splatter from his mouth. “Being half human will be your downfall. Your emotions will get the best of you.”

  “We’ll see about that,” I threatened.

  “Yes, we sure will,” he answered back before disappearing into the misty morning air of the dense forest, the crimson moss hiding his footsteps behind him.

  I stood proudly for a moment, making sure he was no longer in the area before falling to my knees. I put my head in my hands and sobbed quietly. Not only did I have a world to save, but I had to protect the life of my unborn children. How would I tell Nicolai? What would he say? Would it scare him away? Was I ready to be a mother?

  The questions swarming throughout my mind began to make my head hurt. I took a deep breath and wiped the tears from my face. I stood back up and sighed. When the time was right I would tell him, that’s all I could do.

  “Angelina, believe in yourself,” a faint voice ordered. “It’s time to wake up and do what you came back here to do.”

  I looked at the blue sky above me. “What did I come back here to do?”

  “You came back to save humanity. You came back to bring love and peace to the world around you.” The breeze carried the voice through the treetops, “What you carry is the key and they’re meant to bring an end to all that is wrong.”

  “But I don’t know if I’m ready,” I called out to the whisper within the trees.

  “There’s only one way to find out,” it whispered. “Wake up and do the right thing.”

  “The right thing?” I questioned.

  “Wake up, Angelina.” The voice grew faint. “Wake up and show the world that you’re here to protect them. Show them all…”

  Chapter 25

  Old Friends

  I opened my eyes and jumped up with a jolt. This time, instead of seeing an empty campsite I found curious eyes staring back at me. I sighed and calmed my heart.

  Nicolai was at my side in a flash. “Angelina, are you okay?” he asked, worry heavy in his voice.

  I stared at him and wrapped my arms around my stomach protectively. How was I going to tell him? I nodded and turned around. I just couldn’t face him.

  “Angelina?” I heard Bethani’s sweet voice beckon. “Can I show you something I found earlier in the woods?”

  I was relieved to follow her into the woods. I just couldn’t deal with the secret I was keeping from the one I loved and the father of my children. Children? Did I really just think that? Oh crap, what if he read my thoughts? Wait, he promised he wouldn’t do that anymore.

  “Angelina,” Bethani chimed in, breaking up my thoughts. “This way.”

  I gave her a slight smile and continued following her until we came upon an enormous moss-covered tree. She walked towards it and motioned for me to follow her. She disappeared behind it and I heard a soft giggle. I felt my eyebrows rise slightly and peeked my head around the tree curiously.

  “He’s been waiting for you.” She giggled again.

  A lump formed in my throat and I flung my arms around a familiar face. “Mathias!”

  He hugged me tightly and kissed my cheek. “Angelina, you’re…” He stood back and stared at me in surprise. His eyes ran through a multitude of colors. “…carrying twins!”

  “Um, I…”

  They both stared at me in surprise.

  “I…well…yes, I am.” I nodded.

  “Angelina!” Bethani shrieked, her long blonde curls bouncing up and down with her in excitement.

  “Shh!” I held a finger to my lips. “I don’t want anyone else to know just yet.”

  “I’m so happy for you!” She hugged me tightly.

  “Bethani.” I struggled. “I can’t breathe.”

  She laughed and let me go. “I’m going to plan for you what the humans call a baby shower!”

  I laughed. “Okay.”

  “I’ve seen all kinds of pictures on the internet regarding things such as that.” She giggled. “I’m so excited! Babies!”

  I shook my head. “You have to promise me you won’t say anything to Nicolai.”

  The smile disappeared from her face. “Why, are they not his? Are they Jeremiah’s?”

  “Bethani!” I laughed again. “Of course they’re Nicolai’s!”

  “Whew, okay…I just don’t know why you wouldn’t want to tell him,” she said, eyeing me curiously.

  “She’s afraid he’ll leave her,” Mathias interrupted.

  She shook her head, her lavender eyes twinkling with excitement. “Oh, Angelina, Nicolai would never leave you.”

  “Fear does funny things to men. Wouldn’t you agree, Mathias?” I asked.

  “You’re right,” he agreed. “I shouldn’t have left your side.”

  “I understood why you had to leave.” I smiled. “Humanity wasn’t really your thing.”

  He lowered his eyes and repeated, “I shouldn’t have left
your side.”

  “So, what are you going to name them?” Bethani chimed in.

  I glanced at her and laughed. “I don’t know yet.”

  Bethani put a finger to her chin in wonder. “I wonder if they’re boys or girls.”

  Mathias, feeding into her happy bubble, said, “It’s one of each.”

  “One of each?!” she shrieked again, “just like you and Daniel!” She instantly covered her mouth and looked down. “I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to say that.”

  I stared at her in horror. “What did you just say?”

  She kicked at the leaves and looked away.


  She sighed. “I promised I wouldn’t tell you, but this excitement…I just can’t seem to contain myself.”


  “Yes, Mathias?” I asked, not taking my eyes off Bethani.

  “Take my hand,” he offered, “I want to show you something.”

  Bethani kept her head down and continued kicking at the leaves and moss that covered the ground. I turned to look at him and grabbed his hand. I let out a gasp as images of Daniel and I filled my mind. Memories of us as children came flooding back. I felt a tear slide down my cheek. It was true, he was my twin brother. Mathias’ eyes were ice white. “Why didn’t he ever come for me?” I questioned, another tear falling down my cheek.

  He held out his other hand and, without hesitation, I grabbed it. A memory of Daniel trying to talk me out of my planned death plagued my mind. He had tried so hard to get me to change my mind. The pain in his eyes as he followed through with my wishes left me feeling sick. “I asked him to do it,” I whispered.

  Mathias let go of my hands. “Yes, you did.”

  “Why did he listen to me?” I shook my head, unable to free myself from the painful look I had seen on Daniel’s face. “Why didn’t he just say no?”

  “Because he loved you.” Mathias smiled. “In fact, he still loves you and that, my dear, is why he continues to beat himself up for what he’s done.”

  “But it wasn’t his fault,” I said, guilt spreading through me like a wildfire. “I asked him to do it.”

  “I know.” He nodded. “He listened to you and your blood fell on his hands.”


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