Crimson Moon: The Crimson Chronicles Book 2

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Crimson Moon: The Crimson Chronicles Book 2 Page 17

by Christine Gabriel

  “Keep a close eye on your soul.” Stephen laughed.

  “Easy for you to say.” Jeremiah chuckled. “My bet is that you don’t have one.”

  With that, they stepped into the portal, each one hoping they didn’t come face to face with their own personal hell.

  Chapter 49


  A tear fell down my cheek as I opened my eyes and realized I was back at the bed and breakfast. The warm smell of cinnamon apples filled my nose and I ran to the kitchen to see my mother standing there, humming Brown Eyed Girl.

  “Mom,” I croaked.

  “Oh, for heaven’s sake, Angelina!” She wiped her hands on her apron and walked over to me, wiping away my tears. “Why on earth are you crying?”

  “Mom, you’re…you’re okay,” I managed to say through the tears.

  “Of course, I am okay. Why wouldn’t I be?” she asked, confused.

  “Mom, you can’t ever leave me,” I begged. “Please, don’t ever leave me.”

  The bell over the front door chimed and she smiled. “We have guests.”

  I nodded. “Mom, I’m so sorry.”

  She untied her apron and used the corner of it to wipe away one last tear. “For what, hun?”

  “For not being grateful for our ordinary lifestyle and how incredibly ordinary I was.”

  She laughed and wrapped her arms around me tenderly. “Angelina, stop this nonsense, you silly girl.”

  A male voice cleared his throat from outside the door, and my mother excused herself. I stood there for a moment, dumbfounded by what was happening to me. I had chosen regret. There were so many things I had come to regret recently, and Hades had given me the opportunity to fix them all.

  “Angelina, can you check this young man in?” My mother’s voice called out from the front desk.

  “Coming,” I answered, a new bounce in my step. I pushed past the door that separated the two rooms and caught my breath—it was Nicolai.

  “This good-looking fella right here says he would like a room for the night.” She grinned happily at me.

  “Mom…” I warned.

  She threw her hands into the air. “What? I’m just saying, it’s nice to see a good-looking boy in here who would like to stay with us, and I would like my very single daughter to check him in.”

  “Oh my god, Mom!” I laughed, and before berating her, I decided a hug would do instead.

  “What’s that for?” she asked, surprised by my reaction.

  “That’s because you have always known what was best for me.” I smiled. “Always.”

  She stared at me lovingly. “What on earth has come over you?”

  “Maybe I just realized a few things,” I said.

  She smiled, accepting the answer I had given her. “Well, in that case, you keep on realizing.”

  “I plan on it,” I promised.

  With her looking as if she was about to cry, I reminded her about her apples. She smiled and walked back into the kitchen.

  I turned back towards the charming man that was casually leaning up against the counter.

  “Isn’t this a quaint little bed and breakfast?” he complimented.

  “I think so,” I teased.

  “So, what do you do around here for fun?”

  “You,” I laughed.

  He looked at me in surprise. “Excuse me?”

  “Like you haven’t heard that joke before,” I laughed.

  In a serious tone, he responded, “No, I haven’t heard that joke before.”

  Was he an alien? “It’s me, Angelina.”

  “Okay and…”

  That’s when it hit me. I was experiencing my own personal hell. I thought back and remembered how I had wished I had never met Nicolai. If I had never met him then none of this would’ve ever happened. That was my regret, and I was now coming face to face with it. A life with him never knowing who I was, but me always knowing him. That was the worst fate that could have been bestowed upon me.

  Chapter 50


  Jeremiah let his eyes adjust to the darkness that surrounded them. “Is everyone okay?”

  “Yeah,” Daniel answered gruffly.

  “I’m fine,” Bethani said, her sweet tone echoing down the hallway in front of them.

  “How about you, vampire?” Jeremiah asked, looking around the room.

  “I’m just dandy.”

  He rolled his eyes. “I suppose that’s good.”

  “This is it?” Daniel asked, walking down the hallway.

  Stephen nodded. “Yep.”

  “No fire,” he stated.

  He shook his head. “Nope, it’s worse than fire.”

  They walked down the hall in silence, each one wondering how bad of a place it really was. They stopped in front of the two doors.

  “One red and one black,” Jeremiah noted.

  “Welcome,” a male voice replied behind them.

  Hades stood before them.

  “You’re Tristan’s father,” Daniel confirmed.

  Hades nodded. “You would be correct.”

  They all looked at each other in confusion. “Then why aren’t you attacking us?”

  “The Gods have set rules that I must follow. It is not my place to meddle with fate,” he answered simply.

  Bethani looked at Stephen in suspicion and turned back to the green-eyed man in front of her. “I assume you know what your son has been up to?”

  “One question at a time, please.” he looked at Stephen. “To answer yours, my job is to bring in new souls and give them the fate they so deserve.”

  Bethani stopped him short. “And the answer to my question?”

  “And to answer your question, my dear, yes, I do know what Tristan is doing.”

  “You agree with him?” she asked.

  He simply replied, “My son is very clever. I’ve taught him well.”

  Stephen looked at the despair that crossed Bethani’s face and felt a stab in his cold heart.

  “Do you know where her mother’s soul is?” he said, the words falling right out of his mouth.

  They all looked at Stephen in utter surprise.

  A tear fell down Bethani’s cheek. Startled at herself, she cried out, “What’s this?”

  Stephen used his thumb to wipe the tear gently from her face. “It’s called a tear.”

  She pushed his hand away. “Don’t touch me.”

  Hades put his large hand on Bethani’s shoulder and squeezed it lightly. “I know where your mother’s soul is.”

  She looked up at him, her big lavender eyes full of tears. “Can I save her?”

  He shook his head. “Not today.”

  She didn’t understand. “Not today?”

  His eyes met hers. “That’s not why you’re here.”

  “No, but…”

  “Stay true to the course in front of you, Bethani,” he ordered.

  She nodded. “But I can come back for her?”

  He smiled and let go of her shoulder. “Of course you can.”

  She smiled in return and looked at the doors. “Which one did Angelina go in?”

  “I cannot tell you that. I can only tell you one of them is for Desire, and the other is for Regret,” he replied.

  Jeremiah studied each of the doors. “Which one would she choose?”

  “If I know Angelina, she’d choose Regret,” Stephen scoffed. “That girl would change the world in any way, shape, or form if she could.”

  They all stared at him.

  “What?” he asked. “Stop looking at me like that.”

  Daniel playfully slapped Stephen on the back. “No, you’re right!”

  “That’s exactly what she would do,” Jeremiah laughed.

  Bethani smiled and opened the door. “Well, then Regret it is.”

  They all looked at the man standing in front of the door. How could the keeper of something so heartless be so helpful?

  Only he knew the answer to that one.


  One Final Choice

  Tristan watched Ctephanyi from behind a crimson-covered tree. He smiled as the moss began to shrivel up and flake off. He loved the fact that he controlled the life of so many of the creatures around him. His eyes returned to the lovely couple waiting outside the portal. He smiled at the surprise he had in store for them.

  “Mother?” a voice called out from the trees.

  Ctephanyi’s head perked up. “Nicolai?”

  “It’s a trick,” Elias said, pulling her closer to him.

  “No, it can’t be,” she replied.

  “Mother, help me!” the voice cried out in pain.

  “Elias, we have to help him!” she said, pulling free of his grasp.

  “Ctephanyi, no!” Elias called out after her.

  Tristan grinned as they ran towards the voice. He stepped out quietly from behind the tree and walked steadily towards the portal. He would wait for them there, and then snatch the coin from Ctephanyi.

  An old woman stepped out from behind a nearby oak tree. “Stop right there,” she ordered.

  Surprised by her appearance, he stopped in his tracks. “And you would be?”

  “Angelina’s grandmother,” she said.

  “You’re still alive?”

  She put her hands on her hips. “I may be old, but I’m not dead.”

  “How did I miss this tidbit of information?”

  “I moved away for a while,” she replied. “I was becoming too obvious.”

  Tristan laughed. “Ah, always hiding from the humans.”

  She glared at him. “My granddaughter is in there, and I fully expect her back.”

  He pushed passed her. “Move out of my way, old lady.”

  She continued glaring at him as he disappeared inside the portal. The ground trembled angrily as it began to close.

  Ctephanyi came running toward them. “What are you doing, you fool?”

  “He came for your coin!” she yelled.

  “Close the portal!” Elias called out from behind his wife.

  Ctephanyi rubbed the coin between her fingers and the portal closed.

  Elias comforted his wife. “It’s going to be okay.”

  “If my granddaughter’s friends know anything about her, they’ll know she’ll pick the door to Regrets.”

  Ctephanyi nodded in agreement. “You’re right.”

  “We have to give them time.”

  “What about Tristan?” Elias asked, looking at the spot where the portal had been.

  The old woman looked at him and pursed her lips together. “He will be dealt with.”

  Ctephanyi stood up and watched the old woman intently. “How do you know all this?”

  “I have the gift of sight,” she said. “Or perhaps I should say curse.”

  “As do I, but I cannot see what you claim.”

  “I see past what you see, Ctephanyi.” The old woman leaned up against a nearby tree. “I see through life and death.”

  Elias looked up at the Crimson Moon. “How long do we wait?”

  “We’ll know when the time is right,” she answered.

  Chapter 52


  “Cat got your tongue?” Nicolai asked, lightly tapping his fingers against the counter.

  My chin quivered. “Oh, I’m sorry.” I smiled, grabbed a pen, and opened the reservation book.

  He put his hand over mine. “Are you okay?”

  Looking into his eyes, I tried to talk, but no sound came out.


  I spun around to see Jeremiah running down the stairs towards me. “What are you doing here?!”

  “Angelina, you’re okay!” he cried out, wrapping his strong arms around me.

  “Where are the others?” I asked, looking up the stairs.

  “They’re coming,” he promised.

  Sure enough, Bethani and Daniel came running down the stairs to meet us.

  I looked at them and shook my head. “You shouldn’t have followed me here.”

  Daniel pulled me in for a big bear hug. “Since when do any of us ever listen to you?”

  “Careful now.” I pointed towards my tiny baby bump.

  Nicolai looked down and smiled. “Expecting, I see.”

  Bethani looked at him in confusion. “Yes, with your children.”

  “Bethani, no.” I put my hand on her arm and she looked at me, confusion in her lavender eyes.

  She pushed past me and grabbed Nicolai by his shoulders. “This is Angelina, and don’t you remember her?”

  He pulled away from her. “No, I don’t remember her at all.”

  Bethani pointed to my shirt. “Angelina, give me your locket.”

  “Bethani, I…”

  “Give it to me!” she demanded, reaching for the collar of my shirt.

  I pulled the chain off my neck and handed it to her.

  She grabbed it and wrapped it around her hand. She opened the locket and shoved it towards Nicolai’s face. “Do you see this couple? This is you and her!”

  He studied the picture and shook his head in denial. “I’m sorry, you’re mistaken.” He looked at me with pleading eyes. “Can I have the key to my room, please?”

  Bethani had a wild look in her eyes. “No, you cannot have your room.”

  Nicolai made a circle motion near his head and rolled his eyes. “This girl’s crazy.”

  “I’ll show you crazy!” she screamed, acting out in rage. She grabbed the dagger from my side and thrust it toward Nicolai’s heart.

  My breath caught in my throat as I jumped in between them. The dagger slid right into my chest and into my heart. He caught me and slid me down to the floor, putting my head in his hands.

  * * *

  “What have I done?” Bethani fell to the floor and began sobbing.

  “No,” Daniel whispered.

  “What have you done?” Jeremiah glared at Nicolai. “This is your fault!”

  Nicolai looked down at the beautiful girl he held in his hands. He stared into her wide chestnut-colored eyes and blinked away part of a memory. “What was that?” he asked, staring deeper.

  “You’re remembering!” Daniel exclaimed.

  Nicolai saw himself holding her once before in the past. Blood pooled around them. He looked up, a huge smile gracing his face. “I remember!” He grabbed the dagger and threw it across the floor.

  Jeremiah shook his head in disbelief. “It’s too late,” he said.

  He looked at Jeremiah. “It’s never too late when you have something worth fighting for.”

  Jeremiah studied him and nodded. “Glad to see you back, friend.”

  “Friend?” Nicolai smirked. “I don’t know about that.”

  “Rude, check,” Stephen quipped.

  “Still ugly,” Nicolai retorted.

  Stephen sneered at him. “Still not funny.”

  Daniel pointed to his sister. “How do we save her?”

  “According to the stories my mother told me as a boy, we need to get her back to the portal. Once she crosses through it, death will release the hold it has on her,” he answered.

  “But she’s been stabbed through the heart,” Jeremiah said.

  “It doesn’t matter. She gave her life for me. She faced her regrets and therefore she can move on from it. Death, fortunately for us all, holds no regrets—only those of others.”

  “Then let’s get her out of here!” Daniel urged, pushing them towards the black door.

  Nicolai picked up his beloved Angelina and carried her carefully towards the door. She had given up her life for him, and he had given up his life for her. Love truly knew no boundaries.

  Chapter 53


  The door swung open and they were greeted by Tristan and his father.

  “Well, look at what we have here.” Tristan laughed. “Give me Angelina.”

  Nicolai shook his head in disgust. “No.”

  “I will only ask once more.” He looked at Nicolai and demanded, �
�Give her to me.”

  Nicolai grit his teeth together. “Don’t make me repeat myself.”

  Bethani walked up to Tristan and smiled. “Your father promised I could come back to save my mother’s soul.”

  Tristan looked past her and at Hades. “I don’t really care what my father said.”

  Bethani looked up at Tristan’s father and smiled. “But you care, don’t you?”

  Hades nodded and glared down at Tristan. “There is a balance that must be maintained, my son. I gave you the coin in hopes that you were mature enough to handle its power.”

  He pulled the coin out of his pocket. “What are you talking about, father?”

  “You saw my agony, and how hard it was for me to come to terms with my mistakes,” he answered swiftly. “I thought maybe it had knocked some sense into your head.”

  “Apparently it didn’t.” Tristan grimaced, as the coin was ripped out of his hands by Stephen.

  “Now you can’t use it any longer.” The vampire smirked, running down the hallway.

  The others followed behind him, carrying Angelina.

  “The coin must not leave my side!” Tristan’s voice boomed towards them.

  Stephen rubbed the coin between his fingers and the portal opened. They fell through it clumsily.

  * * *

  Hearing the argument, I tried to open my eyes. It felt as if they were glued shut.

  “Close it!” I heard Elias say.

  I heard something fall next to me in the grass.

  “Good job, Stephen!” Elias exclaimed.

  A warm hand touched the side of my neck. I assumed they were checking to see if I was dead.

  Nicolai’s voice quivered. “She’s alive!” He pulled my limp body close to him.

  “Is she going to be okay?” I heard Bethani ask.

  “Yes, she’s going to be just fine,” Nicolai said.

  “Nicolai!” Ctephanyi called out. “Are you okay?!”

  “Yes, mother. It’s a good day to be alive. My soul is my own, and the dagger is no more.”

  Laughter erupted all around me. Was I the only one that wasn’t finding humor in this situation?


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