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Bare Instincts: A BBW Paranormal Bear Shifter Romance

Page 11

by Vella Day

  That was probably the best concession she was going to get. “What should I do? Keep calling him? I don’t want to sound desperate.” Though I am.

  “Let me tell you what I know, and then we can decide.” Emmaline detailed her call to Wade. She shared that he’d spoken with Burke after he left Tasha’s house.

  “How did he seem?”

  “How do you think?”

  Tasha slid her hand from Em’s, picked up her glass, and chugged half of the liquid courage. If there was ever a time in her life to get drunk, this was it. “I fucked up. I admit it. Do you think he’ll come back?”

  “You can ask him—when you get a hold of him—but before you do, are you sure this is what you want? You can’t go crazy every time a woman rubs up against him. You must decide if he’s your mate or not, and if you trust him completely.”

  Tasha had thought long and hard about this. “I believe he is. I mean, when we’re together, we can’t keep our hands off each other. We must be each other’s mate.”

  Emmaline finished off her first glass. “Is incredible sex enough for you? You said you two had nothing in common.”

  “Perhaps not now, but I’m thinking we could develop new interests together.”

  Em leaned back. “Together? Hmm. It has potential. Like what?”

  She hadn’t nailed it down yet. “I was thinking we could explore ways to prepare food that would satisfy my appetite and not put fat on Burke’s body. He seems focused on keeping in shape.”

  “That sounds good. You two could also go on walks at first, and then maybe work your way up to a gym membership.”

  Now Em was talking crazy. “I’ll think about it.”

  Em stood. “I say keep calling him. Tell him how you feel.”

  “Either he’ll forgive me or he won’t, but I have to give it a try.”

  Em set down the glass. “He’s on route to Pennsylvania. If he’s riding his bike, it could take all day, assuming he drives it in one stretch.”

  That made sense. “I’ll call tomorrow and give him a chance to think about things.” If I live that long.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The last four days had been the longest in Burke’s life, and he couldn’t wait to get back to Hidden Hills. During the excruciatingly long drive to Pennsylvania, he’d had time to think. Tasha wanted a man with ambition and one who would always be there for her. He had plenty of the first and had just made arrangements for Hidden Hills to be his permanent home. They needed to address the whole idea of them not having anything in common except sex, but he was confident they could work out that part.

  Tasha had called and left a couple of messages, but he wanted to speak with her in person when he told her of his new plans. She said she’d found out that Dee Dee had latched onto him, and not the other way around, so at least that hurdle was over, thank God.

  Before Burke stopped in to see her, he needed to shower and tell his folks that he was back for good. His business partner, Chris, had been in favor of expanding the company into a different state. Fortunately, Burke had saved enough capital to start this venture, but because the profits would be split, Chris insisted on paying for half the start-up costs. That worked for Burke.

  As soon as he spotted his parents’ ranch in the distance, he knew this was where he needed to be. He’d have to drive a truck back to Pennsylvania at some point to retrieve his clothes and some furniture, but that was the least of his worries right now. The first thing he needed to take care of was to convince Tasha that they were meant for each other.

  Burke turned down the drive and cut the engine. It was after six, and hopefully, his dad would be home. He knocked then pushed open the door. “Hello?”

  His mother came out of the kitchen wiping her hands on her apron. “Burke? You’re back. Is something wrong?”

  He’d thought about calling first, but he wanted to surprise them, too. “Nope.” He hadn’t wanted to tell them about a possible change in his company’s direction for fear of disappointing them if it didn’t pan out. Now he could.

  His father appeared out of his den. “Did I hear Burke?” He stopped. “Son?”

  Burke had a lot of explaining to do. “Would you mind if I shower and then talk? I’m staying for good, just so you know.”

  The smiles on their faces lit up the world. “Sure.”

  His mom rushed up and hugged him. “Phew. You do stink. Run upstairs and clean up.”

  Burke laughed and took the steps two at a time.

  * * *

  Burke was nervous when he pulled into Tasha’s driveway. It was nearly dark, which meant Tasha was probably curled up on the sofa reading. The discussion with his parents about his company, as well as Tasha being his mate, had gone better than he could have hoped. His dad said he’d already known they were meant to be together from the moment Tasha was born. Burke thought that was a bunch of malarkey, but he let his dad think what he wanted.

  In his backpack was a romance novel that he hoped she’d liked, one Wade’s sister’s friend had highly recommended. The image of the bare-chested man on the cover implied there’d be lots of sex in the book, and he wasn’t certain he could read it without ravishing her.

  Burke rang the bell and wiped his damp palms down his jeans. He probably should have called her first, but he didn’t want to discuss their future over the phone. Wade had told him that Tasha knew he’d gone back to Pennsylvania but not when or if he’d return.

  As soon as she opened the door, his heart broke. Her eyes were red, her clothes baggy, and her spectacular hair mussed. Despite her ragged condition, she looked beautiful.

  “Burke? Is it really you?”

  Instead of giving her the bouquet of flowers he’d tucked in his backpack, he stepped in and drew her into an embrace. Her scent stirred not only his body but his heart and soul. “Yes. I’m back. For good.”

  Her lips lifted into a tentative smile as if she didn’t know whether to believe him. Telling her about his company, or how he planned to make this relationship work went out the window. His cock demanded all the attention, and the kiss that followed belonged in a record book for length and depth. His hands roamed over her back, and when his fingers tangled in her hair, he grabbed a handful and tugged. God, she felt good.

  He finally broke the kiss. “Miss me?”

  She laughed and cried at the same time. “Maybe just a little.”

  “What do you say we get reacquainted? Maybe I can jar your memory.”

  “Shouldn’t we talk first about what happened?”

  He dragged a knuckle down her cheek. “Is that what you want?”

  He leaned closer and pressed his chest against her luscious body. Shit, he’d missed her so damn much. Right now, he wanted to kiss her until the sun came up. Maybe he should thank Dee Dee Duncan, for without her intervention he might never have taken the plunge to change his life.

  “I need you like a flower needs water, but I want to talk first.”

  “Fair enough.” He slipped off his backpack and removed the bouquet. “Flowers are a bit squished. I probably should have brought the truck.”

  She smiled and lifted the flowers to her face and inhaled. “They’re perfect. A bent flower smells just as sweet as a straight one. I’ll put these in water.”

  He loved her attitude. Burke followed her into the kitchen. “I went to Pennsylvania to take care of some business.”

  “Burke, me first. I need to apologize for the way I acted.”

  He swiped a hand. “It’s water under the bridge.”

  “No, it isn’t. I never should have doubted you, but if you want, we can discuss it later.”

  He inhaled. “There’s something I’ve never told you about myself.”

  “What is it?” She pulled down a vase and filled it with water, acting as if whatever he told her wouldn’t matter.

  “That renovation company I work for?” She nodded. “I own the company with another architect.”

  Her mouth opened. “You own your own com
pany? Why didn’t you say something?”

  He lifted one shoulder. “I didn’t want my financial success to get in the way of our relationship. I went up to Pennsylvania to discuss my expansion plans with my partner, Chris. He agreed it was the right time to add another area, so I’m starting a new branch in Hidden Hills.”

  Her mouth turned down. “So you’re moving here because the timing’s right?”

  Once more, his heart cracked, and he folded her into his arms and kissed her nose. “No. I’m moving back here for you. We belong together, Tasha.”

  She stepped back from his embrace and placed the flowers in the water then grabbed his hand. “Let’s sit and talk some more.”

  He’d have asked if she had anything to drink but then remembered his alcohol consumption had caused some problems in the first place. She dragged him to the sofa and sat next to him. “Tell me everything.”

  He started with the mundane, explaining to her how after college, he and Chris had paired up and started their renovation company. “We worked really long hours. Saturday, after a half day of doing the books or working on site, we cut loose. I didn’t want a girlfriend, so I sealed my heart and partied hard.” He picked up her hand. “To be honest, I’d always felt this attraction to you but never understood it.”

  Her eyes widened. “Why didn’t you say anything? I felt it, too, but I thought it was just my infatuation with a hot guy.”

  He chuckled. “So I’m hot, huh?”

  She lightly punched him. “I don’t need to tell you that. Go on.”

  “I thought I could forget you, so I poured myself into my work. Tom came to work for me, but when he either failed to show up or did a half-ass job, I fired him.”

  “What did your dad say?”

  “I didn’t tell him, and neither did Tom. It would have killed Dad. He thought the world of my brother, great football player and all.”

  She rubbed his arm. “I bet he’s proud of you now.”

  His father had surprised him by telling him he was. “Enough about me. I want to talk about us.” Burke got up and grabbed his backpack. “Got something.” He pulled out the book.

  Tasha slipped it from his fingers. “What are you doing with an Amanda Hartsmith novel?”

  “You know her?”

  A cute blush covered her cheeks. “I’ve read a few of hers, but it’s nothing you would like.”

  “That so? I thought we could read it to each other. Discuss it and such.” He had no clue what that entailed, but he bet Tasha would know.

  She scooted closer and cupped his cheeks. “That is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me.”

  Score! “I’m serious. I want to read this together.”

  She lowered her hands and smiled. “You won’t get past the first twenty percent before you have me naked.”

  “You think? I say we start reading now.” He grinned then picked up the book and opened up to page one. “Suck on my dick, Sue. It’s so hard, and it needs your pussy bad.”

  She laughed and nabbed the book from him. “It doesn’t say that.”

  He shrugged. “Got to give me points for trying.”

  Tasha shook her head. “I’ve been thinking, too.”

  That was a good thing. “About?”

  “I thought we could look at some recipes and learn to cook food we both like. Together.”

  Wow. “I’m all in favor of anything that allows me to be near you.” He ran a hand between her legs. “I’ve missed you, Tasha, more than you can ever imagine.”

  “Show me.”

  Burke stood, pulled her to her feet, and tossed her over his shoulder in a fireman’s hold.

  “Burke, put me down. You’ll hurt yourself.” She giggled while she pounded his back.

  He patted her butt. “Silly you. You’re light as a feather.”

  “Sure I am. And the Library of Congress only has a couple of books. Now put me down.”

  He hustled her into the bedroom and set her on her feet. The urge to hurry nearly overwhelmed him, but he wanted to show her that he could control himself when he was around her. There was a time for hard and fast, and a time for slow exploration. If it hadn’t been so long since he’d had her, he’d be in much better shape to take his time. After all the disappointment she’d gone through, she certainly deserved some long, slow loving.

  Burke wanted to mix things up, to show her that he desired to spend the rest of his life with her. “You want to take off my clothes?”

  “Me? Sure. Can you last if I rub my hands all over your body then kiss you everywhere?” She glanced at his cock.

  Heaven help him. “You’re saying you think I’m weak?” Tasha was so damn refreshing. He loved teasing her.

  “Perhaps.” She grinned as she unsnapped his fly. This sure was going to be a journey he’d remember.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Tasha’s fingers trembled. Given that she’d never been more confident in her life about being with a man, she shouldn’t be nervous, but she was. Burke wanted to share his life with her, and she couldn’t ask for anything more.

  He hadn’t said he loved her, but then again, he’d just arrived. They were mates, and that was good enough for her. Over time, their love would grow as they shared more. Right now, she wanted to enjoy his body and become one with him.

  Her fingers slipped, and she dropped to one knee for a better vantage point.

  “You look good down there,” he said, his voice full of humor.

  She glanced up. “Being subservient?” She was shy, but she didn’t do what she didn’t want to.

  “No. Getting ready to suck on my cock.”

  “Who said I was going to lick your hard dick? I’m just trying to get this damn fly open.”

  He swatted her hands away, tugged it apart then stepped out of his boots and removed his pants. “There. All good.”

  Her mouth opened. “Where are your briefs?”

  “Didn’t think I needed them. I knew we’d be naked as soon as we got near each other. In fact, I may never wear them again.”

  Burke was too damn charming for his own good. “Perhaps I should go braless.” No, she wouldn’t. She’d scare the kids.

  “That’s what I’m talking about.”

  “Ain’t going to happen.” Tasha stood and dragged her palms under his shirt. The texture of his skin, sprinkled with the coarse hair, set every nerve on fire. What this man did to her should be banned. She palmed his pectorals, loving the play of his muscles.

  “You going to take off my shirt?” he asked.

  “Should I?”

  Burke leaned his forehead against hers. “If your intent is to tease me into ravishing you, then leave it on.”

  “Hmm. Decisions, decisions. So, if I take off your shirt, I can play with you longer?” Two could play at this game.

  “We’ll see.”

  She lifted the material, and with his help, the shirt floated over his head and landed on the floor. Curious how far she could push him, she dragged a finger around his flat nipple.

  He clasped her wrist. “I get to play with your nipples, not the other way around.”

  She had no idea why he was so sensitive about it, but she’d delve into that later. Not to be thwarted, she kissed his chest between his pecs and then dragged her tongue downward. His abs tightened and his breathing increased. She was getting to him. Good.

  When she neared his cock, Burke clamped a hand on her head. “Have mercy on me.”

  His strangled voice altered her. She dropped to her knees again, latched onto his dick, and zigzagged her tongue up and down his length. He growled, though it sounded a bit fake to her. Burke was probably trying to warn her to get on with it, but she wouldn’t be rushed.

  Tasha inwardly smiled as she engulfed his length. He grabbed a handful of hair and tugged, which seemed to be his favorite thing to do. She cupped his balls with one hand and encircled his cock with the other.

  “Suck it.”

  “I’m getting to it.” A delicat
e balance existed between going too fast and chancing he’d explode, and taking too much time and driving him crazy. Tasha chose the middle ground. She sucked hard, but only lightly pumped her palm up and down.

  Next thing she knew, she was in the air and then on the bed.

  “Enough, woman. In case you’ve forgotten, there’s a wild bear inside this body ready to take you hard.”

  She laughed. “I’m ready, cowboy.”

  “I’ll cowboy you.”

  He rubbed her middle, and she curled up into a ball. “It tickles.”

  “So it seems.” He fortunately stopped after a few seconds. “Let’s get you naked. I can’t wait any longer.” His fun tone had evaporated and had been replaced with desperation.

  Faster than a flock of geese took off after a gunshot, she was naked. Good thing, too, because her bra and panties didn’t match.

  Burke knelt on the bed next to her and then sat back on his haunches. When he ran a hand from her throat, over her tits, and down to her pussy, bursts of pleasure radiated over her body. “Just so you know, this is what’s kept me going these past few days. Damn, you are a beautiful woman.”

  Perhaps part of being a mate was being blind to the other person’s faults, which worked for her. “Thank you.”

  It felt good not to disagree. Burke really did seem to love her lush curves. Wanting to enjoy everything he had to offer, she folded her arms behind her head and spread her legs.

  He tweaked her nipple, and a rush of desire swamped her. “Hey, no relaxing,” he said. “This is an experience we need to share.”

  He was right. She lowered her arms and grabbed his biceps. His strength and power made her pussy cramp with need. “How about kissing me then?”

  “That I can do.”

  Burke stretched out next to her and rolled her onto her side to face him. The kiss that followed was sensual and full of passion. They explored, teased, and tempted each other until she was hotter than the sun on a raindrop. It was almost as if they were learning about each other for the first time. Her hormones were going crazy, but this time was different. This signaled a new beginning, and her love bloomed.


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