Connections (Mists of the Fae Book 5)

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Connections (Mists of the Fae Book 5) Page 17

by Jaime Marks

  Pulling a gun he shoved it in her face. There was a dangerous edge to his voice but he kept quiet enough not to draw attention. “What the fuck, Steph? You’re that angry with me that can’t control yourself? You run off and now you’re courting the King of the Fae, seriously? You do realize he’s old enough to be your Father about five times over, right?”

  A golden glow swirled over her skin and she knew she had to calm herself so she took a few deep breathes closing her eyes. She didn’t answer him. She had no intention of playing his games. She wanted to reach out to Mythos but it was highly possible he’d shoot him when he came through the door and she wasn’t sure what would happen if she killed John so she couldn’t fight him. There was too much risk that she’d lose control. She reached out to Marcus and Cymeryn instead hoping that at least one of them heard her and understood. It was her only option really.

  He cursed under his breath as Light surged and pulsed over her. “Jesus sweets, I’m not gonna to hurt you, but we are going to talk.”

  “What do you care, John? How the fuck did you get in here anyway?” She was barely restraining her rage.

  “Don’t you worry about that,” he smirked, “and what do you mean what do I care? You,” he pointed at her, “are mine, Steph. Not his.”

  “Rape doesn’t count and manipulation only gets you so far, John,” she spat.

  Now it was his rage that surged but he bit back on it as he grabbed her by the throat again. “That’s bullshit and you know it. You can confuse that night with the guys, and yeah they drugged you so maybe I’ll give you that, but you gave me permission before we ever left your apartment. And that night, in your bed? Or against the wall outside school? You gonna try to deny they happened because you were there with me every moment. You gave yourself to me…freely and you damned well enjoyed it judging by the way you came all over my dick.”

  He stared expectantly into her eyes awaiting an answer. When she didn’t reply his eyes drifted over her body a moment. “Not gonna say anything?” He murmured as his body pressed against her pinning her. His hand and slid down to her breast as he burrowed the gun under her chin. “You’re so beautiful, sweets.”

  “Don’t.” She turned her head from him as she fought to gain control. Her fear was spiking and so was her essence. “I’m barely restrained as it is. You set off every protective instinct in me, John. I can’t control it.”

  He kissed her neck. “So burn me, baby. It wouldn’t be the first time.” He shrugged, “You used to burn me all the time. We’re leaving here, Steph. I’m taking you with me. You don’t belong here.”

  “No,” she replied curtly. “I’m not going to Alayne and I don’t want to be with you. This is where I want to be.”

  “Why? You think he can understand you? This is an illusion, Steph, we’re reality. I was never going to take you to Alayne, sweets. I came here to get you so I could keep you safe.”

  She studied him in confusion trying to figure out what his game was. “My family is here. This is where I belong, John.”

  “Your family? They were never there for you before, now suddenly they’re your family?” He scoffed. “You want a fucking mate? I’m your mate. Taking care of you is what I do. It’s what I’ve always done. Time to remind you of that.”

  Her skin crawled as his knee pushed between her thighs and he used his legs to spread hers, his sex pressing against her through their clothes. She couldn’t let his happen. She forced her hands to drift into his hair holding his head and he groaned loosening against her some. The gun drifted down for a moment, but not enough. There was still a risk of it going off. She had to get him to put the gun away.

  “You need to relax, baby,” he hissed in her ear biting and nipping at it as a cold chill spread over her skin caressing her. “Let me take care of you, sweets. You know I can make you feel so fucking good, baby. We were always so fucking good together.”

  She forced the tension to bleed out of her, melting against him as she choked the words out, “God John, I forgot how you make me feel.”

  He chuckled against her throat. “That’s it baby, let me show you where you really belong,” he murmured suckling her breast through her gown, but the barrel of the gun was still pressed tightly into her chest. “God I missed you these weeks. You have no idea how hard it is to be away from you.”

  His words weren’t even registering. She ran her hands over his back pulling him against her. She wanted to puke. “Please baby, I need you. Take what you need from me just…put the gun down so I can enjoy you. I’m afraid to move too much with that thing on me.”

  He pulled back a moment and looked at her raptly. “I want to believe you, sweets, I do…but I know you too well.” He kissed her and she forced herself to return it. “You’re gonna have to prove it.” He kissed her, that gun digging into the tender spot under her chin again. “I know your pride, Steph. You can fake a few words even force yourself to touch me, but you can’t force yourself to submit like I expect if it isn’t something you really want. Take off your clothes and kneel for me baby.”

  He stepped back giving her barely enough room to maneuver but it was enough. She slid her robe off as he moved back to watch her, lowering the gun some. Moving swiftly she kicked his wrist knocking the gun from his hands but not before a single shot fired grazing her thigh. The pain only fed her rage as she released a burst of essence into his chest knocking him back. He howled in agony under the pressure but she didn’t relent. She needed to make him pay.

  Marcus formed in front of her absorbing the essence as he gently took hold of her wrists. “Control it, Steph. You’ve done well, now control it…Tempyra.”

  The word echoed through her as he spoke softly trying to calm her and she focused on his eyes a moment. She could see the man she was beginning to think of as her Grandfather in her mind walking around him speaking that word. She eased and all but collapsed as pain shot through her leg but Marcus caught her.

  As calm set in so did the disgust and she retched. He let her slip to her knees and she vomited as he gently rubbed her back. “It’s alright Steph, just breathe. Mythos will be here in a moment.”

  She glanced over to see Cymeryn had John by the throat against the far wall. He looked like her his had barely phased him. “I will ask you again. How did you get in here?” Cymeryn demanded as he slammed him against the wall but John ignored him. His eyes were locked on her.

  Mythos barged into the room. “What…” He froze seeing her on the floor. When he saw John his rage became tangible, essence surging along his skin. Marcus misted in front of him keeping him at bay from his prey. “Release me, Marcus. I will not allow this to pass.”

  She went to stand but the pain in her leg ripped through her and her own essence began to surge. “Mythos?” She groaned as the pain started to become too much.

  He was at her side in an instant drawing the Light into himself and it eased her somewhat. “Are you alright, caria?”

  She shook her head. “I need to check the wound in my thigh but I can’t stand and I kind of made a mess here.”

  “Do not worry about that,” his voice was barely restrained violence but he just lifted her carefully. “Marcus grab her robes from the closet and the rest of her belongings. Bring them to my chambers.”

  He carried her from the room and took her directly to his bed were he began to assess her himself. Light flowed over the wound and it eased the pain some. Sitting up she took in the damage. “I think it just grazed me,” she mused struggling with the nausea that was churning through her.

  He nodded and spoke through gritted teeth, “We will summon a Healer to tend to it.”

  Marcus entered with an arm full of her robes, scrolls and books. “Are you alright, Steph?”

  She sighed. “Yeah, just feeling a little stupid for not listening to myself. I knew before I went into the room that something was wrong but I ignored it.”

  Marcus studied her a moment. “Never ignore your instincts, my lady. Yours are keenly hone
d to protect you. It’s understandable that you let your guard down, but if you ever feel like that again, get one of us to at least come with you.” She watched him go into the closet.

  Mythos met her gaze. “I am moving you in here, Stephynia, unless you do not want to be this close to me. I would never force it but I would very much prefer if from now on these were your chambers. I will sleep in the chair if necessary but…”

  She leaned forward and grabbed his face kissing him. “I sleep here when you’re gone already anyway, my King,” she smiled sheepishly.

  “Oh?” He raised a brow grinning. “Well then…” He murmured and she could tell he was thinking of their earlier exchange over sharing a bed but seemed to decide not to press the issue since she was agreeing with him now. Brushing the hair out of her eyes his expression turned grim. “Tell me what happened, caria. I can sense the turmoil within you.”

  Marcus came out, leaning against the wall. “I’m sorry we couldn’t intervene sooner, Steph. With that gun positioned the way it was…it didn’t leave us much choice.”

  “I know.” Steph looked down as shame coursed through her. She couldn’t meet his eyes as the images and the feel of John’s hands on her ran through her. Mythos guided her to lean over the bed as she retched again. She felt his Light flow over her but shook her head. “I can’t…”

  “It is alright, caria. If it is too much then do not strain yourself,” he whispered.

  She shook her head and opened herself to him. “I want you to know.” It was too much for her. She wouldn’t keep secrets from him but she just didn’t think she could talk about it.

  “Are you sure? You will relive it as I see it, Stephynia.”

  She nodded. “I can’t hold it, but I can’t force myself to say it.” She felt him reach inside her and she cringed as the scene replayed. Her stomach flipped and she threw up again. She couldn’t shake the disgust she felt towards John or herself. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I can’t stop…” She choked out between retching.

  Marcus cleared his throat shifting uncomfortably.

  “What is it, Marcus? Do you know what is causing her to be sick like this?” Mythos demanded.

  “I’m not really sure you want me to say, my lord. I trust you, but at the same time I know what causes that reaction. I’ve seen it in Cymeryn’s mind.” Marcus looked away.

  “I have no idea what you are prattling about. If it will help her, tell me.”

  “It’s the bonding,” he replied. “It makes it utterly unthinkable to allow another to handle you in such a way and if you feel you have betrayed that connection to your mate it can cause this sort of physical reaction…” he hesitated, “but Cymeryn has only ever seen it once the bond has been consummated.”

  Mythos looked up at him with narrowed eyes. “I have not dishonored her nor would I ever. I have not so much as taken liberties within my rights, Marcus, and I suggest you watch your tone with me.”

  He shook his head raising his hands in supplication. “It’s not an accusation, Mythos. As I said, I trust you, but the bonding is causing this somehow and we can’t risk anyfae else making such suppositions.”

  He turned back to her, his tone softening, “Caria, you did what you needed to do in order to survive. Please, be at ease, you have not betrayed me.” He gently rubbed her back, his Light soothing her, and her stomach slowly settled some. When she moved to sit back he helped position her back on the pillows. “I love you, Stephynia and I have seen the truth of your heart.”

  She nodded catching her breathe as a bright flash of white Light blinded her. A strange female with white eyes and white flowing hair with silver highlights appeared. Mythos slid off the bed kneeling and she looked to Marcus who was also on his knees. Studying her closely something inside of her echoed but she just couldn’t reach it. Who was this Fae?

  Chapter 14

  Kyle had felt the sudden surge of Darkness. It was almost like something had been reaching into him, trying to pull him inside himself…no, not inside himself. Someone had tried to use his blood to pull him through the mist.

  It had fucking hurt. If he hadn’t already been on his knees it would have dropped him. It was like two parts of himself had warred with one another and it made no damned sense. Why the hell did the Darkness feel like it had burnt? Darkness wasn’t hot. If anything it was cold.

  He knelt there trying to reason it out but he still had more questions than answers. Alayne and Syneous were gone. He couldn’t sense where they were and their essence felt weaker, distant. The problem was he couldn’t really sense where Star was either, not that he could before. With the seals in place and how thick the mist was here it was hard to pinpoint anyone. The only reason he’d been sure Alayne was here in the first place was his presence had been so much stronger than before.

  He paced in frustration feeling caged. It was tempting to try to break through those damned seals but he knew it would make him look guilty. If he really wanted to work with them he needed to chill the fuck out and trust that they had protected Star. It wasn’t like he had a hell of a lot of options at this point. He had ignored Syneous, blocking him out completely, and there was no way John wouldn’t report this shit. By now they had to realize he’d betrayed them. Going back wasn’t an option, not that it ever had been.

  Kneeling he tried to center himself and search through the mist for his sister. It was the only thing he could think of that he could do. At least it made him feel like he was doing something for her.

  Eventually he just allowed his consciousness to drift and his mind to still. He had no idea how much time passed but a knock at the door pulled his attention. He looked up to see Byryn’s brother, the one who had promised to protect Star, standing in the doorway. The seals had been lifted.

  “Sorry to bother you, just figured you’d want to know your sister’s safe.”

  “Did they reach her?”

  “No. Apparently they attacked the dungeon first, freeing the Shade that were there. Most of the Shade were killed in the attack. Alayne and Syneous escaped taking Tatyna prisoner.”

  He breathed deeply not really sure he wanted to know. “John?”

  “I’m not sure. When I left debrief my understanding was that John and Tomas had escaped as well but I heard something in the corridor about John being captured. Can you sense either of them?”

  He reached out trying to locate them. “John’s definitely here somewhere but I can’t sense Tomas. He’s really good at masking himself, though. I wouldn’t assume he’s gone. More than likely he stayed behind to spy or is lying in wait to grab Star.” Or him. “It’s kind of his thing.”

  The male nodded. “I’ll pass that on. My Grandsire will probably be by later to fill you in but I figured you’d be going out of your mind. He lowered all the seals so Gavyn and I switched shifts. I’m Trycen by the way.”

  “Thanks,” he breathed out in relief. “I was seriously starting to lose it. I still can’t sense her though.”

  Trycen sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “Look, I don’t know how you’re going to take this and I’m sure Cymeryn will tell you when he sees you, but Staryana’s awakening. Her and Byryn are still sealed in their quarters. You won’t be able to sense her until my either Grandsire or Marcus lowers the protection they’ve placed.” He looked him over again. It was clear he didn’t really trust him but that wasn’t exactly a shock. The feeling was mutual. “I’ll be in the hall if you need something.”

  He cursed but bit his tongue. He couldn’t believe that bastard was going to be his sister’s sire. It didn’t matter. There were ways to mask her essence from him. Until he heard it directly from her there was no way he would accept that this was what she wanted. She’d barely even acknowledged the son of a bitch when they were in school.

  At least he knew she was safe. If she’d awakened it should buy her more time. He really wished that they’d let him see her so he could teach her how to cast. That way she could at least protect herself. If she was as stron
g as he thought she might even be able to hold her own against Alayne once she knew how to harness her power.

  He sighed and flopped back on the bed trying to wrap his head around what came next. There was so much here that he didn’t understand. Really he had no idea what would happen now. The only thing he really could do was wait for Cymeryn to come see him. That male held his life in his hands.

  Lying there he summoned his essence trying to assess if something was different. It looked the same as it always had, dark but weakened in some way. They’d told him it would change when he awakened but he’d barely shown any signs of it yet. The way the Darkness that surged in him burned bothered him for some reason. He had a fairly comprehensive understanding of how all the essences worked and he’d swear there had been some sort of Light and Dark interaction, but how was that possible? Alayne was as Dark as they came and he was pretty sure that surge of Darkness had come direct from Lazurys, neither of them held Light. The only other option was him, but…he was born Shade.

  Steph went to get up but the woman raised her hand. “Be at ease Lady Stephynia a Ceryn. I would never expect you to pay me formalities in your current state. I am Alysse, High Priestess of Light, the voice of Lucerna, and yes, you have met me before but not for several years.” She turned to Marcus. “Marcus a Cymarcion, Crowned King of the Light Throne of Balance, go forth and gather the Lady Lunya and your blooded twin. Secure the boy first, but please be quick.”

  “As you will it, High Priestess,” he replied addressing her as he rose before misting from the room.

  “You may rise, Lord Mythos a Mythion, King of the Fae,” the High Priestess motioned to him. “Go to your mate, comfort her. There is naught to fear in your interactions. Neither of you are at fault for her ailments.”


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