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Connections (Mists of the Fae Book 5)

Page 28

by Jaime Marks

  “Mmm, don’t tempt me. You know there is nothing I would enjoy more. I’m worried about the strain this has placed on, Cymeryn. The pain I felt in him…”

  “Do not worry your pretty little head about me, Rey. I am fine.” They smiled to each other as Cymeryn chimed in. “I just needed to clear my head and am somewhat exhausted…though I am sure I would find the grove most invigorating…as would you, my insatiable mate.”

  Reyana blushed a moment and Marcus had to bite back on the laughter that filled him. He allowed Cymeryn to see her through his eyes and felt the amusement his twin experienced at the gentle flush that colored her cheeks. It eased him somewhat and that was a relief. The assault Devyn waged on his mind was indeed exhausting. Marcus had felt and witnessed it all as they were so closely linked.

  “I can only assume you are communicating telepathically?” Devyn requested bringing Marcus’ ire back to the surface.

  “Whether we are or not is not of your concern,” he responded coolly. In truth he’d had quite enough.

  Grifyn sighed and Marcus met his gaze as he spoke. “This is getting us nowhere. Devyn, all of us in this room aside from you have witnessed and experienced the miracles that have occurred. I stand as proof of it by choice, as does my mate, Trina a Natryn.” He took her hand kissing it gently as they smiled to one another before he turned back to Devyn. “We already know the truth of this. What we need to know is what it is you need? How can we show you the truths we’ve seen?”

  They all turned towards the door of the suite as it opened. Marcus rose a brow as a very surprised, Felycia stood in the doorway. It was odd that she had been allowed to enter, but also that she was there at all. She had never bothered to even enter this corridor aside from the night Kylion had been attacked. What was odder still was to see the gaze of their great Patryarch riveted to the girl.

  Normally the Commander would have looked to ensure that whoever entered had not been a threat as he sensed them before dismissing them to return to his conversation. Instead his gaze held Felycia’s. Marcus had never seen the male take notice of any aside from their lines. He watched the flow of essence that was passing between them with interest. It appeared things were about to get far more interesting.

  Chapter 24

  Byryn sat shocked for a moment as Felycia stood there looking more nervous than he’s ever seen her. She looked shaken. He rose going to her side immediately but had to stop himself just short of her. She wouldn’t appreciate it if he tried to hug or comfort her and knowing her she’d probably kick his ass if he even tried, or at least attempt to.

  “Felycia, is everything alright?” He bit out still fighting the urge to reach out and sense her, to pull her into his arms and comfort her, but they didn’t have that kind of connection.

  “Ummm,” she gazed around the room with uncertainty before turning to him. “I’m sorry, Byryn. I didn’t know you were in a meeting, but you weren’t in your quarters. Sheyna mentioned earlier that you would probably be up here and I needed to talk to you. Aryn and Ryo didn’t stop me so…”

  He studied her in surprise. His sister had never bothered to come to him for anything since they arrived in the realm, which was probably why the Personal Guard had let her through without an issue. Felycia wasn’t exactly known for making social calls. Actually aside from Byryn and his Dad checking on her she generally kept to herself. She was uncomfortable around people in most circumstances, especially him.

  He reined in his emotions and held back the rage he felt at the idea that someone might’ve tried to hurt her…again. He needed to prove to her that she could count on him not go into overprotective, controlling, jack-ass mode as he once might have.

  “It’s fine, Felycia. I always have time for you and you’re more than welcome here. Not only are you my ward but you’re my sister. Besides, I know if you’re coming to me it’s important. What’s up? Are you alright?”

  He watched her a moment. She seemed to be transfixed on something in the sitting room. Following her gaze he found Devyn studying her and stepped in between them protectively. The last thing his sister needed right now was to deal with the Commander’s prejudice.

  Looking up at him abruptly she almost seemed to shake herself. “Yeah, I’m alright but…”

  “We can go into the hall or down to my quarters so we can talk more privately if that would be better?” He offered sensing her discomfort when she trailed off.

  She shook her head in frustration. “I never thought in a million years I would have to have this conversation with you.”

  He sighed feeling the weight of his guilt. “I’m sorry, Felycia, I know how uncomfortable I make you. You may not want to hear this but we’re still family and whatever’s going on I’m here. I would do anything to help you.”

  She nodded not meeting his eyes. “I think I’m awakening, Byryn. I hoped it would stop seeing how it’s so early but it’s getting worse.”

  His jaw dropped and he glanced back to his Dad then Marcus before regarding her again. “You’re seventeen, right?”

  “I am.” She ran her hand through her hair. “I didn’t think it was possible before we turned twenty. That’s one of the reasons I waited so long.”

  Cymeryn appeared beside them and she jumped. “I apologize Felycia, I did not mean to startle you. If it would not be too uncomfortable for you, I would like to sense you and see if we can ascertain why this is occurring now.”

  She glanced nervously between Byryn and Cymeryn. There was a vulnerability to her that Byryn had never seen before. He shook his head. He couldn’t believe he was about to set her off on purpose but that was really the only way to help her through this. “Felycia, I know that you’re scared…”

  She crossed her arms and scoffed at him, “Scared? How dare you, Byryn? I’m not scared. I’m pissed off. I don’t want to rely on either of you but I don’t really have many choices here, do I?”

  Byryn nodded smirking. This was the sister he knew. “There’s that fire I’m used to.”

  Her eyes narrowed at him a moment. She knew he was pushing her to get her to relax some. Right now she needed him and this tension and fear between them wasn’t going to help her. He could handle her anger but he needed her to be alright.

  “You’re an ass, Byryn.” She looked down attempting to hide her smile, but he caught it and sensed some of the tension had bled from her.

  “So I’ve been told. Listen, I know your concerns, Felycia, but it’s not as if I didn’t consider your awakening, although I’ll admit that I wasn’t really prepared for it quite yet. There are some options I looked into, but don’t get upset, I already assumed you wouldn’t want to be awakened by either myself or Cymeryn, though we would both be willing. Before we get into all that though, let’s just see if you’re actually awakening first, ok? It’s possible that the essence is just coming to the surface for other reasons,” he shrugged trying not to show her how much this entire situation stressed him out. There weren’t that many Fae that Felycia trusted and honestly he wasn’t sure how well this was going to go over if she really was awakening.

  She nodded but she was staring past him into the room again, directly at Devyn. “Alright.”

  He glanced between them more than a little concerned. What was her sudden fascination with, the Commander? Better question. Why the hell did he appear to be returning it in any fashion considering she wasn’t even Gray yet?

  Devyn had watched the girl from the moment she entered the suite. She was fascinating. He could not tear his gaze away from her. He trailed over her form wondering why she wore such unflattering robing. She was in an oversized gray sweater and loose black sweatpants. Earth attire he presumed. It did nothing to compliment her form nor her features. Her short dark hair appeared to be a deep purple almost black and just barely reached her chin in soft waves, giving her face an elegant look. He could see a pure beauty in her. Those large, round, deep blue eyes of hers held him in some form of a trance. One that he did not wish to escape. Sh
e seemed to be every bit as enthralled by him as he was by her. He was drawn to her, but why? Who was she?

  He reached his essence out sensing her and was surprised when she allowed it. She seemed to keep herself well guarded. The Darkness in her was immediately shocking. She was unawakened Shade. He tried to force himself to look away, but he found he could not. She was his enemy? He watched as wisps of Dark essence began to dance over her skin and her eyes squeezed tightly shut as she rode out the pain. There was no denying what she was, any more than he could deny the need to ease her pain.

  He rose and walked over to her cautiously as Cymeryn balanced her energy. Devyn stood just behind he and Byryn watching her. The boy gave him a curious look but turned back to her. When her eyes opened they locked immediately to his.

  “She is definitely awakening, Byryn,” Cymeryn stated factually. “It appears to be happening naturally. I cannot sense any form of trigger. How unusual...You and Staryana do not surprise me so much anymore as it seems all of the Sacred Borne have or are awakening a couple years early, but I cannot reason it out in Felycia.”

  Byryn nodded reaching out to steady her as she swayed slightly. “Felycia I know that you’re comfortable in your quarters, but there are spare quarters up here and I’d like you to consider moving up here at least for the time being. I can take you to them now so we can discuss your options and what you want, alright?”

  She glanced down at his hand on her a moment and he quickly removed it. “I’m not really comfortable with that but I guess I don’t have much choice. For all points and purposes I’m your ward, aren’t I?” She snipped before turning pointedly to Devyn. “Who are you?”

  Cymeryn and Byryn studied him a moment, but he ignored them. His only concern for the moment was this girl and her wellbeing. “My name is Devyn a Devyion of the Lucerna Lines. I am the Commander of the Fronts. Is there aught I can do to ease you?”

  She studied him a moment and shook her head. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “I apologize, I am just concerned for your welfare. I wanted to see that you were alright,” he offered watching as the wisps began to dance along her arms once more. “I think it would be wise if you allowed your brother to accommodate you, my dear. We need to find to tend to you.” He tenderly took her hand bringing it to his lips a moment and she looked at him curiously but did not pull away. The essence irritated his skin but he could not force himself to let go.

  Byryn cleared his throat shifting uncomfortably. “Trycen offered to awaken you when the time came but we weren’t sure if you wanted to remain connected to those bloodlines.” He glanced back as Grifyn approached.

  “Both myself and Trina have also offered to awaken you, Felycia,” Grifyn stated quietly. “I know this is all difficult and confusing for you and you are quite new to this world. We would offer you our protection…and gladly more if you would accept it.”

  She looked to Devyn almost as if she were seeking some answer or reassurance from him, but there was none he could offer. As much as he might like to, he could not offer her the same, nor was he entirely sure how they were able to do so. Light would only serve to harm her if the Fae were to attempt awakening the girl.

  There were so many questions. Was there some truth to this he was not seeing? Would they truly be able to awaken her? Would she be Shade? Why did he even care? He did not fully grasp how this all worked and it was disconcerting to him to think that she might lose her life.

  “Devyn,” Reyana called and he turned to her. “She’ll be alright. Grifyn, Trina, and Trycen are Gray, as are Byryn and Cymeryn although they’re both Sacred Borne. Once she is awakened the Darkness will never be able to harm her. She will be alive and free of the Taint.”

  He said nothing, unwilling to address the speculative promises of the Gray until she was cared for. He turned back to her as she began to speak and offered her a soft smile of reassurance, not something he was accustomed to offering. He wondered if it came out more as a sneer but it seemed to ease her slightly regardless.

  “I don’t need your protection, Grifyn, and I’m not comfortable with any male awakening me,” she glowered at Byryn a moment causing Devyn to wonder what the animosity between them was. He had the distinct desire suddenly to string the boy up but he had no real reasoning for it.

  “I would gladly awaken you, Felycia, and I realize you do not need our protection but you have it,” Trina spoke cautiously. “You understand by the current custom that while Byryn has taken responsibility for you and you will remain his ward that you would become my responsibility upon your awakening as well? You will become my progeny, and I your sire.”

  She nodded grudgingly. “What would you expect of me?”

  “My conditions are simple. You will relocate to quarters in this corridor as you would be of the Natryn Lines. I will also expect you join us for meals, predominantly in the eve or when custom dictates. You will continue your education, of course and when the situation requires you will appear at our side during ceremonies and events. Aside from this you are free to make your own choices and live your life as you see fit.” Trina sighed, “I wouldn’t even impose such restriction on you but we have been concerned for you, Felycia. The isolation you impose upon yourself is not healthy and will serve only to hinder you in our world.”

  She scoffed causing Devyn to gently squeeze her hand in reassurance. It was more than a reasonable request. He could not bear the idea of this lovely girl locking herself away from the world. It would also mean he would see her again as Trina was the bonded mate of Grifyn. It would forever tie her to the Lucerna Lines and hence allow him the opportunity to watch over her.

  She looked at him meeting his eyes again. “If you are uncomfortable with being awakened by a male, Trina a Natryn’s offer is most generous,” he encouraged her softly.

  The girl studied him a moment. “And what if I asked you to awaken me?”

  His heart skipped a beat. He glanced around to see everyfae watching the two of them with curiosity, Cymeryn most of all. Byryn however, looked appalled. Every part of him wanted that connection with her but there was no way it could be. There were too many reasons it could not.

  “Absolutely not!” Byryn spat. “There are no familial ties and you aren’t even courting. It would be highly improper, Felycia. Not to mention that he is Fae not Gray. He can’t awaken you. He has only Light.”

  He glanced to the boy a moment before regarding her. “Your brother is right on all accounts. Even if propriety would allow for it, I do not have the ability to awaken you, my dear.”

  Cymeryn studied him a moment with a mild smirk. “But you could…”

  He shot him a look. “Light and Dark do not mix, Cymeryn. My awakening this girl would mean her death.”

  “Not if you were Gray and that is an easy thing to attain. You could seek Redemption, yourself. You would have only to open yourself to Reyana, Marcus or myself and choose it.” He shrugged nonchalantly. “There is Darkness in your soul, Devyn. It has grown from the pain and rage that has taken root in your heart. I felt it while you were in my mind. It is not a Taint, it is not in control of you, but it is there. The Gray would free you of such things.”

  Devyn glowered at Cymeryn wanting to smack the male. He felt her hand tighten around his a moment before she pulled away. Immediately he felt the loss of that connection to her.

  “No. It was wrong of me to ask. Don’t put him in that position, Cymeryn,” she snapped. “No one should be pressured into that choice. It’s bad enough we’re all but forced into choosing between the Gray and Darkness because we were born into it.”

  Cymeryn nodded. “I am sorry, Felycia. I did not mean to offend you or to pressure him but there are things Devyn needs to come to understand which I thought this might assist him in. I will refrain for your benefit.”

  The Gray was something Devyn did not trust. He did not understand what it would mean or what Redemption would do to him, but he was suddenly very torn. He wanted to
reach out and take the girl’s hand again and tell her he would do anything for her, but that was ridiculous. He knew nearly nothing about her. Had she not just stated she did not wish to be awakened by a male?

  There was something occurring here and he needed to attempt to understand it. “Why do you ask me, Felycia?”

  She met him in the eye again but seemed more hesitant, unsure. “There is…I don’t know why I asked you. I shouldn’t have,” she replied shortly and turned back to Trina. Her discomfort was clear but she seemed to compose herself behind some mask she threw up. It only made him more curious. “It would honor me if you would awaken me Trina a Natryn and I agree to your terms.”

  Byryn eased, “Trina will take good care of you, Felycia. I wouldn’t allow it otherwise. It’s the right choice. I’ll have your things brought up later.”

  She looked to him uncomfortably but nodded. “Thanks Byryn…for…umm…”

  “Stop, Felycia,” Byryn grabbed her gently by the arms. “You may not like it but you’re my sister. We are not the same as we were and you need to realize that I’m always here for you no matter what the issue.” He released her. “I know you hate to rely on anyone. I know I’m the last person you would choose as family, but I’m here nonetheless.”

  She shifted uncomfortably and nodded stiffly. “I’m trying…but it still doesn’t change anything.”

  Devyn watched as the boy lowered his head. “I know...and I’m sorry for that.” He looked up at her again. “I likely know the answer, but do you want me there?”

  She shook her head. “No but…are you sure this will work, Byryn? I mean…I’m…shit,” she cursed beginning to look vulnerable again.

  Trina approached and took her hand. “Felycia, you have seen proof that this works yourself. I promise you, you will be alright.”

  She nodded but a sudden wave of essence rolled through her intensely and her knees buckled. Devyn had her in his arms before anyfae even realized that she was falling. When the wave passed she stared up into his eyes.


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