Connections (Mists of the Fae Book 5)

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Connections (Mists of the Fae Book 5) Page 30

by Jaime Marks

  Byryn had caught up with them in Reno. She was pretty sure that he’d been tracking them for a while though because he seemed to know a lot about what they’d been doing. He had escorted them back to Trevyn’s safehold. The trip back had taken two weeks, but she wasn’t sure it should have. He had taken the time to teach her what she was and how to control and use her essence. In all honesty, he’d taken really good care of her and been kind to her from the first moment he found her.

  She remembered how he’d barged into the hotel room while she was…well he ripped the john off of her and beat the hell out of him before throwing him out of the hotel room. Byryn had scared the shit out of her. He was strong and intimidating as hell with essence rolling off of him in a rage. When he turned to her she thought for sure he’d take advantage of her or hurt her like her Mother warned her would happen if anyone from her line ever found them. Instead he just tried to calm her down. She’d had no idea what he was at that point, or even what she was.

  “Felycia, I know you don’t know me but my name is Byryn. I’m your brother. I’m not going to hurt you, sweetheart,” he spoke quietly as he wrapped a blanket around her. She flinched but he just stepped back once she was covered staring into her eyes. “It’s alright. Ok? You’re safe with me.”

  She nodded completely unsure of what to think. Mom told her never to trust her brothers, especially Byryn. He’d take her back to her Father.

  He gently pulled her to her feet and guided her to the bathroom. “Did he hurt you?”

  She shook her head. “N-no.”

  “I’m going to take care of you, ok? So I need you to listen to me. I want you to take a shower. Clean yourself up and get the stink of that bastard off of you.” He laid a bag on the counter by the sink. “I brought you some clothes. Do not put what you were wearing back on. I have to collect your Mother before we can leave. Can I trust you to stay here?”

  “Are you going to hurt my Mom?” She shook slightly.

  He stared off into the distance a moment. “Not nearly as much as she deserves…”

  “P-please don’t hurt her,” she stammered.

  He met her eyes again and nodded once. “I won’t be the one to determine your Mother’s fate. If she comes willingly I promise you I won’t hurt her, but she will come with us. Do not leave this room, do you understand? I’m going to help you and I don’t want to be a prick, but if I can’t trust you to listen to me I won’t have a choice. You need to listen to me, Felycia.”

  She nodded seeing the black smoke that rose momentarily off his skin but it quickly disappeared and seemed to swirl in his eyes. “Wh-what are you? Am…am I?”

  “Shhh,” He gently brushed the hair out of her eyes and shook his head. “God you are so fragile and naïve…You know you’re different don’t you?” When she nodded he sighed. “Stay here and get cleaned. Eat. I promise I’ll explain everything to you. You need me, Felycia. You need someone to teach you what you are and how to survive in our world. I’m going to trust you to understand that and stay here. Do not make me track you down. Believe me when I say you don’t want to break my trust.”

  She came out of the shower to an empty room. On the table was a plate of steak, mashed potatoes and gravy, a vegetable medley and roll with a note that said to eat. She couldn’t resist it. She hadn’t had a real meal in weeks and she was starving. Before she had finished he came back roughly tossing her Mother into the room. She’d been terrified and ran to her Mom crying.

  “Don’t cry for her, Felycia. After what she’s done to you, don’t you dare.” Byryn shook his head, “Your life in Father’s care would not have been easy, but you would have been well taken care of and no one would have dared to touch you until your awakening. At least by then you would have been prepared and able to protect yourself. I would’ve seen to it.”

  “She won’t be anything more than a whore once she awakens anyway and you know it,” her Mother cursed at him. “How can you take her back there?”

  Byryn walked over and back handed her across her face. “She is Trevyn’s progeny! She would have been trained and prepared for this world. She would have been given at least a chance but your actions have robbed her of that! You have no idea what you’ve done to her and I should kill you for it…unfortunately for you, what happens to you will be my Father’s choice. A death at my hands would be far more merciful.”

  “Please…please let us go,” Felycia whispered.

  He sighed and pulled her up into a gentle embrace brushing the tears from her eyes. She noticeably cringed but he only held her closer. “I can’t, Felycia. You don’t even understand what you are. You have to go back or you will die when you awaken. Believe me, I wish there was another way but you’re already sixteen. Our sisters usually begin training at age nine. In four years you’ll awaken and you’re so far from prepared for that it’s ridiculous.” He kissed her forehead. “You’ve been through so much already. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry that I have to deliver you to this life but if I don’t you will die. Just like I would if I tried to leave it. I promise you I’ll do my best to protect you. You’re my sister, Felycia. I will help you any way I can.”

  Tears streamed down her face as the room in the Palace of Lunya came back into focus. Why was she thinking about this shit! She couldn’t think about that. She just couldn’t. She couldn’t remember his kindness, his protection. If he had never been so nice to her, if he hadn’t taken care of her, she never would have cared about him. He would have been just some random male and when their Father forced him to rape her, when he lost himself to it, it wouldn’t have broken her nearly as bad. He was the only person to ever show her kindness. No one else ever cared. He promised to protect her but he destroyed her worse than anything else ever could have.

  “Shh Felycia,” Trina comforted her stroking her hair tenderly. “It’s alright. The memories that flow through you are a process of the awakening. It allows an end to your human life and a rebirth as Fae. You’ve lived such a difficult life. It’s over now. I promise you it is over. Let the pain leave you. Start new from this day.”

  She didn’t know if she could do that. She didn’t even know if it was possible. She didn’t want to feel this way anymore. The pain, the anger, it was so damn heavy. The thing was she didn’t know how she would ever let it go. It owned her. It was her own Darkness and it had completely tainted her life.

  A quiet knock pulled her from her thoughts. The door opened slowly and Byryn stood in the doorway studying her with concern. He didn’t comment on her tears but she could tell they bothered him. “I’m not staying, but I wanted to check on the two of you before I went down to training and got caught up in meetings after. Can I get you anything?”

  She tried to speak but her voice cracked. He just nodded and walked over to the nightstand and poured a glass of water handing it to her. Her hand shook badly but Trina tried to steady it for her. He watched as she drank it and took it from her when she finished.

  “Better?” When she nodded he hesitated but shrugged. “I’ll come back and check on you as soon as I can get away.”

  She studied him quietly trying to rein in her emotions from the memories that were assailing her. When he turned to leave though she realized there was something she needed to know. “Byryn, wait. I need to…” She chewed her lip not sure how to approach this. “Am I allowed to talk to Devyn? You didn’t seem to want him near me and I don’t want to…I’m not sure if…” Dammit this was so frustrating.

  She watched his body stiffen as she spoke but he turned back to her, lifting his hand to quiet her as he studied her. After a few moments he sighed, “Felycia, I don’t want you to feel you need to ask me permission to talk to somefae. I’m not going to stand here and tell you that I’m entirely comfortable with what I sensed between you and Devyn, but really if you decide you want to…I don’t know, talk to him or what not, that’s really your decision, not mine. You’re my sister and I’m always going to be overprotective of you; even when you wish I’d leave y
ou the hell alone. Even when I keep my distance I always protect you, but who you choose to spend time with isn’t my call provided they aren’t dangerous to you.”

  She watched him closely. “So is that a yes, or a no?”

  He shook his head. “If you’re asking me if Devyn is dangerous? He’s a difficult Fae but no, I don’t think he’s dangerous to you. If you’re asking for my blessing to talk to him I’m not going to give it because that’s your call. Honestly I’m surprised you’d even ask, Felycia.”

  “I…” She hesitated not really sure what she should say to that. She wasn’t even sure why she’d actually asked him. She had no real intention of talking to the Fae again and she didn’t particularly care what Byryn said. Well provided he didn’t think she was in danger.

  “It’s alright Felycia, you don’t have to explain.” He sat in the chair that Devyn had left by the bed glancing hesitantly at Trina but then focused in on her. “Look, I want you to understand something. It’s not that I don’t care. I’ve allowed you to keep this distance because I don’t want to make things harder on you. I know seeing me every day has to be hard enough. I wish that nothing ever happened to make things this way, but it did and I can’t take it back. Thing is though, it doesn’t change the fact that I still love you. You’re my sister. I never wanted to hurt you and I would do anything for you, the same as I would for Trycen, Wycelion or Kylion. You’re my family every bit as much as Grifyn and Trina. You’ll understand soon. You’re part of the Lucerna Lines now.” He smirked slightly, “Good luck trying to shut them out.”

  “But I thought you were of the Natryn Lines?” She asked glancing up at Trina.

  “I am, but I am also the bonded mate of Grifyn a Grifyion. His essence runs through my veins as it now will run through yours. As you are my ward and he is my mate you will ever be connected,” she explained.

  Byryn nodded. “I know you prefer your isolation Felycia, but this is a whole new life for you. A good one. Try to give it a chance. I won’t push you and I won’t interfere in your choices, provided you aren’t breaking the Covenants or placing yourself in danger, but I’m here, always.”

  “Me too.” They looked up at Staryana as she entered the room. “Sorry to intrude.”

  Byryn’s entire face lit up and an ease Felycia had never seen in him took over his features. “Hey brightness, you know you could never intrude. Come here, baby.”

  She smiled warmly and went to him allowing him to pull her into his lap. “I needed to remind you of the time. I’m sorry.”

  He shook his head. “Never be sorry, ever.” He kissed her chastely then turned to back to look at her. “Felycia, I know this is a long time coming, but truthfully this is the longest you’ve allowed me to talk to you since we got here,” he shrugged but smiled warmly. “You two have never been properly introduced. This is my mate, Princess Staryana a Reyana of the Mythion line of Lucerna. We’re to be bonded tomorrow. Staryana, this is my baby sister, Felycia.”

  Her brow rose at the tenderness in his voice and the way he addressed her. He’d never called her his baby sister before. She had no idea how to even feel about it, especially when it wasn’t true. They had other sisters. She was only a year younger than him really. “Ummm. Hi.”

  “Hi, Felycia. I hope once you settle in we can spend some time together, get to know one another better,” Staryana smiled.

  Felycia cleared her throat shifting slightly. She had no idea how to respond to any of this. “Uh, ok…I guess.”

  Trina gently rubbed her back. “Let’s let her get settled in and learn who she, herself is first.”

  They both nodded and rose. Byryn met her eyes again. “I know you’ll need time Felycia…but I’ll be back later to check on you, ok?”

  She nodded hesitantly as they left. She wasn’t sure how she felt about him checking on her later. The idea of it should really piss her off. He knew they weren’t going to have a relationship, she’d told him they never would. What the hell was happening here? What was happening to her?

  “Relax, Felycia. Try not to fight the feelings you are experiencing. Merely let them flow through you. When the awakening has passed then you can decide how you feel about things,” Trina offered. “It will be extremely confusing to attempt to do so now with the shifts of your essence that are occurring. Rest. I need to work on merging our essences completely.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Your essence is Dark but it will absorb and integrate into the Gray while our essences merge. When your awakening is complete you will no longer be Shade,” she explained patiently.

  She thought about what that would mean. Since coming here her life had changed drastically. No one really bothered her. Dracyn had tried to be stupid but she had been keeping in shape and she taught him a lesson he wouldn’t soon forget. It was the first time really that she hadn’t had to keep moving, always looking over her shoulder. It was the first time no one else had claim to her body since that horrid night that her Mother sold her virginity. Byryn for all his faults had made sure she was safe and taken care of as he had promised her he would from the moment she met him. Then again, he owed her for all the harm he’d done to her.

  She wasn’t really comfortable with the changes that were about to take place. She didn’t really understand what any of them meant or how they would affect those connected to her. All she knew was that she really didn’t have a choice. Her awakening was here and whether she liked it or not, everything was about to change.

  Chapter 26

  Mythos glanced at Stephynia as she fidgeted motioning for the Guardian to rise. He smiled in amusement. She was getting better at hiding her discomfort with it but it was plain for him to see. They had greeted several of the Council elect that they would be meeting with early this noon. As they walked through the halls of the Palace any who passed stopped to pay their reverence not only to him, but especially to her.

  They saw the necklace, knew what it meant. It likely did not help that he openly held her hand and showered her with his affection. He did not cross the boundaries of their courting, but he was rather enjoying spending this time with her and letting the entirety of the Palace know that she was indeed his. Regardless of the lack of their formal announcement and the Bonding Rituals, the necklace that rested on her collarbone proclaimed her as the future Queen, his mate. As such he could take whatever liberties he wished in truth and no Fae could bring complaint against her, still he would ever honor and respect her.

  She sighed as they made their way to the dining hall to check on arrangements for the banquet. “I understand the need for formalities but seriously, Mythos? Do they have to stop us every two minutes? I mean we could have been to the dining hall and back already.”

  He chuckled, “Allow them this, caria. It has been a great many years since our Fae have had a Queen.” He pulled her into a gentle embrace and kissed her chastely lifting her slightly off the ground. “And you are a beautiful treasure that deserves to be honored as such.”

  “And you, my king, are a hopeless romantic.” She returned his favor with a delicate brush of her lips against his. “Honestly though, I have no idea how to handle all this.”

  “What, my Queen? The attentions of the Kingdoms? Or the love I shower you in.” He gently set her down still holding her in his arms.

  “Both,” she laughed but then grew serious looking away. “Before we continue down this road, Mythos, I have to ask. Are you sure?”

  His brow furrowed as he contemplated her words trying to figure out how to impart this to her. “Stephynia, I love you. I have no doubts where my heart lies and I do not think that I could breathe without you by my side. I know it has been such a short time, but I am certain there will never be another more suited for me, another I could love so completely as I do you. If you are questioning that, or if this is all somehow too much for you at the moment, then I will wait to make the announcement of our betrothal. I understand how quickly this has all developed for you, and I want noth
ing more than for you to be as certain and happy as I am, my Queen.”

  She reached up tentatively touching the sunstone of her necklace and took a breath as the tension in her eased. “I’m sorry. I do know that, Mythos. I think with all the craziness today it just stirred up some of my insecurities as to whether or not I can really do this…but in my heart I know this is where I’m supposed to be. I love you.”

  “Hmmm.” His eyes lit with playfulness and he lifted her in his arms. Shrill laughter erupted from her and it was music to his ears.

  “Mythos! Put me down.”

  “Not a chance, my caria. You need a break and I need to ensure my Queen is well tended.” He smirked utterly amused at her laughter and irritation. Now he knew why Marcus was always fond sneaking off with Reyana.

  Kyle looked up biting back the groan that percolated in his throat as the door to his quarters opened and Byryn walked in. At least he thought that was Byryn. He was frickin huge now and the strength that rolled off of him was intense. Whatever had happened between yesterday and today had changed him somehow. It only made this confrontation more dangerous. Cymeryn had warned him this was coming but he was hoping that maybe he could avoid it for a little while at least. With a sigh he stood and waited, not really sure what to expect.

  “Sit down,” Byryn commanded studying him with obvious disgust. “My Grandsire seems to see something in you which is interesting considering what he knows about you and the fact that you’re a Priest. He believes that you’re Staryana’s brother, and you might be, but it doesn’t change what you tried to do to her.”


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