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Aura Page 29

by Abraham, M. A.

  "Whatever," Vernon dismissed her report with a wave of his hand. It was not what he was after, nor did he have any idea what she was talking about. What he did understand was that the man was getting better.

  "I had hoped to speak with you about a different concern I noticed about him. Sillgrim is getting too attached to you. I thought this should be brought to your attention as you did not seem to notice it yourself."

  There. Vernon sighed in relief. He had said it.

  Aura merely laughed and shrugged the matter aside as if it was unimportant. "Oh, that. It is common. Medical people have to deal with it all the time. He will get over it."

  "Really Aura? How? He is a gown man. How is he supposed to forget that he has fallen in love with you? Thorn never has."

  "That is different. As for Sillgrim, Vernon, tomorrow Signi is going to come with me to visit the sick. It is, after all, her duty as practicing lady of the manor to do so. You must admit your wife is hardly in any position to visit the infirmary." Aura hinted in wide-eyed innocence, while giving the impression that she knew, all the time, what she was about. "Signi is a very beautiful woman."

  "I had a similar thought myself." Vernon confessed. "Although I had not thought of Signi. What gave you that idea?"

  "Well, to be honest, Signi needs a diversion every bit as much as Sillgrim does. I find him very much the same as Thorn in many ways and remembering how fond Signi is of her eldest brother. I thought they might get along together famously." She then changed the subject. "Have you heard any word of Thorn yet Vernon?"

  Vernon laughed in glee and as they began to walk back to his home, he answered. "He comes and should be here in a few days, unless the weather turns nasty and delays him. His message to me; however, was not quite that of a man rushing to embrace his love."

  "But how could it be? He has no idea that his love awaits here for him." Aura replied.

  "You are certain that this is what you want?" Vernon asked again out of genuine concern.

  "I would not be here if I doubted it." Aura answered and as she finished speaking, one of the servants came running up to them.

  "Please sire, it is time. Your Duchess sends me for the Lady Aura."

  "And me?" Vernon asked in obvious surprise at being left out.

  "I was only sent to come for the Lady Aura." The maid answered, her eyes reflecting her fear at displeasing him.

  Aura smiled and put a hand on Vernon's arm, giving the girl the opportunity to escape as she sought to placate him.

  "At a time like this Vernon it is sometimes best if the prospective father is not present. Chatelaine is scared of giving birth and let us both be honest Vernon, can you really see yourself keeping your head cool while your wife screams with every contraction?" She paused a moment, to give him time to think then answered for him. "I certainly have trouble believing it possible. Perhaps Chatelaine feels the same way. It will be all right, I give you my word, Chatelaine, will be fine."

  Aura left after calming Vernon, and rushed into the house, snapping out orders as she did. She considered the differences between the two deliveries she had been called on to attend, and smiled at the irony. The first birth had been done in poor and ill-equipped surroundings, with none but the mother, the midwife and herself to see to the delivery and care for the newborn infants. Here she would have little more to do than to see the child delivered safely. There would be an army of maids and doctors to see to the rest.

  Chatelaine's screams could be heard throughout the entire castle and Aura was in no doubt that she would be needed to settle her down before she could have the child. She entered the room in an unrushed fashion and gave Chatelaine a calm smile as she greeted her.

  "You have lots of strength Chatelaine, it is a good sign. Here, hold my hand and we will wait until the time comes for your child to be born."

  Chatelaine clutched the offered hand and began to visibly settle. Whenever a contraction came, and she showed signs of panicking again, Aura would talk to her in a soothing voice to calm her fears and settle her.

  All things considered, Aura thought some time later, she had had an easy time of it. Chatelaine had presented them with an eight or so pound baby boy, which Aura cleaned and wrapped before giving it to her. When both the mother and child had settled and were comfortable, Aura called Vernon into the room. He had, to Aura's amusement, been pacing just outside the birthing room.

  It just went to prove, she thought, just how little things had changed. She had often met over anxious fathers outside of delivery rooms in her previous life to tell them of the birth of their child. Aura kept a straight face as befitting the seriousness of the situation. She would tell Thorn the story later, after they had been together for a while and they would laugh over it together.


  Signi and Sillgrim were not attracted to each other in the beginning, and Aura suggested that they talk, so they did. They found they had little in common to speak of and Signi quickly grew tired of all the questions he kept asking about Aura. After a few days of putting up with Sillgrim’s apparent obsession with her sister in law, Signi took the matter up with Vernon. Vernon was no salve to her wounded vanity either, as he just laughed at her complaints. Signi decided she was not about to tolerate their attitudes as they could entertain the brute without her.

  Sillgrim was up and doing so well that Aura dismissed him, which left her free to do whatever she wanted. She elected to spend her first free afternoon with the village children. They remembered her from before and flocked about her in anticipation of a treat. Sillgrim, left to his own devices, followed Aura to the square and watched, while she led the little ones in song and games. It was while watching her that he ran into Signi, who was surprised that he would be left free to roam and was not under heavy guard.

  Signi's assumption was not quite on the mark. Vernon did have Sillgrim under guard, but it was not a visible presence. He wanted to test the man, to see if he could be trusted. Vernon had been given Sillgrim's promise of good behavior and had found time to discuss the terms of their settlement with him. Sillgrim had been surprised at how well the future was beginning to look.

  The families of Sillgrim’s men would either be allowed to either return to their homes where they had come from, or would be brought back to the lands Vernon had offered them. It was understood that Sillgrim's men who wished to live under Vernon's rule would have to swear an oath of fealty to him and would be expected to follow Vernon in times of war. They would be given land next to Lord Thorn, and would be under his supervision. Sillgrim thought the terms were fair, but he was not about to agree to them unless he was sure he was doing the right thing for his men.

  Sillgrim, Vernon was surprised to learn at the time, reserved decision on this matter, stating that he would like to meet and speak with the Lord Thorn before forming a final decision. It was a decision that told Vernon that Sillgrim was a good leader, as he was a man who cared for the well being of those who served under him. Vernon was satisfied and in the meantime he supported Aura's attempts to bind the man to Signi. A man such as Sillgrim would follow his heart in most matters and Signi could easily influence any man. As for him, Sillgrim could be every bit as powerful a warlord as Thorn, if he took his place as Vernon hoped.

  To Sillgrim, Signi seemed to be somewhat of a child, and she needed maturing. He was quick to notice that other men looked at her with different eyes. Thinking about this, he watched her closer as she segregated herself from the crowd and observed the entertainment. Within a short time Sillgrim decided she needed company and he joined her in order to get to know her better, in case he had misjudged her.

  "Do you wish to join the singing and dancing Signi?" Sillgrim teased in his pleasant vibrant baritone.

  Signi smiled at him and answered: "I would not fit in nor do I understand how Aura does it. I remember my brother Thorn as he watched her sing to the children. He just sat on his horse, mesmerized. I knew then that they were right for each other. Somehow so very, very
right." Signi gave a sentimental sigh.

  "Did Vernon gave Aura to Thorn?" Sillgrim asked dryly.

  "It was not quite that simple." Signi explained. "Vernon didn’t want them matched. Thorn had no wish to be married at the time either and especially not to someone like Aura."

  "Why not?"

  "I have no idea, perhaps it could have been that he did not want to get married. Aura was certainly different, she was defiant. Thorn refused to let her challenge him in such a manner, and he swept her off of her feet. That was not what anyone, including the two of them, expected to happen."

  "He loved her?"

  "With all his heart and soul."

  "You love her too?" Sillgrim asked.

  "Why not? Everyone else does. I don’t know what it is, but there is something special about Aura and it is so much more noticeable when Thorn is about. You will see what I mean when he gets here."

  "Thorn is a man I have heard much of. Tell me about him Signi."

  "I have two brothers, Thorn and Edwin. Thorn is the more intense of the two, as well as the eldest. Edwin and I share the same mother. Thorn's mother was killed in an attack. Edwin has been married for several years already and while I approve of his wife, it is not quite as perfect a match for him as Aura is for Thorn." Signi blushed as she realized that she had been rattling on and she covered her mouth with her fingers in mortification. “I have been chattering like a magpie and have been boring you to tears. I am sorry, it was not intentional."

  He smiled as he admitted, “I asked you questions, you were answering them. I rather enjoyed it. Aura might be perfect for Thorn, but she is rather self-contained. She does not share much of herself with anyone and she is quiet. It might give her an air of mystery, but it makes a man feel as if he is alone. I am not so sure I want to be alone all my life."

  "Strange, I never thought of Aura as the silent type before, although, now that you mention it, she does seem a little on the quiet side. She has a way of drawing a person out, of getting you to tell her your most innermost secrets. There are times I hate that in a person, but I cannot help but love her."

  Sillgrim laughed, his voice resounding over the crowd and Aura looked at the couple and smiled. They were beginning to get along, she thought. Well it was past time, and she was more than pleased. It was exactly what they needed. She turned her attention away from the couple then looking at the slant of the sun, she decided to call an end to the afternoon activities. Sid would be restless and looking to get out of his bag for a bit of exercise, and she could use a bath.

  Aura was long gone before either Signi or Sillgrim even noticed she was missing and when they did, they exchanged a bit of an embarrassed smile. They had found something in common to talk about, and although it had still been Aura that they spoke of, Signi found she no longer cared. Sillgrim had also made a discovery, for he now felt that Signi was definitely not the little girl that he had once thought her. She was a very beautiful, and desirable woman.

  Thorn was late. The weather had turned cold and wet and Thorn, when he finally reached his destination, was in a foul temper. He hated being late, he hated being made to wait and most of all, he hated traveling in cold, wet weather that soaked and chilled him to the bone. He would invariably catch a cold and be held over at Vernon's for a month while they fussed over him for no particular reason. He hated women who fussed.

  The banquet was already in progress when Thorn barged into the dining area and Vernon rose from his place to greet him.

  "Thorn, glad you could make it, thought you might have changed your mind and returned home." Vernon taunted him. He stole a look around and noted Aura's absence. Good, he thought, she should be in place by now, awaiting her cue. His guard would have her subdued so she would make no sounds to protest what he was about to do.

  Thorn had embarrassed him on the field in front of his men now Vernon was going to extract a little revenge of his own. He could not have hoped for a better chance to get back at his warlord. Thorn looked like he was in the perfect mood for his game, he was absolutely livid.

  "You ordered me here Vernon, well, here I am. Now are you going to tell me why I have had to ride half way across the county for a meal, or am I to try to guess at the reasoning behind this madness?" Thorn snarled.

  "To begin with Thorn I want you to meet Sillgrim, who wanted very much to meet with you. If you find you can deal together he will be given the lands next to yours, as well as the hand of your sister, the Lady Signi." Vernon gave his first reason.

  Thorn looked at his sister, sitting beside the blond giant and noted the flush of pleasure on her face, as the announcement was made. He gave a grunt of satisfaction, but made no comment. Signi was a good judge of men and nobody's fool. The man must have suited her very well to capture her heart so quickly after the death of her betrothed.

  "There is also a matter of your state of being Thorn." Vernon pointed out.

  "What do you mean?" Thorn's voice was clipped as his eyes narrowed dangerously and his attention swung back to Vernon.

  "I believe it is past time that you faced a few facts in regards to your wife. You have no heir and you are not getting any younger. I would have you renounce your marriage vows and put Aura aside in favor of a new match." Vernon explained.

  The crowd sat in stunned silence. Even Signi, who knew fully well that Aura was close at hand, said nothing, as she felt Sillgrim's hand grasp hers in warning. They were not going to get in the middle of this. Vernon was playing at something and they all knew he played a dangerous game.

  "What!" Thorn roared, his eyes narrowing even more and he stood in battle readiness to defend his position. "I shall never give her up, do you hear me Vernon? Never." His voice reverberated through the massive room, giving no more than a hint of his towering rage. "I took Aura at the point of my sword here, almost a year ago and I will fight anyone who would suggest I put her aside. Even you Vernon and no, I do not care if I die with no heirs while I await her return. I will wait for her always."

  "I see." Vernon sounded thoughtful then decided it would be too dangerous to prolong the game. "In that case, I must tell you the real reason I brought you here. I have a bit of a surprise for you." He clapped his hands together twice then instructed: "Thorn, turn around."

  Thorn whirled about and Aura stepped from the shadows, with her guard behind her. The clapping Vernon had just used had signaled her release and she shot him a furious look as she started forward. He had not told her he was going to do something like this to her husband. She then saw Thorn's shocked face and all thoughts of Vernon left her head as she moved regally towards her love.

  Aura had chosen to wear her black and gold gown and she had loosely gathered her hair to frame her face. The effect had Thorn mesmerized as he watched her hair swing about her. He devoured her with his eyes, feeling like a starved man who had just been offered a dish at a King’s banquet. Aura gave him a weak, uncertain smile bur remained silent. She had no idea what to say. She had heard what he had said but still felt insecure. What if, now that he saw her, he changed his mind? He was giving no indication that he felt as strongly as he had spoken. In fact he just stood there, rooted to the spot, looking at her as if stunned by her presence.

  "Aura," Thorn whispered, his breath catching in his throat. He was unable to speak further.

  "I have come back to you Thorn, if you still want me." She spoke only loud enough for his ears, as she got close enough for him to hear.

  "If I still want you?" Thorn rasped out. He reached out and touched her, uncertain that she was real. He closed his eyes as the feel of her confirmed the reality of her presence, and pulled her into his embrace. "I cannot live without you, my world is too empty when you are not in it."

  Sillgrim had almost risen from his seat as she had walked out of the shadows. He controlled the impulse. He knew that anyone interrupting this moment would die. He leaned over, instead to speak to Signi.

  "You are right. She is a woman fit for the Lord Thorn. She has
the air and bearing of a Queen, as he has of a King."

  "What do you mean?"

  "It is obvious," Sillgrim spoke his thoughts only loud enough for her ears. "Thorn is a man who could easily be a great King, but he does not appear interested in the position. They, together, look as if they have found what they could have lived lifetimes for and never have found. Nothing else matters to them but each other."

  Signi looked at her betrothed and nodded as she agreed. "That is what I tried to explain to you. They are so perfect together, yet she is different from the rest of us."

  "As is he when she stands at his side." Sillgrim stated closing the subject. He watched the couple embracing. He had no choice but to accept the fruitlessness of desiring something he could never have. He did, however, have the beautiful Signi, who could drown a man's sorrows in her arms with ease. He decided that was exactly what he would do.

  Thorn turned to Vernon and asked. "Why Vernon? Why did you not tell me she was here when you wrote? How long have you kept this from me? Why did you want me to annul our marriage when you knew she was here?”


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