Falling for Him 9: Karen and Robert, Book 1

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Falling for Him 9: Karen and Robert, Book 1 Page 1

by Jessica Gray

  Falling for Him

  Karen and Robert

  Book 1

  (Book 9 in the Falling for Him Series)

  Jessica Gray

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, names, and places in this book exist only within the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons or locations is purely coincidental.

  Falling For Him, Karen and Robert, Book 1

  (Book 9 in the Falling for Him Series)

  All Rights Reserved

  Copyright © 2016 Jessica Gray

  This book is copyrighted and protected by copyright laws.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without prior written permission from the author.

  Cover Design by http://www.StunningBookCovers.com

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  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Preview Found by Love

  More Books by Jessica

  Chapter 1

  Robert Mitchell’s brain wasn’t functioning on all cylinders; otherwise, he would have kept his mouth shut.

  The wedding of Lee and Rocco had been a huge success and the wine and other alcohol had been flowing freely for quite some time. He glanced down at his wrist, but his vision was too blurry to correctly discern the time. Sighing, he finished the glass of wine in his hand, then set the empty glass down on a nearby ledge.

  Robert watched as the bridal couple posed for one last set of photographs, his eyes straying from them to where his best friend Peter wrapped his wife Rachel into his arms. Everywhere he looked he saw happy couples paired up, embracing and sharing kisses and hugs with one another.

  He turned his head the other way and saw his girlfriend Karen walking toward him, a beaming smile upon her face: the same smile she’d sported since this morning when the wedding ceremony had begun.

  Even after three years, he still thought she was the most beautiful woman on earth. Her long brown hair fell down over her shoulders in soft curls. For the occasion she’d dressed up in an elegant yet simple floor-length dark blue satin gown that hugged her body in all the right places. The blue satin matched perfectly the color of her eyes, and the only jewelry she wore were the pearl studs he’d given her for her last birthday.

  Karen hated big tingling earrings and flamboyant jewelry. She always said it wasn’t her. She felt disguised.

  Robert grinned and snagged her close, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her back against his chest, nuzzling her ear and causing her to shiver in reaction. It had been too long, and sometimes he missed the frenzy during their first months together. The alcohol flowing through his veins was making him act unusually amorous, but this was a wedding and he hoped the two of them would soon head home.

  “You’re beautiful,” he murmured, nibbling on her earlobe. His hands snaked up her ribs, only to have her stop them from cupping her full breasts.

  Karen chuckled as she leaned into his embrace, “And you’re drunk. Behave yourself.”

  “Not entirely. Just a little tipsy. Besides, you’re driving on the way home. And where’s the fun in behaving?” he asked, nipping at the spot where her neck and shoulder met.

  “Good thing,” she said, tipping her head to the side to give him better access for the kisses he was placing up and down her neck. As everyone moved toward the small dock overlooking one of the ponds on the property, conversation continued around the theme of how beautiful the celebration had been.

  The wedding had been the epitome of what little girls’ dreams were made of. Gorgeous flowers. Lovely music. Good friends. Good food. And love was most definitely in the air. It was a wedding that no one would soon forget.

  After a nice dinner and more than a few toasts, it was time for the newlyweds Lee and Rocco to start their journey of living life together. They made a point of speaking to everyone as their guests left, leaving their best friends for last. Once done, they hurried to the waiting limousine, laughing and rejoicing that they were finally married and starting their life together as husband and wife.

  Robert grinned when Rocco dove into the limousine after his new bride, joined by everyone else as they observed the antics of the newly wedded couple. As the red taillights faded, Robert looked around to see Peter and Rachel approaching them.

  He was still holding Karen in his arms when Rachel stopped a few feet away and boldly asked, “So, when are you guys going to follow in their footsteps and tie the knot?”

  It was as if the next few moments happened in slow motion. He felt himself stiffen, the guilt he’d been dealing with since he first met Karen rushing to the surface and causing the truth to come spilling out in a big ugly statement that caught both women by surprise.

  Robert withdrew his arms from around Karen, taking a step backwards before looking at everyone with a pained face. He caught the wariness in Peter’s look, but it was too late. The words blurted themselves out of his mouth against his better judgment. “I can’t!”

  Peter’s look told him he didn’t like what was happening, but Robert couldn’t take the words back. The truth that had haunted him for three long years wanted out. He was frozen in this horrible moment as Karen turned to look at him. Hurt. Confusion. Shock. They were all there upon her face for the world to see.


  “I’m already married.”

  The silence was like someone had dropped a bomb, rendering everyone speechless and unable to react. Both women’s eyes opened wide and Karen took several stumbling steps fleeing from his embrace.

  He registered the shock in her eyes and briefly closed his own, cursing himself for having lost control of the situation. I should have kept my mouth shut.

  “Are you serious?” Karen’s voice was nothing more than a fractured whisper, and he could see the tears brimming in her eyes.

  What could he say? Yes, he was serious. Unfortunately.

  Robert stood there, motionless, and glanced at Peter with a silent plea for help. His best friend tightened his jaw, but stepped forward. He looked at his wife Rachel, and then Karen, before speaking to Robert, “So, the cat’s out of the bag now. You should have done this earlier and in a more appropriate way.”

  Robert blanched, knowing Peter was right and wishing he’d found a way to discuss this unpleasant topic with Karen when they didn’t have an audience.

  Nodding once, he swallowed. “I…I didn’t mean to tell her like this. The words just left my mouth before I could stop them.”

  His statement was forgotten as both women rounded on Peter. “You knew?”

  Peter hesitated for a moment and then nodded. “Yes. I did.”

  “How could you keep something like this from me?” Karen all but scratched his eyes out. “I thought you were my friend. How can you know this and not tell…”

  Peter grabbed Karen’s hands, apparently afraid she would use them to inflict severe damage on him, and added, “Karen. I’m sorry, but please understand that I was sworn to secrecy long before we became friends.”

  He looked at Robert and shook his head. “You have to figure this one out for yourself.” With a sympathetic glance for Karen, he grabbed Rachel’s hand and pulled her behind him, leaving Robert and Karen standing alone
on the dock.

  Karen was watching Robert, her arms wrapped tightly around herself, hate blazing from her eyes. “We’ve been together for three years. Three fucking years.”

  He watched her flinch as the sound of her own words echoed in her ears. Robert cringed at the unusual swearing and the torment in her voice.

  “Karen…” he beseeched her, holding a hand out to her. “Let me explain.” He took a step toward her but stopped when she took another hasty step away from him.

  “Explain? How do you explain away betraying me for three long years?” She paused and then continued, answering her own question. “I don’t think that’s possible.”

  Robert watched as she lost the battle with her emotions and tears began pouring from her eyes. He took a step toward her, his hands outstretched, but she slapped them away, tearing his heart out in the process.

  Chapter 2

  Karen was battling so many emotions, anger at the top of the list. How could he keep something like this from her for so long? Did their time together mean nothing to him?

  She squinted her eyes at him, holding herself in an effort to keep her emotions from spinning wildly out of control. Before she even knew she was going to ask, a question burst from her: “How long have you been married?”

  The pained expression on Robert’s face deepened as he answered with a coarse voice, “Four and a half years.” He looked contrite and she could tell he was feeling horrible, but she couldn’t be bothered with his feelings right now.

  Karen’s brain had difficulties assimilating his statement. “Four and a half years? For God’s sake. So you were already married when we met!”

  He nodded in response. “Karen…”

  “Don’t Karen me.”

  They had moved in together about two years earlier, and if anyone had asked her, she would have been positive there was no other woman in the picture. But now? She wasn’t sure anymore. For all she knew, he could be living a double life with some other woman somewhere else. God, I feel like my life just became one of those horror books.

  Before she could stop her mind from spiraling out of control, she began to imagine all kinds of wild things. Maybe he was a serial killer who married and then killed his women? And she wondered how many more things she didn’t know about him.

  Karen began to question everything. The frequent business trips. They might have been nothing more than a good cover for his dalliance with the other woman. She closed her eyes at the realization that in reality she was the other woman. How did this happen?

  While her mind was racing, Robert had closed the distance between them and reached for her hands. She started and looked up, to find her eyes held by his.

  “Please. Babe. Let me explain.” He squeezed her hands, tears brimming in his eyes.

  I cannot do this right now. She pulled her hands away and shook her head, “Robert…what is there to explain? You lied to me.”

  She faltered as a sob worked its way loose. Unable to deal with the emotions rushing through her she turned and stormed around the side of the building, her tears resembling Niagara Falls.

  Karen kept moving, not having a destination in mind, but with the need to put distance between her and the source of her hurt. The sidewalk ended fifty feet later at a gate and she collapsed to her knees. This part of the property was dark, and she curled in on herself, crying inconsolably into her hands.

  She didn’t know how many minutes had passed when she felt an arm slip around her shoulders. She stiffened, intending to pull away, fearful that Robert had followed after her. But as she started to shrug away from the touch, her brain recognized this arm was much too small to be Robert’s and she sagged in relief.

  “Karen, honey,” Rachel’s familiar voice reached her ear and Karen sniffed, trying to force words out of her mouth.

  Her best friend looked at her with compassion and silently waited, stroking her back, until Karen finally stopped bawling long enough to whisper, “He’s married.”

  Rachel pulled her gently into her arms and embraced her, continuing to stroke her back in an attempt to help her calm down. “Shush. You’re going to make yourself sick.”

  Karen collapsed in her friend’s arms, sobbing out her broken heart. Rachel just held her, murmuring words of comfort. After a time, Karen did her best to stem her tears, finally managing to do so. She took the tissues Rachel pressed into her hand and wiped her face off as best as she could.

  “What did he say?” Rachel asked when Karen finally had herself together.

  “You heard him. He’s already married.”

  Rachel nodded her head. “I heard. I’m as shocked as you are. Did he explain anything?”

  Karen shook her head. “I didn’t let him explain. It…it’s over…” Then she was crushed by another wave of forceful sobs.

  “Why don’t you come home with us tonight?”

  “I don’t want to intrude…” Karen didn’t want to be a fifth wheel, but until that moment she hadn’t given any thought to where she was going to stay tonight – let alone tomorrow. She lived with Robert, and there was no way she could be around him.

  “Don’t be silly. You won’t be intruding. Come on.” Rachel pulled her up and with an arm around her waist she led her toward the parking lot, where Peter was already waiting. Rachel left her standing next to the car and spoke with Peter for a moment, her words carrying across the distance like a whisper. “Karen will stay with us for the time being.”

  Peter glanced at Karen and then asked, “Did Robert explain?”

  Rachel shook her head, “No, she didn’t give him a chance. She might eventually be ready to listen, but not right now.”

  “I wish…” Peter began, pushing a hand through his dark hair in frustration. “Well, I guess my wishes don’t matter now.” He leaned over and kissed his wife’s cheek with a nod, “Sure, darling. You two drive to our place and I’ll go get her things. I make sure Robert gets home safely and then take a taxi home. I’ll be back as quickly as I can.”

  “Thank you.” She gave him a hug and a kiss and then turned and unlocked the car doors.

  “Peter is going to get some of your things before he joins us at our place.”

  Karen nodded, slipping into the passenger seat. “Thank you for this.”

  “Don’t mention it. This is what friends do. They help each other weather the storms of life.”

  “This is more than an average storm. More like a hurricane that just destroyed everything I thought I knew.” Karen glanced out the window feeling very lost and alone.

  “Karen, all storms pass and then there’s a sunny sky that appears. You’ll get through this; you just need a little time. For now, you can stay in our guest room for as long as you need to.” Rachel reached across the console and squeezed her friend’s arm.

  Karen gave her a tight-lipped grimace, wondering if she would ever smile again. The happenings had left her exhausted and sick at heart.

  Chapter 3

  Robert felt like his world was coming apart. He stood on the dock with sagging shoulders and an empty heart and stared at the side of the building Karen had disappeared around. He had lost the only woman he’d ever truly loved and there was no one to blame but himself.

  I should have told her. But I was such a coward.

  He turned and looked out over the water, shaking his head in dismay. So many times he’d tried to tell her his ugly secret, but he’d never been able to muster up the courage. His fears she wouldn’t understand and would leave him had always won the upper hand. Very justified fears, as things had manifested today.

  When he heard the sound of heavy footsteps, he didn’t turn around, knowing they didn’t belong to Karen.

  “Hey!” Robert recognized Peter’s voice and finally turned to see his best friend coming up on his left side, hands shoved into the pockets of his pants.

  “Did you see Karen?” he asked, his voice faint.

  Peter nodded. “Yeah. Rachel is with her. Karen will stay at our place for
a while. I’m supposed to get some of her things from your place.”

  Robert’s heart sank at those words. “Is she…?”

  “I don’t know. Right now, she’s pretty torn up. She needs some time. Let’s grab a cab. You can pick up your car tomorrow.”

  Robert took a bracing breath and nodded. “Fine.” Without another word, they headed for the parking lot and the waiting taxis. Robert gave the first driver his address, and he and Peter slid into the backseat.

  During the drive neither of the two men said a word. They didn’t need to. Robert and Peter had been best friends since childhood and they’d weathered many storms together: the suicide of Peter’s mother, Peter’s loss of his short-term memory after a hit-and-run accident, that fateful day when Robert got married. But nothing of this mattered now.

  Everything that mattered was that he’d lost the love of his life. Karen.

  Robert was lost in his thoughts, trying to hold back the urge to cry. No matter which way he envisioned the explanation he knew was needed, he didn’t see a solution. His guilt was overwhelming. Guilt and shame over the secret he’d held from anyone but Peter. Guilt over the hurt his actions had caused Karen. Fear she would never smile at him again, or trust him. The guilt was joined by a feeling of being lost in a storm without a way to navigate his way out.

  His mental recriminations were interrupted by their arrival at his and Karen’s place. Peter paid the taxi driver and they both headed inside.

  “I’ll pack up a few things for her,” he said as he unlocked the door. Peter waited in the living room while Robert entered their bedroom, only to be hit by a wave of pain. Our bedroom. Would she ever come back to him?

  Everywhere he looked, he saw signs of her. Karen’s brush lying on the dresser. Her jewelry in the small crystal dish. Her dark blue bathrobe hung over the chair by the bed where she’d left it earlier today as she got ready to attend the wedding. He let his fingers trace the soft material of the bathrobe and a lump formed in his throat. Her perfume lingered in the air, bringing a rush of tears to his eyes.


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