Learning to Drive... Him Crazy

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Learning to Drive... Him Crazy Page 4

by Misty Malone

  She didn't look at him as she said, "It sounds pretty bad the way you put it."

  "How would you put it?"

  "I failed my driving test and the very next day a shoe store I really like had a fantastic sale."

  "And that was the sale you went to yesterday?"

  After a rather long pause she said, "Um, well, actually, see—"

  "You went shoe shopping after you failed your driving test both times?"



  She heard the definite warning in his voice and instinctively said, "Okay. Yes, I went shopping both times. I felt really bad."

  Without another word John pulled her over his lap and brought his hand down on her jeans-covered bottom. He'd swatted her six times quickly before she was able to get her breath and say, "John, stop! What are you doing?"

  "Making sure you feel really bad again. But this time you need to feel bad for the right thing, for spending money you had saved for a car."


  "You heard me. You felt sorry for yourself and went out and spent the money you were going to use to buy a car, which would make it possible for you to have the job you really want. The job you've been working toward."

  He kept spanking her while he was talking, and he wasn't kidding around. She tried desperately to wriggle off John's lap, but without success.

  "You're not going anywhere, honey, until we're done, so you may as well settle down. Now, I told you I'm an old-fashioned kind of guy, and I meant that. I told you I want to protect you, and I do. I fully intend to protect you from whatever threatens to harm you, including yourself."


  He continued the spanking as he said, "Going on a spending spree is one form of a temper tantrum, and I will not allow you to throw your money away, along with your dreams, like that. You worked hard going to college and then working as Marilyn's assistant, learning everything you need to know to be able to hold the job you want. You also worked hard and made sacrifices to save enough money to buy a car, thus allowing yourself to have that job you worked so hard for. I will not just sit idly by and watch you throw all that away."

  "Owww! John, it hurts! You have to stop."

  "Of course it hurts, honey. This is a spanking, and spankings hurt. But they also should show you that I care too much about you to allow you to do things that will hurt you. And I will stop when I think you've learned the lesson I'm trying to get through to you."

  "Oh, please, John. I get it now. I do. Please stop."

  John hadn't taken her jeans down. He knew she definitely felt the spanking, but he also knew with her jeans and panties both on it wasn't hurting as badly as she thought it was. It was more shock and surprise on her part than pain. He didn't want to scare her off before they got their relationship going strong, though, so he stopped spanking, but kept his hand on her bottom. "Do you understand having a temper tantrum like that is hurting yourself, Alana?"

  She was crying as she said, "Yes."

  "The next time you're upset about something, I want you to tell me about it. We can talk about it. But I don't want you to go and spend money you had saved for something important. Do you understand me?"

  "Yes. I'm sorry."

  He turned her over and helped her sit on his lap, quickly wrapping his arms around her. "Okay, honey, it's all over. You're forgiven."

  Alana cried harder and buried her face in his shoulder. She grabbed his shirt and held on tightly. John wasn't sure why, but that touched his heart in a big way. He leaned down and kissed the top of her head again. With his mouth close to her ear, he murmured reassuring words to her as he held her tight in his arms.

  "Are you okay, honey?" he asked, when she'd calmed a bit.

  With her face still buried in his shoulder she asked, "Okay how?"

  He chuckled and said, "Let's talk a minute. First off, will you please look at me?"

  She shook her head. "I don't want to."

  "Why not?"

  "I'm embarrassed."

  "Why? Because you just found out that I care enough about you to do what I feel I need to do to protect you?"

  She peeked out at him. "That sounds much better than saying I did something stupid and you spanked me like a child."

  "You can say it that way if you want, but trust me, I certainly wasn't thinking of you as a child when I did it. I was thinking only of you and what's best for you."

  "And you thought that what's best for me right now is a sore butt?"

  "Yep. If that is what it takes to make you realize you're doing something that will hurt you. I won't sit back and watch you do it." He tightened his hold on her and said, "I just can't do that, honey."

  She laid her head against his shoulder and snuggled into his chest while she thought about what he was saying. He didn't say anything for a few minutes, and she was glad. She needed some time to organize her thoughts. Eventually she asked, "You said once that you want to protect me, right?"

  "Yes. Unless you tell me you don't want to see me again, I have every intention of protecting you."

  "From what?"

  "From whatever threatens you and your happiness and well being." She looked at him and he could tell she was thinking. He also knew if you didn't grow up with this concept, like he and Cal had, it might be difficult to grasp at first. He tried again to explain it. "Honey, I grew up with the idea that a man looks out for and protects the women in his life that he cares about. My father definitely looked out for my mother. As I've gotten older, I've realized that's just become part of me, part of who I am. Like I said, I may be an old-fashioned man, but it's me, it's who I am, and I doubt I could change now even if I wanted to. Which I don't," he added. "I like knowing I'm doing what I can to keep the woman that's important to me not only safe, but happy, as well."

  "How do you protect her from being unhappy?"

  "By not allowing her to do things that work against what will make her happy." He gently lifted her chin so she was looking at him and added, "Like spending money that she saved to buy a car, which would enable her to have the job she's wanted for a long time and has worked hard to have."

  She blushed again and tried to look down, but he held her gently so she was still looking at him.

  "Honey, I want to see you get your driver's license and buy a car. Then I can watch and encourage you as you become an event planner. I think you're going to be a good one, and I'm eager to watch your business grow and become very successful."

  She looked into his eyes and saw the sincerity of his words. She would have to take some time to think through what he'd said, but one thing she had to admit to herself was that right now, other than a sore butt, she felt good. She felt not only protected, but cherished. That was a feeling she wasn't used to, but she readily admitted she liked it.

  He continued to talk to her, answering any questions she had, while he kept her ensconced tightly in his arms.

  * * * * *

  Cal held Kelli's hand and let her lead him to her apartment. As soon as they got inside, however, he closed and locked the door, and took the lead. He brought her to the couch, where he sat down and pulled her down beside him. He wasn't sure exactly how to handle this situation. He'd had a very good time with Kelli tonight, up until they went golfing. He would very much like to see her again, unless her attitude during their talk was as it had been during the golf game. That could change his mind about pursuing a relationship.

  Kelli sensed something was amiss with Cal, but wasn't sure what. She hesitantly asked, "Would you like some coffee or something cold to drink?"

  "No, thank you. I would like to have a little talk, though."

  "Okay. About what?"

  "About Alana's headache."

  "Yeah, it's too bad. We were having a good time until she kind of ended it."

  His eyebrows rose as he asked, "So you really think she's the one that ended our fun tonight?"

  "Well, yeah, of course. We left because she got a headache."

  "Or at le
ast she said she had a headache and we left."

  "What are you saying? She was faking the headache just so we could leave?" Before Cal had a chance to respond she said, "You know, she was losing, so you may be right. She didn't want to lose so she faked a headache so we'd leave. I can't believe she'd do that."

  Cal held up his hand to stop her. This wasn't going the way he intended it to. He collected his thoughts a moment, then said, "Kelli, I don't think she actually had a headache, but I don't think she wanted to leave because she was losing."

  "Then why?"

  "Kelli, I saw her cringe and look at us apologetically a couple times when you got upset, especially when you cursed."

  Kelli was quiet a minute and looking down toward the floor. Cal hoped she was thinking about what he'd said. She looked up at him, shaking her head, and said, "No, I don't know why my letting a choice word or two slip would make her want to leave. I'll have to ask her tomorrow."

  Frustrated, Cal said, "Yeah, that's a good idea. You ask her tomorrow. See if I'm right, because I think she was embarrassed by your behavior. And frankly, I'm surprised you're not embarrassed by it."

  "Embarrassed? For simply saying a couple words you don't like? Why would I be embarrassed?"

  "Kelli, are you always that competitive?"

  "Oh, that," she said rather quietly.

  "Yes, that. Is that a common thing for you?"

  "Um, I do kind of get carried away occasionally."

  "Did you kind of get carried away tonight?"

  She paused and it appeared she was thinking back on this evening, so he gave her time. She sighed and said, "Um, sorry. I guess I kind of did, didn't I?"

  "Kelli, are you that competitive normally when you play any kind of game?"

  "Unfortunately, I have to admit I probably am. I know people have complained, and I've tried to change, but I just can't stop." After a pause she said, "Although I really don't see that it's as big a problem as some people say. Maybe they're just bad losers, or maybe they just need to get over it."

  Cal acted more on instinct than anything when he pulled her over his lap. He used his left arm to hold her in place, and gave her two good swats on her bottom. She immediately yelled, "What the hell are you doing?"

  He gave her two more swats, this time to her upper thighs, as he said, "Giving you the spanking you're in desperate need of. And cursing during a spanking will simply cause me to move the spanking to your thighs instead of your bottom. If you prefer your spanking there, keep cursing." He gave her two more swats on her thighs and said, "If you don't like being spanked on your thighs so much, then I suggest you watch your language."

  He paused a moment, and when she didn't curse again he moved the spanking back up to her bottom, where he gave her several more swats. He continued the spanking as he lectured her. "Kelli, I'm not sure what to make of you. You were a very nice young lady the other night when we met and during dinner this evening. I was looking forward to getting to know you better, doing things together. But then it's like you became a different person at the golf course. I wasn't real fond of that person."

  "Oww! Cal, please stop."

  "I'll stop when I feel you've learned the lesson I'm trying to teach you, Kelli." He continued spanking. "People don't like being with someone who acts like you were, Kelli. And your attitude here this evening has been very similar to at the golf course."

  "Ow! Okay, okay. I'll change. Just stop that, dammit! It hurts!"

  Cal didn't say a word, but reached underneath her and unfastened her jeans. "What are you doing?" she asked.

  "Apparently I'm not getting my point across, so I'm taking your jeans down. Maybe that will help you get the message."

  "No, don't do that. Please!"

  Without saying another word he brushed her hand aside and pulled her jeans to her knees.

  "Cal, no! We just met. You can't do this."

  "Kelli, we did just meet, and that's why I'm going to leave your panties on. But I already warned you about your language, both at the golf course earlier, and here during your spanking. Obviously spanking you over your jeans wasn't getting through to you, so we'll try it this way. We'll start with the two swats to your thighs you earned for cursing during a spanking again."

  She tried to wriggle free, but he held her tight and smacked her left thigh, then her right. "Now, once again, if you want me to finish the spanking on your thighs, go ahead and keep cursing." Again he waited a moment, but she didn't say anything. She did sniffle, though, and he noticed tears were now streaming down her face. He assumed that was more from embarrassment than from pain, since he hadn't really been spanking all that hard and it was over her panties and jeans.

  He moved the spanking back to her bottom, on top of her panties. "Sweetie, I want to talk to you a little bit about your language. You're a beautiful young lady, Kelli, and I hate to hear such ugly words come out of your mouth. You're an intelligent young lady, as well. I'm sure you have a good command of the English language and can find better words to use than those."

  Kelli was struggling to get off his lap, and when that didn't work she threw her hand back and covered her bottom. Cal simply switched back to her thighs for two more smacks as he said, "When you move your hand I'll switch back to your bottom."

  "But Cal, it hurts!"

  "I'm aware of that, Kelli. We were almost done until you put your hand back here. Now I have to give you six more for doing that. The six will be given as soon as you move your hand."

  "But I don't want six more!"

  "You've now had six more on your thighs." He gave her two more and said, "Make that eight more. And they will continue until you move your hand so I can give you your final six."

  She immediately moved her hand, sobbing now.

  "Very good, Kelli," he praised.

  His praise meant a lot to her, though she didn't know why. He could tell by her reaction that she didn't get praised enough, and he planned to remedy that, as long as she didn't kick him out and tell him never to come back after this spanking.

  "Okay, Kelli, we have six more swats and we're done. I want you to think about why you're getting this spanking while I give you these last ones. Can you tell me why you're over my lap getting a sore bottom?"

  She was still crying, but managed to say, "Because I was too competitive, and I cursed."

  "Very good." He handed her a pillow from her couch and said, "Now, hold onto this with both hands. Keep your hands on the pillow and don't put them back here again." He waited until she was holding the pillow with both hands, then gave her six solid swats at the tender spot where her bottom met her thighs.

  "Oww! Cal, no. That really hurts, da—"

  "Don't say it unless you want six more on your thighs, young lady."

  Kelli stopped quickly, and sobbed instead. Cal quickly finished the spanking. "That's my girl. I'm glad you didn't say it, Kelli. I really didn't want to have to spank your thighs any more."

  He gently rolled her over and picked her up, sitting her gently on his lap as he surrounded her with his arms. She was still crying, and he quietly told her, "It's okay now, Sweetie, you're forgiven. Lay your head against my shoulder and rest." He held his breath as she sat stiffly in his lap and didn't make any effort to move any closer to his shoulder. He kissed the top of her head. "I'm proud of you, Kelli. You're doing real well for your first spanking. Now there's only one part left."

  She glanced up at him, looking scared. "There's more?"

  "Only one part left," he told her. "That's the cuddling."


  "Yes, cuddling. This is where you lay your head against my shoulder and let me wrap my arms around you and tell you how special you are, and how if I didn't think you were special I wouldn't have taken the time or put forth the effort to spank you."

  "Really?" she asked warily.

  "Absolutely. Kelli, you are a special lady, you know. I had a real good time, at least up until the golf course. I'm hoping you'll go out with me again and
we can get to know each other better."

  "Even after what you just did?"

  "Of course. Kelli, if I didn't want to go out with you again I would have just walked away. I wouldn't have felt the need to help you be the best you can be. That's what a man does if he cares about a woman, you know."

  "It is?"

  "Well, it's what I do anyway. If I care about a woman, I want to encourage her any way I can to help her be the best she can be. And you need to know right now that this is one way I do that, with spanking."

  To his surprise, she picked that moment to lay her head against his shoulder and allow him to pull her a little tighter against him. He held her like that a couple minutes before she asked, "So you're saying if I go out with you again, you might do this again?"

  He chuckled as he said, "The cuddling, definitely. The spanking, more than likely, yes."

  "More than likely?"

  "If you earn another spanking, you will get another spanking." He pulled her in against his chest again and quietly added, "And then we'll cuddle again, just like this, special little lady." When she actually cuddled in against him he leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

  "I probably should get back down to Alana's before they start worrying," Cal said reluctantly.

  "I hate to see you go, Cal. I could stay right here like this all night."

  He bent down and kissed her lips gently. "I'm glad to hear you say that, Sweetie. Does that mean you'll have dinner with me again?"

  She smiled as she said, "Yes, of course I will. And I'm really sorry about tonight. I'm sorry I ruined our fun."

  "I've already forgiven you for that, Sweetie. I do think you should apologize to John and Alana, though."

  "I will," she agreed.

  They made arrangements to have dinner Tuesday, and after another quick kiss, he left and went back to Alana's apartment.

  He knocked on the door and heard John yell, "Hang on a minute." He was a little surprised when it indeed took John a minute to answer the door. John invited Cal inside, and Alana came out of the bathroom a minute or two later.

  Cal looked from one to the other curiously. "Did I come at a bad time?"

  "No, you're fine," John assured him.


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