Chapter 20: Marc Benioff and Suzanne DiBianca
1. Salesforce (n.d.). “Take the Pledge. Pledge 1%. 1-1-1
Philanthropic Model,” Available at https:// (accessed on January 1, 2019).
2. Salesforce (April 18, 2017). “1% to change the
world.” Video available at
watch?v=YApfNp4tG1g (accessed on January 1, 2019).
3. Pledge 1% (May 3, 2018). “Pledge 1% Announces
5,000 Members in Over 100 Countries at Collision,”
4. Harlow, Poppy (June 11, 2015). “Benioff: ‘The business
of business is not business,” CNN Money. Video available
index.html (accessed on January 1, 2019).
5. Wicks, Jason (2018). The Price of Profit: Rethinking Corporate
Social Responsibility. New York: Independently Published, 24
6. Leaders magazine (2012). “Shaping the future. Share the
model. An interview with Marc Benioff, Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer,,” 35(2). Available
LEADERS-Marc-Benioff-salesforcecom.pdf (accessed on
January 2, 2019).
7. Zakaras, Michael (July 21, 2016). “Salesforce Chief
Philanthropy Officer Suzanne DiBianca wants all companies
to drive social change,”
8. United Nations (May 28, 2015). “‘We are the first generation
that can end poverty, the last that can end climate change,’
Secretary-General stresses at university ceremony,” press
release. Available at
sgsm16800.doc.htm (accessed on January 2, 2019).
and platform economy, 14–15
Accenture, 15–16, 142
program creation at, 143
Activism, 177–181. See also
Amazon Web Services, 15
Corporate social responsibility Anderson, Chris, 102
(CSR); Social purpose
Anti-leaders, 98
Adidas, 140
Apps, development of, 85
Advertising, 121–122, 133, 140–141, Apple. See also Jobs, Steve
147. See also Marketing
advertising with, 139–140
Advertising Age, 128
art of reduction at, 7–8
Agon, Jean-Paul, 66
and creating markets, 87
Air America, 20
customer research at, 12
Airbnb. See also Chesky, Brian
design thinking at, 6
big data used by, 135
detail orientation at, 30–31
brand building of, 132–134,
as disruptor, 72
138, 148
and platform economy, 14
development of, 62, 131–132
and science of reciprocal actions,
and disruption, 73
location of, 85
software/hardware integration
online platform of, 14
at, 64
Air Liquide, 127
and TBWAChiatDay, 60
Alibaba, 45–50, 80. See also Ma, Jack Aqua, 191
Alibaba (Clark), 49
Architecture, interior, 111–112
Alipay, 5
Are You Smart Enough to Work at
All in one technology, 4–7
Google? (Poundstone), 96
Alternatives, and era of the and,
Arianespace, 65
Arnault, Bernard, 27–34
Always, 126–127, 136
about, xiii
Amazon. See also Bezos, Jeff
art and commerce by, 28–31
big data used by, 135
and brand building, 31–34
customer research at, 12
and integration, 64
infrastructure of, 79
and LVMH success, 27–28
Art, and commerce, 28–31
Brand building:
Art of reduction, 7–8
by Arianna Huffington, 147
Artzt, Ed, 33
big ideas in, 140–143
Auchan, 11
of celebrity brands, 148
Avamar, 77, 84–85
Brian Chesky on, 132–134
disruptive, 115–118, 134
with luxury brands, 31–34
Bain, 145
by Oprah Winfrey, 147
Baker, Josephine, 166
personal, 153–154
Ban Ki-moon, 198
and purpose, 125–129
Barrie, Neil, 133
Branson, Richard, 113, 117, 125
B-corporations, 187
Breedlove, Sarah, 165–167
BDDP, 111
Brin, Sergey, on core values, 95–99
Benioff, Marc, xi, 69, 171, 194–199
Brundtland, Gro Harlem, 183–184
Ben & Jerry’s, 177
Buffett, Warren, 86, 153
Bergé, Pierre, 29
Built to Last (Collins), 59
Berluti, 28
Bulgari, 28
Bernbach, Bill, 34
Burke, Jim, 60–61
Beyoncé, 153
Burke, Michael, 29
Bezos, Jeff, 11–18
Burnout, 163–164
as anti-leader, 98
Business, importance of ideas in, xii
and experimentation, 12–14
Business literature, 57
leadership of, 30
Business & Sustainable
platform economy headed by, 14–18
Development Commission,
Big Bazaar, 48
Bion, Ricardo, 135
Biyani, Kishore, 48
B-Lab, 187
C. J. Walker Manufacturing
BlackRock, 180–181
Company, 166
BMW, 85, 170
Bock, Laszlo, 96–97
CBC Bank, 136
Bohr, Niels, 66
Celebrity brands, 148–149
Boston Consulting Group, 145
Céline, 28
“Bottom of the pyramid,” 187–188
CEO activism, 177–179
Bottom-up disruptions, 69–71
Change, embracing:
Bowen, Howard, 168–169
and Alibaba, 50–51
and innovation, 81–82, 86,
activism by, 177–181
building, see Brand building
and self-disrupting, 35–37
celebrity, 148–149
Character, experience vs., 21
international, 190
Chaumet, 28
luxury, 31–34
Chemins de Traverse (Faber),
umbrella, 116
Chesky, Brian, 131–138
Corporate culture:
Airbnb development by, 131–132
and anti-leaders, 98
on brand building, 118, 132–134
defined, 91–92
Chiat, Jay, 60
and Disruption® methodology,
China, 51–56
all in one technology in, 5
at Google, 95–99
growth of, 53–55
importance of, 93
manufacturing in, 52
local, 50
technology in, 53
and one-person busines
China’s Disruptors (Tse), 50
Chobani, 179
of P&G, 120
Christensen, Clayton, 67–73
responsibility in, 38–41
about, 58
strict, 98
and bottom-up disruptions,
and talent acquisition, 110–112
at TBWA, 108–110
controversy with, 71–73
Corporate social responsibility
and disruptive innovation,
(CSR), 165, 167–170, 185,
196–197. See also Social
Christian Dior, 28
Cioran, Emil, 111–112
Cisco, 84
and advertising, 143–145
Clark, Duncan, 49
and commerce, 28–31
“Client centric,” 11
decline in, 76
Clow, Lee, 139–145
and marketing, 123
about, 139–140
at TBWA, 108–109
on brand building, 118, 140–143,
CSR, see Corporate social
147, 150, 153
Club Med, 70, 72
Cuaron, Alfonso, 105
Coca-Cola, 116–117, 134
Cultural Revolution, 36
Collins, Jim, 59–66
Culture, corporate, see Corporate
about, 58
and era of the a nd, 63–66
Curiosity, as corporate value, 109
mindset of, 59–61
on old vs. new economy, 87
company focus on, 11, 41–43
and striving for excellence, 60–63
and digital revolution, 11–12
Commerce, art and, 28–31
experience of, see Customer
Compensation, based on
performance, 38–40
research on, 12, 76, 123
Competition, in company culture, 39
users vs., 82
Connected devices, data collection
Customer experience:
through, 84
and employees first principle, 22
Contrarian model, 46–50
and experimentation, 13–14
Cook, Tim, 3, 86, 178
frictionless, 4
Diversity, as corporate value, 109
Dannon, see Danone
“Diversity Matters” (McKinsey
Danone, 116
Global Institute), 164
about, 183
Double 11, 45–46
criticisms of, 187
Dove, 62, 136, 177
CSR in, 171
Drucker, Peter, 24, 41, 61
disadvantaged populations helped DuPont, 85
by, 187–191
Dylan, Bob, 66
health focus at, 185–186
Danone Communities, 189
Danone Institute for Health, 186
Eastern Airlines, 20
Darwin, Charles, 86
eBay, 48, 83, 87
The Economist, 177, 190
disruptive, 135–138
Effectiveness, and creativity, 144–145
importance of, 83
Emilio Pucci, 28
and user experience, 135
using, 84
company focus on, 20–24
Dekas, Kathryn, 97
recruitment of, 21–22, 85–86,
Delivering Happiness (Hsieh), 20
Delphix, 77, 85
satisfaction of, 93
Deng Xiaoping, 52
stock options for, 103–104
Design, art of reduction in, 7–8
Entrepreneurship, in company
Design thinking, 6
culture, 38–39, 79
DiBianca, Suzanne, 194–195, 197
Equality, gender, 161–164
Digital advertising, 121–122
Era of the a nd, 63–66
Digital transformation, 11–12,
Expedia, 133
Experimentation, as strategy, 12–14
Disadvantaged populations, 187–191
Disney, 16, 87, 134
Disruption (Dru), 49–50
Faber, Emmanuel, 183–191
and CSR, 196, 198
bottom-up, 69–71
and disadvantaged populations,
controversy with, 71–73
future potential of, 202
on social justice in business
TBWA shaping, 108, 112–113
models, 171, 184–187
Disruption Days, 83
Facebook, 14, 83, 85, 137
Disruption® methodology, 112–113
Disruptive brand building, 115–118,
Jeff Bezos on, 13
Kishore Biyani on, 30
Disruptive data, 135–138
and disruptions, 71
Disruptive innovation, 67–68
and P&G, 126, 136
Disruptive social purpose, 179
Jim Peter Rohn on, 89
Disrupt or Die (Yueh), 77–78, 137
Fast Company, 5, 53, 132, 179
Faulkner, William, 63
location of, 85
Fendi, 28
users of, 82
Financial Times, 6, 120
Jedidiah Yueh on, 78
Fink, Larry, 180–181
Google Venture, 99
Fischer, Bill, 40, 42
Grameen Bank, 189
Five Levers for Change, 176
Grameen Danone Foods, 188–189
Fluidity, in business, 4
Great leaders, qualities of, 1
Forbes, 154
Grinnell College, 168
Forbes, 39, 43, 71
Grove, Andy, 46
Ford, 70
Guerlain, 28
Fortune, 46, 189
Guillon, Jean-Michel, 23
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 112
Gunn Report, 145
Fred, 28
Free products, 82–83
Frictionless customer experience, 4
Haier, 35–43, 72, 80–81. See also Friedman, Milton, 153, 169
Zhang Ruimin
Hamel, Gary, 58
Hardware, software integrated into,
Galliano, John, 29
6–7, 64
Gandhi, Mahatma, 202
Harvard Business Review:
Gapper, John, 6–7
on big data, 135
Gates, Bill, 3, 170–171
on category creation, 87
Gates, Melinda, 170–171
on corporate culture, 107,
Gatorade, 142
Gender equality, 161–164
on design, 7
General Electric (GE), 16, 80–81
on paradoxes, 65–68
General Motors (GM), 15–16, 30
Harvard Business School, 119
Gerstner, Lou, 113
Hastings, Reed, 102
Ghesquiére, Nicolas, 29
Health, 186
Ghosn, Carlos, 141
Hearst, William Randolph, 160
Givenchy, 28
Hellman’s, 177
Glass ceiling, 161
Hemingway, Ernest, 153
GM (General Motors), 15–16, 30
Hennessy, 28
GoFundMe, 170
Hewlett-Packard (HP), 84, 176
Good News Network, 157–158
Hinssen, Peter, 39
Good to Great (Collins), 58, 59
Hiring, see Employees, recruitment
and big data, 83
Houses, in LVMH, 28–30
corporate culture at, 93, 95–99,
HP (Hewlett-Packard), 84, 176
Hsieh, Tony, 20
driverless cars by, 6–7
Huawei, 52–53, 70
infrastructure of, 79
Hublot, 28
issues at, 99
Huffington, Arianna, 147, 157–161
Huffington Post, 158–163
life lessons of, 8–10
Human resources, 96–97, 103–104.
on paradoxes, 66
See also Employees
and TBWA, 109
Hunt, John, 109
Jordan, Michael, 153
Journalism, online, 158–160
“Just Do It,” 142–143
Ikea, 70, 72, 176
Immelt, Jeff, 16, 81
Industrial Revolution, 167–168
Kaepernick, Colin, 142
Kalanick, Travis, 98
in China, 53
Kantar, 129, 138
developing, 79
Kardashian, Kim, 152
disruptive, 67–68
“Keeper test,” 105
fostering, 77, 79–89
Kelleher, Herb, 19–25, 30
future potential of, 201
and employees first principle,
Steve Jobs on, 8–9
in New Economy, 75–76
and implementation, 24–25
women leaders and, 162
and quality vs. cost, 64
The Innovators’ Dilemma
Kenzo, 28
(Christensen), 67, 71
King, Nancy, 133
The Innovators’ Solution
Kodak, 70
(Christensen), 71
Koehn, Nancy, 61
In Search of Excellence (Peters), 58
Koons, Jeff, 29
Intel, 70, 85
Krug, 28
Interior architecture, in corporate
Kuhn, Thomas, 68
culture, 111–112
International brands, 190
Intuition, and creativity, 34
Language, in corporate culture, 112
Inventing Desire, 4
La Passion Créative (Arnault), 31
iPhone, 5–7, 71
Leading the Revolution (Hamel), 58
iPod, 4–5
Le Bon Marché, 28
Ive, Jonathan, 30–31
Le Figaro, 34, 112
Lego, 87
Lei Jun, 52
Jackson, Michael, 153
Lepore, Jill, 71
Jay-Z, 153
Lerer, Kenneth, 160
Jobs, Steve, 3–10
Levis, 117
about, xi
Li, Robin, 52
accomplishments of, 2
#LikeAGirl campaign, 126–127
on advertising, 139–140
Lincoln, Abraham, 165
and all in one technology, 4–7, 64
LinkedIn, 83
and art of reduction, 7–8
Li Shufu, 52
and detail orientation, 30–31
Literature, business, 57
innovation by, 86
Liu, Albert, 5
L’Obs magazine, 186
Migrants, 65
Thank You for Disrupting Page 24