No Accounting for Love [Club Libertine 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

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No Accounting for Love [Club Libertine 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Page 3

by Diane Leyne

  She seemed so unaffected, but he was getting totally turned on by the whole process. Was it going to backfire? If he got a full-on erection, he was going to have to excuse himself before she noticed. But her determined professionalism while discussing BDSM implements in one of the private dungeons got to him as he finally realized something.

  She was afraid. She was finding herself turned on by their discussion, and hopefully by him, but she wasn’t going let that interfere with business. He was sure that she’d been attracted to him initially, but then she started treating him like a eunuch, and she asked questions about the incline table and the various features and costs like they were discussing if she liked cream in her coffee. But when he saw her blush when he handed her the paddle so she could feel its weight, he had a surge of hope. Maybe she was as attracted to him as he was to her. That was good to know. He could be patient.

  He decided that she’d recently come out of a bad relationship. He wondered if it was a bad marriage. He could see that when she was feeling stressed, she fingered her left ring finger as if twisting a ring that was no longer there. Damn. Judging by how she’d withdrawn when he’d shown her a bit of interest and teased her, the bastard must have hurt her badly, and something he’d said or done had called the ex to mind.

  Duncan could wait. He had her five days a week for at least the next month. He’d plan his campaign and win her over. He hadn’t had a sub of his own for far too long, and he missed having that one special person in his life. He was thirty-five and ready to settle down. He just hadn’t realized it until he met Andie. Something about her called to him. He just didn’t want to fuck her. He wanted to soothe away her skittishness, to comfort her and build back up her self-confidence. He wanted her to realize just how beautiful she was and not feel anything but desire when he bent her over the spanking bench, paddled her ass, and then fucked her brains out.

  * * * *

  They walked back to the office area. He gave her a pass card to the private area and the passwords to the various computer systems. And then they spent the next few hours walking through the various systems. Before he knew it, it was almost seven.

  “Crap, doors open in an hour and I still have to set up. The new bartender starts tonight, and hopefully that’ll free me up and I won’t have to stay to closing every night.”

  “What are the club hours?”

  “We’re open from eight p.m. to two a.m. six nights a week, Monday to Saturday night. Sunday night is the only night we are closed.”

  “Have you ever considered opening on Sunday or for lunch during the week? Wait, hear me out. Not for, er, BDSM activities, but for lunch or drinks. Still members only, but another option for them to come out and relax with like-minded people. And more revenue for the club.”

  “I like it. All the partners are getting together for a meeting on Sunday and will want to talk with us about the progress we’ve made so far and our plan for the next few weeks. We’ll put together a proposal. I think they’ll like it. Also, if you can estimate how long it will take to get this mess under control and then just how much help you’ll need going forward. If you decide to work with me on the expansion plans, you’ll need at least one accountant-office manager to look after the day-to-day activities if you are splitting your time on the expansion plan. Think about it.

  “And also think about that tour. Saturday night is pretty busy here. I could show you around and you’d hardly be noticed. As I said before, I think the best plan is for you to blend in and be able to observe activities as my sub, but that’s your choice, of course. If you think you’d feel uncomfortable with me,” he added pensively, “there is always the twins.”

  “Both of them?” she squeaked. Duncan had chosen his words deliberately to see her reaction. He was pretty sure that he saw a little flare of interest in her eyes or even arousal at his words before she tried to cover it up. The thought of being with two men was something she’d probably never considered before, and it seemed to intrigue her, even if she was trying to hide her reaction. Duncan’s eyes narrowed. He was happy to be expanding her sexual horizons, but only if he were one of the men she was expanding horizons with.

  “Of course. They always share. It would look strange if you were only with one of them. Of course, they are known exhibitionists, so people would probably expect them to both take you up on the stage where everyone can watch.”

  Her eyes opened widely in alarm and a hint of sexual desire.

  “And that would be above and beyond the call of duty. Their younger brother Zack wouldn’t be so demanding as he’s just in training. But he’s only twenty-three and no one would believe that he could handle a woman like you. Yes. I think I am your best bet. Let me know tomorrow so I can get you something appropriate for a sub to wear and I can teach you how a sub is expected to behave with her Dom in public.”

  “What exactly do you mean ‘behave with her Dom in public’?” She ignored his comment about what she’d be expected to wear. She just didn’t want to think about it. “What are the rules, exactly?”

  “We can also work out the details like how you can signal me if things get too much for you so I can get you out of there. And before you ask, no, you can’t just ask to leave. Subs obey. Questioning or disrespecting your Dom at the club would be a severe punishing offense.

  “Now, I’m going out front to set up the bar. The twins should be here shortly. You can’t miss them. Tall, muscular, identical, wearing leather pants. And the rest of the staff should begin arriving, too.

  “You can let yourself out through the staff entrance when you are ready. I’m going to be working until four, so I won’t be back until probably two tomorrow, so save up your questions. You can set your own hours. Oh, and if you need anything for tomorrow, send me an e-mail. I’ll check them before I leave tonight and leave whatever it is on your desk.”

  * * * *

  Andie watched Duncan turn and walk away without another word, leaving her sitting alone at the desk. She wasn’t alone for long. Staff started trickling in. Lots of tall, muscular men, most of them wearing leather pants or really tight-fitting jeans. Many wore polo shirts with the discreet Club Libertine logo of a yellow, intertwined CL in a circle of green. They all greeted her in a friendly yet curious manner and then disappeared down the hallway to the locker room, returning generally topless or wearing leather vests or cuffs or something. It suddenly seemed warmer in the office, and Andie wasn’t sure if there was a problem with the air conditioning or if she was just overheating from all the attractive men.

  One of them came toward her. He was one of the tallest men she’d ever seen, easily six four or five, and he was also one of the most muscular.

  “Hi, I’m Jake Hughes. You must be Andie.” He held his hand out, and she automatically shook it. So this was one of the partners. She admired his good looks and physique, but she didn’t get the same jolt of attraction to him as she did when she was with Duncan. “How are you settling in?”

  “It’s quite a lot to take in”

  “It is indeed. Look, I have an idea. Feel free to say no. My girlfriend and sub Lindy is also new to the scene. In fact, she knew nothing about it until we started dating. Would you like to have lunch with her and ask her some questions? If you are going to be working in this business, even if you don’t participate, you need to understand it.”

  “Yes, Duncan said the same thing. His solution is for me to pose as his sub on Saturday so he can show me around and I can get a feel for the place.”

  She expected Jake to laugh at the ludicrousness of the suggestion, but instead he looked thoughtful.

  “That’s not a half-bad notion. You can immerse yourself in the atmosphere safely. Duncan’s a good man. Hell, I’d show you around myself, but since I’ve been with Lindy, I don’t play with other subs and everyone knows it. There’s also the twins, but once you meet them… and speak of the devil.”

  He laughed as the twins entered. Their long blond hair, blue eyes, and tall, muscular
physiques made them stand out under any circumstances, but in their leathers, they drew the eye. According to Duncan, the uncollared subs drooled over them, vying to be chosen when the twins decided to play, but none had ever caught their eye for long. With them was Zack, their baby brother. He was a bit taller and more slender than his brothers, but his long hair which he kept tied back was also blond. She was willing to bet that the younger subs drooled over him as much as his brothers.

  “Guys, this is Andie. She’s here to whip us into shape, accounting-wise anyway.” Jake did the introductions.

  “Nice to meet you, Andie. We really, really need you. Our books are a mess. We’ll even let you top us, from an accounting perspective,” Connor—or was it Liam?—teased her.

  “You ever been to a BDSM club before? You really need to understand the whole operation, especially with regard to the expansion plans.”

  Before she could answer, Jake spoke up. “Duncan’s going to show her around Saturday. She’ll pose as his sub. I’ll see if Lindy can meet her for dinner tomorrow or Saturday to go over club protocol so she can blend in.”

  “Great idea. We’ll keep an eye on you, but you’ll be in good hands with Duncan.” One of the twins checked his watch. “Well, time to get to work. Good to meet you, Andie. Tomorrow, we’ll try to get in earlier so we have time to sit down together and answer any questions you have. And Duncan will give you the details, but there’s a partners meeting on Sunday. Look forward to your presentation.”

  And then they all swept out into the club, and she was talking to herself.

  “But I never agreed to pose as Duncan’s sub. You were all supposed to laugh at that notion!”

  Chapter Five

  The next few days flew by. Duncan took great pains to keep the talk about work and very professional as he led her through the books and the expansion plans. He didn’t mention the plan for her to pose as his sub again. He wanted her to wonder if he’d forgotten about his suggestion but now it was time to remind her. .

  “Lindy should be along soon. I spoke to her, and she agreed to take you shopping after dinner.”


  “For something to wear tomorrow. I was going to pick something out, but she laughed at me. Really, Jake has to teach his sub something about respecting other Doms. But, anyway, she laughed and suggested she take you shopping to pick out something appropriate but that you’d feel comfortable in.”


  “Don’t worry. You’ll like Lindy. She’s smart and funny and has the best boobs I’ve ever seen. Jake’s a lucky man.”

  “You’ve seen her boobs?”

  He laughed. “BDSM club, remember. We’ve seen all the subs’ boobs. And the Doms’ cocks. But I try not to dwell on other men’s cocks.” He watched her blush. It was the first really suggestive thing he’d said to her in days. When he mentioned cocks, he’d seen her swiftly glance down at his before looking away. That was good. She was aware of his cock. He couldn’t wait to introduce her to it.

  “And another thing I almost forgot to mention. Mac called. His real estate guy has set up a few meetings in LA for Monday to look at properties. I’d like you to come with me. Pack for at least two nights.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “LA, big city in California. Perfect place for a Club Libertine location, don’t you think?”

  “Yes, but that’s not…”

  “Just think about it, okay?” Duncan looked over her shoulder and smiled.

  “Here’s Lindy. Go. Have fun. You’ve been working twelve-hour days. Tomorrow’s Saturday. Take it easy. Visit a spa. Relax. I don’t want to see you back here before six tomorrow. It’s going to be a long night, so make sure you get a good night’s sleep tonight.”

  * * * *

  Andie watched Lindy walk toward her. She had a great smile, making Andie feel like Lindy wanted to have dinner with her and not just as a favor to Jake. But her warm expression did nothing to ease the trepidation Andie was feeling. Her stomach was in knots over the thought of going on a business trip and being alone with Duncan for at least a couple of nights. She decided to put the trip out of her mind for now. She held out her hand.

  “Hi, I’m Lindy.”

  Two hours later and Andie felt like she’d known Lindy all of her life. The woman was smart and kind and funny. They were sitting back, sipping daiquiris, talking about life and men. Lindy told her about how she’d grown up in her sister’s shadow and how she’d always felt inferior because of her height and lack of grace. Andie told Lindy about her emotionally cold and demanding father and her emotionally abusive ex-husband.

  “I could never please him. I was never pretty enough or sexy enough or tidy enough. Nothing that I did was good enough for him. He convinced me that I failed in every measure of being a woman. Between the two of them, I now live in terror of not being perfect. I have such a hard time with failure. I have to be in total control, and it’s hard to let go.

  “So I’ve just been concentrating on work for the past few years. I’ve dated a bit, but I tend to spend so much time worrying about whether I’m doing the right thing. Even with sex. I can’t relax enough to enjoy it. I have to be thinking, planning the next move. What does he want me to do? How can I give him pleasure? And it takes me out of it. I can’t relax. And I never orgasm.”

  Lindy burst into laughter. Andie felt her face, once the words popped out of her mouth, turn bright red again. Damn, it is becoming a habit. Maybe it was the booze or maybe Lindy just made her feel like they had known each other forever, but she found herself telling Lindy things she had never told anyone that before.

  “Oh my god, I can’t believe I just spilled my guts to you like that. I’ve only known you two hours. You must think I’m an idiot. I wouldn’t blame you if you don’t want to hang out again.”

  “Cut that out. I feel it, too. Sometimes you meet someone and you just know you are meant to be friends forever. It’s like that with men. When I met Jake, I just knew we were meant to be together. That didn’t mean that it was easy or I even admitted it to myself right away, but I knew. And we’ve had a few bumps, but I’ve never regretted how fast our relationship moved. I believe in instincts, and I believe you are a good person and I want to be your friend.”

  Andie smiled. “Thank you. It’s been a while since I’ve had a good female friend, someone I could talk to. After the divorce, I moved to Seattle to start over, and I’ve just been working so hard that I haven’t really had time to make friends with anyone outside of the office.”

  Lindy held up her glass, and Andie clinked hers against it. “Here’s to friends. And now, let’s move on to the Q&A portion of the program. What questions do you have for me about tomorrow night? I’ll answer the best I can as I’m new to this, too. And then we are going shopping!”

  Andie colored at the thought of some of the questions she wanted to ask.

  “Go ahead, ask me anything. If I think it is too personal or don’t want to answer, I’ll say so, but there’s probably nothing you could ask that would shock or offend me.”

  “Is, are you, do you and he…” Andie trailed off. She couldn’t ask her new friend if she was sexually submissive to her boyfriend.

  “Yes, Andie. I am a submissive. I didn’t think I was, but with Jake, all I want to do is please him. He’s a Dom and has a strong need for control in the bedroom. I find it very freeing. I just have to obey and enjoy. No worries about am I touching him right, is my mouth giving him pleasure, et cetera. He tells me exactly what he needs and how.”

  “Does he ever…how do I say this?” Andie found herself coloring and then just blurted it out. “Does he ever punish you?”

  “Jake, Master of Pain.” Lindy used air quotes to highlight Jake’s title. “Yes he does. I actually enjoy being spanked. I even let him whip me once, and he was able to make me climax, but I can’t say I really enjoyed it or want to repeat the experience. But I wanted to understand what it is he does at work with those other women.”

  “Other women?”

  “Oh, yes. Jake isn’t just a dungeon master. He’s in high demand by Doms who want their subs whipped but aren’t skilled enough to do it themselves. In the past, some also wanted him to fuck their women afterward. That part has stopped now that we are together, but I’m okay with him whipping other women.”

  “And they really get pleasure out of it?”

  “It’s something about the release of endorphins, kind of a runner’s high. I felt it, but I don’t crave it like some of them do. Like I said, I enjoy getting spanked, either with his bare hand or with, er, something a little more painful. But it’s all about the pleasure. He knows my body so well.”

  “I can’t picture enjoying pain.”

  “Not regular pain, no, that’s not fun. But erotic pain is something different, and it has to be administered by someone who knows what they are doing and understands that their ultimate responsibility is to pleasure you and that the pain is just to drive your pleasure higher.”

  “And you submit to him?”

  “Yes. When we are home alone, I kneel naked at his feet and allow him to give me orders. And in return he makes me feel safe and loved and gives me earth-shattering orgasms.

  “Ultimately, my submission is my gift to him. I can stop things at any time using my safe word, and I know he’ll honor it. So I’ve never had to use it. With Jake, I’ve never felt so loved or protected, even if he’s turning my ass red.

  “But remember, it’s a personal choice. Submission is not for everyone. It works for us but never ever let yourself feel pressured into it if you don’t like the thought of it. But also, don’t resist giving it a try if you think you might like it just because it isn’t mainstream. Life is short, and love or even just attraction doesn’t happen often. Never reject it just because it doesn’t come in a plain vanilla wrapper.”


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