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Dead Reckoning_HZA, Vol. 3

Page 12

by Marty Brockschmidt

  Red watched, as Tim and Tracey slowly made their way, around the pumps. Tracey checked the cars, giving the clear signal to Tim. The two walked in formation, around to the front window of the store The window was filthy, making it hard to see in.

  “Should we help them out?” Red asked.

  “No, not unless Tim asks for help...he knows what he is doing.” Pete explained.

  “You ready?” Tim asked. Tracey just nodded, as Tim tapped the window. After a few taps, the moaning started. Tim signaled Tracey, the two walking back to the cars. “We got a few dead inside the store, I think it's worth clearing the place out..see what we can get.” Tim informed Tom of the situation.

  “This is all you Tim, tell us what ya need.” Tim checked out the area again, before going ahead with a plan.

  “Tom, I think me and you can take the dead in the store. I want Hap and Jimmy, to see what's in the pumps and the gas tanks. Jeff and Miri, will be look outs in the back and Red can cover us in front. Tracey takes look out duty on the road, Pete, Sue and Sheila keep the cars running, in case we need to get out of here quick.” Tom radioed the instructions to the rest, before joining Tim.

  “How many you think are in there?” Tom asked.

  “Sounds like two or three...could be the proprietors.” Tim waited for Tracey, Red , Miri and Jeff to get into position. “Doesn’t look like there’s been anyone here in a long time.” Tom agreed. “Seems like people left here in a hurry. I’d feel better if we were in and out of here as fast as possible.”

  Tim unsheathed the knife on his hip. “The quieter the better.” Tom followed suit.

  “All clear.” Tracey radioed in, followed directly, by Jeff’s all clear.

  “Let's do this.” Tim approached the door, pushing it open, then backing off. It took a bit, but the shuffling corpse, of an older woman, came into view. She was wearing, a long faded blue skirt and what looked like, a uniform top. She clawed at the side of the door, before stepping out. Tim and Tom kept their distance, forcing the woman, to come to them.

  “She’s mine.” Tom stepped up and stabbed it thru the head. The next one thru the door, was an older man, wearing overalls, with a dingy t-shirt underneath. He was a big man, probably 6’2, 200 lbs in better days.

  “Come on big guy, keep comin.” Tim watched, as the stumbling corpse came closer, hands outstretched, teeth gnashing. Once it got close enough , Tim cracked it’s knee with his boot, causing the corpse to fall down hard. Tim stuck his knife thru the thing’s ear, backing away quickly, in case there were more to come. Tim and Tom waited, but no more zeds came out. Tim moved in further, taking a quick look around. “Okay Hap, you and Jimmy try the pumps.” Tim radioed to the older man. “Make it fast buddy.”

  “You got it boss.” Hap and Jimmy started siphoning, whatever gas. was left in the pumps and the cars. Tim went further into the store, shining a flashlight around the immediate area. The musty smell, along with the unmistakable stink of the dead, was overwhelming.

  “What a stench.” Tom entered behind Tim, a handkerchief over his mouth and nose. Both had guns drawn, as they went in further. Red was keeping an eye out in front, in case the two got into trouble.

  “Stay close.” Tim said, as he led the way toward the front counter. Everything was dusty and the air was thick, but it looked like not much was taken from the shelves. Tim and Tom continued their search, until they were sure, there were no more zeds inside.

  “Hey, look at this.” Tom shined his flashlight on the counter, by the cash register. An open prescription vial, lay overturned on the counter. Tom walked around the counter, seeing two more vials on the floor. “Diazepam and Ambien…” Tom shined the flashlight under the counter. “...I guess they opted out.”

  “Too each his own.” Tim walked over to Tom. “Lets get what we need and put some distance, between us and the Inferno, Red spoke of.”

  “Sounds good to me.” Tim walked to the front door, giving the all clear sign to the rest of the group. Red joined them, while Tracey stayed on watch.

  “Red get the empty sacks in the van…” Tim turned to Tom. “...Tom you know the drill, grab whatever plastic, or paper bags you can find.” Tom did as he was told. Red returned with three cloth sacks, Tom with a hand full of plastic bags. “Batteries and medical supplies first.” Tim grabbed a cloth sack and led the way. Red cleared the pain med shelf, Tylenol, Ibuprofen and pain rubs. Tom grabbed the gauze, medical tape, rubbing alcohol, peroxide and bandages. Tim found batteries, a few lighters and some butane. Red grabbed a few packs of bubblegum for the kids, along with what was left of the water bottles, in the coolers.

  “Been a while since we’ve seen any place with this much stuff left.” Tom said, as he met up with Tim and Red at the front counter.

  “Let’s pack it up.” All three walked out with full sacks, bringing them over to the trailers. Hap and Jimmy, were just finishing up with the gas, having just about filled, two five gallon containers. “Jeff, come on back, we’re ready.” Tim radioed to the couple. Jeff and Miri were quick to return, helping pack up the supplies. Red slid into the van, next to Lizzie, the caravan getting ready to pull out.

  “Red, I need to pee.” Lizzie whispered. Red tapped Pete’s shoulder.

  “We need a minute.” Pete radioed the other two vehicles, informing them of the hold up. Red grabbed her rifle and got out of the van, followed by Lizzie.

  “You two ok?” Red asked Arianna and Mitchell, before shutting the door. Both children gave the thumbs up sign. Tracey, who was still standing by the SUV, joined Red and Lizzie.

  “Can never have too much back up.” Tracey said, as the girls walked to the side of the store, out of view from the caravan.

  “We’ll be right here Lizzie.” Red and Tracy turned their backs, giving the young girl some privacy. Red could see, Tracy had something on her mind. The term, wears her heart on her sleeve, was invented for this moment.

  “I, um...heard you talk about the Inferno back at the camp…” Tracey hesitated. “...did you have trouble with them?” Red looked at Tracey, the anguish visible on her face. She remembered Sheila telling her, about Tracey’s time with the Inferno.

  “They murdered friends...many friends.” Red looked away, checking on Lizzie. The emotion was still hard to handle, but Red kept it at bay.

  “I want them all dead, every one of the bastards.” Tracey said angrily. “No mercy for that crew of animals.” Red turned and looked Tracey in the eye.

  “We’ll be ready for them if they come at us.” Was all Red said. Its all she needed to say.

  “Ready.” Lizzie stood between the two women.

  “Let's get outta here.” Red led the way back to the caravan, Tracey bringing up the rear.

  “All set.” Pete radioed over the walkie.

  “We have less than an hour until Baxter, we should make it there before dark.” Tim radioed back.

  “Copy that.” Tom chimed in. The caravan started off towards Baxter.

  At the outskirts of Baxter, Tim picked up the walkie. “There’s a rest stop coming up in a mile, let's pull in there.”

  “You got it.” Tom replied.

  “Right behind ya.” Pete followed suit. The kids had dozed off in the van, waking up when the walkie crackled.

  “Are we there yet?” Lizzie yawned.

  “Almost sweetie.” Sheila answered.

  “Tracey and I are gonna do a sweep of the area, sit tight.” The duo checked the immediate area, before heading down the small trail, that surrounded the rest stop. After about ten minutes, they returned. Tim gave the all clear sign and the group got out and stretched their legs.

  “How we lookin?” Tom asked.

  “There’s an outhouse half way down the trail, no living.” Tim motioned in the direction of the trail. “We can pull the cars down there, no problem and no one will be the wiser.”

  “Jeff...Pete, get the van and the SUV outta sight.” Tom directed the two men. Tracey walked ahead, showing the way.

>   “Once it’s safe and we find a place to settle, Hap will come back for ya.” Hap nodded, getting in the Ford Focus. “Red, I’d like you to accompany us.” Tim said, getting behind the wheel.

  “Hey Lizzie, here ya go.” Red pulled out two packs of bubble gum, from one of the pouches of her jacket. “You make sure you share with the other kids.”

  “I will, thank you ma’am.” Lizzie gave Red a quick hug. “I mean Red.” The young girl corrected herself, causing Red to chuckle, as she settled into the back seat.

  “If there’s trouble, you’ll see the flare.” Tom nodded, before tapping the roof and stepping back. Tim pulled onto the road, heading toward Baxter.

  “Red, how experienced are you with scavenge runs?” Tim asked.

  “I’m a good shot, I would provide cover for the crews.” Visions of Rex, being torn apart. came to her mind. “I know things can go sideways in an instant.”

  “Yes they can. I’m guessing we do things a little different, than what you’re used to. Right now, we are looking for a camp site, out of the way and defensible. With Hap here, we don’t have to focus on food all the time. Being constantly on the move, we need gas. We are going to be travelling, through the Chattahoochee, into Tennessee. Shouldn’t be many zeds or people, but this is our last best chance, to get enough gas, to make that final push.” Tim filled in the new recruit.

  “Pump the brakes Boss, take that right up ahead.” Hap said.

  Tim took the turn, onto the winding dirt road and passed under the sign, ‘Double R Ranch Riding Stable’. Tim pulled down the long drive and parked between the barn and house. It was obviously a Mom and Pop operation, but plenty big, for their little group.

  “Let’s make sure we don’t have company.” Tim, Hap and Red cautiously looked around, before walking towards the house.

  “Propane tank.” Hap walked over checking the gauge. “Half full.”

  “There’s a wood pile over here, still well stocked.” Hap waved at a couple of cord split and stacked.

  Moving back to the barn, they swung the doors open wide, after assuring themselves it was quiet inside. “We can fit the cars in here too and we can keep watch from the loft, good view of the road coming in.” Red pointed out.

  “Hunting will be good, with all those trails leading into the forest, we can…..” Hap stopped short. “Did y'all hear that?” Red and Tim immediately raised their guns.

  Tim nodded slowly walking towards the sound, just beyond the barn, Red backing him up.

  “Holy shit…”

  Chapter 5 - Princes

  “Yo Uptown. You lost?” Sammy T called out to the man walking in his direction.

  Paulie lowered the hood of his sweatshirt and smiled sheepishly at his attempt to appear ghetto. “No. Not if you're Sammy T. I was told you were a man who could get things.”

  “Depends on what you’re looking for. Can't get you no smack or coke, that shit ain't comin in no mo. Got some good hydro grass and some Ho's.” Sammy T replied.

  “No I'm good there. This is what I'm looking for.” Paulie responded handing Sammy T a piece of paper.

  “This is a shitload of guns Uptown. What's a white boy like you need with so many guns?” Sammy T questioned.

  Paulie snorted a laugh. “You do know the dead are rising, don't you? It won't be long before the dead will run Atlanta.”

  “Sammy T runs Atlanta. Isn't that so Warchild?” Sammy T challenged.

  The biggest black man Paulie had ever seen turned to answer. “Sho is.”

  “Now that we got that settled, what you gonna do with all these guns?” Sammy T pressed.

  “Fortune favors the prepared mind. I'm leaving town and I need protection against the dead.” Paulie answered.

  Sammy T looked at him incredulously. “You just gonna pull up stakes and leave everything behind? You gonna feel foolish when this turns around.”

  Paulie scoffed. “How many people do you know are missing? When was the last time you saw a cab? An ambulance?” Paulie's voice raised to a near hysterical pitch. “When was the last time you saw a fucking cop?”

  Sammy T laughed. “Okay Uptown, you made your point. If you got a hundred G, I got your guns. Now what you really need is some muscle. You sweeten the deal to two hundred fifty G and I'll deliver the guns and bring enough men to protect you until you’re ready to leave town.”

  Paulie breathed deep. “Little steep don't you think?”

  Sammy T held his hands out and shrugged. “Supply and demand Uptown. Can you scrape up the cash?”

  Paulie dug a card out of his pocket, but held it back. “Can I trust you?”

  Sammy T nodded. “I'm a businessman Uptown. I'll play you straight, just as long as you don't try to cheat me.”

  Paulie handed him the card. “I'll have the money by eight.”

  After leaving Sammy T, Paulie headed to his companies main office. For the past couple of weeks he had been letting cash build up in the safe, rather than making daily bank deposits. He didn’t really think cash had value anymore, but to someone like Sammy T, cash was still king. Paulie counted out twenty five hundred, hundred dollar bills and placed them into his briefcase.

  Rita met Paulie at the door of their apartment, handing him a glass of whiskey on the rocks. “Everything go okay Babe?”

  Paulie took a sip before answering. “I think so. We’ll know in a couple of hours.”

  Rita looked at him quizzically. “What happens in a couple of hours?”

  “Our guns get delivered. I also arranged for some protection for us.” Paulie replied.

  “Being awful trusting ain’t ya?” Rita teased.

  Paulie sighed. “It’s a gamble, but we need some way to hang in there a couple more days. The cops aren’t making any effort to round up the dead anymore. The dead are about the only things you see out there now. Do you know, I had one step in front of my car. I hit it straight on. It just got back on its feet and kept moving.”

  “Can’t we just leave now? Tell our friends where to catch up with us?” Rita pleaded.

  “Rita, I’m doing the best I can. There are things we need and I can’t risk our friends inviting everyone they know to come along.” Paulie retorted.

  “I know you are Baby, I just wish you would focus more on us and not all our friends.” Rita replied.

  Paulie cupped Rita’s chin and tilted her head up for a kiss. “You are my world, everything I do is for you.”

  Rita hugged him for a bit, nestling her head against his chest, then stood back. “Can I get you anything to eat?”

  Paulie grabbed the nearly full bottle of whiskey. “This will do.”

  Paulie took a seat on the couch with Rita curling up next to him. “Andy and Claudine will be here in the morning. Andy and I will get the RV and get everything loaded. Day after tomorrow. we are out of here.”

  Paulie put his arm around her and filled his glass. They sat that way long enough, for Paulie to drain and fill his glass three more times. Eventually Paulie stood up, the liquor making him a little unsteady. “I better check over my lists again, before I get to snoggered.”

  Rita heaved a sigh, went over to the bar and pulled out a tray, with a significant pile of cocaine on it. Using a razor blade, she cut out a small portion and formed it into two lines. Picking up a short straw, she placed it into one nostril and quickly snorted in the two lines. Rita tilted back her head, closed her eyes and let the rush of the drug flow through her. Putting the tray back, Rita headed to the bedroom to pack. Paulie had initially restricted her to two bags, but with a fashion show of some of her most seductive outfits, he allowed her four bags.

  Rita separated the clothes into two piles. One to be sensible and one for fun. A little good and a little bad. The only problem she had, she liked being bad more than she did being good. Her packing decisions were interrupted, by the apartments call buzzer sounding, followed by a voice. “Uptown open up, got your goods as promised.”

  Paulie buzzed them in. “Take the elevator up
to the penthouse floor.”

  Rita came out of the bedroom, still wearing the white spandex dress she had been trying on. “You are just going to bring them in?”

  Paulie was busy watching for them through the peephole. “I'm paying them a good deal of money for this.”

  Before Sammy T could knock Paulie opened the door. “Bring it on in.”

  Sammy T came in, his muscles bulging against the heft of the case he was carrying. Warchild and another man followed, carrying a double stack of long crates. Paulie pointed to a spot on the floor, just inside the door and the men set their loads down.


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