Dead Reckoning_HZA, Vol. 3

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Dead Reckoning_HZA, Vol. 3 Page 14

by Marty Brockschmidt

  “Give me my motherfuckin warehouse and I'll back you Samm...ael.” Diabolus allowed.

  Samuel was not some kid easily infatuated with a pretty face, but damn that bitch had crawled into his head and he was going to have her. As he tapped on the door he was looking forward to seeing Rita and telling her the plan they had hatched last night was coming together. His mood deflated when Paulie answered the door and he could see the new couple seated in the dining area. Paulie waved Samuel in. “Did you get your business taken care of?”

  “Yeah, I took your advice, we're cuttin out in the morning to.” Samuel answered. “Looters gettin bad out there, I gots Warchild out there hangin our colors, none of them motherfuckers will mess with this place.”

  Paulie walked across the room putting an arm around Rita. “That's thinking ahead.”

  Samuel shrugged. “Won't be nothin if they don't start nothin.”

  “Well hey, we're all packed up. If there is anything here you or your guys want feel free.” Paulie offered.

  Samuel walked over, passing close to Rita and grabbed a beer. Rita directed her attention to Paulie. “Sweetie tell us your adventure.”

  “It's crazy out there. Bands of looters, breaking windows, loading up with anything they can grab onto. People trying to get out of town, the highways are getting backed up, lucky Andy knows the side roads.” Paulie stopped to drink some water.

  “Uh. We got to the RV dealer outside of town.” Paulie tapped Rita's bottom. “Don't worry Baby, you'll be riding in style.”

  Rita gave him a side hug. “As long as we're together. That's all that matters.”

  Paulie smiled and held her tighter. “We picked out the RV. To get the key, Andy just drove his jeep through the glass, onto the showroom. We were looking at the board for the key and the salesman must of been bit, had locked himself in. He had died and the racket we made drew him out. Andy just shoved the shotgun at me, saying 'Just point it at its head. It's loaded with buckshot, you can't miss.'

  “Oh my goodness how scary for you.” Rita said in amazement.

  “I just did what Andy said and it's head literally disintegrated.” Paulie concluded.

  Andy smiled, remembering the whole thing going down a little different. In the end Paulie had taken the shot, that took out the dead salesman and that is all that really mattered. Samuel scowled in Rita's direction, fawning all over her white bread boyfriend, for bustin a cap on some dead freak. Samuel couldn't imagine what game she was up to, but didn't like feeling he had been played.

  The two couples eventually drifted off to their bedrooms, leaving Samuel, to guard the interior of the apartment, alone. His mood further darkened, when he heard the sounds of lovemaking, coming from Rita and Paulie's room. He gave serious consideration to ending the four and just taking their RV of supplies. He wanted it all though, the safe base, Rita and to be king.

  Rita came out of the bedroom, wearing a short red satin robe, that extended barely past her hips. Samuel looked in her direction, as she quietly closed the bedroom door. She walked seductively across the room, towards Samuel. The robes sash, loosely held it closed, the swaying of her unfettered breasts, reminding Samuel, in part, of why he wanted her.

  Rita stopped in front of Samuel, smiling up at him. “Your day went well?”

  Samuel sneered. “Bitch, what is this game your playing? You with him or me?”

  Rita continued to smile, as she took Samuel's hand. “You. Always you.”

  Samuel was unappeased. “Then why you doin your boy in there Bitch?”

  Rita continued toying with Samuel's hand, bringing it up to kiss his fingers. “I needed Paulie to sleep, so I could come to you. Unlike you, my king, he is a one and done kind of man. We need to keep up pretenses, until we get the location, of the property Paulie has.”

  “Bitch, if you're thinkin to use me, you gonna regret it.” Samuel warned.

  Using his hand, Rita lowered herself to her knees. With her teeth and tongue, she unzipped his pants. She put her hand into the fly and pulled him out. She stroked him slowly with her hand, looking up at him. “Don't call me bitch again. Call me Lilith.” She stated, taking him into her mouth.

  Samuel tilted his head back and rocked his hips slowly, syncing with her movements. When finished, Lilith swallowed and licked her lips, with the tip of her tongue. She stood and kissed Samuel, darting her tongue into his mouth. “I'm sorry that will have to hold you, until we finish things tomorrow.”

  The two couples were up before dawn. Their mood was upbeat, almost as if they were leaving on a vacation and not leaving the ties to their life behind. They, Samuel and his people, all descended, via the stairway. The buildings power had been provided by a natural gas generator, the ending of the flow of gas one more sign that civilization was slowly grinding to a halt.

  Samuel broke his people off at the first floor, offering to create a diversion to pull any dead away from the underground parking garage exit. Using flashlights, Andy in the lead and Paulie covering from behind, they made their way to the vehicles lined up at the exit. Claudine got into Andy's jeep and Rita a seat in the RV. Paulie raised the door of the parking garage, with Andy backing him up. As soon as the door was open they moved quickly to their vehicles.

  They travelled together to get out of Atlanta. The numbers of the dead have been growing exponentially and had reached the tipping point. Once clear of the city, Andy pulled over to say goodbye to Claudine. “I'll see you before dark.”

  Claudine wiped back her tears. “You had better, you have a promise to keep.”

  Andy kissed her goodbye. “You know in my heart, you are my wife.”

  Claudine smiled. “Oui, I know, still, it is good to hear you say it loud.”

  Andy walked Claudine to the RV and helped her in. Waving them off he called. “Paulie, I’ll see you before it gets dark.”

  Paulie took off with a toot of the RV’s horn. The drive to Fellers park was not long and they arrived while it was still early in the morning. Paulie did as much of a circuit of the park as the big RV and the trailer it was pulling would allow, before pulling into the site they had agreed to meet. “Looks like we are the first ones here.”

  Rita popped out of her seat. “I'm going to take a nap.”

  Paulie was left with Claudine, thinking how lucky Andy was. Rita was sex on steroids, funny, a dream to look at and in her own way, supportive. However, Paulie always knew Rita’s main interest in him, was the wealth and status he had. Claudine truly was deeply in love with Andy and could care less of the size of his bank account, or place in society.

  Andy wasn't the only friend that he had shared his fears, of what was coming. At first, he took some ribbing, which turned to concern, for his mental stability. Paulie knew the timeline was short, wanted his friends with him and continued to press them, to make plans to join in this move. Ultimately, they couldn't deny, that Paulie had been right and agreed to joining up, at their old party spot.

  Phone service had gone down in the past couple of days and Paulie could only hope they were able to make the trip. “Claudine, looks like we got some time to kill. Would you mind helping me setup?”

  “Not at all.” Claudine replied.

  Paulie checked that the shotgun was loaded and slipped it over his shoulder. He was still getting used to handling a gun, but understood they were part of his reality now. Claudine double checked the pistol, Andy had given her the day before. “Do not worry, Andy has given me lessons.”

  The two left the RV and ascended the slight rise to the campsite. There really wasn't much to set up. They moved the picnic tables together and picked up some trash. “When it's like this, I tend to forget how … fucked up it's gotten.” Paulie said, with a nervous chuckle.

  Claudine put a hand on his shoulder. “Andy is proud of you and what you've pulled together.”

  Paulie scoffed. “This is nothing more than product distribution. Other than Andy … and you of course … I wonder if I could have picked better companions f
or the end of the world.”

  Claudine shrugged. “You wanted your friends with you. That is understandable.”

  Before Paulie could respond another RV pulled in behind Paulie's. James and his wife Suzanne came out and joined Paulie and Claudine at the campsite. James waved a hello. “What's up bitches?”

  James came up with his customary swagger, Suzanne a wallflower, existing in her husbands shadow, was visibly on edge. Claudine went to Suzanne and led her back to Paulie's RV. “We'll put some lunch together.”

  In the RV Claudine went to a cupboard and pulled out a bottle of wine and a bottle of tequila. “How bad are your nerves rattled?”

  Suzanne pointed to the tequila, Claudine poured a couple of fingers worth and Suzanne indicated a bit more. “A rough trip?”

  Suzanne downed the drink in a gulp. “It was just pulling out of Valdosta. The dead were massed blocking our way. James just slammed his foot down on plowed through them. It was horrible, we were bouncing over bodies, parts of their bodies were sent flying, blood spattered the windshield and the smell. God that smell.”

  Claudine refilled Suzanne's glass. “I am relieved you made it through.”

  Suzanne played with the glass for a bit before pushing it to the side. “Did we? I'm not so sure.”

  James considered the shotgun slung over Paulie's shoulder. “What is that a Remington?”

  “Yeah 870 pump. Andy thought it would be the quickest for me to learn.” Paulie answered.

  James huffed in disdain. “Ahh Andy thought. With your bucks, I'd think you would have a fancier rig. Check these babies out. Desert Eagle, they'll make Andy's 45 look like a popgun.” James bragged drawing the pistols holstered under each arm.

  Paulie glanced at the pistol. “Mmm shiny.”

  James haughty response was cut off by another RV pulling in. “Hey who do we have here?”

  The RV's window slid opened and Matt waved. “Hey guys we're here.”

  Matt and his wife Marney came up and joined Paulie and James. Claudine and Suzanne followed, Claudine carrying a tray of sandwiches and snacks, Suzanne had a couple bottles of wine and glasses. The friends began catching up, as the last two RV's pulled in. Phil and his wife Renee, followed by Benjamin and his current paramour Steven.

  Rita came out of the RV, having changed into a pair of white short shorts and a red sleeveless top, carrying more wine. While the friends refilled their glasses, James pulled a joint from his shirt pocket lit it and passed it to Suzanne. James pulled a second joint from his pocket and passed it left to Matt. “So Paulie, tells us about this place you have?” Matt said straining to talk and hold in the smoke at the same time.

  “This was my parents summer place. I haven't been there since high school, but my parents pretty much finished out their days there. It's a large plantation style home, near the Alabama state line. The house sits on a large tract of land and a tall wrought iron fence, surrounds the house and yard. It is a rural location and the electricity was always going out, so my Dad had a backup generator installed, that runs off the propane supply.” Paulie stopped to pass on the joint handed to him.

  “I couldn't bring myself to sell the place after my Mom passed away. Luckily, I've kept Conroy and his wife Estelle on as caretakers. Through Conroy, I was able to have two more propane tanks delivered and got him some funds, to reinforce the fence. I talked to Conroy last week and they are ready for us to arrive.” Paulie finished.

  “Sounds damn good Uptown.” Sammael exclaimed, as he and his men emerged into the clearing, to confront the friends.

  More of Sammael's men came up from behind the line of RVs, roughly frisked the eleven friends and removed their weapons. Sammael personally frisked Rita, who loudly protested the groping. “Watch it, I'm not hiding anything.”

  The friends were forced to their knees in a semi-circle, a gang member holding a pistol to their heads. Sammael stood over Paulie. “This ends only one way, you givin me all your shit.”

  Paulie reached into his pocket and pulled out the RV keys and tossed them at Sammael's feet. “There you got it.”

  Sammael squatted down to look Paulie in the face. “Gonna need the house too.”

  Paulie squeezed his eyes shut trying to figure a way out of this. “You have the numbers, your strong. That house is all we have. It is our only chance.”

  Sammael stood up. “Warchild, man needs to see we mean business.”

  Warchild pulled up Claudine by her hair and tossed her to three other gang members. They began pushing her around tearing at her clothes. Claudine screamed expletives in French, clawing at them with her nails and kicking at their groins. None of that stopped the men from stripping and beating her. Warchild grabbed her once again and back handed her hard against the side of the face, sending her flying to the ground.

  “Paulie do something.” Rita screamed.

  “Stop. Stop. Stop. You don't have to do this.” Paulie protested.

  There was no stopping what Sammael had put into motion. Warchild stepped over to Claudine and with a kick of his foot, flipped her to her stomach. He knelt between her legs and picked up her hip. “Kneel.” Warchild demanded in a guttural tone.

  Holding her face in the dirt with one hand, he held her hips up with the other and entered Claudine roughly, causing her to wince in pain. Paulie screamed. “Stop. God Damn it, please stop.”

  Warchild finished his rape of Claudine quickly, pulled her head up and drew his knife across her throat. Sammael turned back to Paulie. “You gonna tell me now or do I have Warchild pick another, maybe your woman?”

  “Paulie please don't let them do that.” Rita pleaded.

  Paulie shook his head. “I told you. You didn't have to do that. There are maps under the visor. You already have what you want.”

  Sammael helped Rita to her feet. “Well shit, don't I feel foolish.”

  Rita spread her hand across the pistol Sammael was pointing at Paulie. “Babe. Hate to break it to you, but the wedding is off.” With that she slipped her finger against the trigger and sent a bullet into Paulie's face.

  The gang members followed her example and shot the five remaining men in the back of the head. Suzanne, Renee and Marney were dragged screaming into the RV's. Rita strode over to Claudine's lifeless body and tore away the necklace holding Andy's engagement ring. Taking Sammael by the hand, she led him to the RV, where Warchild was waiting behind the wheel. She patted Warchild on the shoulder. “Let's go.” Then headed back to the RV's bedroom, peeling off her top, Sammael following close behind.

  Chapter 6 - Harbinger

  Ronnie had worked his way up the ranks in the Diabolus crew, earning the chance to drive and have a seat at the table during the meeting with Sammael. The SUV he was driving, was flying Sammael's colors on the antenna. Pulling up to the gate, one guard in a tower kept them covered with a machine gun, the guard on the ground raised his hand. Ronnie stopped and addressed the guard. “Diabolus is asking for a meeting with Sammael.”

  The guard spoke briefly on his radio, before answering. “Turn your weapons over. You'll get em back on your way out.”

  Diabolus grimaced, but handed over his pistol, Ronnie, Willie and Jess, followed their leader. The guard opened the gate and waved them in. Ronnie drove slowly up the long drive. Sammael had been busy modifying the plantation. The fence had been expanded to include large fields and was lined with several of the dead, either chained or impaled to the fence. Several heads were hung on the fence strung down the drive. Diabolus couldn't help, but notice that Ramone's head was first on the line.

  Several people, men, women and children, could be seen working in the fields while armed guards made sure they kept to their work and didn't try to escape. More guards were on the roof with heavy artillery. Diabolus turned to Jess as they got out. “How many men you guessin he got?”

  Jess smirked. “Fifty or sixty here alone. I'd bet he's got well over a hundred, maybe a couple hundred.”

  Diabolus whistled softly. “Two hundred.
How many I got?”

  Jess grimaced. “Now that those bastards, murdered poor Rico and George, twenty nine.”

  An attractive woman, dressed in a short white dress and sandals, opened the door. She kept her eyes downcast. “Come in gentlemen.”

  Willie elbowed Jess and nodded towards the woman, as she led them in. She took them to the dining room which had been converted into a meeting hall. At the far end a pair of throne like chairs were set on a raised dais. In the center of the room was a pair of round tables, surrounded by padded chairs. More of the padded chairs lined the walls.

  The woman waved at the tables. “Have a seat sirs. My lord Sammael and lady Lilith, know you are here and will join you as soon as their business allows it.”


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