A Werewolf's Saga Books 4, 5, & 6 (A Werewolf's Saga Boxed Sets Book 2)

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A Werewolf's Saga Books 4, 5, & 6 (A Werewolf's Saga Boxed Sets Book 2) Page 49

by Michael Lampman

  Robert looked at Brandon and took a deep breath. Inside him, he still didn’t know what to think. Kalima was right. He knew this was going to happen. Why else would he make Brandon go? Everything just blasted his mind.

  Kenar heard him and laughed. “Kalima had more power than anyone that has ever walked this world. He obviously sees more than any of us ever would—or could.”

  Robert looked to him and tried to focus his thoughts. “He sees the future?” That had to be it. Nothing else made any sense. It just didn’t.

  Kenar nodded, but he also shrugged. “I’m not sure. He doesn’t show me everything he thinks, but he might. He might know more.”

  Robert left the sofa, moved towards Brandon and stopped in front of him. He then spun back around. “What is he exactly?” More was there. He just did not know what that was. “You have shared his thoughts. What did you see inside him?”

  Kenar dropped his hands in front of him and held them there together. “I have no idea. There is much, about the black wolf, that still clouds my eyes. He is more powerful than I will ever know.”

  Sharlia felt that she had the answer to this, so she smiled harder. “He is the one. He is the Trinity.”

  Others behind her now gasped. Some knew what this meant. Some also believed.

  Robert heard them and shook his head. “I don’t know what he is, but whatever he is, we have to get to Scotland. We have to meet him.” He now began to hope. He hoped for his plan. He hoped for his sister. He hoped now for hopes sake.

  Kenar agreed. “We will. Now, we are ready.”

  Jason stepped to Brandon’s side. After hearing everything, he decided to join in. “I know his plans. I know what Devish intends to do.” He felt the need to do this. He was not one of those that believed in anything, but he did know a lot more than any of them did. He was a Gorhan after all.

  Kenar turned to him and smiled.

  Robert needed more. “What are his plans? What is he hoping for?” He felt hope, now more than ever and wanted more. He needed more too.

  Jason took a deep breath before he began. “You will not like it Wanderer.” He then bowed his head. He meant this. He knew how much it would hurt him knowing it.

  Robert felt some of this hope slip away, but at the same time, tried to keep it strongly there. He did not have the choice.

  Kenar already knew what it was, and with it, he swallowed hard. The fight it seemed was going to be harder than ever. Now knowing this, he knew that it was time to go. First, he had to do something with someone. He turned to Danny. “It’s time Danny. It’s time for you to go home.”

  Danny did not agree. “I’m coming with you.”

  Kenar shook his head. “I cannot risk you being involved in this anymore Danny. I can’t risk you being hurt. You have done enough.”

  Again, he shook his head. “I’m not leaving you.”

  Kenar felt his strength. He felt his love for him, even now, after knowing who he really was, he knew that he was not going to stop that. This gave him hope. It gave him courage. It gave him strength. At the same time, he was right. “You have to Danny. You have to go home.”

  Danny sighed, long and deep. He knew this was going to happen. He, again, knew that he did not have the choice.

  With this done, so were they. It was time to go and head to Europe. It was time for all of them to go home.


  The night was calm. The bright moon shined overhead. Everything looked perfect. Everything felt like magic.

  This feels so right.

  He caressed her soft face. Her skin felt warm, but smooth. Her eyes sparkled with the light of the moon making them look like gems.

  “Kalima? Why do you love me?” Her voice sounded perfect. It sounded strong, but soothing. It made him forget everything that he truly wished to forget.

  “You are everything to me. You are my life. You are my breath. You are what make me breathe.” He smiled. The passion was there. The feelings were stronger than that.

  “You have given me everything. You make me happy…happier than I have ever been.” She returned his passionate smile.

  Since being with her, since loving her like this, all of his pain has slid away. It was still there, but now just merely forgotten. It was nearly gone forever. Was this why he loved her? Was this the reason for her being in his life? He did not know. He, quite frankly, didn’t care. All that mattered was her being with him. All that mattered was having her within his arms.

  “He will not like this, you know? He will try to fight this.” She bowed her eyes from his.

  He understood this. He understood her words. He understood the fear that he felt oozing out from her glorious lips. In the end, this too did not bother him. He did not care what he thought. “I do not care. All that matters is this. You are everything to me Rana. You always will be.” He rolled off her and sat next to her on the ground. He turned back to her and watched her body lit up by the moon. It made her look as bright as the sun.

  She sat up. “Tell me about her. Tell me about Diona.” She did wish to know. Him, loving her like this, made her loving him feel right. It made what they had together feel even stronger than it ever had. She did not know why but it did.

  He looked up to the trees that surrounded them and blinked. He saw nothing there. Only her face was still on his mind. “She is gone.” His voice cracked.

  She heard this easily. “You loved her, I know.” She pulled her bare legs up to her chest. Without him warming her, she suddenly felt cold. She figured that she would always feel this way. She would always feel alone. She would always be empty when he was not holding her. It was inevitable. It would never be the same way again, and she knew it. “I am sorry for your loss. If I could have done anything to stop it, I would have.” She hugged her legs.

  He sighed, long and deep. “She died because of what I was. She died for me.” A slight tear filled his left eye. Her beautiful soft face crossed his mind. The blood covering her face was next. “They took her away because she loved me.”

  This truly made her sad. The fact that she brought it up made everything else feel that much worse. “I am sorry. I should not have asked. I did not mean to cause you this pain.” She too now had tears forming in her eyes. She meant what she said. She should not have asked him such a thing.

  He heard the tears wetting her face, so he spun around and faced her. “There is nothing for you to be sorry about. You have given me all that you are. You have given me hope. You have given me a future that I thought I would never have again. You have given me back my life.”

  This brought her eyes back up to his. She even gave him a smile. It was a half of one at that. “You truly feel this?” She hoped he was. This was all she ever had.

  Seeing the tears, he reached to her and took her hands into his. “Run away with me. Let us leave this place and just run away. Let us go someplace where none of this matters anymore.” He squeezed her hands firmly, but yet softly. As for what he said, he meant it fully. He could not stand to see her tears. He could not stand to feel her hurt for doing nothing more than loving him. Just the thought of losing someone else because of what he was, hurt him more than anything ever could. He could not have this happen again. He would not have it. He would die for her.

  She loved him more than ever, but there was more to this than that. She could not leave. She could not run. She just could not, so she shook her head. “I cannot leave him. I owe him for what he has done for me. I owe him my life.”

  He brought himself up to his knees. “You owe him nothing.” He meant this too. “You have already repaid your debt to him. There is nothing else left to give.”

  She pouted with this. “He has helped me Kalima. He gave me a home. He gave me a chance to find myself again. He gave me everything.” She pulled her hands from his. “He gave you everything too, or have you forgotten.”

  He shook his head. “I have not.” He bowed his head. “All I have ever wanted was to be alone Rana. I just want to be left alone.
Humans took my life away from me, and I will be damned if he takes away another one from me too. I cannot have that happen again.”

  She let go of his hands. She stood up, walked a few steps away from him and stopped. “Where would we go? Where would we live?” She looked out to the trees. She saw nothing but darkness there. The world always looked dark. She figured that it always would, so why leave and live within that. Why leave the safety of a life for nothing more than a cold dark blankness of nothing?

  He stood up too, and kept his eyes fixated on her. “There is a world out there Rana, I know there is. There is a life there too. We can be together. We can finally live. We can finally be free.”

  She hugged her chest with her own arms. Suddenly, she felt colder than ever. She also felt alone. “I cannot leave him. I cannot leave him alone.”

  He bowed his head. He did not want to hear this. He did not understand why she was fighting him like this—unless there was more to it than that. “Do you love him more than me?” He truly felt this. He truly hated it too. He knew about everything that Devish did for her—for them, but this was more than that. They were both more than this too. Surely, she could see this as he did.

  She turned around and faced him. “I do love him, but not the same way that I love you. Not like this.” She dropped her hands. She forced this thought. She truly did.

  He bowed his head. She does see it. She does feel it too. His heart lightened some because of this thought. “I am sorry Rana. I am tired of all of this fighting. I am tired of all of this pain. I am growing tired of this death.”

  She moved back to him and retook his hands into hers. “I know you are.” She slid her hands around his waist, and pulled his naked body to hers. “But can you just leave your family like this? Can you leave your brother to fight alone?”

  He hugged her closer. “I know who Devish is. I know he is my brother.” He let her go and moved back to the trees. “I have given him all that I am.” He turned back around to her, but kept his eyes down. “If he is my brother—if he is truly my blood—would he keep me here? Would he hurt me like this?”

  She felt for this. She understood it too. “He does love you Kalima. But do you love him?”

  He turned back to the trees. He looked out to the darkness, and closed his eyes.

  He then opened them from the dream.


  The plane was beginning to land, and so with it, Sasha stood up and moved to Jimmy’s side. She sat down beside him and took his left hand into hers. He was still asleep, had been since they left New York, so she did so softly. She did not want to wake him yet. She could feel him dreaming. She could feel his heart racing. She could feel chest moan. When he opened his eyes, he sat straight up.

  In doing so, he made her jump. “What is it?” She sat straight up with him.

  “That’s it. That’s why he hates me.” He looked over to her with tears in his eyes. He could not believe what he just saw. He could not believe what he just remembered and because of it, he did not know what to think. It was all too much. It was all too much to understand it at once.

  Sasha did not know what to think, so she just asked, “What’s it? Who hates you?” She had a good idea, but at the same time, feeling what he felt during the dream, she could not be sure. He did not feel like he was having a nightmare, but then again, she just didn’t know. Either way, she could see that he was upset. He was also scared. She would do anything to help him through it, if she could.

  He stood up and moved to the other side of the plane, saw Cassandra sitting there, next to several crates in the cargo hold, and turned back around. “I know who Devish is. I know who Rachel is too. I know everything.” He tried to focus. He tried to gather himself back together again, but had trouble doing it. He felt everything at once. He’s my brother. Rana and I were together and it upset him somehow. That’s why he wants to destroy me. He remembered everything. He remembered who he was. He remembered everything about him. He knew why he was special. I am a Wanderer, but that’s what makes me different. I came from the union of a Walker and human, but not just an ordinary Walker at that. My father was Satar. I am a half blood Blood Walker. He looked at her with wide eyes. He saw nothing but the thoughts now rambling inside his own head.

  Cassandra heard him and opened her eyes, seeing him standing right at her legs. She of course had no idea what he was even saying. If his voice did not wake her up, she preferred to stay asleep.

  “Jimmy?” Sasha stood up. The plane rocked some, so it was difficult to do it, but she did manage. “What are you talking about? What do you know?” She took both of his hands into hers.

  Jimmy blinked rapidly. His mind went faster than that. “I know how to stop him Sasha. I know why he’s doing all of this. He wants more than just my gifts. He wants revenge. He wants me to give him my life, and he’s going to use her to do it.” There were so many things flaring around inside him at once that it was hard to gather them together long enough to answer her. It felt overwhelming. It felt so overpowering to think right.

  “Who?” She had an idea. “Rachel?” She had trouble with this. “I thought she was his ally. Why would he use her to get to you?” So much was now there that, she did not understand. She wanted nothing more but to do just this.

  “She was with me back then.” He bowed his head, and closed his eyes. All of his memories were trying to form all at once, and with them, he had to close them off. They made it too difficult for him to think straight. When he did manage to do something close to it, he opened them again. Thankfully, his thoughts cleared some too. “He is going to use her. He is going to use her to get to me.”

  She heard this and nodded. “You were lovers with her back then?” That makes sense. The love she had for him felt like the sun burning for him. It felt eternal. She nodded again, but this time, to herself.

  He nodded too. “We were. That’s what he did last time. He used her to get to me.”

  She now understood everything that Rachel did up to now. “That’s why she couldn’t let you go. That’s why she followed you. That’s why her need to be with you was so strong. She has loved you for centuries.”

  He nodded again. “That was his intentions from the very beginning. He knows how strongly we feel for each other. He intends to use this. He always has.”

  Hearing his voice, seeing the look of determination and realization in his eyes, she finally understood him too. Now all she had left was learning the truth, how she could help him end it, and the fight that she knew was coming. She knew nothing else but all of this. “What do we do?”

  He looked her straight in the eyes. “We move on but I’m going to need Rochie’s help. I need Robert’s help.”

  This made her feel somewhat confused. “Why? Is it because he’s her brother?”

  He smiled. “He knows how to fix this. He’s the reason behind it.”

  She felt more confounded than ever. “I don’t understand.”

  He kept the smile. “He does.”

  Feeling the plane land, Cassandra stood up. “We’ve arrived.”

  Sasha looked at her and back to Jimmy again. She really did not know what he was thinking, but saw that he did know what he was doing. Knowing this, she just nodded. “Okay.” She only hoped that he was right.


  Waiting by the plane, Devish and Rana saw Vincent finally arrive.

  Seeing him alone, hearing his thoughts, Devish bowed his head. “Rana, would you please wait for me on the plane my dear?” He gave her smile. He of course did not want her to hear any of this. Bad news was only meant for him.

  She nodded, left him, and headed up the stairs of the plain.

  When she was gone, he turned to Vincent just as he reached him. “All went well I hope.” He of course knew better, but at the same time, he hoped he was wrong.

  Vincent felt true fear for what happened. Not from his family leaving him, but more for what he expected Devish to do to him when he told him the truth. After all, he saw what he d
id to Samantha when she failed him. He now feared that same wrath coming at him. “I am sorry my lord. I failed.” He even had tears in his eyes.

  Devish took a deep breath. “What occurred?”

  Vincent kept his eyes down. “The young Nightwalker that you destroyed in the city still lives. The son of Michael was there with Sharlia. My family would not stand against him.” He swallowed several times. He did not know what else to do but to explain everything plainly. He had nothing else to lose.

  Devish respected this. This was why he did not intend to punish him. He was not aware that this would happen, so he did not blame him for it. “I understand.” He knew that Kalima had strength. He knew what he could do. He feared everything, but at the same time, wanted all of it, now more than ever.

  Vincent watched his master turn. “You do?” He felt relieved but at the same time more afraid of him because of it. He now had no idea where this was going to go, and this scared him more than anything else did. At least he could understand anger. He could understand rage. He could even understand punishment. This, he just did not understand it at all.

  “My brother has regained himself fully. He has grown strong again. He is now my match.” He looked back to the stairs of the plane, and sighed. “Amazing that he has come to this so quickly.”

  Vincent watched him closely, but felt more confused than ever. “Did you not wish this? I thought this was what you needed to get him with you. You needed him to regain his power.”

  Devish bowed his head. “I need him to be strong again yes. Without it, without him knowing who he was, I cannot take what I need from him. It is, however, a danger that I knew was there. I knew it was possible. With his strength returned, he will be strong enough to fight me. It will be dangerous to meet him now.” He turned back to Vincent. He saw the look of confused fear in his eyes. “The danger was always real, my friend.” He bowed his eyes again. “I only wished to do this before he remembered everything.”


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