The wayward heir’s rage boiled within her, so intense it made my chest hurt. “That piece of shit! They’re not going to believe that drivel, are they?”
“I’m pretty sure the general public has clued in that His Royal Majesty is no longer sane,” I replied, taking Veronica’s hand and massaging her palm in the dim hope she’d be distracted from her fury. “You know you didn’t kill your mother. The rest of your family knows you didn’t kill your mother. New York knows you didn’t kill your mother, and while New Yorkers are often viewed as insufferable assholes, no one is going to doubt Ian’s integrity because Ian is putting his neck on the line to help your family. And if they do, I’ll stand up for Ian because while he’s an insufferable asshole, he’s like a stray dog we can’t make go away but we don’t want to send to the pound.”
“Thanks, Adam. So glad to know you care,” Ian muttered. “Remind me why I didn’t drown you in the moat when we were kids?”
“I honestly have no idea.”
Veronica snorted. “I would’ve murdered you, that’s why.”
“This is true. Don’t come between Veronica and her man. Veronica gets mean. My parents really are idiots.”
Daniel turned in his computer chair to face us. “Not necessarily, Your Highness. While New York has a bad reputation, the royal family has always been astute with a few exceptions.”
“My sister being the main one,” Ian muttered.
“Your sister aside, is it possible New York recognized there was trouble brewing in North Dakota regarding the stability of its king prior to its manipulation of the stock market? New York doesn’t typically destabilize an entire kingdom without just cause, and honestly, does New York need its talents amplified?” Daniel leaned back, arched a brow, and fixed his stare on Ian, who sat straighter beside me.
“That’s a very good point. Honestly, we need the exact opposite of amplification. I grew up being warned it was entirely possible I’d spontaneously combust and take out several city blocks with me when I went. The last thing we need is our talent being amplified. If anything, we should be gunning for nullification talents to help mitigate our flameweaving talent. Of course, it’s entirely possible my parents wanted to turn New York politics on its ear. North Dakotan princesses in New York? It’s asking for trouble.”
Veronica scowled, but all I could sense from her was amusement. “I think you want to join Adam in being bruised and battered.”
“See? Hell, if your father wants to maintain his hold on the kingdom, it makes a sickening amount of sense why he’d try to get rid of you, Adam, and the rest of your family. Adam’s always been smart, and he’s not the type to be idle when he can be doing something. I provide his financial empire as evidence. Hell, he’s richer than I am, and that disgusts me. I even have the advantage of riding on my parents’ money—Adam built his empire from scratch.”
“Empire is a little much.”
“No, it’s really not. I’ve looked into your financial portfolio. It disgusts me how well you play the market.”
“Some of it’s just luck,” I replied, waving off his praise. “I had nothing else to do when I wasn’t working, so I worked the market.”
“Don’t discount yourself and your efforts, Adam. Hell, considering how things have worked out, you couldn’t have made better choices on how to prepare yourself for managing North Dakota. Your financial savviness is going to make a huge difference over the next few years. Pulling North Dakota out of its recession isn’t going to be easy.”
“I know. It’s going to be a major problem. I honestly expect to blow out most of my wealth reviving the economy.”
“I think you’ll end up smelling like roses, and that disgusts me, too.”
“New Yorkers are easily disgusted, I see.”
“When I’m outclassed by some backwater leech, yes, I’m easily disgusted.”
Veronica laughed, and once again, her good humor soothed me as little else could. “Don’t mind him, Adam. He does like you. He’s just mad you’re looking to come out of this in a better position than him. He might be a little jealous over your money.”
“It’s not just money. It’s filthy amounts of money,” the New Yorker muttered.
“Yes, he does have a filthy amount of money,” she agreed. “The real problem is how we’re going to deal with my father. I fear Ian’s a target now, too, since his family was directly involved with the crash. It wouldn’t surprise me if my father decides Ian’s directly responsible for everything.”
“I just want to figure out how we can get this situation under control without it devolving into violence.”
Daniel sighed and shook his head. “At this stage, unless His Royal Majesty surrenders as the public demands, there’s going to be violence. Several Royal States Foundation laws were put into place in case something like this happened. Pending approval of the filing, Mr. Smith will have the legal authority to remove His Royal Majesty from power in any method necessary. Arrest is an option, as is lethal force.”
“Adam doesn’t have the talents to do it.”
“Approval is essentially inevitable, Your Highness.”
“And I don’t need a talent. I need a gun and some lessons on how to use it.”
“You have the talent,” Dr. Stanton reminded me. “It’s just a matter of learning how to use it intentionally. A gun will be your insurance policy, and with your father’s talent, you’ll likely never miss your target. That’s part of what makes your father’s talent so dangerous. In his hands, a weapon is always lethal, and he doesn’t need conscious control over it.”
“You’ve been talking to my father, haven’t you?”
“It’s necessary. When you flared, I needed a better understanding of what I’m working with. His talent is unique, as is your mother’s. Never forget this, Adam. You weren’t the product of a loving relationship. You were bred to become a weapon, and now you’re in a position where you need to be that weapon. Under no normal circumstances would your parents have wed and had children.”
I bristled at the implication my parents had been part of a breeding project gunning for me as the ultimate prize. “I may have my issues with my parents, but they do love each other.”
“Now they do, yes. I genuinely believe that. But they’ve both told me they were not exactly friends when they were wed. In fact, they hated each other.”
“You’ve made your point, Dr. Stanton. I realize you’re an activist on this subject, but here’s one very important point I’d like you to remember: as the product of the practice you hate so much, I think you’re beginning to toe a line I don’t think you want to cross. Perhaps I am a product of that practice. I’m not saying you’re wrong that it was unfair to them and anyone else in these shoes, but your prejudice is showing. Whether you intend to or not, it sounds a lot like you view me as an aberration because I wasn’t born in a way you find acceptable. There’s a difference between acknowledging a problem and blaming the victims of that problem. It doesn’t matter if you believe I was bred to become a weapon or not. That’s not my fault, and it isn’t my parents’ fault, either. And frankly, there’s nothing you can do that will fix the situation to your liking, so beating the dead horse doesn’t serve your purposes. I realize you want me in a position to change what you don’t like. I don’t necessarily disagree with your stance, either. However, crucifying the victims of those circumstances, while it might buy you progress, hurts as much as it helps. I think it might be prudent for you to remember that.”
“And if anyone had any doubt about why His Royal Majesty couldn’t afford to allow Adam anywhere near the throne, I hope this lays your doubts to rest,” Ian stated, propping his feet up on the coffee table. “Rather than dragging Adam and his family through the mud, we should focus on what to do about His Royal Majesty. Yes, perhaps Adam was born in the hope of a lethal combination of talents. Let’s presume Adam is a living weapon. I’m one, too. My line? We’ve been breeding weapons since the emergence of magic. Is it right? Frankly,
I don’t give a damn. But I’m not going to sit here and be judged for the choices of my parents and their parents before them—or their parents. Judge me for me. Judge Adam for who he is, too. You’ve already hung him up on a cross for the public to see. Don’t fuck him over even more on your crusade.”
Dr. Stanton clenched her teeth so hard her jawline whitened. “That was not my intention.”
“But that’s the result. Dislike it all you want, but don’t turn him into a sacrifice just so you can find progress for your cause. If you’re so child-oriented, then you need a reminder his parents are as much a victim as him. Frankly, exposing his medical records to the public was a ruthless, shit move. Perhaps necessary in context, but still a ruthless, shit move.”
“I’m man enough to handle it,” I said, waving them both off. “But I’m not going to tolerate people being crucified or shamed for being the product of another’s choice. I’m all for building a better society, but I’m not all for sacrificing victims to do it. If you want to champion your cause, find a better way. Or at least find willing volunteers for the sacrifice. I think my family has been showcased enough.”
“Point made. I should have asked your permission first.”
“Yes, you should have, but I understand why you didn’t. I’m even fine with your actions. But I’m not fine with you hanging my parents. By your own claims, they’re victims, too. And while I don’t like what happened to me and Veronica, I understand my parents had little choice. The situation now only supports their wisdom in doing what they did.”
Veronica took me hand, and as I’d done for her, she massaged my palm. “Cool your temper, Adam. You’re typically so tolerant that it’s easy to forget you can have a temper, and when it frays, you’re a force of nature. Maybe her methods could use a bit of work, but Dr. Stanton does mean well. Your parents are adults and can handle some criticism. I’m not saying you’re wrong, but let’s not fight among ourselves when we have more problems to worry about.”
I drew in a deep breath. “All right. What are our options for dealing with His Royal Majesty?”
“My father won’t live to see trial,” Marshal whispered. “That is an inevitable truth.”
I wanted to protest on principle that I’d already meddled with the futures he’d witnessed, but the more I thought about it, the more I agreed with him. The king wouldn’t surrender, and I had no doubt he’d go down fighting—or having his hired goons do the fighting for him. The castle was the likeliest place for a showdown, although I had no idea what sort of weapons the king would use in his attempt to secure victory.
With martial law in place, he could call on the military, which worried me.
The situation could escalate from a rebellion to wholesale slaughter.
“Be that as it may, Marshal, if we can take him alive, that’s my preference. Due process applies, although death is likely inevitable according to North Dakotan law. If we can maintain due process, that would be best for the kingdom as a whole.”
“But what if you can’t? He’s not going to surrender. He wants you dead.”
“Then I’ll have to take the law into my own hands. That was the point of filing. How is the approval status looking, Daniel?”
“If you require verification he has the appropriate ranking for the filing, I can provide documentation,” Dr. Stanton added.
“Approval is verified and confirmed, sir.”
In so many ways, there was no turning back. “Which kingdoms?”
“It’d be easier to ask which ones haven’t approved and verified their approval, sir.”
I bowed my head and ran my hand through my hair, unwilling to escape Veronica’s hold on me. “Ain’t that just fucking spectacular.”
Marshal snickered. “You’re cursing again.”
“Okay, Daniel. Tell me so I can decide if I should go hide under the bed or not.”
“Three kingdoms haven’t replied yet, and I expect they’ll remain neutral. Everyone else has approved and verified their approval. You’re a very popular gentleman, sir. Most of the approvals came with letters you’ll want to address after this is over, most of them offering various forms of support for North Dakota’s recovery. There have also been multiple offers to help foster the younger members of the royal family.”
“No. Veronica’s siblings will stay with Veronica and I.”
“You mean it, Adam?”
“There’s plenty of room in the house I’m having built unless they want to live abroad and be fostered elsewhere. There’s no reason to separate your family.”
Dr. Stanton cleared her throat. “Let him win this one, Your Highness. He’s likely going to be sensitive over this issue, although I appreciate he wants everyone to have an option on how their care is handled.”
“I want to stay with you,” Marshal whispered.
“Then you’ll stay with us,” I confirmed. “I might need to contact the architect about a second building on the property, but that’s a different matter. I’ll also need to buy more land on adjacent lots if available, but that’ll wait until after this mess has been sorted. The government will need the influx of cash, and I can funnel the cash from the sale of banking stocks into buying the land. This way, I hit several birds with one stone.”
“While I’m all in support of this idea, next time, ask me first?” Veronica released my hand and crossed her arms over her chest. “Really.”
“I’m being impulsive. It’s not something I’m good at. Give me some credit here, I’m trying. I’m out of practice with the whole relationship thing.”
“He was living in a basement as a hermit, Veronica. He probably doesn’t know better. You need to teach him.”
“Next time, ask me first, please.”
“Okay, I’ll ask you first. But I’m not negotiating on this point.”
She rolled her eyes. “Then it’s a good thing I agree with you, isn’t it?”
“It’d be a pretty rotten thing to have a fight over.”
“Very true. Just how big is this house you’re having built?”
“Big enough for your family plus a few kids. I may have gone overboard.”
“I’m all right with that, but I want to hear more about the additional buildings you want built.”
“The additional building—or buildings—will allow us to evict your family to next-door neighbor status.”
“You do realize royalty tends to live in castles, right?”
“It’s a modern-day castle with two offices and a lot of bedrooms. It counts.”
“That’s not the type of castle I meant, Adam.”
I wrinkled my nose. “If my mother and father become involved with this mess, there won’t be a castle left, Veronica. My mother will probably flatten it.”
“That is a contingency we’re prepared for,” Daniel acknowledged. “I may have taken the liberty of arranging for explosives should she need them. If leveling a castle prevents a slaughter of innocent people, the RPS is prepared to accept responsibility for providing the explosives.”
I regarded Daniel with raised brows. “Will your king get angry at me if I keep you here?”
“Jack and I were assigned here understanding North Dakota might become a permanent assignment.”
I frowned and looked around the room. “Where is Jack?”
“Jack went on some errands about two hours ago.”
“How the hell did I miss that?”
“You were rather absorbed in watching the news, and Jack is very good at hiding in plain sight.”
Marshal grinned. “He’s not as good at it as me, but he’s not bad.”
“So, let me get this straight. Montana’s RPS is going to provide a rebellion with explosives.”
“Technically, we’re supplying you with the explosives, but yes. At this point, it’s for the best if this matter is handled as quickly as possible. While expensive, a castle can be replaced. If possible, we’d like to prevent this from escalating to the king murdering the general public. Under mar
tial law, the military will obey his orders.”
“Can’t we submit the filing to the military?”
“The king is the head of the military, and it’s possible he’s closed off communications. We can try to spread the approved filing into the military to undermine the king’s hold, but it’s not a guarantee.”
“Do it. We’ll take any advantage we can get. Since Dr. Stanton enjoys making the media dance to her tune, she can handle publicizing the documentation. Legalizing the rebellion might smooth things. It might also antagonize him into taking action, too.”
“And it might antagonize the general public into taking action,” Veronica warned.
“They’re already going to take action. Validating their movement might be best for the kingdom later. They know they’re fighting for the right cause. Essentially, doing this would make it appear as though I’m directly validating them, correct?”
Veronica grimaced. “Yes. That’s exactly what you’d be doing. There’d be no stopping the rebellion once you confirm they’re being supported by someone in line for the throne.”
“If you add your validation, we’re in an even better position with the general public.”
“It might also be considered a verification of his accusations.”
“And I’ll request someone to verify the truth. That’s the easiest accusation to disprove. The public already believes he’s lying, so you backing the public doesn’t hurt anything.”
“He’s right, Your Highness. You’re favored by the court of popular opinion, and now is the best time for you to take advantage of it. Being assertive will help you when you take the crown, too. It’ll demonstrate you’re not your father’s pawn, which may be critical later.”
Veronica nodded. “All right. What’s the due process for this?”
“File the same way Adam did, tying your request with Adam’s. Consider it a joint partnership. You can also declare your intent to marry him at the same time as part of the documentation.”
A Guiding Light Page 24