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Healed Page 12

by J. S. Cooper

  “I don’t know what to say Luke. I don’t think anyone has ever loved me or cared about me as much as you do.” I felt fresh tears glisten in my eyes.

  “I want the world for you Lexi.” He kissed me again and stared into the very depths of my soul. I felt my heart singing out in joy that I had been so lucky to have found the best man in the world.

  “So are you going to tell Bryce?” I questioned him as we stopped kissing.

  “I guess I have to tell Bryce and Shelby.” He smiled and then I groaned as it hit me.

  “OMG, you know what this means, don’t you?”

  “No, what?”

  “We’re kinda brother and sister.”

  “Oh, Lexi.” He grinned. “We are nothing like brother and sister.” And then his hand crept up to my breast again. “And in a few minutes I’m going to show you why.”

  “Luke! I jumped up, squealing. Not outside.” I ran away from him, laughing and I heard Luke and Bongo chasing after me.

  “I’m coming for you, Lexi.” Luke grunted as he chased me. “I’m going to have my wicked way with you, Lexi.”

  “I’m waiting.” I stopped and winked as he caught up with me.

  “Good.” Luke laughed as he grabbed a hold of me. “I’ve been waiting my whole life to hear those words.”

  “Yeah?” I smiled and he pushed me up against the wall.

  “Well, since I was thirteen at least.”

  “Just thirteen?”

  “Well, when you know you know.” He stared into my eyes as he spoke and I felt his breath against my lips as he talked. He turned me on and it took everything in me to keep my hands off of him.

  “I’m glad you waited for me to get my act together.” I whispered and I felt his lips against mine as I talked.

  “I wasn’t going anywhere.” His hands clasped mine and he blew on my mouth softly.

  “I don’t think I would have let you go anywhere,” I laughed lightly. “But don’t you ever die or make me think you’ve died, do you hear me?”


  “—I can not have another near breakdown like that.” I stared into his eyes, willing him to see my open heart and soul. “I couldn’t bare it.”

  “I won’t.” Our noses touched and I held my breath. Every nerve ending in me was tingling in anticipation.

  “Good.” I smiled and pushed my tongue out to lick his lips.

  “I wrote a song for you.” He looked at me, nervously and sheepishly, and he pulled away from me slightly. I moaned at the loss of his lips. “I remember once you told me how much you wanted someone to write a song for you.”

  “You wrote a song for me?” I looked at him, teasingly.

  “Yes.” His face flushed red and I stroked his chin.

  “Sing it for me. Please.” I ran my hands over his jaw and he groaned.

  “If you keep touching me like that, Lexi, I won’t be able to do anything.”

  “Sorry.” I grinned. “Sing me my song please.”

  He cleared his throat and began:

  Best friends

  That’s what we are

  Best friends

  That’s what we’ll always be.

  There is no me without you.

  There is no me without you.

  I’ll wait a hundred years for your heart

  You have to know mine won’t start

  Without you.

  Cos, there is no me without you.

  There is no me without you.

  I’ve walked a thousand years for your smile

  I’ve loved you since you were a child.

  Always and forever.

  There is no me without you.

  There is no me without you.

  Did you know that sometimes I can close my eyes

  And feel your soul in mine

  I’ll never let you go.

  There is no me without you.

  There is no me without you.

  Lexi, sometimes in life

  There are things worth dying for,

  People worth fighting for,

  A love worth trying for,

  And I will never walk out that door, without you.

  Cos, there is no me without you.

  There will never be a me without you.

  I can’t live without you.

  I can’t see without you.

  I can’t hear without you.

  I just can’t be without you.

  Don’t let me live my life without you.

  “Oh Luke,” I cried out, “That was beautiful.”

  “I love you, Lexi. That will never stop. I will do anything for you. Always remember that.”

  “Oh Luke. I’ll never forget.”

  “I’m your albatross, Lexi.”

  “You never explained what they meant,” I laughed anxiously, worried he had finally lost it.

  “Albatrosses mate for life. Once they have that one special mate, that’s it. They’re done. You’re my albatross, Lexi. And I’m yours.”

  “I didn’t realize you were such a romantic, Luke.” My heart felt like it was soaring. “How did I get so lucky?”

  “I think the question is how did we get so lucky?” He grabbed my hand and we ran up the stairs to his bedroom. I pulled my top off as soon as we got to his room and I reached over and pulled his shirt off.

  “Have you thought about…” he continued and I put my fingers against his lips.

  “Ssh.” I reached for his belt buckle and he took my finger into his mouth and sucked.

  “Oh Luke.” I groaned as he ripped off my bra and I reached into his pants. “I see you’re happy to see me.”

  “Oh Lexi.” He grinned. “When will you learn? I’m always happy to see you.”


  3 Months Later


  “I don’t know what I’m going to do without you guys in town.” I heard my words come out in a choked tone. “You know that you are rendering me practically helpless.”

  “You’re not helpless, papa Brycey.” Shelby grabbed a hold of my leg, grinning at me. I picked her up and held her close to me. Her blonde hair was finally growing out and she had put on some weight. She was starting to look like the healthy, normal little girl she was now.

  “Remember that, Shelby.” I kissed her cheek and put her back down. “Why don’t you go and play with Bongo?”

  “Bongo wants a hug?” she asked me with open, excited eyes.

  “Maybe just a small one. No suffocating him this time.”

  “Yes papa.” She ran away and went to find Bongo.

  “You’re so good with her, Bryce.” Lexi linked her arm through mine. “She’s so lucky to have a dad like you.”

  “Well, I don’t know about that,” I laughed self-consciously. “I am sure she would like her big brother and sister here too.”

  “We’ll be back to visit soon and we’ll Skype every week.” Lexi looked at me with tears in her eyes.

  “Oh Lexi, don’t cry. I’m just joking. I’m happy for you both.”

  “Bryce, you know better than to tell Lexi to stop crying. She’s a crying machine.” Luke grinned at me as he continued packing a suitcase. “Anyways you and Shelby have to come visit us soon anyways so you can try on the suit and stuff.”

  “Don’t remind me. I need to work out. You can’t have the best man looking like a chunky monkey.”

  “You trying to upstage me on my wedding day, bro?”

  “Not quite.” I laughed. “I don’t think I can do that, even if I try.”

  “I only have eyes for you, Luke.” Lexi cut in and Luke groaned.

  “Uh huh.”

  “Luke.” Lexi hit him in the arm and I watched as he pulled her towards him for a long kiss. I grinned as they kissed and looked away. I was so happy that my history with Lexi hadn’t made this awkward. I was so lucky that I had a brother that was pretty levelheaded and cool. It felt weird to think that I had a brother. But I felt like he had been another blessing in my life. “Thank you, mom.”
I whispered, content.

  “So, Bryce, don’t forget to get a baby sitter for that weekend. We are going to have the bachelor party to end all bachelor parties.” Luke winked at me and I laughed.

  “Your fiancée may not like that, bro.”

  “I think I’ll trust you, Bryce.” She grinned. “I know you won’t let your brother get into too much trouble.”

  “Well, you know. We have to make up for lost years.” I high fived Luke and Lexi rolled her eyes.

  “My mom and dad said that you and Shelby are to come over for lunch every Sunday,” Luke laughs and changes the subject. “Let’s not get me into trouble before I’m even married.”

  “I suppose they’ll expect me to go to church with them as well?” I groaned but I feel a warm glow inside. This was what a family was meant to feel like.

  “You know they’ve already signed Shelby up for Sunday School.” Luke laughed and I groaned.

  “I guess I better brush up on my bible verses.”

  “God made the world in seventy days, papa.” Shelby jumped up and down and I groaned.

  “I guess I need to start those classes soon.” I made a face and Lexi started laughing.

  “Seven days, Shelby, seven days.” I tried not to laugh as I corrected her. I already knew the reverend was going to have a hey day with us.

  “And then there was a big bang bang.” Shelby ran around, screaming and shouting “bang bang” and we all burst out laughing.

  “You’re a good dad, Bryce.” Lexi whispered in my ear. “I’m so proud of you.”

  “I just hope I can raise her right.” I whispered back, gratefully.

  “The judge knew what he was doing when he signed off on the paperwork, Bryce. Remember that.” She smiled at me sweetly and I kissed her cheek.

  “Thank you, Lexi.” We stared at each for a few moments, both of us letting our love shine through. I was thankful every day that I woke up and realized I had a friend like Lexi in my life. It was almost a joke to us both now that she had been so in love with me in high school. We were like brother and sister most of the time, bickering over every little detail. It was almost ironic how little we had in common. But I was thankful for her crush, because it had led to me having the life most men could only dream of.

  I watched as Lexi and Luke touched each other as they packed. I see the furtive and passionate glances they exchanged and I delighted at seeing such a perfect couple together. It’s funny how life can work sometimes. I had thought I needed to stay with Lexi to feel complete and loved and to prove I was a man worthy of love, but it was our giving up that dream and facing reality that had proven to give us the greatest gift and love of all. I understood now what people meant by letting go. Sometimes, letting go of love gave you an even greater one.

  Ding-dong. “That must be Anna, will you get it Bryce?” Lexi asked me, pulling away slightly from Luke’s embrace and I rolled my eyes as I walked towards the door. I felt excited as I walked to the door. I’d only seen Anna a few times in the last few months but each time had seemed magical and I was anxious to see her again.

  “Hey gorgeous.” I opened the door and stared at Anna. She look as she always did to me now, beautiful, calm, sweet and witty. She gave me a wide smile and poked me in the arm as I hugged her.

  “I see you’re still lying,” she grinned but I could tell she was happy to see me as well. I wanted to grab her hand and kiss it. I wanted to just touch her and be touched by her. Every time I felt her close to me, I felt even more alive.

  “It’s good to see you.” I tried to let my words convey how much she meant to me.

  “You too.” She nodded as we walked back to the living room, where Luke and Lexi were packing their suitcases.

  “When do you start classes for your Vet program?” I didn’t want to end our conversation. I wanted to ask her what was new in her life. I wanted to find out if she is seeing anyone.

  “Next semester. What about you? Have you decided what classes you’re going to take?”

  “I’m going to take some classes online.” I smiled. “I’ll be working for Luke here in Jonesville, selling software and stuff. So I’m going to take some computer classes.”

  “Oh, a regular family business, huh?” She laughs and I join her.

  “Who knew, right?” I felt warm inside. It was warmth I don’t remember feeling since I was a young child. I looked at Luke as he packed and I felt an overwhelming sense of pride and joy. He was my little brother but he was soo much more than that. I felt like a better man just for knowing him.

  “Hey Anna.” Lexi rushed over and gave her a big hug. “I’m so glad you made it.”

  “Are you joking? I can’t miss my best friend’s big departure to Los Angeles.” She grinned but I could see sadness in her eyes. The same sadness I had felt inside but tried to hide. I knew that they were talking again but I knew they weren’t as close as they used to be. And that made me sad. I felt like I was responsible for ruining their friendship, even though Lexi told me that a fracture was inevitable. I was just the catalyst to the explosion that was already coming, she had said.

  “You guys will have to come visit us.” Luke tried to prevent a tear fest from happening. “We got awesome housing at UCLA. Close to campus for me and close to the production company Lexi will be working at.”

  “What will you be doing there, Lexi?” Anna asked her curiously. “I thought you were hoping to act.”

  “I am,” Lexi grinned. “But I figure I should get some other skills as well, just in case I suck.” We all laughed at her words. I was sure she would make a great actress but I’m sure every other wannabe actress’s family felt the same thing.

  “I can’t believe you guys are moving.” Anna bit her lip. “I can’t believe you’re not going to MIT either, Luke.”

  “I tried to convince him,” Lexi groaned. “But he had already applied to UCLA.”

  “They had a great program.” He grinned. “And I knew you wanted to go to Los Angeles.”

  “But we weren’t even a couple when you applied.” Lexi shook her head.

  “Maybe I’m psychic.” He grinned. “It was inevitable that we would be together.”

  “I guess.” Lexi walked over to him and he pulled her in for a kiss.

  “Maybe you can drive Shelby and me to visit them, now you have a car?” I laughed and changed the subject and Anna grinned at me.

  “If you’re a good boy, I might just do that.” She smiled and, as our eyes meet, my heart jumped. All of a sudden I wished it were just us in the room. I wanted to ask her if she would give me another chance. I wanted to know if she thought that she could see herself as a mother to Shelby and as a wife to me. I wanted to ask her if she would make an honest man out of me. I felt that deep, guttural feeling in my stomach and I knew, without a doubt, what Luke has most probably known all his life about Lexi. I knew that Anna was the one for me. I knew that there was no second best. There was no other. She was my soul mate. She was my other half. I tried to hide a sigh, as I kept quiet. I had to go slow, I knew that. But I also knew that I would do everything in my power to win her heart.

  “Aunty Anna, Aunty Anna.” Shelby ran into the room and threw herself into Anna’s arms. Bongo came running behind her and crashed into Anna and Shelby, and I watched as they fell to the side. I rushed over to grab both of them and I could feel Anna’s heart beating as I held her in my arms briefly.

  “Thanks Bryce. You’re a regular knight in shining armor.”

  “Anything for a damsel in distress.”

  “You are silly, Papa.” Shelby laughed and patted Bongo’s head. “Naughty Bongo.”

  “Do you remember how to get him to sit and roll-over, Shelby?” Anna bent down and smiled. “Do you remember what I taught you?”

  Shelby nodded shyly and put her hand out. “Sit Bongo,” she whispered. Bongo looked up at his name and jumped up with his tongue hanging out.

  Anna whispered to Shelby, “One more time.”

  “Sit Bongo.
” Shelby’s voice was firm and Bongo hesitated for a few seconds but then sat down. “Good boy, Bongo.” She grinned and patted his head.

  “I did it, Aunty Anna.”

  “Yes you did, wonderfully.”

  “Maybe you’d like to come over to dinner next week, Anna, and help Shelby and me a bit more. Now we’re going to be his fulltime parents?” I asked her with my heart in my mouth.

  “Sure. I’ll even bring some special treats.”

  “Awesome.” I grinned and I couldn’t keep the excitement out of my voice. I didn’t want to work myself up too much, but I really thought that there could be something really special there between Anna and I.

  “Bryce, I wanted to tell you something.” Anna walked over and looked at me with a serious expression on her face. “I don’t know if you remember a few months ago, when you asked me if I thought you would make a good dad or brother?”

  “I remember.” I nodded.

  “I wanted to tell you then that I wasn’t sure, but I hoped in my heart that you would.”

  “You hoped I would?” I stared at her, confused.

  “I hoped you would because I wanted you to prove my initial impression of you wrong.”

  “And now?”

  “And now you’ve far surpassed anything I could have ever dreamed of.” She smiled at me. “You’re a great father and a great brother.”

  “And one day, maybe even a great husband.” I whispered softly and she gasped and her eyes lit up.

  “Have you heard from your dad recently, Bryce?” Luke looked at me with a concerned expression and I shook my head in frustration, slightly upset that he had ruined my moment with Anna.

  “I think he’s in South America. Once David told him about all the evidence we had piled up on him, he quit and left. For good.”

  “Good riddance,” Lexi said, softly, before looking at me. “Sorry.”


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