Surrender of Trust (First Volume of the Surrender Series)

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Surrender of Trust (First Volume of the Surrender Series) Page 5

by Mariel Grey

  "Forgive me. You are quite right. I thought perhaps you might be making a business arrangement with him, which could also affect me. I did not mean to intrude on you and your suitor."

  "He is certainly not a suitor!"

  Chalifour raised his eyebrows in question, though he remained silent. He was mocking her, which made her all the more irritated.

  "I presume you have the agreement?"

  "Yes, I do. Though I must insist on having the opportunity to speak with your brother directly."

  "It is my turn to apologize, My Lord. My brother is still not available for callers. If you would leave the contract with me, I can have Lucien review it and sign it when he wakes. He has been sleeping most of the morning." At least everything except the part about him reviewing and signing the contract was true.

  "I guess I have no choice?"

  "No, I am afraid you really do not have much choice." Chalifour’s face betrayed none of his thoughts so Lucy was unable to discern whether he believed her. Right now, she almost didn’t care what he believed she was so annoyed with him.

  "Then, I would like to see more of your brother’s operation and, of course, the horses. After all, your brother and I will be engaged in business together. I would be remiss if I did not take time to examine my investment before the final commitment. Particularly in light of the fact I've not been able to meet your brother in person."

  Chalifour turned his piercing gaze upon her again. "At this point, I am investing solely on the strength of your family's reputation."

  Though she wanted to, Lucy could see no rational reason to refuse. She didn't want an outsider involved in their business, but at the moment, she couldn't think of any viable alternatives to salvage her and Lucien’s honor and livelihood. She would have to show Chalifour around the premises.

  Chapter Eight

  Lucy walked quickly through the garden without noticing the colorful profusion of spring flowers in full bloom. Chalifour made her nervous. Though Lucy attributed her nervousness to her need to consummate the deal with Chalifour, there was something else. Something in the way he looked at her flustered her.

  Lucy wanted this tour over with as soon as possible. She needed Chalifour’s distracting presence gone. He followed her silently along the path, fraying her nerves. Reaching the stables, she watched Chalifour's blue eyes traveled the length of the building. His eyes lit on Thor and he strode to the horse’s stall.

  "Is this handsome lad Zeus or Thor?" Chalifour placed his hand on the horse's sensitive nose and gently stroked it.

  "That's Thor. And it seems you've made a friend." A flash of irritation swept through Lucy. Thor, you traitor. The horse seemed taken with the man.

  Chalifour advanced through the stables, asking numerous questions about the horses he saw. Lucy had to admit a grudging admiration for his knowledge. Chalifour’s questions indicated a surprising perception of the nuances involved in breeding thoroughbreds.

  After a spell, seemingly satisfied with her answers, Chalifour said, "And now you may accompany me on a ride."

  Lucy’s mouth fell open. The arrogance of the man was unbelievable! "I beg your pardon?"

  "I believe you heard me. I assume you know how to ride?"

  Lucy sputtered before she realized he was baiting her. "Yes, My Lord, I know how to ride quite well. And you? Perhaps I should select a docile mare for you? One that might be easy to handle?"

  "I'm not partial to mares. I prefer pretty fillies. I've been riding rather spirited ones most of my life."

  Chalifour’s eyes locked on hers with hidden meaning. Heat blazed on Lucy's cheeks. Not entirely sure of Chalifour’s implication, she ignored the comment and chose not to respond.

  "I'm sure either Thor or Zeus will do quite nicely," Chalifour said. He chose Thor and instructed the stable boy to saddle him.

  Lucy swallowed her ire at Chalifour’s high handed commands to her servant. He was a peer, after all. Lucy selected her favorite horse, Heather Mist. Like Thor, Heather Mist was a three- year old filly descended from excellent blood lines. Though her blood was not quite as exalted as that of Thor or Zeus, she was a fine horse and fiercely competitive. Heather Mist could give both Thor and Zeus a run for the money.

  They mounted their steeds and cantered from the stables. Lucy observed Chalifour from the corner of her eye. Thor was a hand full. Would Chalifour be able to control Thor? Lucy amused herself and imagined Thor galloping off and leaving the arrogant man sprawled on the ground.

  Lucy and Chalifour started out at a trot. Their gait gradually increased in speed until they were in a full-out gallop. An exuberant rumble of laugher escaped Lucy's throat and she found herself gleefully racing against Chalifour. Their horses tore down the path.

  Both riders alternated between glancing at one another and at the path their horses were thundering down. It was a dead heat with neither gaining or giving ground. The horses were rival competitors. Both horses instinctively knew this had evolved into a race and neither horse wanted to lose.

  Lucy broke off first when they reached a large fenced meadow. Chalifour followed suit and slowed Thor to a canter. They cantered along the fence at the edge of the pasture. The grass was a lush green spread dotted with small clusters of yellow flowers. Unsure what she should talk about, Lucy chose a safe topic and expounded on the minute differences between several of the horses grazing in the field and aspects to consider when breeding one horse with another.

  Lucy glanced at Chalifour and found him looking at her with an odd expression. Did Chalifour have a glimpse of her legs when her gown billowed up? She hadn't expected to ride and wasn't dressed appropriately in her heavy riding habit.

  "What is it?" Lucy asked anxiously, hoping she had not embarrassed herself yet again.

  Chalifour appeared surprised, as if unaccustomed to being questioned directly."Why do you ask?"

  "Well, you were looking at me so oddly."

  "It's just I rarely see women so unabashedly joyous. You were truly happy tearing across the countryside on your horse. It's uncommon to see anyone so free with their emotions. I also find your knowledge of horse breeding impressive. Your expertise greatly exceeds my expectations. Very few women, I imagine, possess the knowledge you do. I simply find it surprising, that’s all."

  Uncomfortable with the frank appraisal, Lucy urged her mount forward and Chalifour followed. After a spell, Lucy slowed her horse and came to a stop. Chalifour did likewise and they walked the horses for a few moments before Lucy halted, breathless.

  Chalifour dismounted with ease. Turning to Lucy, he reached up to help her off her horse. His hands encircled her small waist and he pulled her effortlessly from her horse. A bolt of energy surged through Lucy's body. In that instant, their eyes locked and Lucy's breath hitched. Chalifour stood motionless, holding her for a fraction longer than necessary, then released her.

  Completely out of sorts, Lucy found herself babbling, "See how lovely this meadow is. We sometimes let the horses breed here instead of in the breeding stall. Naturally they seem to prefer it here. It’s lovely, isn't it?" Facing the field, she felt, rather than heard, Chalifour move behind her.

  "Yes, it's quite lovely."

  Chalifour’s deep, low voice drawled dangerously close to Lucy’s ear and caused her to shiver involuntarily. Lucy’s heart fluttered. Her breath rasped. The heat of Chalifour's body radiated through Lucy’s thin gown and seared her back. Lucy was afraid to turn around. Chalifour was entirely too close to her, certainly much closer than was proper. A warmth spread through Lucy’s entire body and crept up her face.

  Self preservation prompted Lucy to move away from Chalifour. Without turning, she walked to the fence which surrounded the meadow, her mind clearing once she was out of close proximity to him. The canopy of a large oak tree shaded the spot where she stood and Lucy leaned against its strong trunk.

  With some space between them, she could breathe again. Her heart rate slowed to a normal pace. She pivoted toward Chalifour and
found his piercing blue eyes boring into her. Her breath hitched again. What was wrong with her?

  Chalifour’s eyes sapped her will and rendered her immobile. He walked slowly toward her with all the sinuous grace of a large feline. All of Lucy’s senses flared with danger signals. She stood rooted, unable to move, or to think. Chalifour reached her and stood silently, looking down at her with such intensity Lucy could barely stand it.

  Lucy started to turn away when Chalifour bent his head over hers and captured her lips with his warm mouth. He spread his arms around her neck and waist and pulled her hard against his long, lean body in a strong embrace. Lucy gasped as Chalifour’s probing lips demanded hers part.

  Chalifour’s tongue began to caress her lips lightly and he sucked gently on the bow of her upper lips before returning to his demanding assault on her mouth. His hands kneaded her lower back and neck and she found herself sliding her arms up and around his neck.

  Lucy had never experienced the sensations that tore through her being. Her chest heaved and she found herself pressing her body hard against his huge frame. Chalifour possessed her mouth for what seemed to be infinity. He finally released her and Lucy stumbled backwards. Chalifour caught her in his large hands and prevented her from falling.

  Chalifour's eyes smoldered with desire. Lucy sensed danger and stepped away from his reach. Breathing deeply, she turned away from him and tried to compose herself. Lucy ran her fingers through the tangles of her hair, which now hung loose and wild after their gallop.

  After a moment, Lucy glanced over at Chalifour. He was watching the horses lazing about the meadow, his broad back turned to her, feet planted firmly in a wide stance with his hands clasped behind him. He was such a fine figure of a man.

  Lucy was at a loss as to how she should behave or react. Not knowing what else to do, she quietly said, "I think we should return to the stables now."

  Seemingly unaffected by what had just happened, Chalifour said, "I agree. It's time we return. I will be continuing on to my estate, unless, of course, your brother is available?"


  They returned the horses to the stables and continued on to the house in almost total silence. Lucy's thoughts were tumbling over each other. Catching sight of Monique reading in the salon, a wave of relief washed over Lucy. She could not imagine trying to make polite conversation with Chalifour right now.

  "Lady Monique! What a pleasant surprise to find you here. It's been some time since I saw you last, or your brother for that matter. And how is your brother?"

  "Quite well, thank you for asking. How is your sister, Lady Elizabeth?"

  "She's as troublesome as ever. That never seems to change!"

  "So, who won?" Monique asked.

  At the blank looks on Lucy and Chalifour's faces, Monique laughed, "Come! Come! Your hair is a mess, your cheeks are flushed, you've obviously been out for a ride. Knowing you both, I'm sure your ride turned into a race. So, who won?"

  "It was a tie," Chalifour said. He looked at Lucy. "She rides well. I'm not sure I've seen another woman sit quite so well. It was rather enjoyable." He glanced at Lucy again.

  "I see. It's true, Lucy is a phenomenal rider. The only person I know who can best her is her brother."

  Chalifour looked directly at Lucy. "Yes, I'm looking forward to riding with her again."

  Flustered, Lucy tried to change the subject, "I'm sure you would all enjoy some tea. Is anyone hungry?"

  Chalifour continued to stare at Lucy with his impenetrable gaze, "Yes, I find I'm extremely hungry for something. However, I believe I'll have to wait, for now. Perhaps the next time we meet?"

  Chalifour’s silky voice was a caress. Lucy dropped her eyes and her cheeks grew warm.

  Monique's eyes traveled from one to the other and narrowed speculatively. Could Monique have guessed? Lucy hoped not. She wasn’t sure she could explain her own actions and she was certain Monique would rightfully scold her.

  "Now that Season has begun, I hope to have the pleasure of seeing both you and your sister," Monique said.

  "I'm sure my sister will be arriving at the townhouse soon. She loves Season. For me, it's a simply a necessity to make an appearance at the House of Lords. I'll make it a point to mention to her that you were inquiring about her."

  "Thank you. That would be most thoughtful of you."

  "I need to be on my way. I would like to see if your brother is awake before I leave." Chalifour’s voice took on a commanding tone.

  Forced to continue the deception, Lucy smiled and left the salon. She climbed the stair case toward Lucien's room. Lucy was happy to carve out some time to visit with him and to escape Chalifour. She had not been able to check on Lucien last night.

  Lucy entered Lucien's bedchamber. His soft snores filled the room, together with those of Alistair. Alistair was fast asleep in a chair pulled close to the bed. His grey hair was mussed and a light growth of white beard stubbled his face. She took great care not to wake either of them. Alistair would be mortified if he was aware she had caught him sleeping in that condition. Lucy stole across the room, perched on the edge of Lucien's bed, and softly stroked his forehead.

  "Come back to me, Lucien. I need you to get better," she whispered. Lucy sat quietly a few minutes before she slipped from the room and returned to the salon where Monique and Chalifour were politely conversing.

  Both Monique and Chalifour looked up inquiringly when she entered. Lucy looked at Chalifour and shook her head. "I'm truly sorry. I know you would like to speak with him, but he's sleeping deeply." Oh, how I wish you could speak with him.

  "Then, I guess it's time to take my leave of you."Chalifour reached inside his coat and withdrew a document which he handed to Lucy. "Here is the contract which I will leave. I was also thinking I could use your expertise while your brother is convalescing. You obviously have an eye for horses and I have need of a practiced eye. I would like to have your opinion on some of my mares. I would also like you to deliver this to me in person. I believe that should be acceptable since I have been playing the role of delivery boy for you up until now," Chalifour said.

  "I will have the contract delivered by one of my servants. I cannot possibly visit your home without a chaperone. It would be entirely inappropriate."

  "You have a chaperone. My sister is in residence at the moment. On my honor as a gentleman and with Lady Monique as my witness, I would not put you in a compromising position. I will send my coach for you at the end of next week, say Thursday. That should give you enough time to go into Town with Lady Monique, meet with Lord Perdan as you promised him, and return." It was a command, not a request. Without another word, Chalifour turned on his heel and strode out.

  Lucy slowly turned to look at Monique's questioning face.

  "I believe we better discuss a few things," Monique said.

  "Such as?" Lucy asked.

  "Such as your relationship with Chalifour and your unescorted romp with him. We'll get to that after we look at the contract."

  Lucy unfolded the document and began to read. She felt the blood drain from her face. Paralysis seeped into her body and she let her hands fall to her side clutching the papers.

  "What's wrong?" Monique asked anxiously.

  "Well, this is a good contract for us, but there's no money to exchange hands now. This is more of a partnership. It's an agreement to essentially combine our respective horse stocks for breeding. It's an exclusive arrangement for our cattle to be bred with no outside horses since we collectively own the dams and sires from the three thoroughbred lines. It's brilliant! But there's no money to be transferred! What am I going to do?" She looked at Monique.

  Chapter Nine

  A tap on the salon door caused both Lucy and Monique to jump.

  "Miss Goodwin?" Cedric’s voice rang out.

  Vexed at the interruption, Lucy asked, "Yes? What is it?"

  Cedric entered the room. "Dr. Willets has arrived."

  Lucy lunged from her seat and greeted the docto
r in the hall. Exchanging meaningless pleasantries, she accompanied the physician to Lucien's room. She was relieved to see Alistair was not present and had presumably awakened and retired to freshen himself. Anxious for good news, Lucy watched Dr. Willets examine Lucien again.

  "He has not improved as much as I had hoped he might, though he does not seem to be suffering any deterioration. Continue to watch him. I would like you give him less laudanum and wine from here on. I will be back on Monday, or Tuesday at the latest, to check on his progress."

  "I must go into Town and may not be here at that time. I will leave word with the servants to admit you if I'm unable to be here. If I can't be here, I will want a detailed account. Doctor, can you tell me anything at all?"

  "No, I can't just yet. I'm sorry."

  Dr. Willets departed the room. Lucy followed a few minutes later. Her steps faltering, Lucy descended the staircase and returned to the salon, shoulders slumped. She was so dreadfully tired.

  Monique looked up from her book and watched her enter. "What did Dr. Willets say?"

  "There's not much difference in his condition and Lucien has not progressed as much as the doctor would like. He wants us to start lessening the amount of laudanum we give him, and wait, wait, wait."

  "I'm so sorry, Lucy. Other than nursing his body, which you're already doing, the only other thing you can do for him now is to keep his world from coming apart. We've got to figure out a way for you to do that."

  "I know," she sighed. "I need access to funds. I was counting on receiving money from that contract. Over the course of time, the merging of our cattle will be a fine business arrangement. In the short-term, however, I'm not sure how we will survive. We’ll be scandalized, or worse."

  "Do you have enough money in the accounts to make a payment to Lord Perdan?"

  "Yes, but there will be little left to pay for all of our expenses until early next year when we can sell the foals being sired now. We also won't have any of the stud fees we usually take in this time of year because the contact stipulates that our colts and stallions mate only with Lord Chalifour's mares and fillies. So if I give Lord Perdan a large payment from our existing funds, if he demands more money before the beginning of the year, we could find ourselves in a dire situation. If I don’t honor the obligation, we’ll be disgraced, which would be even worse."


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