Surrender of Trust (First Volume of the Surrender Series)

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Surrender of Trust (First Volume of the Surrender Series) Page 9

by Mariel Grey

  Lucy tried to sneak a glance at Chalifour, but his cobalt blue eyes were on her and the heat began to rise in her cheeks. Traitorous cheeks! She was never going to get through the day like this! She was having trouble even getting through breakfast! Her stomach rumbled, causing her cheeks to burn hotter. Lucy was famished and needed to eat something. She was going to need every bit of strength she could muster today.

  Lucy and Chalifour ate in silence. Chalifour’s eyes were on her, but she ignored him and pretended not to notice his perusal. Chalifour finished before she did and excused himself for a moment. He left the room with the contact in hand.

  Chalifour returned to the dining room a few moments later without the document. "We didn't have much of an opportunity last evening, but I would enjoy showing you around the house and gardens if you would like."

  Lucy smiled, "I would very much like that."

  They strolled together from the dining room and Chalifour toured her through the various impressive hallways and public rooms. While the estate and furnishings were opulent and grand, it was the orangery that intrigued Lucy.

  Lucy clapped her hands in delight. "How wonderful to have oranges and this indoor garden of sorts! What prompted your family to create this? I've heard about these, but this is the first time I have ever set foot in one."

  "It was my mother's idea. She loved living things, plants, animals. My mother taught me to appreciate and respect all manner of living things, and all stations of life." Chalifour looked directly at her.

  Lucy looked away quickly. "Your mother sounds like a wonderful woman. I apologize if I am being forward, but what happened to your parents? Are neither alive?"

  A cloud passed over Chalifour's face. "They were killed in a coach accident, somewhat like your brother was injured. Lucien, however, survived. His story is a little happier than mine." Chalifour's voice was sad. He shook himself as if to clear his head and turned back to her. "If you like this, let me let me show you the gardens."

  Walked out onto a large terrace overlooking a garden, Lucy surveyed her surroundings. The gardens reminded Lucy of a Monet painting with their diffused colors all blending into an overall pattern of artistry. The gardens were truly exquisite.

  "It's glorious with all of the colors! Did your mother design this as well?"

  "Yes. It was my mother's pride and joy. Aside from thoroughbreds." Chalifour smiled. "If my mother wasn't in the stables, she was here. I know it's unusual, but she did a lot of the work herself rather than having the gardener do it. She found a real satisfaction in it."

  "So much beauty. She was very talented, an artist in her own way."

  "Yes, I guess she was."

  "How old were you when your parents died in their accident?"

  "Lady Elizabeth was fourteen and I was sixteen."

  How young for so much responsibility to have fallen on his shoulders, Lucy mused. She suddenly wished she could have known her own mother better. Would her mother have found joy in bringing flowers to life? She looked at Chalifour. "Did your mother enjoy riding as well?"

  "Yes, she rode most days unless the weather was inclement. My mother often regretted that we didn't live where it was warmer all year so she could ride more often. My mother enjoyed attending the races. In truth, it was she who taught me to love horses and riding more than my father. It was her guiding hand that prompted my father to do a great many things, including investing in thoroughbreds. He adored her and did whatever he could to please her." His face abruptly closed, as if he had betrayed more than he intended.

  Lucy thought of her own mother. She had been seven when her mother died. What had her parent's marriage been like? She remembered joyful times, but she had been young. She had been too young to discern and understand the domestic patterns that were woven into the fabric of a marriage or to know if her parents were happy or not.

  Lucy's relationship with her parents had been a parent and child relationship, until her mother died. Maybe that was why in her heart of hearts she feared marriage and giving herself completely to a man-- emotionally, physically and even financially-- according to English law. Lucy brushed away these thoughts away and looked up at Chalifour. He was watching her silently, his expression enigmatic. What had he seen?

  "There you both are!"

  Startled by the interruption, Chalifour and Lucy both looked up to see Lady Elizabeth beaming at them. "It's a lovely morning for a ride. Wouldn't you say?"

  Chapter Fourteen

  Lucy changed into a pale blue riding habit and rejoined Elizabeth and Chalifour downstairs. The women conversed as the three of them trooped to the stables. Chalifour remained silent and admired the graceful sway of Lucy's steady gait, like that of a thoroughbred. He doubted she would appreciate the comparison, however. Lady Elizabeth proceeded to describe the various horses at the stables which might suit Lucy.

  Before Lucy could respond, Chalifour said, "Don't worry. I have seen Miss Goodwin ride. She is quite capable of handling a spirited mount, and ... ," Chalifour looked at Lucy with a raised brow. "I believe she would probably prefer riding an animated horse. Is that correct?"

  "I do find it more satisfying to ride a horse with spunk. They are so much more enjoyable. Though I believe you wanted me to look over your mares, so it may not really matter."

  Lady Elizabeth eyed Chalifour and Lucy quizzically for a moment, then shrugged. The three of them entered the cool stables. The stables were more elegant than a majority of its counterparts, but the musky scent of horses and grass was the same as in every other stable. Chalifour inhaled, feeling relaxed as he always did here. The rustling and soft neighing of the horses was music in his ears.

  Lady Elizabeth chose her customary mount, a placid grey mare named Jasmine because of her sweet disposition. Chalifour selected a spunky filly named Mischief for Lucy. It seemed a perfect choice for her. He watched Lucy run her small hands over the chestnut hair of Mischief. Lucy smiled approvingly at him. "I take it you are satisfied with your mount?"

  "I am indeed. She has lovely lines."

  Chalifour was once again impressed with Lucy’s eye for horses. Mischief was indeed a blood horse. In time, Mischief would become a brood mare, but for now, she was here for the riding enjoyment of their visitors. Though there were few guests at Chalifour Manor, Chalifour never wanted to disappoint those who did visit on occasion.

  Chalifour hosted house parties only when his sister occasionally twisted his arm. Inevitably, he enjoyed the feminine liaisons that frequently occurred during those social events. He often also found himself fending off women who had designs on marriage, something he was not yet ready to contemplate.

  The stable boys assisted the women in mounting their horses. The three of them trotted down the road through the fresh, spring countryside that was all part of his vast estate. They stopped periodically to examine some of the horses grazing in the fields.

  Lucy continued to impress Chalifour with her insights into his horses. She could quickly separate the proverbial wheat from the chaff, without fail discerning which horses had the better blood lines and which would make the best breeding stock. She also had a good eye for temperament, a factor she insisted was important, though often overlooked.

  Cantering from a meadow, Chalifour goosed his horse into a trot. Looking over he saw Lucy do the same, while Lady Elizabeth slipped slightly behind. After a few minutes, he caught Lucy surreptitiously nudging her horse for a little more speed. He did likewise, and his sister slipped further behind.

  Chalifour and Lucy began to edge forward, each in turn spurring on his or her horse faster and faster until they were in a full gallop. Thundering down the path they looked at each other. Lucy let out an exuberant yell that he could only describe as pure joy.

  They continued barreling along until they reached a stream. Lucy and Chalifour brought their horses up short, eyeing each other breathlessly. Chalifour noted with approval that at times, Lucy could enjoy herself with wild abandon, unconstrained by society. Desire
flared within Chalifour and lust coursed through his veins. He wanted Lucy now.

  Lucy's auburn hair had fallen all around her shoulders like the burnished red-gold of a dying sunset. Her cheeks were flushed crimson and her bosom heaved. Her delectable mouth was curved in a smile, with her pink tongue tucked between her small perfect teeth.

  Chalifour had a sudden flash of insight as to what Lucy might look like sprawled in his bed after a long bout of lovemaking and his arousal rose to a fever pitch. Lucy reminded him of a young unbroken filly, excited, but wary. He fought the urge to sweep her off her horse and make love to her in the fresh, sweet grass. His labored breathing grew even heavier. Lucy caught his gaze and her flush deepened.

  Elizabeth galloped up, looking vexed. She eyed both of them a moment, her expression changing subtly. "At least you didn't break your necks dashing off like that!"

  Chalifour swallowed his annoyance at being interrupted. It was probably fortuitous Elizabeth had arrived before he assaulted Lucy.

  Lucy looked chagrined. "Lady Elizabeth! I'm so sorry! We shouldn't have left you behind. You are, after all, my chaperone."

  Lucy appeared so contrite Chalifour was sorry for her. Once again from wild temptress to sweet young woman in the blink of an eye. "I'm sure Lady Elizabeth will be fine now she knows we have not damaged ourselves during our romp," Chalifour said, looking at his sister.

  Elizabeth returned his look with a quizzical expression on her face. "It's gotten late, and warm. I suggest we retire to the house and take some refreshment. I for one would love some tea."

  "That is an excellent suggestion," Chalifour agreed, gazing at Lucy, her bosom still heaving and cheeks flushed with a rosy glow. They let the horses rest and graze on the new grass for a few moments.

  "Chali does enjoy a good race, whether he's participating in it or simply watching it. You know he's a member of the Jockey Club," Elizabeth said.

  "That's what I understand," Lucy responded before turning to Chalifour. "What do you most enjoy about being a member?"

  "It allows me to help regulate thoroughbred racing. I want to continue to elevate the sport, to rid it of some of the corruption and cheating we’ve seen in the past." Glancing at Lucy, Chalifour saw a nearly imperceptible glimmer of emotion cross Lucy's face. He couldn't quite place it, though. Perhaps it was his imagination.

  "Oh, please don't get him started on this topic! I'm sorry I brought the subject of the Jockey Club up! My brother can talk endlessly about it," Lady Elizabeth rolled her eyes theatrically.

  With a rueful look, Chalifour said, "She does have a point. I can be overbearing on this topic." Chalifour looked at Lucy. "So, what are your feelings on the sport?"

  "Since my family's livelihood depends on the demand for good thoroughbreds, I'm happy with anything that keep’s people interested in racing."

  "What if 'anything' involves cheating? Aren't you concerned about some of the scandals that pervaded the sport at one time?"

  "Of course I am! Cheating should never be tolerated. I believe that, for the most part, the involvement of the Jockey Club and others like you have made the sport much better."

  "I would like to believe that's true, but there are occasions when I wonder." That odd look flashed across Lucy's face again. "It appears the horses are rested now, let's return to the house."


  Chalifour readied himself for dinner. He took more care than usual in his dress for the evening. His valet helped him dress in a dark blue coat made by the superb tailors, Schweitzer and Davidson’s of Cork streets. He knew the cut and color suited him. Chalifour selected buckskin colored knee breeches, riding boots and a cream-colored waistcoat, complete with his cravat tied in a fashionable waterfall style.

  The image of Lucy laughing and carefree on her horse this afternoon kept flitting through Chalifour’s mind. His valet brushed his coat and he surveyed himself in the mirror. Satisfied, he descended to the drawing room. It was a new convention for him to take so much care in his appearance.

  The night air carried a slight chill so he directed the servants to make a small fire in the drawing room. He poured himself a brandy and settled in to wait for the women. The lanterns had not yet been lit so the only light was from the fire which flickered on the walls. Sipping his brandy, Chalifour mused over Lucy.

  He wanted time alone with Lucy, propriety be damned. Chalifour would like to have Lucy here at his estate for a longer period of time, but he could think of no plausible reason to keep her here. That meant he had only tonight.

  Chalifour suspected that Lucy planned to leave early in the morning. He could understand Lucy's concern for her brother. He would feel the same if something similar happened to Elizabeth. However, since Lucien was not gravely injured and was able to conduct his business from the bedchamber, it was odd Lucy was in such a hurry to rush back.

  Chalifour looked up in time to see Lucy glide into the room. She was lovely in a white muslin gown. A Greek key pattern in green adorned the hem and neckline. Chalifour had never seen Lucy without the customary chemisette she wore for modesty during the daytime. Chalifour's eyes traveled her ripe curves.

  His eyes swept along her low neckline and lovely shoulders left uncovered by the small puffed sleeves. The simple, elegant gown accentuated her bosom and small waist. Chalifour smiled approvingly at her.

  "Good evening. Would you care for some wine before dinner?" Chalifour would rather have asked if she would care to be carried off to his bedroom, but thought that might have been in poor taste.

  "I think perhaps I will wait a little while," Lucy responded, blithely unaware of his carnal thoughts.

  "While we wait for Lady Elizabeth, tell me about your family."

  "What would you like to know?"

  "Is it true your father started out as a groom for the Duke of Tellerton and rose to become his Master of Horses?"

  "Yes. It's all true. He always had a good eye for horses. He helped members of the ton select the best horses to breed and race. Naturally, he earned huge vails, and well, he was a good business man. He worked hard and was able to start his breeding business."

  "You must be proud of him. Do you miss him still?"

  "Terribly," Lucy said with a sad smile.

  "What of your brother? Is his eye as good as your father's was?"

  "Yes, I think that it is. Maybe even better. He had the benefit of my father's tutoring, whereas my father had to learn the hard way."

  "What about you?"

  "Me? They taught me a great deal about breeding and racing. You must understand, my mother died when I was seven years old. My father was busy grieving my mother and trying to provide for my brother and me. Unfortunately, I didn't have much of a choice but to become involved in learning the business. I fear I never learned all of the things that most men desire in a wife."

  "What would those things be?"

  "You know, being accomplished at needlework, poetry, music, proper behavior for a lady! Things like that. I can tell you everything you want to know about a horse, but I fear I can't sew a stitch."

  Chalifour laughed at that. The thought of a needle and hoop in her hand did seem out of place."I daresay many men might find your knowledge of horses more interesting than your knowledge of sewing."

  "It's kind of you to say so, though I'm not sure it's true. Most men have certain expectations of women I fear I fail to meet." Lucy’s eyes met his. "So, now that you and my brother have entered into this business arrangement, when will you actually begin to breed the horses?"

  "Immediately. I've already begun arrangements to bring my mares to your stables for the spring and summer rut. Do you think your brother will receive me at your home from time to time, or will I need to make arrangements at a nearby inn?"

  Lucy gaped at him open-mouthed for a moment before finding her voice. The pitch of her voice was an octave higher than normal. "You mean, you will be visiting regularly?"

  "Yes, I'll want to check on the progress of the horses on occasio
n. Since I quite regularly travel to and from Town, it should not prove to be a hardship. It will be more advantageous for the foaling to take place at your stables. Your brother, and of course, you, are so knowledgeable in these areas, not to mention your family has the reputation. Your stables are also much closer to Town and to Epsom Downs."

  "I suppose you and my brother corresponded as to these details."

  "Actually, we haven't. We were to do that and finalize some of these details when I visited your home and met you for the first time, which is why I was a little startled that he signed the contract without further discussion."

  Lucy didn't respond and her face paled.

  "I'll be bringing the mares next week." Chalifour’s eyes held hers."I will insist on meeting with your brother at that time, even if it is in his bedroom. I cannot leave the horses until I do so, and we must introduce the mares to the stallions without further delay."

  Lucy’s eyes dropped to her hands. She refused to meet his gaze. Chalifour's internal warnings flared.

  "Miss, Goodwin, you never said, but what did your brother say when you presented the contract to him?"

  "Well, he ... " Lucy was interrupted when Lady Elizabeth breezed into the room.

  Chalifour was almost positive a look of relief washed across Lucy's face. Something was not right, he felt it.

  "Have I missed anything? I was reading and fell asleep. I apologize for making you wait. I didn't realize the time until the maid woke me."

  "It's quite all right. Miss Goodwin and I have been conversing and keeping each other company. Now that you are here, shall we adjourn to the dining room?"

  Elizabeth nodded. Chalifour tucked both women’s arms into the crook of his elbow and they adjourned to the dining room where Chalifour helped seat Elizabeth and Lucy at the massive dining room table. The servants began serving the courses of dinner while they chatted about the estate, events in Town, the war with France, and various topics of general interest.


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