NZOMBIE - The Living Dead

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NZOMBIE - The Living Dead Page 9

by Edward Warrior, Sr

  - CHAOS! You said it all, Stuart! - Took the glass it was served his time, he was already missing that friend of his fingers. - The sacred scriptures say that "In the beginning there was Chaos, a matter that existed in indefinable way ...", thinks the find, Stuart? - He turned to look at his friend sitting lightly on the top of the conference table - believed that Frost element is CHAOS?

  - I looked at the golden liquid inside the cup while swinging between the toes and around in circles.

  - I do not know... - Without realizing it was the same movement as the friend with the drink in the glass, but in the opposite direction. Two strong beats sounded throughout the environment. - In between! - He said authoritatively and loudly so that they did hear the other side of the door was not surprised to see Urd Wessel, was looked forward to the autopsy report.

  - Gentlemen... I have good news... - He waited for someone offered you a good dose of that Bourbon marvelously flavor the environment, but nothing happened, the two men remained where they were looking at him with all the attention that the time required. - The sample, so the body has cell activity even though "dead" in the form as we know it! - He made a gesture with both hands and both middle and index fingers to emphasize what he had to say. Finally he forced a cough that did not.

  - We do not know how, but the process in question is that the toxin, also called Frost element is a substance annihilating and fast effect! - Rose from the chair where he sat to stand on an equal footing with others, it was not inferior in any case not sympathized with the subaltern position. - The most curious of all is that after the virus incubation, yes, because it is a virus, that is, after the dead host, the body begins a regeneration process, but for some unknown reason causes irreversible brain damage, leaving its host with a deep dementia... - it was the best conclusion he and his aides NOMAD scientific circle could arrive. He coughed again unwillingly. Oliver waved Hershel with the index finger holding the glass and it was readily understood, walked to the bar and picked up another glass, found better soon take the bottle, would be terrible hours. Wessel gave a smile of triumph without being noticed.

  - And not only that... - received with gratitude the cup that contained only two fingers flavored liquid and aged for decades in some appropriate place. - There are two ways of contamination, the first by direct physical contact since there is an exchange of human material and... - It was stopped before completing the sentence.

  - What do you mean "exchange of human material"? - The explanation needed to be more objective and less technical, were businessmen and not applied biology students. - Be more specific, Wessel! - Was enough to again put the chief scientist at the right place, it was not a meeting of fraternization.

  - Yes, yes, of course... - He sat back in the chair recognizing the hierarchical difference between them. - This is direct physical contact where there is exchange of cellular material; I suggest violent clashes as the main cause. It is inevitable not become contaminated in a direct confrontation with these ZOMBIES! - Only wet his lips and prepared to give the second explanation needed.

  - ZOMBIES? - Hershel had never heard such an expression that was not in literature or films about voodoo rituals. - Where the hell took this grotesque name? - Took the opportunity to sit in the chair across the table, was tired of standing and it was likely that the Bourbon was doing some effect.

  - Well... - He hesitated for a moment, but considered better to speak the truth - we did a vote, there was the Golem name alluding will creature created from clay, like Frankenstein was obvious and others have chosen similarity ... - Oliver laughed in a way that could be heard on the ground floor of the headquarters building floor which had more than twenty floors.

  - I would have chosen Golem for sure! - I was surrounded by idiots, but recognized that Urd Wessel was a brilliant scientist for scientific things, not so much for the human society. - And what is the second form of contamination? - Already now receive all the bad news at once, at least I thought so.

  - The second... - Wessel continued after a pause to moisten her lips again - is that the virus spreads through the air when expelled by the lungs of ZOMBIES... It's the perfect enemy! - There was no rhetoric; neither had time for it, the phone on the table rang insistently until Oliver took the base.

  - Yes, I'll get it... - I listened carefully to what they said on the other side of the line. - Yes, we also have a sample ... - not completed the reasoning trying to absorb the information that you were sent. - We expected an official position of NORAD... - He sat on the table leaving one leg stay positioned on the floor and the other completely in the air. - We had no idea it would be so fast... - She sighed and shook again the glass making the rest of the circular drink again on herself. - Some immediate solution? - The whole body tensed in the hope that there was some solution. - Okay ... I'll ask the doctor Wessel that you send all the information already collected... - He said goodbye to leaving the hand stayed on the phone for almost a minute, the silence was absolute.

  - Oliver? - Stuart Hershel broke the monotony of the moment.

  - It was Robert Weis CCD Atlanta... - Did you know the name mentioned dispensed larger presentations, but wanted to inform the origin of the information received. - McMurdo base is being evacuated, as well as others which have not been contaminated received samples of specimens and want to share the findings with us... - He sat at the long conference table headboard and made the glass slide Hershel who hesitated to provide more alcoholic beverages. - The largest cloud that originated from nuclear explosion get to South America in eight hours and estimated to reach Central and North America no later than four days. Shortly after the Japanese coast. - He gestured with his chin so that the glasses were refilled; Hershel was now the official bartender function.

  - That is all? - Wessel wanted to know more, you interest every step that this toxin out of your knowledge, on the other hand, the exchange of information with the CCD could be advantageous to both parties, although it was not a regular attitude.

  - No... - I inhaled briefly the noble aroma of bourbon and drank a good deal more left to come down burning throat. - There will come to us in less than a week crossing the Atlantic Ocean, rising for Africa. - Alternated his fingers on the tabletop as if touch a piano.

  - There's more, is not it? - Hershel began to make plans to find family and find a safe place to hide until it passed.

  - Antarctica is being evacuated and the CCD does not have the slightest idea of how to stop the virus... we asked for our help. - Could not help thinking how it was comical the situation it was in, the world's largest virology center for help just for those who caused the apocalyptic disaster. Wessel cleared his throat for a few seconds causing the two men who until now had ignored return attention to it again.

  - We found the second stage of contamination by two scientists who were doing the autopsy ... - She looked at the two understand they did not understand the explanation, needed better its dialogue with the remaining of the human race wanted to be understood. - We have three specimens for study now! - He remained where he was without moving one millimeter to be.

  - Get out of here! - Oliver was deeply annoyed by that Message, all had received and none of them was smaller than the other, lose people from your team hurt deeply. - Go to work, man! and bring me a definitive solution as soon as possible! - Wessel did not finish the last sip of beverage yet to repent of it as he left the room, but the first punch closed on the table had been more than a warning, was an ultimatum.

  Hershel who had been only heard the report of them, rose from his chair and drank the last sip. - I'm going home, I need to see my family... - Posed the glass on the table and pushed what was left of the bottle closer to Oliver McQueen. He left without reproaches. As he closed the door again heard a familiar sound of glass breaking behind him, but this time the volume was greater. The bottle had fulfilled his mission with praise.

  Casey Station

  - Control Casey Station! Control Casey Station! Alfa Romeo 217 requesting emerg
ency landing! Exchange! - Radio only emitted the static sound in response.

  - Control Casey Station! Control Casey Station! Alfa Romeo 217 requesting emergency landing! Exchange! - Vladimir repeating the message every two minutes while making the approach of the Australian station already discerned on the horizon, beside the beautiful Nadja Romanov remained silent attentive to all external movements. During the trip had observed several hikers who scattered in all directions, was able to meet some of them, but the altitude did not allow him to have that certainty and fairness, not wanted.

  - I think it's abandoned. The ground control does not respond, we arrived late! - The experienced driver knew that the lack of communication, including for emergency aircraft could be fatal, moreover, had no idea if the place was safe, hoped so, but it was imperative to land or fall a few kilometers ahead. Nick Frost remained unconscious wrapped in a kind of thick canvas in helicopter fund for cargo transportation.

  - How do you get out? This end of the world and find civilization? - Remain in wandering and chaotic situation they were in was not an option.

  - Let's land and try to refuel, this is one of the largest stations of the continent and should have plenty of fuel! - Circled twice around the perimeter and with the exception of two opposite points where visualize what appeared to be human remains, there was not a soul. - There is a supply zone, will land as close as possible! I think it is better to see the physical condition of his friend back there; he made a great effort to the cable sustain all the weight of the two without smothering them! - Vladimir said as he pointed to a typical building next supply of one of the hangars.

  - Yes, I will see how it is! - Nadja released her seat belt and was until Frost rehearsed regaining consciousness. - Calm down, Nick... - He ran his hand over his forehead was cold, contrasted with the heated internal environment of the aircraft. He raised a hand to touch her, but was stopped just so Nadja can see the raw flesh of the palm of the hands and fingers that had left the pasted skin freezing cold steel cable. - My dear... - I wanted to hug him, but for some reason did not, perhaps a warning or sixth sense to call. Only covered a little more and stayed at her side until you feel rested on solid ground. In a few moments the noisy side door ran the side.

  - The station is empty, was abandoned hastily! - The pilot still had the gun in his hand and unlocked. - Come on! I need your help to refuel! - Held out her hand she did not refuse, he liked to feel the warm touch that experienced and manly hand, could even say almost gross, but soft. He jumped up with the agility of a cat out and followed him to the large fuel tanks.

  - I'll turn on the hose and you press the pump button on my command! - Vladimir was in control, never ceased to be. As a precaution left the weapon with Nadja. - You know use? - He asked.

  - Yes I know! Do not worry! - Left the heavy weapon hangs with his arm, was not any he knew, but the beginning was certainly the same and she quickly learned.

  - I'm not worried! - Vladimir held the long and heavy hose with both hands and with some difficulty connected helicopter will feed mouth. Made calculations at the speed of light of the fuel needed to reach the Mirny station, there find refuge and his compatriots expected had not evacuated that place too.

  He raised his thumb so that the winding woman who had accompanied him as copilot could trigger button that connected to the fuel pump. He was pleased the engines are silent; this was one of the differences between the almost obsolete equipment used in the support base and the cutting edge technology that was before his eyes. - Thank God! - He sighed. They were safe for a while, thought it best looking food and water, maybe something else they needed.

  Nadja stood guard next to the control of fuel pumps to now and then his attention was diverted by the inputs and outputs Vladimir between a door and another that interspersed the outside. He tried to make a brief analysis of what appealed to her about that man, but to no avail. He thought it might be a security which he passed, she was a little girl next to him needing to be cared for, who was not next to Nick Frost, in this case it was more astute and mature than him, in a way, a boy spoiled, but did not blame him for it.

  On the other hand, it could be physical attraction, after all she was a woman in the bloom of youth and very lush, did not hide the hungry eyes of men wherever he went, but chose the finger and whenever wanted. It could be the set of all this, this was the final conclusion arrived. He felt certain nervousness to realize that the whole body was shivering, but was not sure to be because of the cold, it certainly was not. A few meters away, Vladimir pulling a sled with you live and other utilities for the next trip they would.

  - Looks like it's ready! - Told him with a wide, engaging smile, Nadja reddened.

  - I... I do not know... - He tried not to disclose his thoughts, but it seemed he could read his body like an open book.

  - The aircraft! You must be ready! You can turn off! - Vladimir was a little confused by the answer he received and even more when he noticed the sigh of relief that she had then perhaps the anxiety out there soon. He also wanted to leave as soon as possible that place. Nadja recomposed himself and made sure that there was shaking cold account, but that was not right, loved Nick Frost, and knew it.

  - Get ready! In a few minutes we take off - told him as disengage supply nozzle. It only remains to put the supplies on board and hope that Mirny is not a ghost base! - Turned and started playing all that was taken into the cargo bay, not noticed Nick Frost wrapped in thick canvas military. I had completely forgotten about him, but in time would remember.

  The helicopter took off toward you Mirny base with some difficulty, it was all added weight plus the low air density. Needed to raise the device to the maximum altitude to follow the corridors of wind, it would help a lot in displacement and at the same time save fuel. Nadja was not beside him, wondered if he had not left the ground.

  He looked back for a moment.

  - Nadja? It is on board! - He spoke loudly despite the deafening noise of the rotor.

  - Yes! - She has moved to sit in the reserved seat that was now his. - Nick Frost is very pale, perhaps with hypothermia! - I could not call it by another name, just in front of Nick Timochenco, it irritated her deeply. He gritted his teeth for a moment. - "Hell!" - Thought.

  - Come back and see if he has no fracture or something! - He motioned for her to come back and see the real condition of another passenger, even though it was now considered crewmember. Nadja got up again without taste to relax for a few moments. She knelt beside him and felt the pain that bothered him constantly, took off her snowsuit and raised thermal and fair blouse until the height of the underarms, you can see a purple and horizontal mark on one side to another, was surprised by the voice of Timochenco.

  - This is the effect of the steel cable! - He watched, but not devoured her with my eyes, like it, took to download the blouse again, wanted to look better the bruise that rescue him occasioned, or maybe it was not that. Perhaps I wanted to feel wanted and forget the entire nightmare that lived a night of love could perhaps solve all your problems.

  - "Come, Nadja! Focus on priorities! This is not a priority "- thought.

  Carefully he took the thick canvas and let the hands of Nick Frost stay parallel to the body with wounds palms up, lowered the zipper of the jacket that was much thinner than her and found her breast, heard some groans man who was lying still and unconscious. He lifted his shirt and noticed right from the beginning the pronounced marks of broken ribs, bruised outline denoted that at least four to six of them were broken. He prayed that there had been no internal perforation, bleeding at that time would be certain death.

  He ran his hand across his face fondly, understood that there could be love between them, but had doubts about the wild sex they wanted. At least he had found the answer you were looking for in Timochenco that was it, nothing more than wild and unashamed sex. He turned his thoughts back to the man she loved leaving aside all lasciviousness that crossed his mind. However, nothing justified the pale, almost cadavero
us condition Frost, could be the shock, had seen this symptom before, but the pallor was beginning to frighten her truly.

  Gradually he was looking for other clues that might give you an accurate diagnosis on the health of it. He turned a little and realized the same mark she had in the back, as if they had been beaten by some sin committed in this particular case knew they were completely innocent. He felt his arms one at a time, nothing seemed out of place or party, the head did not present any kind of concussion, missing then the lower limbs.

  The left leg was perfect as ever, never had a chance to see them natural, but wondered how would the right leg as well, except the detail to near the ankle that was bleeding, probably the impact on the ground during landing while still They hung the cord.

  It made sense that like all the weight was on him, could have suffered a fracture. He searched his backpack that could contain first-aid kits, but not found, was confused about it, thought that both had gone up in the steel cable with their backpacks, however, that explained quite why he had had more impact she had nothing to protect him, in his case, the backpack has avoided major damage to the chest.

  I was certain that this helicopter war had emergency resources, and no mistake, a red cross on a white bag under one of the individual seats of the back contained what she needed. He pulled twice without success until he realized a small lever pressed and the object detached itself completely without resistance, opened it and took a scalpel in the absence of scissors, needed to cut the pants to better see the extent of the damage caused Nick Frost.


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