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NZOMBIE - The Living Dead

Page 11

by Edward Warrior, Sr

  - But how is this possible? - They were masterful in the art of war, but inconclusive in other areas, especially scientific. The military are practical and objective people and Robert Weis knew it.

  - Gentlemen... - He paused to breathe a little deeper, I felt a little melodramatic, but it was part of the show, after all that was what was happening in that place, a show behind closed doors and a very selective audience.

  - We know less about our own planet than on the moon and yet, whenever we are sure we master everything, but that's not the truth! - Took a long drink of clear water that was in front of the dossier.

  - Ice Polar is nothing more than oxygen trapped for millions of years, a layer on the other and in such a compressed form that creates a huge and almost insurmountable wall, but if it were not for artificial aspects would certainly be by natural means this plague that devastates us today to deliver! - An assistant you entered new copies of the survey, read superficially, to know the contents and passed the rest to the group followed him and struggled in silence the steps to be taken.

  - In the last hours the ZOMBIES gained greater power of regeneration and physical strength, almost triple of an ordinary human being. If holds while there is time, we are all doomed to the same fate or worse! - Needed to get out urgently return to the lab, I had to be a way out and he would find, if it was the last thing to do.

  - Gentlemen, I do not know what is the estimated time for the virus to reach us ... But we need to act now! - As a scientist they were not passed on information about NORAD's strategy situations, but in this case made an exception.

  - In five days the cloud will have doubled in size and cover all of Central America and the border states... - The vice president did not see reasons to omit information that could be vital, moreover, would be public knowledge very soon. - Two days later will be on Canada! - He ended his involvement with the scientist CCD making use of that information.

  - Well... If you do not need more of my explanations, I have an important job to do and I would not put it off any longer... - With the consent of those present, he took their belongings and withdrew. - "Damn bureaucrats!" - Thought as he left the high security room, did not expect to have to go back to the site, but worse would be if not this place had to return in the future. After a few minutes he was back to his private room in the CCD.

  - Get me the NOMAD! I want to see Oliver McQueen... - It was his last order before turning to look at the piece of human tissue examined in a small glass container. - What makes you live after death? Huh, little freak of nature? - He asked himself in the solitude of the office knowing that would not get any answers.

  - What Robert discovered? I hope you have good news! - Oliver McQueen received the telephone Caller Line unexpectedly, but in the situation it was in, all the help or criticism were welcome.

  - Unfortunately, Oliver... I am hoping that you had something to share... - It was a last attempt to join efforts and as good as any other, but their hopes were also nearly zero, but worth a try.

  - We lost so far nine of the scientists who worked with the specimens and seal all laboratories of the lower floors, who stay underground... - deeply regretted the loss of more men in their team. - We're out any type of access... - He paused. - Urd Wessel is down there with other confined scientists and trying to find a solution... - Wessel had unilaterally decided that no one would come out of that underground complex until they found a cure, otherwise die trying, but the main reason out of the virus could have other forms of transmission and the speed at which he lost his colleagues, would not risk a break quarantine.

  - I see... - Weiss knew that the research facilities of the NOMAD in Amsterdam were deep, reaching almost fifty floors beneath the surface, was a strategically positioning high-risk laboratories and an intelligent decision of its builders, although it was a very radical attitude of Urd Wessel in being caught along with all the scientific body of the company involved in the research specimens. - They're getting stronger and uncontrolled ... They are a force and resistance amazing! - There was a mixture of admiration and resignation in his voice.

  - Yes! We obtained the same results here. Wessel believes that in a few hundred generations this mutation could become so adapted to the world that the forces of nature, illness and other things that affect us today will no longer be a problem! - It was a very extreme assumption, but according to its chief scientist, that accidental transformation taking place now in some places on the planet, it was more an evolutionary stage caused the human race than mere chance. After thousands of years it was quite possible that humans thrive again in more favorable conditions, the error of this theory was that the moment this harmful agent would end the way of life the way it knew and that was unacceptable.

  - I just explain about this to the General Staff, I agree with Wessel, nature is giving us a push to the next stage, but not the way we wanted! - Was an irony to become better and stronger we needed to die completely to return to live something we were not. - We want to colonize the universe, but we forget how fragile the eyes of the Creator! - Again God changed the questions to those who thought they knew all the answers.

  - The UN Security Council is emergency meeting at this time... - One solution would be taken by that advice, a contingency plan would be put into practice without doubt, just had no idea what would be, but Oliver feared might be similar to that used by Yuri Antonov and his government solution.

  - Yes, I know... We have five days to be achieved, but for now this information is still confidential ... - I knew I could count on his discretion. He hung up then there was nothing to do but go back to work and urgently. The Urd Wessel solution did not come out of his head and drew a similar plan calling the best we knew the areas I needed and used the credentials that had to block the exits. Or would come out of that place with healing or would his grave and his companions for the rest of eternity. He regretted that a successful career with her had an end so pathetic.

  The thick steel doors CCD containment system rumbled noisily to the electronic lock. It was impossible not to think of the great pyramids and tombs that held the Pharaohs to resuscitate for life after thousands of years asleep. There they were repeating the ancient practices that enabled the contemporary man learn more about how these people lived.

  Weis hoped that at least his death was not in vain and certainly rather be safe, although dead, in a place that others could not desecrate what will their fate outside of that steel fortress. Who knows, with time, an archaeological dig could find what's left of him and his companions and reveal to the world the last war efforts.

  Start your email account at that time. He called the digital recording system that had in his office.

  - My name is Robert Weis director head of CCD Atlanta...

  Chapter IV

  South Africa

  - Alfa 217, Mirny Control listening! Exchange! - After nearly thirty minutes of the first trial and the insistence on the radio on the way to Mirny, Vladimir received the first contact ground control.

  - Control Mirny, Alfa 217, reporting from Casey Station! Calls emergency landing! Exchange! - The pilot made a supernatural effort to control your emotions and be able to keep control of the situation and the aircraft began to introduce mechanical fatigue. In general, the aircraft were made for short flights and he was flying in that there are at least fourteen hours of short takeoffs and landings.

  - Alfa 217, declare the emergency reason! Exchange! - A long pause before it was anticipated receiving intercom signal that the line was open for responses. That the surprise picks.

  - Control Mirny, Alfa 217, carrying survivors of Vostok Station, Exchange... - You did not think was their best response and even strategy, it could turn against him soon after, after all it was not supposed that there were survivors of that specific basis in question. A longer pause than the previous radio system took account.

  - Alfa 217, Login pilot! Exchange! - The communication was fast, rough and direct, something was not right, that people kne
w with absolute certainty who he was, but did not seem to care. Needed urgent change of strategy or were hopelessly requests that continent.

  - Control Mirny, Alfa 217, dead Vostok Station, Concordia Dead Season! - He paused for breath for what to say next. - Casey Dead Season! Pilot Vladimir Timochenco, Tails Black, Corporation NOMAD! Exchange! - Ended the transmission. - "What the Hell!" - I thought, noting that Nadja awakened at the mention of his name.

  - What's going on Vladimir? - It was the first time she called him by his first name to what their culture meant a little more intimate than actually had.

  - Apparently not want our company! - There was no better way to give you requested information and all the board needed to know exactly under what conditions and situation were. It was soon interrupted then.

  - Alfa 217, denied permission to landing! Confirm receipt of the message, Exchange! - Only the rotor sound over their heads could be heard, Timochenco looked at Nadja and pressed the button again. I hated having to do that would follow, but were his strengths in the sleeve.

  - Mirny Control... Nick Frost Vostok Station in custody... Exchange - hung while she looked at Nadja and noticed on his face surprise and indignation. A deadly gaze was directed you in the certainty that had applied a very low blow to passengers saved.

  - He's not your prisoner ... Neither do I ... - She was still stunned by the last words I heard and again began to doubt his judgment on the character of Vladimir. Could it be that was so wrong about that man who by sometimes thought to have on your bed?

  - Sorry, but it was that or we would be condemned to die in this desolate place and forgotten by God... - As expected the answer he needed soon followed and had a safe conduct to pass would be the scientist on board.

  With absolutely sure he was a great bargaining chip, if there was someone who had been the object of attention at the time, was certainly him.

  - Alfa 217, have the aircraft on radar, permission to land! Track Two, do not go the route! Confirm receipt of the message! Exchange! - This time the voice on the other side was direct and objective.

  - Message received, arriving in about ten minutes, Exchange! - Of two, one. Or would land safely, or would be strictly still slaughtered in the air, but there was no way of knowing which of the two options would work out to be within sight.

  - What's going on Vladimir? - Again the tone that Nadja was used approach, but in its intimate a restlessness beginning to take care of your body. He looked at the bottom of the aircraft to make sure that Nick Frost was still with them on board. For a moment imagined that could have happened terrible things in his sleep. Nothing had changed it seemed.

  - They're evacuating the Mirny station as well as the others have already been evacuated, moreover, do not know the extent of the problem and this may be our last chance to get back home ... - He looked back at the skyline where now discerned the complex of Mirny station. That was a good sign, they had come so close, would certainly not slaughtered.

  In a few minutes were already the orbit of landing on the helipad, a wide brand and quadrangular between two flight lanes properly identified and defined. Two cargo planes identified as Tupolev Tu-95, also known as "Bear" and they were with the turbines connected and ready for takeoff. Below the heliport, a significant contingent of military systems surrounding the entire perimeter which would land, it was certain that they wanted to make sure that nothing would flee there without permission. Some people dressed in yellow or red costumes waiting near own vehicles for quarantine, that should be his destiny and his two crew members, but it was better than the "lucky" that waiting times before.

  It landed without difficulty noting that the last fuel cells were exhausted, even if he wanted to take flight to get out somewhere else could not. Let the blades that turned an extraordinary speed remain for a few more seconds linked and approached Nadja. - Pretend you have no idea how things happened! If they know we were in contact with the infected we will all be sentenced to death! - Shook her a little so she internalizing what had just said.

  - Yes... I understand... - He looked firmly in his eyes. - In any case, thank you for bringing us ... - It was the least I could say without the man in control would never have made it out alive snow transport, was now taking care not to discover the truth about Nick Frost.

  The first to go was Vladimir Timochenco; strong hands gripped both his arms and were escorted to one of the quarantine car. How totally unaware of how the virus was acting and was spreading not made any objection, but he hated being locked up somewhere against her will, it needed to change. Then it was the turn of Nadja Romanov who identified himself as biochemistry scientist at Vostok Station and even if they wanted to give you the same fate as the pilot had insistently objected until it was heard.

  - I'm Nadja Romanov! I have under my care Nick Frost who suffered a serious injury in the explosions Station! - He felt truly in the role of Vladimir and was ashamed of herself and the attitude he took, but always known that people tended to exaggerate when survival was at stake. I used the weakened scientist in question as own safe conduct, but also needed to keep the secret he had kept up there for as long as possible. - He's under my personal care and needs to be removed to a unit of mobile intensive care! - Was directed to containment group with authority in the hope that worked and did not disappoint.

  It was the advantage of knowing how to deal with the opposite sex, even in the chaos that reigned in that place because of the evacuation.

  A mobile treatment unit was moved to the helicopter as request Nadja Romanov, a kind of camera the size of a topping human and glass cover, some instruments on the side were in charge to monitor what was inside and the body Nick Frost had to be removed to the interior of that wrapper. Only Nadja perceived excessive paleness of Frost and grayish tone that protruded on the right hand was discovered.

  - Where will take us? - Asked the man behind the mask that he wore the uniform of biological risk.

  - Will be forwarded to the sorting center and later taken to the mainland. She was not surprised the way the man spoke, many of the working groups referred to Antarctica as if it were an island any and the rest of the world as land.

  - Come to Australia? - Asked curious to know what the true destiny and that mentioned place seemed the most obvious, this New Zealand or by proximity, all the information was vital at the moment. The man looked at her incredulously.

  - Australia, New Zealand and the other islands fell two hours... - He took her arm to help her up in the car, but that was not all the information that would give you. - Go to South Africa in less than twenty minutes! The Corporation NOMAD has been informed of your arrive... We had orders to rescue anyone who survived the Vostok Station. - It was all he could say at the moment. The military apparatus surrounded them as escort to the sorting center who was in charge of shipping them on the next flight.

  Nadja realized that the damage element Frost was much larger than I had imagined and had crossed the boundaries of the frozen continent, but one thing in all this was puzzled, Nick had all the symptoms of infection, in any case he had not become a walker like everyone else that watched before. Many of them were still seen as they crossed the icy plains of helicopter, so the pilot had told him in the last moments before landing and was sure were heading to inhabited areas.

  In any case and despite the luck so far, still ran the risk of being discovered and killed Nick Frost, or worse than that, as scientists who were most likely dissect entirely, dead or alive and not allow his beloved had an end so tragic. Ultimately she herself would undertake to put an end to your life, just do not know if I would have the courage to do so. He felt weakness in his legs as he walked down the car and was sent next to the containment cap to the sorting center, was received by a military that seemed career you and representing the maximum authority of the place.

  - General Ulianov, Nadja Romanov! - Presented himself extending his hand cordially, she returned the greeting with shyness. - How is the health of Dr. Frost? - I wanted to know
right away.

  - Requires health care... presented high fever and unconsciousness by injury account in the leg caused by the explosion of an artifact as evacuate the Vostok station ... - Not a lot of conviction that the excuse do had much effect, but it was all which it had at the time. It had the advantage of being evacuating the place and do not have time to do further evaluation using the local medical staff, which apparently was already absent from the base.

  - Yes Yes! We heard on the radio that was on board, but we had no injury severity idea ... - Ulianov struggled not to be impolite, even though he hated living with civilians, but that case was a rare exception imposed by his government, as remembered - "Every conceivable effort..." - These were the watchwords in your mind. - We will arrange shipment it as soon as possible in Tupolev in your company, of course, and to arrive safely to Johannesburg! - Started to withdraw, but Nadja was not finished.

  - Please... What is the extent of contamination? - I wondered what would be facing in the coming hours. The General looked deeply into his eyes to understand what that woman seemed frail and fragile to what was happening would such information. He saw no reason to hide the truth.

  - We are losing the battle, Romanov and she has not even started yet, but already done enough damage to understand that all we now have a common enemy! - Soon withdrew then leaving her with your thoughts.

  Nadja had won two great victories at the time, the first to be able to deceive everyone and everything hiding the real person who loved conditions and was in a situation that not even she understood as a scientist. The other to know the truth of the facts and what to expect from now on, urgently needed to know what had happened to Vladimir Timochenco.

  There was a delay of over time until they were inside the Tupolev 95, although separated, biochemistry could see Timochenco exchanging information and laughter with the rest of the crew thought it would be very smart from him sagacious man to make friends and get information only time would answer these questions. For now, I needed to stick to the health of Frost and will camouflage that had concealed the wound as a common side effect.


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