NZOMBIE - The Living Dead

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NZOMBIE - The Living Dead Page 18

by Edward Warrior, Sr

  Nick Frost was the only one who could see everything that followed in slow motion. His father threw himself on Martha as Oliver McQueen was a straight shot will almost point blank. Vladimir Timochenco fired the gun in a burst down the two guards who remained all the time next to his parents. Nadja was still on the floor plugging his ears and screaming, as if to chase away the evil spirits that invaded that hallowed place. Nick Frost with his left hand pressed the jugular Oliver McQueen lifting him off the ground, had no idea where it was coming so hard his human side, but was in no hurry.

  She looked him straight in the eyes and raised his right arm and bestial, disproportionate, long fingers and sharp nails. Down the claws starting just below the man's throat with wide eyes and tore it slowly to the waist, nothing in the way stopped him and had the feeling that cut butter. Oliver McQueen fainted quickly, but not before looking at your heart in the hand of Nick Frost. It was the last thing he saw. His body was thrown into a corner of the wall making a loud noise to fall to the ground, Nadja looked incredulous heart of Oliver McQueen still pulsing in the mutant hand hanging from the right side of the NZOMBIE let that worthless piece of meat fell at his feet and close knelt where her father lay prostrate on his mother still sitting on the couch. He picked it up delicately and turned it so he could see well. He was dead with a hole in the back that left the bloodstained chest. Eldar Frost was dead shot down like a rabid dog. He leaned it carefully as if he were again sitting ready for some talk in the family about the things they enjoyed at nightfall. He turned his attention to Martha, his mother.

  The caliber bullet thick pierce his father's body and was lodged in his chest, the stain was huge and dark, life was fading between the fingers not holding the bleeding. - I'm here mom... Do not leave me... - A tear trickled down the face of the human side of Nick as he tried to stop the bleeding in a woman's breast that had brought him to the world and loved every day of his life.

  - My son... My time is running out and there is nothing you can do ... - I coughed a bit with a few drops of blood, still holding her husband's hand knowing he was dead and did not want to live without his company. - You're still the best man I met after his father ... how can Save ... Start by her ... - He looked at Nadja on the ground trembling for all the apparent reasons, the situation and the mutation advancing violently.

  - But you said it was not possible! - Nick still reluctant to let his mother left him alone in the world.

  - There is a natural precedent... It is possible, but only you know ... - He sighed deeply and his eyes glazed without closing. Martha Frost was dead.

  I wanted to scream and howl like a wild animal to the world just to take the things he loved most, but had no time, fulfill the will of his mother before he lost to someone who still loved deeply. He turned to pick her up, but Vladimir Timochenco was among them.

  - I need to know if she has a chance... A single to be... - The two dark marks on his chest, Nick could see clearly, they left no doubt that the exchange of buckshot had been mutual, still wielding the rifle toward Frost. It was a formidable soldier.

  - I'll do everything I can... I do not know if it will work, you heard the conversation ... - this time Nadja ran to hold Vladimir falling like a heavy burden on the ground, she held it as he could by pouring it on your lap.

  - Oh... My dear Vladimir... I looked into his eyes as his tears fell on his face. - You were my guardian angel... My savior of all times... - I stroked his face with her fingertips. Nick Frost had some difficulty understanding what he saw, but realized it was not the only one in the life of Nadja Romanov. In a way it was gratified that both could be compared at the same time the eyes of the woman who snatched hearts.

  - There was this Nadja life... Maybe next... - He smiled painfully.

  - In a few hours you will be with us again... - She knew the element Frost, as he hated that name, would come at any time and resurrect those who were on the way.

  - No... This is not... I will die like a man... - Using the rest of the forces still had placed the muzzle of the Sig Sauer under the chin and the chest, but could not pull the trigger, he lacked forces need help.

  Nadja embraced him as much as you can until you pulled the trigger and saw the man's head in his lap fall apart, wept copiously when the left hand Nick held to rise. It was with the right hand that wiped the tears from Nadja, not feared most, knew how to control it now and always, there was a precedent to that.

  - Come Nadja, my mother has saved what we need, always prepared! - Remembered from childhood deprivations because of the rare factor in their blood. He opened a door to the library and behind her was another door and a nicely decorated lab, with old and more modern investigative tools. He opened the drawer and he knew that his mother had made a point to show you if needed in an emergency. There were all the trappings to make an emergency transfusion of blood and the situation demanded skill and speed.

  Nadja was better at it than him. She forced him to lie on the only medical evaluation table that existed in the room, did not provide a transfusion between two people, but only the use of blood bags, in any case, would have to serve. Inserted a long catheter in the left Nick arm still remained normal despite already noted some mutation changes, but remained with the almost natural color, made the necessary connections to the blood travel from one point to another, had experience , I knew the ramifications that did would work, just was not sure if the result would be positive.

  He lay down on the cold ground and smooth down the diagnostic table next to Nick, but that did not bother her, she felt comfortable, almost adapted. Inserted the proper gauge cannula and punctured the vein opening the valve that would receive the "cure" Frost... not noticed that I fell asleep slowly, his thoughts were far better days. Not agreed on the following hours.

  Chapter VI


  It was day, the cloud passed as the messenger that was death. Nick did not need how long they were asleep letting blood between them walks for their bodies repeatedly, certainly was an unusual case and that the consequences could be the worst possible. He lay for some time, there was no kind of hurry to remember the horrors of the previous days, perhaps weeks, in any case, the conditions of the Nadja worried and searched around. It did not take to find her lying on the floor like a sleeping beauty...

  It was so to say, the beautiful concept was far from that once represented the human ideal both male and female, now the parameters were different. Helen of Troy had been in another world that no longer that, Cleopatra, Terpsichore and Guinevere were definitely dead and buried in the books closed on the shelves of libraries that no one ever would read the next millennia. No one else would have Paris or Rick's Cafe in Casablanca.

  One thing was certain, the transmutation process of Nadja Romanov was apparently complete and the result, although it was not an understanding that dominated completely, recognized that the body strength was more pronounced with noticeably toned muscles and some more elongated members, as well as it in the mutant part, the hands were a great example. They had something in common now beyond the love they felt for each other. There was a blood pact between them that could last for eternity, after all, no one knew how long a ZOMBIE could "live", if that was the correct way to name them.

  I needed to wake up and Nadja for more than ten minutes had been just watching it and making a comparison of who knew her during the human stage and now there was a new dominant race in the food chain. They were two opposites; expected dementia caused by the infection process had not reached. He still felt that his human half insisted on controlling the other party mutant, was an endless conflict, but that at some point have an end and in recent days he, Nick Frost, had learned a lot in dealing with this personal disagreement.

  His human side still remembered the behavior of a gentleman and a natural attitude took her up leaving the frosty ground behind placing it gently on the table of diagnosis. He ran his hand over his forehead and slid asleep stroking the still dark-haired Nadja. They were two different
creatures now, not to say antagonistic, at least it was full and he just a bizarre thing that divided the old and new world in a single being.

  He imagined for a moment that at some point the Frost Event would occupy a place in the marking of your time clock that was still hanging on the bedroom wall upstairs, as if it were a valuable trophy of his youth. He felt a mixture of love and hate for all that had happened in recent weeks, after all, he was a researcher, perhaps one of the best in their field, in any case, it was no good consolation for all the apocalyptic disaster that came after drilling of Lake Vostok.

  Humanity could not simply succumb because of an isolated event that now become global size, there would certainly be a cure and a way to save possible survivors. Governments around the world have planned for shelters decades for nuclear disasters, alien invasions, biological warfare, and even meteoric cataclysms, so somewhere there would be a "safe haven" for the elect and perpetuators of the species. He and Nadja certainly would not be among them.

  I had to wake her while she wanted her to remain asleep for an indefinite time. The transfusion process could be repeated indefinitely for others to survive, knew how his blood was precious at this time, as well as other possible forty that probably exist on the planet and they had the "rare blood", which set them apart from remaining species. That did not mean they had survived the Apocalypse Zombie, however, would eventually be hunted by both sides, and he and Nadja.

  Mutants the would hunt the human part who insisted on being present in its other half, and human for the opposite reason, that would allow the mutation was controlled, but there was sure that had fully functioning with the once beautiful woman now I was asleep. It would be necessary to wake her up as soon as possible. As if it were a scene from a book of children's stories, she leaned over her and kissed her gently on the lips. To an outside observer it was nothing more than a Dantesque scene of an episode of macabre literature.

  - Wake Nadja... - whispered softly after taste her in his mouth, was different and not as inviting as once when stolen a kiss. With some difficulty she opened her eyes and saw her lover just like the last time I had been with him, but not everything was normal, the smell of human flesh was too strong and invited to feel it between his teeth, just did not understand why this happened.

  - Nick... - The words sounded more serious and different from what was used to hear in her voice.

  - Take it easy ... - He ran a hand through her hair again feeling the softness of bluish skin without temperature. - It was a long and slow process, but it seems that had the desired effect. - There was not much else to say, it was necessary for her to see by their own eyes. He helped raise it with some difficulty, felt that her weight had changed with the sudden gain muscle mass. He thought that in another situation that would be a great object of study. Immediately he repented then by his miserable thoughts.

  - My God! - Nadja, who had once been a slender, delicate woman, the most coveted among men wherever he went, was now a being mutated and disfigured by human standards. Still had the species of origin characteristics, but evidently was more adapted to face the world and the adversities of the world, felt he did not need to worry if the weather was cold or hot, it would make any difference, your body assimilated the change in the best sense to leave her comfortable. - This is not me... - I played the two large hands with long fingers and sharp nails blackened the face and felt how powerful were able to lacerate any prey in seconds.

  - At least I did not lose you to the virus... - It was not the best way to say it approved the new physical form of it, but it was all he had at the time and hoped it was enough. - You are perhaps the next step of human evolution with all the features that will still take thousands of years to reach the other... - It was true that had jumped several steps of mutation with the help of blood transfusion as provided in all research, nature always found a way to preserve some specimens of those who would be extinct, but it also meant that there would be two different branches of individuals vying for space on the planet, ZOMBIES walkers who succumbed to contamination of the virus and suffering from dementia and NZOMBIES conscious that for now they were only two.

  - I do not want this to be Nick! I hate to be this, not me! - She tried to cry, but no tears pouring of any kind, felt that this would be an impossible thing in the new physical condition he had.

  - My blood gave him a chance to turn the game, Nadja, do not waste it like it does not matter... - In a way, he felt offended again were present creator and creature, it was now his most sublime creation and hope that at least one branch of humanity, or whatever the name would give them, survive and thrive on Earth, after all, nothing lasted forever, not even the dreams and the annihilation of humanity by itself, it was only a matter of time. They lived too long in the shadow of mass extinction events in any way and even involuntary, had succeeded.

  - My dreams have become nightmares, Nick! - I hated the way he talked about his new condition. - I had plans and still so much to do... - She was young and dreamy, at some point in his life thought of houses with white and children running in the garden fences, while was preparing a hearty and tasty dinner for her husband, who come at home at any time and know who was that man by whom sighed for long periods between a rider and one of the Vostok Station. I wanted time to come back to the last time he felt he needed to be protected and loved, as she held her blouse to her chest and tried to seduce the young biologist who surprised her at night.

  - What are you thinking Nadja? - Nick realized the complexity of the thoughts that crossed her mind and wanted to know what was going on before taking the next step.

  - On the night he was looking for me in accommodation, why not takes me in his arms and made me his wife? - There was no reason to hide the desired completely in his bed that night and I was willing to go beyond the limits imposed by sexual shame to please him, but it did not. - I would not have resisted in any way... - there He ended his most intimate question in recent years.

  - I did my best not to start that blouse that kept me from seeing and touching your body... That both wanted for a long time and now seems only an echo of a distant world and time! - I told him bluntly and aware of the Herculean effort he had made a week earlier to control and not devour it like a wild animal. - We are still a couple, Nadja and I'm not willing to give that up for a second that is! - She hugged her tightly, but felt that things would be very different from now on.

  - What do we do now? - She stood with her head against his chest creature half man half mutant. I could hear not only his heart pounding and all the sounds around and some from the living room bothered her deeply. - There's something out there that do not know what it is, but it's not good! - Up the nostrils to smell as prey.

  - Let's see what it is without you to recognize that we are here... - He was in front because he knew every room in the house where he was born and even knew all the creaks the floor and the doors were to be triggered. Nadja followed him like he was the Alpha Male of the group to which they now belong, but there was no way to know if they would be the only, or for how long.

  He opened the door where they were and that gave access to the main room, peeked through a small crack and barely contained hatred cry before he saw. Oliver McQueen was leaning over the woman who was slaughtered like an animal by his own weapon, the bloody mouth still chewing the content that powerful hands ZOMBIES slashed slowly, the body that was once Martha Frost and was disjointed movements while being devoured the former President of the Corporation NOMAD. Nick penalized for not having foreseen that it could happen, it was logical that the dead return to life and there would be no exceptions, not even for her.

  It took courage to look again without Nadja could see what was happening, at least for a few minutes wished to spare her this terrifying vision, but he could not forget who was there on the other side of the door was his dear and beloved mother. I felt that one side forced him to learn more, was the scientific side of the human part of Frost, while the other insisted it was for the
fight and play in the fresh meat that still transmuted in the other room. The silence was interrupted by the audible sound of a mobile phone that identified being in the can of Oliver ZOMBIE heartless probably your personal device, but it also meant that there was intelligent life somewhere else, unless it could be an automatic dialing, but for some reason believed the former.

  - What will you see below will not be far from even the worst thing we've ever seen, but we have to know how to deal with it ... - Frost clenched fist with his left hand and the direct left sharp nails ready for action. - We need to know who's on the other side of the connection, it may be our only chance to find others like us, or not so... - I was not sure it would be or who would be, but would not give up the opportunity to know. Nadja just nodded without understanding what was happening, but I could smell the blood in abundance from the other side of the door.

  Nick Frost opened once the door that sometimes was used to just go from one room to the other so that no noise was heard, entered again in the great room where everything had happened hours before, perhaps days, not I had to know by the time they were unconscious and calmly walked around the place trying to understand the scene altogether. Nadja that followed him like a shadow began to understand everything that was happening at that time and was grateful for not being one of them. Oliver was still hunched over his prey who insisted on resist, sitting on the couch there was Martha, the former president of the NOMAD fed her husband was not present was now a wandering walker, but still had the two bodyguards who shared what body was left over from Vladimir Timochenco lying on the ground. Interestingly Nadja did not feel repulsed by what he saw even compassion or something, everything, even if it was new, it seemed a frightening normality.


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