Good Manors

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Good Manors Page 21

by Victoria Blisse

  He moved in and I lovingly caressed his chest, peppered it with kisses while he removed his own trousers and underwear. He stepped closer so I could wrap my thighs around him. I dragged him in for a kiss. It scorched my lips and set my whole body on fire.

  “Fuck,” he groaned, and I angled myself so I could rub my wet pussy up and down his cock. “That feels good.”

  “Mm-hm,” was all the reply I could muster. I couldn’t think straight, his cock tip kissed my clit and I bucked with pleasure.

  “I need to be inside you,” he whispered against my ear.

  I curved back, resting my hands on the desk, tipping my pelvis so he could push himself into me. Once he was inside, he cupped my breasts and leaned forward to kiss them. He licked and nibbled at my nipple, and when I was groaning for more he bit down. I moaned and remembered how cruelly exciting he could be. I loved it and wanted more.

  “Fuck,” I cried. He used his fingers to pluck each nipple, pulling them tight and making my cunt squeeze around him.

  He groaned in delight, my pain heightening my pleasure. I wondered if my pain worked the same way for him too.

  He gathered me in his arms and snuggled my body to his. His hot chest pressed against my breasts, the hard planes of him dug into my soft curves and made my sensitive nipples ache. We clung to each other, kissing and moaning. I ran my hands into his hair and he scratched his nails down my back. I wanted him to mark me, to make me his so we would never be parted again.

  I crashed to orgasm quickly, his pelvis rubbing against my clit over and over, and moments later, as we cuddled so tightly, he came too, groaning into my mouth through our kiss. We panted and moaned, our orgasms melting into contentment. It was a fast and furious coupling but fulfilling. I held onto him, I didn’t want to let go. I didn’t want the dream to end.

  “I love you, India,” he whispered into my ear. “Don’t ever leave me.”

  “I love you too,” I replied, lifting my head to look into his eyes. “I won’t ever go. My home is here with you, always.”

  “Good.” He kissed my forehead. “Oh so good.”

  We finally parted. Xander rang the estate agent and told them he was no longer selling Mallard’s as I dressed.

  “Are you all right?” he asked, buttoning up his shirt.

  “Yes,” I replied. “I’m fine, just finding it all a little hard to believe.”

  “I can pinch you again to prove it is if you like.”

  My nipples puckered in remembered pain.

  “No, no, I’m okay for now.” I laughed. “This will all be the same in the morning, won’t it, Xander? You won’t change your mind?”

  “No, I won’t.” He pulled me into his embrace. “I was a fool, India, and to have you back here is a miracle, I’m not going to waste it.”

  “Good.” I sighed. “I love it here, I love you.”

  “I love you too, India. And one day I want you to be my Lady Mallard.”


  He nodded, his chin patting the top of my head.

  “Yes, I thought I might be pushing my luck proposing when we’d only just got back together but when I’m with you, in you, surrounded by you, I know I’ve found my soul mate.”

  Tipping back my head, I looked deep into his eyes.

  “Lord Mallard, you are my world and I would love to be your lady.”

  “To honor and obey?” he asked with a wicked glint in his eye.

  “Yes, Sir, of course.”

  “Good.” He kissed me so sweetly, I was alive with happiness. “Now I suppose I need to go shopping for a ring and a collar.”

  “Perfect,” I purred and kissed him again. Sometimes fairy-tale endings do become true.

  Also available from Totally Bound Publishing:

  What’s her Secret?

  Designated Alpha

  Crissy Smith


  Chapter One

  The scent of salt water hung heavy in the air as the full moon lightened the dark crashing waves. Piper Maxwell stepped from the dense woods surrounding the area and onto the cool sand of the beach. Her paws made deep impressions as she climbed down the small sandbank.

  Her heart pumped a frantic tempo while her body trembled in anticipation. She’d spent a couple of hours playing alone and letting her wolf enjoy freedom. Now she would hunt down a completely different kind of prey from the rabbit she’d chased only an hour before.

  Though his time she had no intention of hunting the prey for dinner.

  She caught a faint trace on the light breeze of someone close and lifted her head. She breathed deeply, her nose twitching, trying to determine the direction of the smell.

  There, to the right.

  Piper leaped down the rest of the incline and silently stalked toward her reward.

  Even in her shifted form she kept her human intelligence. However, the more time she spent in her other form, the more she could feel the wolf’s instincts strengthen. She didn’t know whether it was normal for her to feel her wolf getting stronger. There was no one that she could ask the hundreds of questions she had.

  The only connection she had with another shifter was the man who had turned her into what she was. After running for years, six months ago Joe had found her, and she’d had to kill him to protect herself and Jace.

  If she hadn’t ended Joe, he would have killed her, Jace and anyone else who had gotten in his way. Still, although she knew she’d done the right thing, she had bad nights when she remembered her teeth sinking into Joe’s flesh. Sometimes the nightmares were so realistic that she almost believed he was haunting her.

  She stumbled over a broken log and that jolt brought her attention back to the present. She wouldn’t let the memory of Joe ruin her night. She refused to go back and relive it again. While the human part of her was still mortified about what she’d done, the wolf was proud. Piper had protected her mate.

  Satisfaction that she could—and did—defend her lover, had her wolf side gloating inside.

  Piper pushed away the feeling by mentally blocking the thought. It had taken a lot of time for her to realize that she was able to do that.

  To get control of herself once again, Piper shook her body and raced down to the shore. Her wolf enjoyed the exercise and she could use it to tire her animal out.

  She knew she was going in the right direction by small catches of a familiar scent. Several yards down from where she’d started she slowed, darting a look around.

  Panting, she stopped and listened.

  She had no idea what her face would have looked like right then but she was smiling. The aroma of her quarry was close and she could even pick up the faint crackle from a fire.

  She followed the trail up the beach farther back away from the water. The sand beneath her paws was soft and helped her move in silence. She was coming up from the south, down-wind, knowing the element of surprise was on her side. He had his back to her as he crouched over the fire poking at it with a stick.

  Piper hunkered down and waited.

  There was no chance that she would ever hurt this man. Jace Anderson was her mate. The word floated around in her mind and it was her wolf side that liked that word.

  As a human she loved Jace as her partner. As a wolf she ached to claim him, for everyone else in the world to know that he belonged to her.

  For several months she’d struggled to keep the animal instinct from doing just that. To claim Jace, she would have to bite him, and that scared her. She had no idea what consequences would come from her sinking her teeth into his flesh.

  She would not let Jace be changed the way she’d been.

  He straightened and tossed the stick in his hand away. Piper admired his strong, broad back. She loved to run her hands and tongue over his bulging muscles. Squirming, she bit down on her tongue to hold in the sound of her need that wanted to escape.

  Piper was impatient for the man to turn toward her so that she could see his face. Considering her options, she came up with an
idea. She thumped her tail against the log to her side in three quick beats before she froze again.

  He turned, his gaze roaming around the fallen logs and darkness. She didn’t have long before he would spot her. The muscles in her legs bunched as she prepared herself. Just as he rotated to face her fully, she pounced.

  In a well-practiced move, she leaped at his chest, knocking him back. His arms closed around her as the fell to the ground. She let out a rumble as he buried his hands in her fur and held her tight. She loomed over him, running her long, rough tongue over his cheek.

  “Okay,” he said with a laugh and pushed her head to the side. “You got me.”

  Pleased, she climbed off him so he could sit up. Settling next to him, she rested her chin on his leg.

  “How was your run, baby?”

  Jace liked to talk to her, even if she couldn’t respond back. She pawed his hand, wanting to feel it back on her.

  “All right, I get it,” he said petting her side again.

  Piper wiggled around until she was comfortably laid out listening to Jace’s voice.

  “I got an email from Mitch today. He downloaded several files that he wanted me to take a look at.”

  Mitch Ryan was Jace’s best friend whom he’d known since their Special Forces days. So far Piper hadn’t met the man, but she had the feeling that soon she would no longer be able to put off the introduction. Not that she didn’t want to meet him…exactly. She just knew she wasn’t what anyone would expect or want for their best friend. Fully aware of her shortcomings that didn’t even include the fact she turned into a freaking wolf, she was lucky to have Jace.

  Jace loved her. Sometimes Piper still waited for him to catch on that she wasn’t good enough to him. She was certain when his best friend was there that Mitch would point it out to Jace as well.

  Time was running out and she knew it. Jace had contacted Mitch, the best hacker he knew, in hope of Mitch being able to help in their investigation on her shifter origin. There weren’t many avenues they could search without drawing attention to themselves. Jace believed one hundred percent that Mitch would never betray them. Jace had saved Mitch’s life not once, but twice.

  Her secret would have to be revealed to a stranger for the first time, if Mitch hadn’t already figured it out by what Jace had requested from him. She sure hoped that Jace knew what he was doing. As much as she wanted to find out about what she was, she still feared what would happen if the wrong person found her.

  In the years she’d been on the run, she had met very few people like herself. The ones she had met had either wanted nothing to do with her or hadn’t given her the chance to talk to them before disappearing. It was upsetting that she’d had the chance at getting real information from someone who knew what she was going through and had ended up disappointed every time.

  Jace strongly believed that the more they could find out about her gift, the better chance they had at protecting themselves. Piper hadn’t been so sure but over the last couple of months, Jace had talked her into looking more into it. She knew he was doing it because he loved her.

  She went along with his plan for the same reason.

  “I haven’t had the chance to look at them yet but I thought we could do it tonight before bed,” Jace continued talking, unaware of the reflection she was doing in her mind.

  Each week when she transformed, she and Jace stuck to this unique ritual. She would head out right after dark and spend hours letting her wolf roam free. After that she would track down Jace and spend a good amount of time with him in her shifter form. Having her as a wolf with him was helping them both. Piper no longer feared that she would somehow hurt her mate, and Jace knew that no matter which Piper he was with, he was safe.

  “Mitch also wants to come down. He can be here first thing in the morning.”

  She jerked her attention back to Jace. She hadn’t met any of Jace’s close friends yet. The few co-workers that she and Jace interacted with daily were the only people that Piper was comfortable around.

  She growled, showing her displeasure. Sometimes being right sucked. They were going to have to meet.

  “I know.” He patted her side. “He’s my best friend. I’ve told you how much I trust him. If he sent those files and feels the need to come down, I’m sure there is a good reason.”

  She pushed away from Jace and stood before stretching her legs out in front of her. She wanted to shift so she was able to talk to Jace.

  Presumably understanding what she wanted, Jace gained his feet and stepped back. “Go ahead.”

  Piper hated this part.

  In movies and fiction books the transformation back and forth between human and animal was shown to be effortless. That was very untrue for her.

  It hurt to shift.

  It also took several long minutes to complete the change.

  She crouched low and closed her eyes tightly. Her shifting started with a tingle at the base of her spine. As her skin started to stretch, she cried out in pain. The sounds of her bones popping and reshaping were loud in the quiet night. After that, Piper never really knew what took place. It seemed like she zoned out from the hurt until she was on her hands and knees, gasping for breath.

  “Shh.” Jace gathered her into his arms. “It’s over, baby. Calm down.”

  Piper clung to him as she trembled in exhaustion. God, she hated what she had to go through anytime she wanted to shift into her wolf.

  Jace whispered softly to her, which helped Piper get control of herself. She pushed her bangs off her sweaty face and peered up at him.

  “Hi.” He smiled.

  He was so handsome. Sometimes Piper would just stare at him, amazed that this wonderful man wanted her. “Hi.”

  He chuckled and stood, helping her to her feet. “How do you feel now?”

  “I’m fine,” she assured him. Her legs were still a little shaky, but she had more important things on her mind. “Did you really invite your…your friend here?”

  Jace sighed before cupping her cheek. “He’s not going to hurt you.”

  “But he knows…what I am?”

  “I think he might suspect,” Jace admitted. “He knows what I’m looking for but I never told him it was because of you. He does know that I didn’t start looking into werewolves until after we moved in together.”

  “How could he even believe? It’s not like this is normal conversation. What if he wants to see me? Or he could be bringing someone to take me away.”

  “No,” Jace said before lightly kissing her. When he drew back, his gaze was soft. “I’d never let anyone hurt you. We saw some strange…things when we were overseas. Stuff that we couldn’t explain. That was the reason I contacted Mitch. I knew he was already looking into some of our weird experiences.”

  Piper relaxed into his hold. She didn’t like the thought that someone she didn’t know might have guessed what she was. Even if Jace trusted this guy, it didn’t mean that she would. While Jace spent time with his friend, she would have to do some of her own digging around. If this friend of Jace’s tried to hurt either one of them, he would find out just how protective she could be.

  “Fine,” she said letting the subject drop.

  “Good,” he replied before he ran his hands down her side. Jace lowered his mouth to her shoulder and peppered kisses over her flesh. “Because I can think of so many other things to talk about when you’re naked and at my mercy.”

  She grinned. “Oh yeah?”

  Jace lifted her easily off her feet and strolled back closer to the fire. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she nipped at his jaw. She hadn’t seen the blanket and was surprised when he laid her down on top of it. He always thought of everything.

  As Jace settled between her legs Piper ran her hands over his chest. The tattoo over his heart was dark and a complicated series of intertwined lines. She loved to run her tongue over the ink and did so as Jace’s fingers trailed down her neck.

  She knew his body now. What he liked, how t
o arouse, and what was too much.

  Jace tugged on her hair, lifting her face. She moved her mouth against his as they shared a deep, passionate kiss. She shivered as he ran his fingers lower down her body before tracing his fingertips against her wet folds.

  Piper spread her legs farther apart before lifting her hips slightly.

  Jace’s erection pressed against her thigh. Naked, she wanted him naked.

  Distracting her, Jace slipped one long finger inside. All thought of getting his pants off left as he plunged his digit in and out. Her nails scored his back as she bucked up, trying to get more sensation. “Please.”

  His breath coasted against her ear. “What?” he teased. “Tell me.”

  Oh, she loved it when he went dominant on her. Of course, Jace knew that. “More. I need more.”

  “Beg,” he demanded.

  Piper had no problem complying with that. She pleaded for him to take her as she snapped her hips.

  “I love the sound of you begging.”

  She was so relieved when he pulled his hand away and started to unsnap his jeans that she almost sobbed. The ache between her legs was like a fire coursing through her body.

  Unable to keep her hands to herself, she petted his broad chest. He shuddered as her fingertips brushed his nipples.

  Jace finished pushing down his pants before he caught both her wrists and moved them over her head. As she bit her lip, excitement throbbed down her spine.

  “Stay where I put you.”

  She nodded.

  He released his hold before traveling down her body, kissing and nipping at her sensitive flesh. Gasping, she bucked at the sting.


  Her breath caught at his tone. Holy hell, she was so turned on. “Jace!”

  She felt his smile against her stomach but that was the only response she got. He was going to make her wait until she was desperate for him.

  Digging the heels of her feet into the blanket, Piper tried her best to follow Jace’s order. The submissive part of her wanted to please her lover. Pushing her own needs down was a struggle.


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