Stolen by the Alpha Wolf: Shifter Romance (Accidental Theft Book 1)

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Stolen by the Alpha Wolf: Shifter Romance (Accidental Theft Book 1) Page 8

by Hartnady, Charlene

  So was he. “My female,” Lance growled.

  “You accidentally mated her twenty years ago, you ignored each other ever since it happened, and now you want to claim her as yours?” Zane narrowed his eyes.

  “The moment her fangs breached my skin during the new moon, she became mine. When our blood flowed as one, she became my mate.”

  Zane held up his hand. “Spare me, I know how it works. Twenty years, Lance. I gave you leave many years ago to take the female. Why now?”

  It was a rational response, yet he’d never felt the need to strike his king before. It rode him hard now though. “With all due respect, my lord. It’s none of your fucking business.”

  Zane chuckled. “Glad to see you haven’t turned into a complete pussy.”

  “Stop that,” Lance smiled. “You look weird when you laugh.”

  Zane smiled. “Having a female has been good for me.”

  Lance narrowed his eyes. “I hear you will continue to share her with Brant. Again, with all due respect…” Lance paused waiting for permission to continue.

  “Yeah, yeah.” Zane motioned for him to get on with it.

  “…a three way mating. What the fuck?”

  Zane arched his brow. “It’s a bit tricky.” His king’s brow creased in a deep frown.

  Lance chuckled and winced. “Tricky.” He smiled, “I’ll bet, one female and two cocks. Especially when the cocks happen to be attached to two dominant, arrogant males. It must be all fun and games.”

  “A whole, big bundle. Tanya is with child.”

  “Wow. You are to be a father. Good news.” His mouth pulled into a smile. What great news for their species.

  “It could be Brant’s,” Zane bit out.

  Lance refused to contemplate the possibility. “It will be yours, my lord.”

  “The covens are one, so it doesn’t matter who the father is.”

  Lance raised a brow. The sentiment was flawed. If it were him, he wouldn’t be able to stand it. In fact, he would never agree to such an appalling arrangement in the first place. Share a female? What utter nonsense.

  “If you are not going to rut, then make sure you take blood more often.” Zane raised his eyebrows.

  “I will,” Lance said.

  “Rest assured that Stephany will be back soon.” Zane smiled. Weird…just so weird to see his normally emotionless leader this way. “I don’t think she will fall back into your arms though, my friend.”

  “I will have her in my bed in no time.” All Lance had to do was click his fingers and Stephany would be back at his side. Where she belonged. She had not shared her bed with another all these years after all. His female had been waiting for him for all this time and who was he to deny her?

  Zane shook his head. “There is nothing more dangerous or difficult to appease than a female who has been slighted. You mated her and dumped her.”

  “She mated me,” Lance said.

  “It takes two, so don’t give me that bull. She may have bit you first but you bit her right back.”

  “The best sex I’ve ever had,” Oh gods, it had scared him how good it had been.

  “Whatever. The details are not important. You mated her and left her. Haven’t tried to see her or speak to her since.”

  “I’ve spoken to her.” What if what Zane was saying was true?

  “Traditional functions don’t count. You never sought her out yourself with the specific intention to talk things out. Did you call even once?”

  Lance shook his head.

  “You are so fucked, or in this case not. You won’t be getting any for a very long time.” Zane chuckled.

  “Want to bet? One week of courting and she’ll be mine.” Lance couldn’t wait.

  “A whole freaking week. Have you gone soft?” No he hadn’t, yet he was beginning to think it might not be quite as easy as he had first thought.

  Lance’s jaw tensed. “She might be mad with me.”

  “You won’t get anywhere near her any time soon, maybe not ever. The covens talk. She’ll know how many females you bedded while she has remained celibate. You can be thankful that you are not a human though, or your dick may’ve fallen off a long time ago. I am the king and yet even I have not bedded as many females as you.”

  All true. Lance grunted. “I am a male, I have needs. Rut with the same female too often and she begins to think that you are in a relationship.”

  “Excuses. You should’ve gone to Stephany.”

  “Oh yeah, and that would’ve gone over well. You and Brant birth enemies…” Lance said as he shook his head. “They were dark times of mourning. Both your fathers lost in battle. Levels of hate still ran high.” They had been bad times indeed.

  Zane shrugged. “You gave the impression that you didn’t care. If the female had meant something to you, you would’ve fought for her. You never did.”

  Lance winced. “I managed to convince myself that she was nothing to me. Lived the lie for so long that I believed it myself.” He scrunched his eyes shut for a few beats. “Watching that wolf take her though. Not being able to protect her. It made me realize what she means to me. I will find a way to win her.”

  “About that, you ran into their range, making it easy for the archers to take you out. Don’t pull a stunt like that again. You should’ve died from your wounds.”

  He could still see the look on his female’s face as that wolf dragged her away. How the male had struck her just before he had lost consciousness himself. “The only thought I had was of saving Stephany. I would do it again.” He felt his eyes narrow.

  Zane nodded. The male smiled again. Though it was a feral smile that still had the ability to get adrenaline surging even if unintended this time. “I would do the same if it came to my female.”

  “You have grown fond of her.”

  Zane nodded. “You could say that.” The male actually looked pussy-whipped for a few seconds.

  “Aren’t you worried about hurting her? She is human after all, and we know how fragile they are. It must be difficult to rut whilst being so careful.”

  Zane’s face tightened, Lance could see that he was thinking of rutting the human. “In many ways it heightens the experience. Humans are stronger than we give them credit for, yet at the same time they are so soft.” A low rumble escaped Zane. Yup, the male was definitely thinking of sex.

  Lance didn’t buy it. Humans were so puny, so unappealing. “If you say so.”

  “You need your rest if you are to be well when your female returns.” Zane stood. “You’re going to need your strength for sure.”

  “For rutting.” Lance felt his own skin tighten at the thought of sliding inside Stephany’s tight pussy. It had been many years, yet he could still recall how his blood had heated, how his dick had hardened to the point of pain.

  “More like for walking on your knees.” Zane laughed.

  Lance clenched his jaw hoping that his king was wrong.


  Somewhere on the outskirts of Sweetwater Town

  After a full day of travelling, they finally came to a halt. For the first part of their journey, she had been blindfolded and even though the other wolves had recommended that she be tied, Ward had refused.

  Once they were far enough away from the settlement, he’d stopped and growled up at her until she’d removed the tie. Ward was huge, even bigger as a wolf than as a man. His coat was inky black, so thick and shiny. His eyes were the only things that hadn’t changed. By the time they reached the desolate barn, she was so tired that she was afraid she would slide off his back.

  The same intelligent green gaze she’d come to know so well met hers just before his coat shivered. His body cracking and pulsing, fur retracting as he turned into the male she remembered.

  The other three wolves did the same, all the males stood naked in front of her. All completely comfortable in their own skin. She kept her eyes averted as they made their way to the barn entrance. Ward fished around under an outcrop of rocks befor
e pulling out a key and unlocking the padlock on the door. The males pulled the large wooden doors open, the hinges squeaked, in desperate need of oil.

  A dusty SUV dominated the barn’s interior. The males made for a large trunk in the corner, pulling out a multitude of clothing. Stephany kept her eyes on the line of trees while they dressed.

  “How long are we staying in Sweetwater?” one of the males asked. Since she recognized his voice, she was sure it was Rushe.

  “Not that long,” Ward growled.

  “Don’t you want to ensure your female’s comfort before we leave?” Rushe asked.

  “My female…Stephany will be fine. Once she is checked in, we will be leaving. There will be time…for what you had in mind on another occasion. Things are too unstable at present.”

  “Stephany,” Ward called.

  She turned to face the males and her mouth went dry. Ward wore a V-neck grey sweater and black jeans. The wool and denim accentuated his muscular frame. He’d even gelled his short hair. If she didn’t know any better, she would think that she was looking at a bunch of All-American Boys. Although they were extra muscular and a little too tall to be just your run of the mill humans. He tossed her a dress, it was pink, floral and a three sizes too big. He must’ve caught the look on her face because he moved away from the trunk.

  “Let’s give the lady some room.” He gestured to the trunk while the males filed out of the barn. Ward snaked an arm around her waist and touched his lips to hers. She couldn’t help but to think that he really shouldn’t be doing things like that anymore. Instead of reprimanding him though, she kissed him back putting her hand into the jeans pocket on his ass. His eyes locked with hers as he pulled away. “Help yourself to whatever you need. Make sure you pack enough to last you a few days.” He gestured to the backpack still on her back. It contained some toiletries and one or two of his shirts. “I’ll make sure they keep their eyes.” He looked in the direction of the males that had just left.

  She frowned.

  “If they see even an inch of your skin, I’ll remove their eyeballs.” The gleam in his gaze told her that he meant every word.

  Stephany smiled. “You males are all the same.”

  “No, we’re not.” He yelled over his shoulder as he moved towards the door.

  “Are too.”

  Ward chuckled. She shook her head as she made for the trunk, quickly choosing a black dress and some sandals that looked to be about her size. There was no underwear in the trunk and her bra had never come back from being washed. The only thing she could think of was that one of the wolf females had pilfered it.

  She couldn’t go walking around Sweetwater without a bra. Human’s preferred to cover their privates. In fact, human women with their extra-large mammary glands often needed the extra support. She might draw attention if she wore a white dress without underwear. The black garment would provide the most…cover and draw the least attention while at the same time helping her to retain some of her femininity. The clothes in the trunk were washed and neatly folded. After choosing three more dresses and a sweater, she packed them neatly into the backpack. Stephany folded the floral dress and put it back in the trunk. Once the sandals were on, she made her way outside and had to suppress a smile. Ward stood, legs apart, arms crossed over his chest, at the entrance of the barn. He turned as she neared, his eyes softening as they landed on her, yet hardening up again as one of the males approached.

  Definitely all the same.

  Ward took her hand as they made for the SUV. None of the males commented. She really should push him away, but she couldn’t. They didn’t have much time left and she would wring out every last bit of togetherness that she could. Once in the vehicle, two males sat up front. Another sat in the back with them. Ward pulled her onto his lap. She rested her head on his big chest. Dreading saying goodbye.

  Stephany must have dozed off because what felt like seconds later, they pulled up to the only hotel in Sweetwater. It was more like an overgrown Bed and Breakfast rather than a hotel, but it would serve its purpose.

  “I need you to write a letter to your kings explaining that you are well and that you will be returned safely within the next few days.” Ward nodded to Rushe who handed him a pen and paper which he pressed into her hand.

  Brant and Tanya would be frantic with worry. She welcomed the chance to let them know that she was okay. Stephany penned out a letter, sticking to the basic facts. She tried not to lie. It just didn’t feel right. Hopefully they wouldn’t ask her too many questions when she returned.

  She couldn’t help the slight quiver in her hand as she handed the letter to Ward. Pulling in a deep breath, she plastered a smile on her face.

  Ward’s brow creased. “You deliver the letter Rushe.”

  “The plan was—” Rushe started.

  Ward threw up a hand. “Just do as I say. Meet me back here in thirty minutes. Send word if there’s any trouble.”

  “It isn’t safe, Ward. We discussed this—”

  “Silence…” Ward growled and goose bumps rose on her arms at the terrifying sound. Ward took a deep breath, his chest expanding against her. “Do as I say. Stick to the plan.”

  “Tyler.” Rushe addressed the male on the seat next to them at the back of the vehicle. “You stay with our alpha.”

  “No,” another deep growl. “The three of you stick together. They won’t be looking for a couple or three lone males.” He wrapped his arm more firmly around her.

  Stephany wanted to tell him to leave, that she would be perfectly fine but the words died on her tongue.

  Rushe nodded. “I don’t like it, but you’re the boss.”


  The hotel was a little old fashioned and definitely in need of a refurbishment, but it was clean and the receptionist was friendly even if she did eyeball Ward like she was starving and he had just been dipped in hot, thick chocolate.

  Ward took the key and put a hand to her back as they made for her room. They walked down a long, carpeted hallway. Ward opened the door and gestured for her to enter ahead of him. She heard him close the door and then shrug the pack from his shoulder. There was a dull thud as it landed on the carpet at his feet.

  The room was spacious. When she turned, Ward was still standing in the entrance hall. “It will be more difficult for you to lose my scent if I”—he paused—“leave it everywhere in your room.”

  This was it.

  She made her way back to him. “Are you leaving then?”

  Ward pulled her closer as soon as she was within arm’s reach. “I should.” He whispered, leaning his forehead against hers. Their lips inches apart. “I really, really should.” His words caressed her lips. “But I need to have you one last time.” Stephany leaned in, pushing herself up against his hard chest.

  “Yes.” Thank blood it came out sounding controlled instead of in a desperate sob, which would’ve matched how she was feeling inside.

  “We don’t have much time and you need to be quiet. I’m sorry but we need to stay in the entrance hall. I can’t go any further into the room. Definitely can’t go near the bed, I meant it when I said I didn’t want to get my scent all over everything.” He smiled, his eyes filled with desire as they tracked her face.

  Stephany smiled back. “You also need to be quiet, wolf. No growling or snarling.”

  Ward chuckled softly as he covered her mouth with his, their breath intermingled quickly turning shallow and needy. His hands slid under her dress, up her thighs, closing on her ass. He pulled her flush against him, pushing her back to the wall. His erection settled against her core, turning her blood to fire.

  Ward broke the kiss. “You need to drink from me.”

  With a quick nod, she threaded her fingers around his neck, pulling him back to her. “I planned to.” She looked up at him. His green eyes held hers, a lopsided grin had a sexy dimple appearing on his cheek.

  If she didn’t drink, she didn’t think she’d be able to hold out the two or three days it
would take to get his scent off her. Besides, she craved his blood just as fiercely as she craved him.

  Ward ran his fingers through her hair. “Why do you cut it so short?”

  She shrugged.

  “Is it fashion amongst the vampires?” he asked, his brow furrowed.

  She shook her head. “Just like with all species that I know, longer hair is considered favorable on a female.”

  His brow creased. “Why then…?” His eyes narrowed. “Don’t misunderstand, I think that you are exquisite just the way you are.” His eyes danced over her face, they shone with sincerity.

  “I told you that I don’t rut. I don’t wish to…” She looked away feeling self-conscious.

  Ward clasped her chin. “You are beautiful. It’s so selfish of me, but I am glad that you do not wish to be with another.” He kissed her softly before it quickly deepened into something hot and fevered. Ward ran a hand under her dress, his fingers brushed against her mound, before circling her clit, making her catch her breath. “I love the way you feel”—using a single finger, he pushed into her—“wish I had time to taste you.”

  She groaned as he picked up speed, his thumb stroked her clit. Her breath was coming in sharp pants. Her core tightening with her pending orgasm. There was a distinct sound of a zipper. Ward pulled away slightly, his pants down to mid-thigh. He bunched her dress up around her waist. The big male picked her up easily. “Put your legs around my hips, sweetheart.” Doing as he said, he anchored her against the wall, entering her in one easy thrust that had her throwing her head back with sheer pleasure. He closed his mouth around her earlobe as he thrust a second time. Nipping at her neck as he picked up the pace.

  She moaned. Ward sought out her mouth. “Shhhh.” He said against her lips continuing to thrust into her in insistent strokes that had her mind turning to mush. She dug her fingers into his shoulders. She could hear his heart rate picking up, his blood rushing through his veins, his animalistic scent enveloping her.

  Her fangs lengthened, sharpened. Stephany buried her head into his neck, her fangs breaking skin as her orgasm hit, intensified by the taste of his blood on her tongue. So much for keeping quiet, he snarled jerking against her as he came. Stephany drank deeply knowing how much it would increase his pleasure. Wanting their last time to be something he would never forget.


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