Double Mountain Trouble

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Double Mountain Trouble Page 42

by Katerina Cole

  I’d never been so fucking aroused in my life. I gripped the back of her head, stared at her red lips, and slid my dick inside her mouth, trying to restrain myself from the pounding I wanted to give her. No woman could take my cock all at once. She needed to warm up.

  After a few pumps I was down her throat so deep she was groaning and moaning. She squeezed my balls gently, tugging as I felt my spine clench and convulse. I thrust harder and she took everything with a welcome suck.

  “Fuck, you’re amazing.” I pumped into her lips.

  My spine tingled and I knew I was going to come. I grabbed the back of her head, bracing her for the powerful explosion erupting from my body.



  Three fucks and I lost it. My seed blasted in her mouth, thundering from my cock as it oozed down her throat with power. I stood emptying myself into her while she whimpered, clinging to my thighs.

  “Oh, baby.” I held my dick, sliding it from her mouth, then stumbled back to the nearest chair.

  She wiped her mouth and smiled greedily.

  “You are going to be the woman who kills me, aren’t you?” I could barely breathe.

  She crawled toward me. Her tits grazed my inner leg before she kissed the tip of my cock and then my stomach.

  “Not before I get to see you play tomorrow.” She giggled.

  “Death by blow job is the way to go.” I took another inhale.

  She smiled. “Hey, so what about today? Want to go with me to pick up Cameron? I have to leave in about fifteen minutes.”

  I kissed her forehead. “Wish I could, but I’ve got light practice then a team meeting. Playoffs are no shit serious around here.”

  “I understand.”

  I stood, drawing her topless body to mine. “But tonight?”

  “I don’t want to distract you if you need to study or something. Maybe after the game instead?”

  I laughed. “You’re cute. You know that?”

  She pinched her lips together. “Cute? Because I don’t want to be the reason you lose sleep before a huge game?”

  “No.” I shook my head. “Because you think we’re going to sleep tonight. And that I give a shit about anything other than fucking your gorgeous body as many times as I can tonight.”

  I loved the blush that reddened her body. “But—”

  I stopped the protest with a powerful kiss. “Shut up, baby. Kiss me and I’ll see you here tonight. I’ll be back at eight. Got it?”

  Her fingers pressed into the skin on the back of my neck. “Got it.”

  And that was when I realized maybe there was a perfect woman for me. And maybe the flame between us was only the beginning of a raging fire.



  Cameron seemed quiet. He was usually a quiet kid, but it was worse today. I had taken him to his favorite parks to cheer him up. But nothing worked.

  He avoided my questions about what happened when he made it back to the home last night. I got it—he didn’t want to talk about his great escape. I didn’t want to keep bringing it up either. We had to move past it. He was safe, and that was what mattered most.

  “Hey, want to try the air and space museum today?” I asked.

  He shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  “Hmm. What about the science expo? I read that kids can do all kinds of experiments. You could be a mad scientist.”

  He had barely taken two bites of the peanut butter and jelly sandwich I had made for him. I had finished my lunch. I was famished after my all morning sexfest.

  A family of three walked past us. The mom looked up at the father and they exchanged a knowing look as their son skipped ahead of them and they locked hands. I sighed louder than I meant to.

  “I know something that might cheer you up.” I turned toward Cameron, hoping he hadn’t seen the happy trio breeze past us with their perfect life.

  He looked up at me. “What?”

  “Well, I talked to Hawk this morning.” I wasn’t about to say it was while he was feeding me pancakes after we’d had life-altering sex. “And he’s invited you and me to watch him play tomorrow.”

  The smile was instantaneous. “What?”

  I laughed. “I thought that might turn your day around.”

  “And they’ll let me go?”

  I nodded. “I already got permission to check you out of the home for the day tomorrow.” I’d never spent a Sunday with Cameron. It would be another first.

  “You did?” I could see all his teeth, he was smiling so hard.

  “And we get to sit in Hawk’s private box. Just the two of us.”

  Cameron hopped from the park bench. “All right.”

  “Well, it’s tomorrow. We can’t go right now.”

  He shook his head. “No, all right we can go to the air and space museum.”

  “Oh, the museum.” I scrambled to grab my bag and the backpack he carried everywhere. He had already started walking. “Ok. Yes. We can do the museum now.”

  Cameron and I darted through the park. The November wind kicked up and I pulled my scarf closer to my neck. The leaves danced over his little feet.

  “Come on, Miss Bristow. Hurry up.”

  I chased after him. And it hit me how odd it sounded when he said that. I wanted to tell him to say something more personal. But what? Mia? Aunt Mia? Mom? My heart thudded. Because that was what I wanted. I wanted to be his parent. His mom.

  But I was a teacher. A volunteer. Someone who tried to show him love and friendship. And I knew how dangerous it was to get any closer to him than I already was. What if his next foster family was twenty miles away? He’d have to change schools. I prayed that wouldn’t happen. Yet, I prayed for him to have a family.

  Cameron deserved that. He deserved that mom and dad I saw in the park. He deserved his own room that he could cram full of seashells from beach trips and rocks and sticks he found outside. A place that was his own. Not a cot he shared in a room with six other boys. He needed clothes and shoes he could be proud to wear. He needed a lunchbox and his own pencil case.

  And I knew what was looming ahead of us… Christmas. The thought of this child waking up in the group home without family and with no one to hug him killed me. The tears stung the corners of my eyes.

  I was wracked with guilt and love. It was an odd combination that tugged my heart to my ribs.

  “Miss Bristow, can I do the flight stimulator this time?”

  I blinked. “Did you stay stimulator?”

  “Yeah, when I get to fly.”

  I laughed. “Yes, but let’s call it the simulator, ok?”

  He didn’t care. He kept running, chasing the leaves on the sidewalk. And that was the bliss of childhood. The despair he had felt twenty minutes ago was erased by the promise of watching Hawk’s game tomorrow.

  One glimmer of hope and all the darkness faded for him.

  I sighed. If I only it were that easy for me.

  By the time I dropped Cameron off at the home he was exhausted. We had covered every square inch of the museum. I bought him popcorn and a special soda float before we had to leave.

  Usually Saturday nights were hard for both of us, but this one was different. We had tomorrow to look forward to. And I knew that was because of Hawk. He had given Cameron something to be happy about.

  “I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning after breakfast, ok?” I reminded him.

  “I’ll wait right here. On the top step.”

  “Ok. Sounds like a plan.” I smiled. I wanted to hug him, but I waited to see which way his body moved.

  He put his hands out and I stepped forward, feeling them wrap around me. I inhaled his earthy boy smell and smiled.

  “Good night, honey. Try to sleep. We have a big day tomorrow.”

  He nodded. “Good night, Miss Bristow.”

  I handed him over and made sure he was on the other side of the partition before I left. I didn’t want a repeat of last night, but I was certain Cameron wouldn’t run away again
. He was too excited about tomorrow. And so was I.



  From the window in my loft I could see Christmas lights popping up all over the damn city. The holidays meant playoff season to me. Growing up, it had meant waking up to a cold house with a few shitty gifts under the tree.

  My mom did her best. I knew she did, but it didn’t make the holidays any sweeter. Instead they were hell. She’d cry all damn day. I didn’t know if it was because she missed my dad. Looking back, it was probably because she was alone. Alone with me.

  While she sank into her grief I was left to figure out mine. But what did a kid know about how to deal with feelings? I didn’t get why I hated the holidays until I was old enough to know they were shitty because I had always spent them miserable instead of happy. My world was wrecked because the adults in my life couldn’t get their shit together.

  Hell if I was going to let that cycle continue.

  I didn’t know why in the fuck I was even considering this, but I knew I had to do it. I had to at least try. I couldn’t let shit like this keep happening. Not to another kid.

  I had thirty minutes before Mia would arrive. I pulled out my phone and hit Savannah’s number.

  “Babe, big day tomorrow,” she answered.

  “Yeah. Yeah, it is,” I replied. “Look, I need you to do something for me.”

  “Aww, shit. Did you get arrested again?”

  I shook my head. “No. Fuck no. It’s bigger than that.”

  “Huh. Ok, go ahead.”

  I took a deep breath. I’d be damned if I let that kid have a shitty life. “I want to adopt a kid.”

  “Holy shit,” she blurted out. “Sorry.”

  “It’s one of the kids at the school. Cameron Evans. He’s been bounced around from foster home to foster home. He needs a place, you know? Can you look into it? See what I need to do to get him here.”

  “You’re serious? The night before playoffs and you want to talk about daddy daycare shit, Hawk?”

  “Damn it, Savi. I’ve never been more fucking serious. Can you do this for me or not? I could use your help.”

  She sighed. “Do you have any idea what you’re getting into? Legal red tape. Guardianship. Supervised visits. Court appearances. My sister and her husband went through this process. It took two years. I watched them go through the most emotional roller coaster of their lives. It’s not going to be easy, Hawk. I just need to know you’re in this for the long haul before you go down this road.”

  I rubbed the back of my head. I knew it was going to be hell. If it wasn’t, the kid would have had a home by now. A real family. Instead, here I was—the last mother fucker on the planet who should be trying to take on the role of parent.

  “I know. I don’t care. I’ll do whatever it takes. I’ll pay whatever it costs. Just figure out the details for me.”

  “I can do that for you. Can you give me a week?”

  “Yeah. I’ve kind of got a big fucking game tomorrow.”

  She laughed. “I’ll be there.”

  “Oh, that reminds me. I need box passes.”

  “For Pops again?”

  Shit. I should have included him. I’d get her to call him and extend a third ticket. “Yeah, call Pops for me and ask him. But the other two are for Mia Bristow and for the boy Cameron.”

  “Ahh, I see what’s happening.” She had that tisk-tisk sound in her voice.

  “You don’t see shit, Savi. Just get the tix.”

  “You’re playing house. I knew it. You fell for the teacher chick and now you want the kid. Presto family.”

  I rolled my eyes. It was a good thing Savannah was a chick or I’d deck her for saying shit like this to me. “She’s in my life. He’s in my life. Get them tickets,” I growled.

  “Got it, boss.”

  “And this is completely confidential. I don’t want anything getting out until I know I can move forward. I can’t give the kid hope, then yank it away.”

  “Hey, I’ve seen what my family has been through. I wouldn’t do that. I’m only giving you a hard time. I think it’s amazing. Honestly, I knew you had a heart of gold in there somewhere.”

  “I’m serious.”

  “I’ll start on it Monday after we get through tomorrow. I have press requests coming in every thirty seconds. Let me handle that and then we’ll see how to make you a daddy.”

  I grinned. “Deal. Thanks.”

  “It’s what you pay me millions for.”

  I laughed. “Good night.” I hung up and stared at the city below me.

  Playoffs. Christmas. Fatherhood.

  They were all only weeks away.

  The doorbell rang and I rushed toward the door. There was one woman who put all of this in perspective for me and she was standing on the other side of the threshold.



  The door flew open and Hawk’s broad shoulders filled the frame. I almost sighed out loud when I saw his smoldering eyes and cut jawline. His hands snaked around my waist, capturing my lips with his.

  “How was your day?” He stepped back so I could walk inside.

  “Amazing.” I smiled. “I told Cameron about the game tomorrow and it was like instant medicine. He was inside his shell. You know how he gets. And then poof—he was over it and couldn’t wait to go to the museum.” I faced Hawk. “You did that. You made him so happy today.”

  “Technically, I didn’t see the kid. I was in playbook meetings and watching tape.”

  I swatted at his chest. “You know exactly what I mean.”

  “I’m glad you’re both excited about the game. I think my friend Pops is going to be there too.”


  “Yeah. He’s an old friend. You may have seen him at Catch.”

  I glared at him. “I worked there all of one night. I have tried to block it out.”

  He chuckled. “I think that night turned out pretty good for both of us.”

  I realized he had stepped toward me and I was backing up, step by step, toward the bedroom.

  “You think?” I teased.

  He nodded. “I do. But anyway. I didn’t want you to be surprised by Pops. He was sort of a father figure. He’s the one who got me to play peewee ball. Went to all my games as a kid.”

  I missed my turn and my back landed against the wall.

  Hawk’s hands pressed into the wall behind me.

  “Sounds like another nice guy I know.” She smiled.

  “I’m not a nice guy,” he growled. The sound sent shivers down my spine all the way to my core.

  “Yes, you are,” I pushed back.

  “Are you trying to test me, baby?” His finger hooked on my scarf and it loosened from my neck.

  “I know how nice you are.” I baited him again.

  “Fuck, and I thought you paid attention this morning.” He gripped my chin between his fingers as he plunged his tongue into my mouth, holding me in a fiery kiss. His body pinned me to the wall.

  “Everything you did was sweet,” I breathed.

  His fingers threaded through my hair, yanking my head up. His teeth grazed over my throat. “Then I need to reintroduce you to my cock, baby.”

  I gasped. I felt the warm rush between my legs. He had already made me soak my panties and I was fully clothed. We hadn’t made it to the bed yet.

  I couldn’t stop. I looked in his eyes. “Tender. Gentle.”

  He growled. “You know exactly what you’re doing.”

  I shook my head. “And so warm. Kind, really.”

  His teeth sank into my shoulder. I wobbled. “You know you’re getting ready to get fucked so hard, baby.”

  I shook my head wildly. “Please.”

  “You don’t get to make requests.”

  My eyes widened. He cut through me with his piercing stare.

  “But I was just—”

  He stepped from the wall. “I want your clothes off. I want you in my bed.”

  I nodded. He hadn�
�t released me enough for me to move.

  “And when I walk in that room, I want to see your hands on that sweet pussy of yours.”

  Oh God. I opened my mouth to protest, but I had pushed too many of his buttons. He was firing on every level of testosterone and it was dripping from his body to mine. He moved his hands off the wall and I turned for his bed. I peeled the clothes from my body and slid in between the sheets.

  I didn’t know how long he was going to make me wait. I didn’t know what he was doing in the hall. I had never let a man watch me touch myself before. I was so incredibly turned on, I was afraid I would combust before he walked in. Every nerve ending was like a live wire.

  My hands slowly explored the roundness of my breasts and the softness of my belly before smoothing over the waxed skin between my legs. I let one finger and then another slide between my folds. I sighed with satisfaction as a little bit of the pressure was relieved with my own touch. But it wasn’t enough. I wanted Hawk.

  The more I thought about what he was going to do, the more the cream flowed between my legs. The harder I massaged my clit. My hips bucked under me. One hand flailed out to grab a handful of his designer sheets as I dipped inside my walls.

  “Oh, God,” I whispered heavily.

  And then my eyes opened and Hawk was standing over top of me.

  “Fuck I could come on you watching you do that.”

  “Will you?” I asked. My fingers moved deeper inside me.

  He was naked. His glorious body loomed over me with the promise of a primal fucking. I shivered and my clit throbbed.

  And then I looked down at his hands. He was holding my scarf.

  “You’re close, baby.”

  I nodded. “So close.” I couldn’t stop rubbing. The friction felt too good. My nipples perked and hardened.

  “Not without me.” He yanked my hands away and I whimpered. I ached so badly it hurt. I wanted the release. I needed the orgasm.

  “Hawk,” I pleaded.

  “See, I think you have me confused with a nice guy.” He rolled me on my stomach, and pinned my wrists together behind my back. “You think I’m some redeemable good man under this hard body, don’t you?”


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