by Leigh, Lori
Their love play could get a little boisterous, not that he was complaining. He had never known anyone like her, and he couldn’t get enough of her.
“So this is the cottage you repaired.” Agotha walked through the door.
Robert stood in the doorway and watched her reaction to the cottage with its new floors. He had brought in a few provisions for an afternoon delight and even put sheets on the bed, a blanket, and pillows—a fact Agotha noticed right away.
Raising one eyebrow, she studied him. Robert’s long straight hair was loose and hung well past his shoulders. He was magnificent to look at with a tanned, honed physique that drew her hands like a magnet. She loved to touch her warrior lover. She walked over to the doorway and slowly pulled him inside.
Robert kicked the door shut. He reached out and gathered her into his arms. His darlin’ Agotha was an eager lover. The touch of her fingers sliding over his muscled chest reminded him he hadn’t seen her for weeks.
He picked her up and brought her over to the bed, sitting down on the edge with Agotha on his lap straddling his hips. His lips crushed hers in an agony of desire. He wanted her now. Waiting another minute was not an option.
She wiggled just a little as he slid her jeans off and he shrugged his shirt off. She felt good in his arms, and he loved to kiss her pretty red lips. Robert pulled her t-shirt off and threw it across the room. He kissed a trail over her shoulder as a bra strap fell to her elbow and then left a trail of sizzling kisses along the curve of her throat.
He managed the clasp with one hand and their clothing quickly became a pile on the floor. Her breath was warm and fast on his cheek, and he lifted her, touching his lips to her full pink breast.
Agotha almost cried. He teased her body with his warm tongue sliding over her breast before she slid down the length of his body, allowing him to fill her completely. She cried out his name again and again as the ecstasy nearly drove her to madness.
Her teeth on his earlobe got his attention, and he grabbed a handful of her hair and captured her tempting lips. His tongue slid into her hot mouth and retreated, teasing her, caressing her, until she groaned in the back of her throat, pushed him down on the bed, and rode him hard and fast.
Robert slid his hands over her luscious body and cupped her heavy breast in his hand while his thumb brushed the hardened nipple to taunt peaks. He flipped her over on her stomach and returned to the heat of her with his legs straddling her hips. His hands caressed her back and the curves of her lovely body until she called out to him to have mercy on her.
Robert could wait no longer and held her hips in his hands, filling her again and again until the quiver of ecstasy overwhelmed them both, and he collapsed on top of her, panting and fulfilled.
He kissed her shoulder, moved beside her, and pulled her into his arms.
“I think you have missed me,” Agotha said softly, brushing her fingertips over his warm chest.
“That,” he gasped, still catching his breath, “is an understatement! Agotha, me darlin’, I missed ye and thought about ye all day — every day.”
She smiled, her green eyes sparkling sexily. “I missed ye too, Robert. From what we heard on the news, the Prince is winning this game. Is it true?”
Robert laughed and stroked her waist long sable hair. “Aye, it was true for a time, but Alex will change that fast enough. He’s going tae resign as Laird,” Robert knew he could trust her. Agotha trained their warriors. She was their Master Swordswoman and knew all of the warriors and their capabilities very well. Her mouth dropped open when he gave her the news.
“Ye’re joking!” She said aghast. “But he can’t resign! He’s the Laird of the Game. The game will be forfeit!”
“Alex won’t forfeit the game,” Robert said softly. “He is resigning and naming William as his successor and Laird. He is going tae retire with Melissa. She’s a beautiful woman and loves him deeply.”
Agotha felt a slight tinge of jealousy. “Well, she must if Alex would resign for her. She obviously has all of ye wrapped around her finger.” Agotha didn’t want to hear him tell her how beautiful Melissa was or that because of Melissa, the game could possibly be forfeited.
Her friend, Rebecca, was broken hearted, and Agotha could understand her pain. There was just too much at stake for everyone involved. The monetary losses would count in the millions of pounds, and there was also their honor at stake. She trained the winning team and wouldn’t accept their defeat.
Robert opened one eye and peered at her with a frown. He didn’t like to hear the harsh edge of jealousy in her voice, but Robert was also certain Melissa deserved defending. She had dropped into their world and loved Alex beyond reason.
“Agotha, I’ll not have ye talking poorly about Melissa. She’s in love with Alex, and he’s in love with her. There’s no need tae be jealous of her.”
“So why then are ye defending her?” Agotha was suddenly very irritated. “If there’s nothing tae worry about, why would ye make such a point of protecting her?” She rolled from the bed and quickly found her clothing and dressed. She was irritated that Robert seemed a little too protective of Melissa, and Agotha didn’t like the flare of jealousy.
“Agotha, don’t do this,” Robert said, anger seeping into his voice. “Ye have tae meet her tae understand. There just isn’t a sweeter, more loving woman on earth.”
“Have ye forgotten one verra important fact, Robert? Alex is married! Rebecca was madly in love with him for years waiting for him tae divorce Catherine. And now ye tell me Melissa shows up from out of the blue, snags him right out from under Rebecca, and Melissa’s the most wonderful woman on earth! She’s a Yank!” Agotha threw his tartan at him and walked outside.
It just seemed that no matter what he said, it only made her angrier. Robert got dressed and met her at the helicopter. “Ye already know Daniel was in love with Rebecca and that Alex never did have any romantic feelings for her. Alex knew Daniel had a crush on her years ago, and Daniel hoped she would get over her crush on Alex.” Agotha turned to walk away, and Robert was furious. “We’re goin’ tae discuss this, Agotha.”
“No, we’re not. Take me home. Now, Robert!” She was insanely jealous at the moment and not acting like herself at all. What was Alex thinking taking a tourist into the game? If the game forfeited, or Alex resigned because of this…Yank…Agotha knew the press would blame the failure on Alex. They had all worked hard for the game to be a complete success. Many long hours were devoted to the warriors and preparing them for the battles. Melissa had obviously gained all of their loyalty and affection from the look on Robert’s face. She wanted to shove that ridiculous smile of his into the side of his helicopter. She got in and put her seat belt on. Robert didn’t say anything and they took off moments later.
Robert had a few minutes to cool his temper and then couldn’t help but smile. Agotha had never been jealous of any other woman before now. He looked over and gave her his most brilliant smile. He had just figured out she was in love with him, even if she would never admit it.
She just frowned at him and watched the ground. When they touched down, she took off running without another word, got into her car, and drove off before he could shut down the helicopter.
Daniel walked out to the launch pad. “Was that Agotha?” He asked, already knowing it was their VixenBlade.
“Must be the sun in your eyes,” Robert answered. “Ye’re getting old and probably need glasses.”
Daniel chuckled. “From the look on her face, ye had an interesting afternoon.”
Robert grinned. “She’s in love with me.”
Daniel scoffed. “Ye ugly bastard. Why would she fall for ye?”
“I’m damn good in bed.”
“Ye’d better get us back to the game. I have a feeling the Prince has a few more surprises in store for us.”
Robert took off, and Daniel’s mind wandered. Iain had a concussion and a cracked rib but would recover in a few days. Iain had informed him he wanted to marry h
is beloved, Bonnie, and wouldn’t put it off another day. They would be married at the Kirk before the celebration party began.
Daniel’s frown began to disappear. It gave him an idea and a resolution to a problem he’d been trying to solve. He scratched his whiskered chin. He’d been away from civilization too long and was beginning to think and feel like a Celtic warrior.
“We need tae make one stop,” Daniel said to Robert and gave him the direction. “Set down in the parking lot, and I will get this piece of business taken care of quickly.”
Daniel had Iain’s Power of Attorney in hand when he walked in to the Registrar’s office and got a marriage license. He could take care of all his problems at once. Iain would finally have only one woman in his life and would be a happy man to have his Bonnie. Alex would be delighted, and the arrangements were already made.
Daniel returned to the game grinning like a bobcat with his tail on fire.
Chapter Twenty
The Prince pulled off an amazing upset in the MacKenna camp and now has the lead with a one hundred and fifty-point advantage over the Laird. It is rumored that the youngest MacKenna has been leading more challenges than the Laird this year. It’s my guess the Laird’s just too busy with his lady to pay attention. The Prince is going to win if the MacKenna boys don’t have an amazing upset of their own to retaliate.
On the Streets, with Rosabel
It was long after dark had settled on the tiny village that one dark figure moved silently to the hospital door and walked into the MacKenna wing at the hospital. Her small body was covered in a black velvet cloak lined in white satin. The full-length cape touched the tops of her toes, and the hood pulled low concealed her identity. She made her way past the nurse’s station and down the hall to his room. She already knew where to find him and eased the door open to peer inside the darkened room.
The nurse just raised her eyes heavenward and went back to filling in her charts. Iain had already told her that he was getting company late that night and then wouldn’t want to be disturbed until morning.
Bonnie draped the velvet cloak over the chair and quietly eased into bed next to Iain. He was asleep when she walked in, but the warmth of her body woke him. He reached out and pulled her into his arms. She had on a black lace teddy under the cape, and the soft body that snuggled up to Iain was already flushed with excitement. He had called her the moment his brothers had left the room, and Bonnie drove from London to join him for the night. Her scent of wild roses surrounded him, and he brushed her soft, tempting mouth with his lips.
He groaned when he moved his head. “Hello, Bonnie, my love.” Iain lay back on the pillow and closed his eyes but the spinning only got worse. “The world slides away from me if I move my head, lass.”
Bonnie was in tears. “Iain, you’re really hurt!” She kissed his cheeks and eyes and then gently kissed his lips. Long golden-brown hair spilled over his arm as she reached for the nurse’s call button. “You need a doctor.”
Iain caught her hand as she reached over him and brought her fingers to his lips. “Later, my darling. Right now the only cure I need is right here beside me. I’d be delighted if ye’d kiss me again,” he said dreamily. “My sweet Bonnie lass, I want tae marry ye. Will ye have me for your husband?”
Bonnie couldn’t believe what she had just heard. Iain had many women falling all over him. She smiled and kissed him happily. There were tears streaming down her cheeks and blended into the kiss. “I will marry you, Iain, and I’ll love you all the days of my life.”
Iain reached under the pillow beside his head and took out a ring box. “Good thing ye want tae marry me,” he said softly against her ear and took out the three carat pink diamond solitaire, slipping the ring on her finger. “Daniel is taking care of the license for me, but you’ll have tae stop and sign the papers. We’re getting married at the Kirk right before the party.”
“We are?” Bonnie brushed the hair from his face and kissed him everywhere she could reach. “Why marry me now, Iain? Is it for the bairn?”
“No lass, it’s not for the child, although I am delighted. I’m in love with ye. Melissa helped me see how much I wanted ye in my life. She’s such a fine lady.”
“Should I worry about this fine lady?” Bonnie bit her lip, already worried.
“No’ unless ye are in love with Alex, too, lass. I want a life with our family. I offer ye my heart and soul, love.”
Bonnie bent down to kiss his lips, and her warm body covered his. “Then I will have you forever and always, my handsome love.”
It didn’t matter how much he hurt. Iain wanted to make love to her and ease the agony in his body. She kissed his closed eyelids. He whimpered slightly, just enough to get her attention. He was enjoying her attention and couldn’t think of a better way to spend the night in the hospital. In fact, he was feeling better by the moment.
His Bonnie loved him gently, and he was grateful. Iain couldn’t open his eyes when she collapsed on him, exhausted from pleasing him. He wrapped his arms around her and fell asleep instantly.
Bonnie adjusted the covers around them and thought she would put her head down on his warm chest just for a few moments. Her eyes closed sleepily, and it was the last thing she remembered.
Gideon found Iain and Bonnie wrapped around each other the next morning. They were both sound asleep, and a black lace teddy was hung over his intravenous stand next to the bed.
The nurse called on the room intercom. “Dr. MacKenna, are you in the room with Iain?”
“Yes I am,” he said softly so not to jolt Iain and Bonnie awake.
“There’s a Rosabel here inquiring about Iain’s injuries. We thought you might want to answer her questions while I take care of matters in the room.”
Gideon understood exactly what she was talking about. They had to get Bonnie out of the room before Rosabel spotted her, and Bonnie ended up on the front page of the tabloid.
Gideon walked out to the hall, just as the nurse passed him and went into the room. He stood in front of Rosabel, blocking her view of the room.
“It’s good to see you again Dr. MacKenna,” Rosabel said and was amazed her voice sounded clear. When he stood so close to her, she couldn’t stop a slight tremble in her hands as she reached for her notebook.
Gideon smiled but said nothing. He towered over the beautiful Malaysian woman. Her long black hair was straight and hung down to her waist. Her eyes were dark pools of simmering liquid ink that sparkled when he got near her. The desire she felt for him was obvious, but so was the fact that she refused to follow the reaction to his bed. He wanted to feel the warmth of her naked body against his, and the thoughts nearly caused a groan.
Rosabel noticed something peculiar. “Mind telling me why you have Iain MacKenna on the ObGyn floor? I thought he had a concussion not a baby.”
“I don’t mind telling you. Iain donated this wing of the hospital.”
“From what I’ve heard, he needs an entire wing of a hospital to deliver all the babies he’s fathered this year. Is that correct? The rumors are astounding. He must be a Celtic God to have four paternity law suits at once.”
The door to the hospital room opened, and a cloaked figure walked out with the nurse. She took the lady out the side door, and Rosabel couldn’t help but smile. “This must be a full-service hospital?”
“Only the best,” Gideon said quietly. “Will you have a cup of coffee with me, Rosabel?”
“Coffee?” He wanted to sleep with her. It glimmered in his gray-green eyes. He towered over her, and she was a little apprehensive, especially since she had walked out on him at dinner.
Gideon took her arm and led her to the elevators. They waited until they had their coffee and sat down at a table in the outside courtyard where it was quiet. Her exotic beauty and dark eyes had haunted his nights since they had dinner together before. The lush scent of lilies wafted over him and reminded him again how much he wanted to make love to her.
el felt the heat of his ardent stare. His gaze devoured her, caressed her, and made love to her without a blink of his eyes. His tall, sexy body was within a few inches, and her knee brushed against his leg. She felt warm all over and desired. It had a heady affect on her senses, and she wanted to reach out and touch his cheek. His presence made her blush, knowing he wanted to make love to her and also that she desired him. She envisioned him lounging on a bed after making passionate love for hours, and the heat rushed to her cheeks.
Her imagination raced to what it must be like to be touched by a man so powerful and intimate. He was, from all the years of reporting the MacKenna playboys, one of the quieter men in their family. His brothers, Robert and Iain, were infamous with several lusty affairs, some with married women, but Gideon’s love life was very secretive. He didn’t kiss and tell or parade the notches on his bedpost in public.
“I’d like tae kiss ye,” he said quietly to Rosabel. “But, I’m going tae wait until ye kiss me.” His face was set in a dead-serious look that made her blush even more.
“What incredible arrogance!” Rosabel stood to leave and dropped her notebook on the terrace stone floor.
“Nevertheless,” Gideon replied. “Ye want me tae kiss ye, so you can tell yourself it wasn’t your decision. Ye will kiss me, Rosabel. And then I will make love with ye until ye fall asleep in my arms, exhausted and smiling.”
Her eyes closed just thinking about his muscled body naked and pleasing her. She opened her eyes, and he was gone. His movements were silent and dangerous, like a prowling cat that had just spotted his prey. Rosabel suddenly felt very self-conscious. She couldn’t let herself get involved. The memory of him caused a jerk in her belly, and she wanted to caress that lean body.
Rosabel suddenly realized he had managed to avoid even one question. “The bastard!” She took her coffee to leave. The distraction of his sexy body had completely unnerved her, and she forgot to do her job. Now, she had no idea if Iain MacKenna had a concussion or not. One thing was certain; she wasn’t going to end up a momentary diversion for Dr. Gideon MacKenna. The disappointment was almost unbearable.