Pursued by a Werewolf (Mystic Isle, Book 4)

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Pursued by a Werewolf (Mystic Isle, Book 4) Page 14

by Blake, Selena

  Nothing had prepared him for his mate. Not one hundred plus years of fighting, surviving, scrounging, hunting, learning or fucking. She was completely unique and had the power to bring him to his knees.

  “The question is, who do I love first?” Again with the purringly sexy voice.

  Her lips pulled up into a sexy smirk that made his cock jerk. She glanced at his left nipple, then the right. Hands planted on his chest, she dipped down and began the slow torture that would make him come if he didn’t stay in control.

  He thought about his golf game and tried to ignore the way her ass looked. He was pretty sure his version of downward dog didn't look that—fuckable. Grinding his teeth together, he closed his eyes and tried not to feel each exquisite flick of the tip of her tongue against his nipple. It was a losing battle when she used the flat of her tongue. The long, slow licks reminded him of the way her mouth had moved over his cock all those months ago.

  He could scarcely believe that she was here, on the beach with him and naked. Oh so naked. Maybe his mind was playing a joke on him, a seriously cruel joke. Or perhaps he was dreaming. Whatever the circumstance, he wasn't letting her go. His heart couldn’t take letting her get away again.

  Sex was where they came together, forgot the rest of the world existed. And he needed to make her forget for a long time. Until she came to her senses and realized she couldn't live without him.

  “I need you, Avery.”

  “Mmm?” The sound hummed from her lips through him.

  “Stop teasing me so I can give you what we both need.”

  He massaged the flesh over her hips and watched the change in her. She went from dominant to submissive in three heartbeats. Smiling down at him, she rose on her knees and cupped his cock in her hand.

  “That's it, baby.”

  The corner of her mouth hitched up a little farther and he fell a little harder for the sexy vamp. Who would have thought it? Him...with a vamp. He'd teased Maxim about it, never thinking that his own mate would be a bloodsucker.

  Problem was...

  She slid down his cock, her juices easing the way. But she was tight. Nice and tight.

  Problem was, her sucking ability did him in. It didn't matter that once upon a time his species had been enemies with hers. It didn't matter that he'd probably get odd looks from others. Nothing mattered when she was wrapped around him like a silk lined glove.

  Her midnight hair cascaded over her shoulders, hiding her breasts from his view. She kept her hands braced against his forearms, then started the slow, sweet movements that would bring them both to blistering ecstasy.

  “That's it, gorgeous. Ride me.”

  He knew that his words made her hotter because she always grew wetter and whimpered a little. Those sexy little sounds drove him, because what made it better for her made it better for him. He had to keep a rein on his wolf though. Reminding her how perfect they were together was just part of his plan.

  Hands on her hips, he urged her against him. Together they achieved a rocking motion that hit all the right spots: the sensitive underside of his cock and her clit.

  “Lean back,” he said a minute later.

  Like the graceful athlete she was, she braced her hands against his thighs. The position tilted her pelvis and lifted her breasts. Her hair fell away, revealing her left nipple. He didn’t want to wait to taste those exquisite caramel peaks again but he had to because right now he needed to focus on giving her the best orgasm of her life.

  “That’s it, beautiful… harder.”

  Her movements became slow and deliberate. The breathless little cries of pleasure assured him that he’d found just the right angle…just the right spot. Leaning up on one elbow, he ran a palm up her stomach and covered the exposed breast.

  She rolled her head forward and pegged him with a hot look. Deep blue eyes had never been at the top of his list, but hers seduced him.

  He gently squeezed her nipple and watched her face change thanks to the pleasure/pain.

  “Don’t stop,” he urged when her movements slowed further.

  Pulling her lower lip between her teeth, she slid down his cock again. Up. Down. Up. Down.

  He tweaked her nipple again, pinching and releasing in time with her movements. Another flood of moisture coated his cock.

  That’s it. Just like that, he sent the message into her mind.

  He could feel her pussy tightening around him, her orgasm coiling for release. The perverse part of him wanted to make it last as long as possible, make her wait. He pulled his hand back and saw her, felt her, come back to the here and now. She thrust against him in earnest, taking her pleasure. Her breathing ratcheted up and her mouth dropped into a perfect O shape.

  Almost there, her voice whispered back.

  For all of a second he debated stopping her so he could watch her climb to the point of no return a second time. But he wasn’t that much of a bastard.

  “You ready, beautiful?”

  She nodded. He’d never seen anything more beautiful in his whole life. She was gorgeous on any given day, but flush with pleasure and taut with anticipation…

  After brushing the sand from his hand, he reached between her thighs and rubbed his thumb against the hood of her clit. Soft circles at first, winding up to more pressure. She stopped moving and tilted her hips, pressing herself against his thumb.

  The orgasm claimed her in a swift release, her inner muscles tightening around him, coaxing him to let himself go. Her head dropped back and her skin tightened like leather over a drum barrel.

  “Yes!” she cried. “Oh…mmm.”

  Clasping her hips between his hands, he held her on his cock. Muscles rigid, he lost himself to his more animalistic side. Grinding, growling, releasing spurt after spurt inside her.

  When he finally came down from the exquisite high and his muscles relaxed, she was staring down at him with surprise.


  She could say that again.

  “Was it that good last time?” she murmured, leaning forward to lie against his chest.

  “No,” he answered honestly.

  Relishing the coolness of her skin, he lightly wrapped his arms around her. Ever since those incredible few nights two solstices ago, he’d felt like he was trying to trap a fawn, promising that the big bad wolf would not devour the defenseless creature.

  Avery, however, wasn’t exactly defenseless. Aside from the physical, her words had the power to wound.

  “Must be the yoga,” she said and he could tell by the sound of her voice that she was smiling.

  “Must be.”

  He wasn’t sure how long they lay there, his cock nestled inside her. He didn’t want to let her go. Not yet.

  She eventually pushed up and stared down at him; he reluctantly dropped his hands to her thighs.

  “Thank you for that.”

  “Don’t thank me, Avery. I enjoyed myself.”

  She smiled, impish and adorable, and stood. He was tempted to follow when she trotted into the ocean to rinse off but decided to give her some space. Avery wasn’t like any other woman he’d ever met. He’d been on the receiving end of sexual invitations since he’d hit puberty. Women young and old called him a catch, though he was sure what they meant was he’s handsome and wealthy. Hell, the money wasn’t even his. Not all of it anyway.

  He sat up and wrapped his arms around his knees, watching her frolic through the surf. She dove under a wave and came out on the other side rippling wet. The starlight made the water droplets glitter like diamonds. Thank goodness to super-sight he could make out every hard-on producing detail.

  When she strode out of the water a moment later, he thought her a modern day Aphrodite fresh from the frothy sea. Her dark hair was plastered to her skin and his eyes drank their fill.

  “I should get back,” she murmured.

  He nodded. “Time for some sleep.” That was one of the most frustrating things about being crazy for a vampire. Her schedule was not her own. For
her, a slumber party meant staying up all day, not all night. And now that night had fallen, she was ready for bed. But he doubted she’d sleep long. They didn’t call vamps creatures of the night for nothing.

  She stared down at him for a long moment and he was tempted to read her mind. He longed for the connection, to know what she was thinking so he could give her what she wanted. It couldn’t be over. Not yet. Not when they’d come this far.

  After gathering her clothes, she bent at the waist and braced a hand against his shoulder. “See you later.” She brushed her lips across his and then flashed.

  Flashing was another source of frustration. One’s mate should not be allowed to disappear into thin air. But better she flash back to her cottage than prance around the island butt-naked. He didn’t want Latham to toss him on his ass because he was forced to protect his woman.

  Sighing, he pushed to his feet and headed into the waves. A quick dip washed off the sand and reinvigorated him. He rinsed out his shorts and gritted his teeth as he slid them up his legs. She might think she was rid of him for the night, but he was just getting started.


  When Hunter entered the cottage, everyone was still asleep. Being the beta of a pack, he was used to company at all hours. Late night knocks at the doors, random pack members asleep on the couch. And while he found a comfort in being surrounded by friends, he also longed to be alone, on his own, traveling to faraway places. Except, he longed to travel with Avery.

  He scented the air and followed his nose. Avery’s bedroom was tidy and filled with her unique fragrance. He heard the shower running and listened the bathroom door. It didn’t sound like she was moving around in there so he assumed she was standing under the spray.

  His mind didn’t have to wander very far before his body was ready for her again. Carefully, quietly, he opened the door. The lights over the vanity illuminated the spacious rectangular room. Creamy marble covered most of the surfaces. At the far left of the room was a large, glass walled shower. He saw Avery’s shoulder and arm as she tipped her head back under the water.

  He stripped out of his clothes and stepped to the tall, glass door. Her eyes were closed and he was carefully to make as little sound as possible. But then he caught the anguish in her cry. Though the water washed away her tears, there was no mistaking the sound of a sad woman.

  What was she sad about? He didn’t have the first clue. She’d enjoyed herself, he was sure of that. Regardless, her tears ripped him in two.

  To hell with startling her, he pulled open the door and reached for her. Sliding one hand across her right hip, he turned her into his arms and held her tight. Without comment she hugged him back and then the floodgates opened.

  Her lean body shook with the force of her tears. He rested his cheek against the top of her head, wanting so badly to reach out to her with his mind. To read hers and see what was causing this pain. But he was fully aware that he might not like what he found. What if making love to her on the beach had set off something inside of her?

  Gently he reached into her mind with his and found the jumble of emotions. Frustration, sadness, anger at betrayal and herself.

  “Talk to me, Avery. Tell me what’s wrong.”

  He expected her to pull back, to shy away from him. Instead she said “I’m sorry I left you in the sand. That I fell apart.”

  He used the edge of his index finger to lift her chin up so she’d meet his eyes. Those deep sapphire irises gripped him, needled him because of the sheen of tears there.

  Wolves by nature had little time for weakness but they felt just as deeply as the next mammal. And seeing her undone, hearing her apologize… He took a breath to steady his mounting rage.

  “Never apologize for feeling something. For letting those emotions out. Is this about us? What happened on the beach?”

  She shook her head, looking miserable.


  “Partly,” she admitted. She pursed her lips and dropped her gaze to his chest. “Seeing Izzy…looking at wedding dresses, it all brings it back. I can’t believe I’m upset by any of it because I’m so happy she found Shade. That makes no sense. But…”


  “There’s a part of me that’s frustrated because that should have been behind me thirty years ago. And Robert doesn’t deserve a second thought much less a hundred. I know that.”

  She’d pulled away from him and crossed to the other side of the shower. Water rained down on them from the multiple shower heads, cloaking them with steam.

  So sex with him was supposed to numb the memories? Or perhaps it had unleashed her emotions…

  “I agree with you there. He doesn’t deserve a second thought. And it makes sense that you never came to terms with it. You bury things deeply and put on this facade. But you know what?” He stepped closer until his front almost connected with her back.

  She shook her head.

  “I see through it,” he whispered against her ear. “You might have blinds up that others can’t see through, but it’s transparent to me. You’ve built a wall around your heart, but I fully intend to break it down brick by brick. I meant what I said earlier. I’m done tip-toeing around you, honigbienchen. You can’t hide from me Avery. From us. You felt it the first night we were together, didn’t you?”

  Amazingly, she met his gaze and nodded. Inside he was shouting as if he’d just made a touchdown in the Super Bowl.

  He trailed a fingertip down her right arm and felt her shiver.

  “I felt it,” he admitted, holding her gaze. She needed to understand how he felt, why all of this was for her. “The most amazing connection I’d ever experienced. More powerful than I could have imagined. And what’s more…what drives you absolutely nuts is that we get on just as well outside of the bedroom as we do in, doesn’t it?”

  He snaked his hand around to her middle and pulled her back against him. She didn’t resist. “I know you’re scared. I am too. But from the moment we met I haven’t been able to get you out of my head. I go to bed wondering where you are and what you’re doing and gods help me, who you’re with. And it drives me out of my mind. I see you and I forget every frustration I’ve felt since I last saw you. I can’t wait to hear your voice. I can’t wait to touch you, to feel your eyes on me. I can’t wait to hear what will come out of those gorgeous lips.”

  He leaned down and kissed her shoulder. “It’s all worth it. The distance. The separation. The waiting. Just seeing you again is worth it. And I’m done denying it. I’m done holding back. I’ve been as patient as I can be but I’ve realized that you need to hear the words.”

  He turned her around and backed her against the tiled wall with his hips. Cupping her cheeks in his hands, he stared deep into her eyes. Hot water sluiced over them, reducing the friction between them.

  “You need to hear that I’m crazy about you. That I intend to win you one way or another. That I’m not going anywhere. I will follow you to the ends of the earth, until my last breath, but I’m not going away. Because I know you feel it too. You’re not brave enough to admit it yet, but one day you will be. You’ll gather your courage and admit to yourself and to me that I’m worth the risk. We’re worth it. All that pain in the past will be a distant memory. But I want you to hear me when I say I’m not going anywhere.”

  She stared up at him, fresh tears in her eyes. Her teeth nibbled her lower lip. And then the tiniest of smiles lit her lovely face. She nodded as she rose to her tip toes. “I hear you,” she whispered against his lips.

  Her voice drifted into his mind. I hear you.


  Rosanna clutched her mug of coffee and stared into the waves. She needed to double check with the florist to ensure that the flowers would make it to the island in time for the wedding. And the musicians. They were a pleasure resort. Rarely did they have a need for soft classic music to woo anyone.

  Paranormals were more see, sniff, score.

  She gulped down a few swallo
ws of coffee and tried not to let her heartstrings run away with her. Six years she’d been at Charles Latham’s beck and call. Six years she’d been surrounded by handsome, virile men who never looked her way. Most of them were scared off by her position and more specifically, her boss. And the one in particular that made her purr, he was the worst. They were friends at best.

  That would be all well and good if this were a romantic comedy and her boss was secretly falling head over heels in love with her. But Charles would never look at her as more than his right hand woman. She was too efficient. That was her problem.

  She was helpful, efficient, dedicated and evidently not the least bit desirable.

  Now that Mystic Isle was hosting its first wedding, someone had to be on hand to organize the details. Why not her? Right?

  The only person on Mystic Isle not getting any.

  Why had she volunteered for the job? Oh yeah. Heartstrings.

  “What’s got you frowning like that?”

  She hadn’t even noticed Cal’s approach. He wasted no time sitting down next to her. Judging by his tight black t-shirt and ass hugging jeans, he’d just gotten off work. But he smelled heavenly, a mixture of man and whiskey.


  “Lots of things.” She couldn’t admit the truth. They weren’t that close. But she was admitting it to herself. Finally. I’m going to have to leave the island.

  “Leave the island?”

  She swung around to face him. Had he read her mind? Oh no. She’d spoken aloud.

  She slapped a hand over her mouth. “I didn’t mean to say that.”

  “Why not?”

  She handed him the large mug of coffee and tucked her knees up against her chest. What god had she pissed off? She liked Cal. A lot. He was a great man. Down to earth and handsome as sin. She couldn’t talk to him about it. Not him of all people. They had feelings for the same man. A fellow employee. A man who wasn’t giving either of them the time of day.

  What a mess.


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