Missing Link

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Missing Link Page 14

by Varun Vashist

"Don't get angry," she said while grimacing in pain, "Let's go inside. I am getting cold."

  Jake was feeling insulted, but now was not the time to show his emotions. He gave a loud grunt and picked the food packets.

  "You need some help there," he asked, looking at her face.

  "No, I am fine," Kiara said. Jake knew she was not going to take any help from him. It was best to forget about her injury and treat everything normal. He took a deep breath and looked at her.

  "What happened?" he asked, pointing towards the porch.

  "He brought the message from the kidnapper," she said with great difficulty.

  "What message?"

  "He wants me to meet Chris and tell him whatever I know."

  "That's it," Jake said with surprise. He could not believe Kiara let the messenger leave even after getting nothing in the message.

  "He is not willing to display his cards yet," she said while pressing her jaw.

  "And, why did the messenger got pissed off," he asked while shaking his head in disbelief.

  "I provoked him," she answered.

  "So, you went after him, but, stopped me from doing so?" he was unable to understand Kiara's intentions. "Have you lost trust in me?"

  "I just wanted to hear his voice?"


  Kiara took a deep breath," I can understand him not showing his face. But, why doesn't he speak."


  "Because, he is someone we know."

  Jake understood what Kiara meant. In fact, he dropped his guard a bit after understanding why Kiara took a blow knowingly. "Who could he be? Did you notice anything else?"

  "He drives a motorcycle with Portland registered number," Kiara said.

  "That's great. We can trace the motorcycle and then our man. What's the number?"

  "I could not see it in the dark. Paul had noticed it earlier. Even he doesn't remember the number. Can't we trace the motorcycles having Portland numbers?"

  Jake's enthusiasm evaporated, "It can be anyone. People from town work in Portland and visit here sometimes. Lots of people from Portland work in the factory too."

  Kiara nodded, "We don't have a clue yet, then."

  "What about the boss?"

  "I don't think I know him," Kiara answered. "But, he is someone who knows what is happening inside the factory. Can be someone working inside or maybe our messenger works in the factory and feeds him the information."

  "Did he say anything about why he was doing this?"

  "He said something about the sins for which Chris has to pay,"

  "Again a dead end, huh?" Jake said with disappointment, "This guy is good."

  "Or may be scared. One clue and we will catch him."

  Jake nodded and looked at the food. "Let's have the dinner," he proposed.

  She was not in a mood to eat but had to eat at Jake's insistence. Though, he had come with lots of questions, the biggest one being the change in Kiara's attitude towards him. However, now was not the right time.

  Kiara felt a bit better after eating. The warmth of the room also comforted her a bit.

  "I better get a pain killer,"

  Jake nodded, "You better take some rest. Anyway, you will be coming to the factory tomorrow. Let's catch up there."

  "No, wait. I will be back in a minute."

  "No, it's fine."

  "Can you keep your ego aside for a minute? Let me explain everything," Kiara said from the bedroom.

  Kiara's words pinched him. He would have confronted her any other day. But, he had to control his emotions today. The only thing that he could do was to kick the table.

  "What happened?" Kiara asked while coming out.

  "Nothing," Jake said while looking at the table.

  Kiara noticed how Jake was trying to avoid looking at her, "So, you don't like my face now?" she teased him.

  "Don't be stupid," Jake said, "You want my help and keep me out of the most important aspects of your plan. Am I just one of your pawns?"

  "You can be an ass sometimes, Jake Carter," Kiara sat opposite him. Jake looked at her with anger. "You have known me for some time now. You should know that I am not a person who could do that to anyone."

  Jake heaved a sigh, "Can you be clearer?"

  "Please hear me fully before being judgmental," Kiara said making Jake's life even more miserable. He just nodded.

  "I have revealed my identity to Chris?" Kiara said as softly as possible

  "What?" Jake almost yelled, "Are you out of your mind?"

  "That's why I did not tell you in advance," Kiara complained, "I know you will not understand. You won't even let me finish."

  "OK.. Please tell me everything. I won't disturb you again," Jake said in exasperation.

  Kiara took a deep breath, "You promise?"

  "Cross my heart,"

  "I could not have earned his trust without telling him everything,"

  "He caught your act. Didn't he?" Jake interrupted again.

  "Yes," Kiara said sheepishly, "And, also I need to earn his trust."

  Jake nodded and smiled.

  "So, the plan is simple. Chris is here for three days and that has made Sarah's captor restless. They want me to meet him immediately. To ensure that I could meet him without any interference, I have told Chris to ask Harrison to let me meet him," She said but was again cut off by Jake.

  "That's why Harrison asked me to take you to meet him tomorrow after the factory visit," he said excitedly.

  "Yes, and I insisted on you being called along with me, Partner," she smiled.

  Now, it was Jake's turn to give a sheepish smile, "I understand now."

  "Once we meet him, we will ask him everything related to the case. Maybe we will get some clue," she added.

  "That will help, I guess," Jake responded.

  "Now you understand why I did not tell you in advance?" she said firmly.

  "The pain killer is working now, isn't it?" Jake teased her.

  "But, the pain has now shifted from my face to my head now," Kiara mocked him making him smile.

  "You got to get some sleep. The bruise is going to pain more tomorrow," Jake suggested.

  "I need to be ready with some explanation," she said, "Harrison won't miss this."

  "Shall I stay for the night?" Jake offered, knowing beforehand the answer.

  "I am ok. This is not the first time. Don't treat me like your other delicate friends," Kiara said with a hint of anger.

  "OK, Nine O' clock tomorrow, then," Jake said and got up.

  "Just keep an eye around. I won't be surprised if they are following you too," Kiara said while opening the door.

  Jake nodded, "I will. You take care."

  The painkiller showed its effect within minutes. Kiara felt as if she was going to doze off on the couch. She dragged herself to the bedroom and was in a deep sleep within two minutes.

  The one person for whom the night was the longest was Chris. He was feeling so helpless. All his money and power were not enough to ensure Sarah's safety.

  He tried to get his mind off by watching television, but after a while it was all a white noise. The only thing passing through his mind was a betrayal of the trust that Sarah had in him.

  He turned the television off and thought of catching some sleep. Though, he knew sleep was going to elude him. It had been days since he had last slept properly and now it had become a habit of sorts.

  He was about to turn the lights off when his phone rang. He looked at the familiar number and took a deep breath.

  "Hi, Dad," he said softly.

  "At least you could have told me," William Cooper was really angry.

  "You were busy. I left a note with Jeremy," he explained.

  "You should have called me. Anyhow, is this related to that girl's kidnap?"

  Jake took a moment to answer, "Yes."

  "Come on Chris. Be practical. I need you here right now. We have so many contracts to close. You asked for three days, I gave you that,"

  "You won
't understand Dad. I have ruined everything; the company, Sarah's life; everything. This is the least I can do," he said in an apologetic voice.

  "For how long would you keep blaming yourself?" William Cooper mellowed down a bit, "These things happen."

  There was a momentary silence.

  "I miss you," William Cooper said, "I can't do this myself. Everything about the company reminds me of your mother. It's really painful to part from it."

  "It's equally difficult for me also, Dad,"

  There was a momentary silence again. "So, when are you coming back?"

  "Give me two more days. I think I have got a lead in Sarah's case,"

  "What lead?"

  "The kidnappers are trying to negotiate. They haven't told what they want, but, I believe knowing that I am here, they may reach out to me,"

  "I know how much that girl means to you. But, before caving into their demands make sure the news doesn't leak out. We are already in trouble. I don't want something new to waste my energies on," William said in a stern voice.

  "Don't worry, Dad. I will take care of that," Chris assured him, "Please tell Jeremy to handle the media for two more days."

  "Don't worry about that. You take care,"

  "Thanks, Dad."

  Chris was glad that he negotiated Williams well. Knowing his father, he knew he had only two days. If he doesn't leave on the third day, William would be here. He closed his eyes and tried to get everything out of his mind for some time.

  Kiara woke up to a swollen face. The pain had subsided, but, the bruise was more prominent now. The area around it has turned black. She grunted while looking at it. She remembered how her mother always used to tell her that a girl should always avoid playing outdoors in the Sun. She would have freaked out looking at her face now.

  She looked at the clock; seven thirty. Today was the big day. She had to hide the mark as much as possible under the makeup. The thought of using make up made her shiver. She never liked the glam up face of hers. However, she had no choice today.

  She got ready and tried to hide the bruise as much as possible. She could make it less visible, but there was no way that anybody could ignore it. She put on her shades, but that made her look even more ridiculous. Finally, she decided to do away with it. Anyhow, her work was much more important than her face.

  She thought of stopping by at Elmo's place, but she was getting late. Also, with her face, Margaret was going to ask a hundred questions. She found some rice left from the night and pushed it inside her mouth somehow.

  As she came out, Paul was waiting for her.

  "Shall we go?" he said while getting up." Are you sure, you don't want to wait for the breakfast?

  She nodded and walked towards the van.

  "What happened to you?" he asked while adjusting the rear view mirror.

  "I slipped in the bathroom. Does it look really bad?" she asked and waited for his response. She feared the bruise may act as a spoilsport.

  "Not much," he said while staring at the bruise, "How did that happen? I got the flooring done last year. It should not be that slippery."

  "It's my slippers not the tiles," she tried to end the conversation.

  Paul nodded and started the engine. "You heard the news. The butcher is in town," he said with a hint of anger.

  Kiara was little taken aback by his choice of words.

  "Wow! You are really angry,"

  "Shouldn't I?" he asked with question filled eyes.

  Kiara nodded, "So, how is your sister?"

  "She has seen better days," he said ruefully. "Doctor says she is stable."

  "That's good. She is a nice kid," Kiara said and looked outside.

  There were more souls on the main street than usual. She looked at her watch. It was almost nine, but the factory bus was not in sight.

  "What's happening?" she asked while pointing at the crowd.

  "Well, they are thinking of staging a protest outside the factory. Even the factory has not sent the shift bus out of fear,"

  "I don't think he is here. It's just some rumors," she said, thinking of the effect of a mob on her plan.

  "We will come to know once the shift changes. Our people from the night shift will come once the day shift starts. They will tell us everything,"

  Kiara heaved a sigh of relief. Apart from Perry, no one was aware of Chris's arrival. She hoped that no one noticed the police car carrying him.

  Jake had reached the office early. However, he could not beat Harrison. As soon as he reached, he saw the other two agents in his cabin. He also rushed towards the cabin.

  He thought Harrison was going to scold him on his late arrival, but Harrison had something else on his mind. He nodded as Jake entered and gestured him to take a seat.

  "I have received information that the locals may create some trouble today. Though, they are still not sure if Mr. Cooper is here. We need to use it as an advantage. I need you three to concentrate on this for the coming three days and nothing else," he said and got up.

  He walked in front of the table and looked at them.

  "Jake will keep an eye inside the factory. No one should come near the guesthouse," he said and turned towards him, "You should be inside till the evening shift ends. You will only come out to escort the girl once Mr. Cooper is through with her."

  Jake nodded, "Yes, Sir." He was happy that he now had official permission to stay with Chris as long as he wanted.

  "I think you should leave now," Harrison said while pointing at the main door. Kiara was looking around for him.

  Jake looked at her and got up. As he was about to pull the door, he was stopped by Harrison.

  "Keep an eye on her. We don't want to create a bad impression. He is already angry about her presence,"

  "Don't worry, Sir," Jake assured him. By now, he was an expert in lying in front of Harrison.

  He came out and could hear Harrison ordering Arthur to keep an eye on the main street and Charles to keep the media off. He smiled at his luck. On any other day, Harrison would have given him the most insignificant of the jobs; the worst being roaming around the main street avoiding the piercing gaze of the locals. Anybody could get suspicious by such behavior. But, Harrison was the boss and did not want to hear anything but "yes".

  "So what's your boss up to?" Kiara asked.

  "Oh. He is covering all bases. No one comes in and no one goes out," he smiled and looked at her face," How's the pain?"

  "Is it that visible?"

  "Well, it's a nasty bruise," he said while looking at her face, "You have done a good job though covering it."

  "Great. Let's go. Your friend Perry must be waiting," she said while pushing the door.

  Chapter 12

  Perry was walking anxiously in front of the Administration block. Kiara looked at Jake who lifted his brow showing his ignorance about Perry's demeanor. As soon as Perry saw Kiara, he came running towards them.

  "You have put me in a difficult position," he looked at Kiara, "What happened to your face?"

  Kiara took a deep breath, "I slipped in the bathroom. You were saying about the difficult position you are in?"

  Perry shook his head, "Yes… Mr. Cooper wants to see you. He wants to know what you are up to."

  "Jake told me about it. Why are you so worried? As far I am concerned, there is nothing wrong with the factory," she said calmly.

  "It's not about factory. It's about my authority. I should have not allowed you here. He has come specially to check if you have taken any data that can show the factory in a negative light," he said in one breath.

  "But, there are no data like that. Is there?" Kiara steered the discussion in the direction she wanted it to.

  "No.. no.. of course not," Perry said immediately though the sweat drops glistening on his forehead were telling another story..

  Jake was looking at them with amusement. For the first time, he was noticing how Kiara was making Perry uncomfortable without him knowing where she was leading him.

sp; "I wanted to go to the lab and see how they are collecting the samples, "Kiara teased him further, "It is also on the way to the guest house."

  "There is nothing to be seen in the lab. I have already shown you the lab reports," Perry said angrily.

  "I just wanted to see how they collect the samples," she pressed harder.

  "What is with collecting the samples?" Perry said at once. "There are four points from where samples come; the raw material sample to check quality; the final product sample, the waste disposal plant and the gas chimney."

  "Let me note this down," Kiara pretended to take notes, "I have never seen a factory from inside."

  "Ok.. when and if you come next time, I will show you the factory," Perry said in exasperation.

  "I actually wanted to see the waste disposal unit," she said, "I have heard it is cutting edge."

  Any other time Perry would have felt pride listening to Kiara's words, but the mere mention of waste disposal unit sent a shiver down his spine. "No," he almost shouted before realizing he was too loud.

  "I mean, you should see the factory. You should have practical knowledge of the processes that you have read in your books. It is going to help you in your career, not the waste disposal unit."

  Kiara nodded, "May be you are right."

  "Perry is right. I have been to the factory couple of times. It is indeed one of its kind," Jake tried to massage Perry's ego.

  Perry looked at her, "He is right. You are a smart kid. When you meet Mr. Cooper today, don't tell him your wish list; just tell him whatever I have taught you."

  Perry's face had turned red and his words were not helping either. Both Kiara and Jake were trying hard to control their laughter.

  Kiara nodded her head, "Yes, Sir, you have taught me well,"

  Perry looked at Jake and gestured him to follow him. Kiara looked at them while they walked towards the corner of the building.

  "Though I think she is harmless, you need to keep an eye on her," he said in a low voice.

  "What do you mean?" Jake pretended to know nothing.

  "She may not be that smart, but she would try to impress Mr. Cooper. It's her only chance to meet such a big man in person," he said, "What if he likes her and gives her a job at the factory?"


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