Missing Link

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Missing Link Page 19

by Varun Vashist

  Paul tried to understand whom she was calling for a second, but then went back to concentrate on driving.

  "Will do that immediately after her release," Chris said, "But, they will take all the credit. Is that fine with you?"

  "Don't worry. I am not doing this for any reward," Kiara said and paused for a moment." Mr. Cooper I wanted to discuss something else."

  "Sure. What is it?"

  "Um.. You had to lose a substantial sum for the release. You can stop the transfer once she is released," she suggested.

  "In fact, I am thinking of releasing another five million. The town needs it. I can't shut down the plant due to business reasons, but I have instructed the team to run it at optimum load. That will also help in reducing the pollution,"

  "That will be really great for the town," she said and paused for a moment, "How did your father react to it?"

  "He has never shouted at me like this since I was ten. I think, I will lose some decision making powers in the new organization," Chris said with a smile.

  "What if I tell you something that will not only help you restore your powers, but may also help you stop this takeover,"

  "What have you got Miss Davenport?" Chris's smile evaporated. "I knew you won't call without anything."

  "For that, I have to be hundred percent sure. I need to know something,"

  "What is it?" he asked worriedly.

  "You did not finish what happened that night after you went inside for the ring?"

  "Well, by the time I came back Sarah's demeanor had changed. She always hated publicizing a good cause. We on the other hand wanted to cash on it. So, we had called the media to cover the event. My father had made her give a comment in our favor. She thought it to be my idea and we started arguing about it. I told her that these are all business dealings and she should not take it to heart. This upset her even more and she said something that I couldn't handle."

  "What was it?" Kiara asked.

  "She said that I was… I was a cheat and a liar and she did not want to do anything with me," he said in a frail voice.

  "It was then I told her that I am a different person from within. Everything I do for business is not the real me. I was not proud of whatever we had done to build the empire and it was killing me from inside too. To get it out of my system, I had put it in my diary."

  "And what was her reaction?"

  "She did not pay heed to it and left at once,"

  "I suspected so,"


  "Who told you that Sarah might have taken the diary?" she asked ignoring Chris's question.

  "My father... " Chris said and paused, "Wait a minute. Oh my God!"

  There were no words from Chris for the next few seconds. Kiara checked her phone, but the call was still on.

  "Mr. Cooper?" she said.

  "How could she have taken the diary if she did not even know about it before I went in?" he said in a low voice.

  "Because, she never intended to hurt you or your company,"

  "Then, who took the diary?" he asked.

  "Mr. Cooper, Did Morgan try to buy you out earlier too?" Kiara knew the time for the answer had not come yet.

  "Yes, couple of times. But, I was always against it,"

  "And. What about your father?"

  "Wait… are you again pointing a finger at my father?" he said firmly.

  "This is just a hunch and depends on your answer Mr. Cooper," she requested.

  Chris took a moment, "He was against the first bid, but when the bid was increased, he was willing to take it up,"

  "Did he try to pressurize you?"

  "We had an argument over it, but after a few days he thought that I was right," Chris said thoughtfully.

  "You know the reporter that started the issue now works for Richard. In fact, he is the head of this region,"

  "No, I was not aware of this," Chris said with surprise.

  "I believe he was part of the whole controversy. Somebody made him to create a furor during the press conference in return of a plum job," Kiara explained.

  "It can be Richard," Chris was still in disbelief.

  "If all the steps were pre planned, then that would mean that Richard knew about the diary from the start," Kiara explained.

  "I still can't believe my father could go that far," Chris was not willing to accept the reality.

  "Sarah did not take your diary. Still, she had those pages. I will give you the number of the person who sent those pages to her. This is your family matter. I don't want to pursue it further. If you feel, you can call him. I am sure he will know the person behind all of this."

  "Who is that?" Chris asked.


  "That bastard. He pulled Sarah into it," Chris said in anger.

  "No, actually he felt guilty when he came to know about your feelings towards her. He only shared the pages where you had confessed your love. Had Sarah been carrying the whole diary; Duncan would not have to kidnap her. He could have blackmailed you based on that. Kevin was a part of the plan, but had a change of heart. He refused the job offer from Richard. He may be scared, but I am hopeful he will help you."

  "Please send the number to me," Chris said and paused for a moment, "Thanks for everything."

  "No need to thank me. Just doing what I feel is right,"

  "Let me know if I can be of any help. Any time,"

  "Thanks Mr. Cooper," Kiara said and disconnected.

  Kiara opened the window and felt the breeze on her face. She was feeling a sense of relief. She knew the next days were going to be tough for her, but even if she knew it beforehand, she wouldn't have changed anything in her approach. She closed her eyes. She did not want anything to bother her for some time and wanted to enjoy the calmness that was surrounding her heart.

  "It was really nice knowing you," Paul said while putting her bags on the trolley. "Will you come again?

  Kiara smiled, "I don't think so. I will always remember you and your family, though."

  With that, she took out money from her wallet and gave it to Paul. Paul counted it and looked at her.

  "Keep the rest for your sister's medicine,"

  "No. I can't. I can take only the amount that is due. Nothing above or below," he said while giving the money back.

  "You are a good person Paul. Keep this honesty alive," Kiara said while taking the money.

  Paul smiled, "Good luck, Miss Kiara."

  Kiara kept looking at him till he got in the van. She turned and looked at the departure gate. She heaved a sigh; back to business, Kiara.

  Cooper Industries hogged the media limelight again the next day. The Coopers had declined the takeover plan by Morgan. Even William Cooper was in support of Chris. Morgan had threatened them with dire consequences. The market was abuzz with the speculation that the whole drama was staged to get the attention away from a federal probe. Share market on the other hand had responded positively to it. Cooper industries shares were up by ten percent; still a third of their peak value.

  On the fourth or fifth page of all the leading dailies, there was a little paragraph about Sarah's release. It was stated that she was kidnapped while going from Portland to Kingston. She had met the human rights officials and one of them was accompanying her when they were attacked. Both had no idea who the attackers were. She was sedated within seconds of the attack while he was left injured on the side of the road. Police have not made any arrests, though they are looking at the possibilities.

  "What should I do with you?" Carlson shouted. "I know you have a hand in all of this." He said while pointing at the television.

  "I did what I felt right, Sir," she answered unapologetically.

  "It's not about right or wrong. It's about defying the orders given to you, "he said in frustration, "And you know what's even more frustrating?"

  Kiara looked at him, not sure if should answer that. Somehow she controlled herself.

  "It's that I can’t even punish you," he said in angst, "I have orders from th
e top to let this slip. And you know at whose behest?"

  "Chris Cooper," Kiara mumbled.

  "Just go away. I don't want to see your face for some time," he gave a loud grunt.

  Kiara controlled her smile somehow and got out without saying anything. She punched the air and almost ran to her desk.


  Jake was woken up by Harrison's call, "You played me all this time?" he roared.

  "What… What happened?" he said with surprise.

  "You had something to do with that girl's release. Right?"

  "I don't understand," he tried to hide as long as he could.

  "I have orders for our transfer. You are being sent to New York. These have come from the top and you know at whose behest?" Harrison said.

  "Chris Cooper," Jake mumbled.

  "I want to kill you, but my hands are tied. No need to come here. I will send all your stuff to your place. Don't ever show your face again,"

  "I wouldn't. Just one thing I wanted to tell,"

  "What is it now? Are there any more secrets?" Harrison said with frustration.

  "You may have a visit from a Portland team regarding the case,"

  "What have you done now?" Harrison said in exasperation.

  "Can't tell you. You will come to know yourself. And thanks for keeping Kiara's identity secret," Jake said and disconnected. He was dying to call Kiara. Harrison slammed the receiver in anger.

  Before Kiara could call Jake, he called her.

  "How did you do it?" he asked immediately.

  "Um.. I have done a lot of things lately. Which one are you referring to?" she said with a smile.

  "I got my transfer letters. I am going to be your partner, "he beamed.

  "Wow! I did not expect him to do this,"

  "Wait. You asked him to do so," Jake was surprised.

  "Actually, that's what I bargained when I told him my identity," she said softly.

  "You blew your cover just to get me out of here," Jake said with surprise.

  "I always fulfill my promises,"

  Jake did not know what to say. He took a moment, "I don't know how to thank you,"

  "I am going to make you suffer. Don't think you gained in this bargain," Kiara said with a smile.

  "Who would know that better than me?" Jake said and both started to laugh.

  "And, how did you stop this takeover bid?" he asked while settling down.

  "Turns out William was the one behind this takeover. He wanted to make the deal with Morgan, but Chris opposed it. He planted the reporter to provoke Chris in making a mistake. Chris made the mistake, but he played the advertisement card making William's plan futile. William was planning his next strike when Sarah entered Chris's life. During the party, he overheard them fighting over the contents of the diary. He created a master plan, there itself and handed over the diary to Kevin, who gave it to Richard. Chris kept feeling that it was his mistake to tell this to Sarah. William hit two birds with one stone. He got a deal with Morgan and also got Sarah out of Chris's life."

  "So, now Chris is making him pay for his sins?"

  "It's better to be blackmailed by your son than by your competitor," Kiara said with a smile, "And to top all of that I am pretty sure Chris would marry Sarah soon."

  "Wow! William lost his dignity and his son too,"

  "Appears so," Kiara nodded, "So, when are you coming?"

  "Some paperwork needs to be done. Will be there next week," Jake said.

  "See you then, Partner,"

  "See you," Jake said and hung up.

  Both looked at the phones and smiled. They knew the most exciting chapter of their lives had just begun.



  Thank you for reading this book. If you enjoyed it, please leave a review at the book page on the retailer website. If you want to be notified for the future releases, please subscribe to my blog: http://varunvashistbooks.blogspot.in/

  Other books by the author

  The Davenport Mysteries Series

  Missing Link

  Double Cross




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