Whetted Appetites

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by Kelley, Anastacia

  Whetted Appetites

  By: Anastacia Kelley

  ©2014 Kelley, Anastacia

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by electronic, mechanical or other means, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or transmitted in any form or by any means except for use in any review, is forbidden without the written permission of the author.

  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is coincidental.

  First Printing

  Printed in the U.S.A.

  A Note from Miss Kelley

  I see many books about sex; many books about food. Why can’t I have both in one book and be happy?

  Food and sex. They are an essential part of life right behind air to breathe, money to spend and a place to live.

  Many foods are considered aphrodisiacs and they are praised for their ability to boost libido. Whether it’s just the placebo response or it really does have that effect on one’s body, I think there’s no harm in trying them out. Inside and outside the bedroom. Either way, they are nutritious and good nutrition is always crucial to keeping the body going in the right direction.

  Here are just a few foods to try out! I don’t want to spend too much time writing on a scientific level. But I thought just a few ideas would be sufficient.

  Chocolate. Containing serotonin, the pleasant effects of this wondrous little bean has been touted for many, many years. Casanova himself used it every day. We all know the story of Casanova. People, mostly women, have sworn by it. I am inclined to believe it. Not only is the darker variety heart healthy, it is said that the ingredients hit the pleasure center of the brain. The exact same place where orgasms come about and love happens. I’m not saying to replace sex with chocolate. But why not use both at the same time? Imagine a double dose of pleasure if you’re with the right lover. Chocolate on your tongue and his mouth on your body. Mmmmm, gives me the good shivers. ♥

  Bananas. I think the biggest reason it is said it’s a pleasurable fruit is because of the phallic shape. A man watching a woman put a banana in her mouth, especially if she’s purposely wrapping her lips around it, imitating much more pleasurable act, is probably a crotch tightening experience. Might as well get a dose of potassium while you’re at it.

  Asparagus. Also phallic shaped, probably gets the same response but I wouldn’t suggest using it as it might have an affect on your body’s water works. If it doesn’t bother you, go for it. This vegetable can help with your estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. Not to mention it helps with a woman’s lubrication and stimulates clitoral swelling. Good-bye K-Y!!

  Hot Peppers. The chemical, capsaicin, stimulates your nerve endings and increases circulation. That means blood can pump more easily into places that are important in the moment. ;) ;).

  Avocado. Has the same effect as asparagus but without the negative effect on the body. Plus, it has a dose of healthy fat.

  Almonds. While it’s loaded with Vitamin E, the aroma of toasted almonds is said to rouse desire and passion in women. So, don’t feel guilty about grabbing another coconut-y, almond chocolate bar.

  Oysters. This is the most talked about aphrodisiac for men. The zinc is said to raise sperm and testosterone production. Since it also has Omega-3, it helps with depression and just makes you feel good.

  Pomegranate Juice. Researchers are calling this the ‘liquid Viagra’. I can get behind this. Men get a lift without any of the dangerous side effects of the little blue pill. Since women can’t take Viagra, pomegranate juice works for both sexes. Hello, you ruby gems of passion provoking nectar!

  As far as scents go, everyone reacts to smells differently. Where one scent might seem erotic to one, another might turn their nose up at. I have a few scents and aromas that work for me but mix up your own that works for you.

  Vanilla: I may love eating chocolate but the smell of vanilla is just divine. It’s warm and sensual yet not overpowering. It’s a very arousing scent and you can find vanilla scented……..anything these days.

  Sandalwood: This is more of a male’s preference. It’s very earthy and you don’t need much of it to do the job.

  Creamy Vanilla/Sandalwood: This is, by far, my favorite scent. Mixed together, this scent is warm, arousing, bold and earthy. I find the best way to enjoy it is through warming oil. You can find an array of soap stones, tea light candles and these essences at any department store or online. This scent even comes in body lotion. YES!! I highly suggest trying this one. When I smell this throughout my home, it not only gives me a feeling of peace but it can nudge your libido in the right direction. I find this smell very intoxicating. If passion had a scent, creamy vanilla/sandalwood would be it. In one word: Sensual. Talk about enticing the opposite sex.

  But I also like the simple things, as well. I love waking up to the scent of brewing coffee, bacon frying and fresh cinnamon rolls right out of the oven. That can really get my day going. In more ways than one.

  People’s tastes differ greatly. Find what works for you and run with it. ☺

  I know there are more foods and scents that make you feel frisky. Maybe the foods and smells I mentioned might work. Then again, maybe not. I guess it depends a lot on just how much you want it to work for you. It certainly doesn’t hurt to try and see.

  But, I think nothing works as well as being with the one you love and trust. Foods and smells are just icing on the cake. Love is the true aphrodisiac.

  No matter what you try, please remember that safe sex is better sex. But there’s nothing wrong with adventure.

  As I sit here to write this story, one song kept playing over and over in my mind. If you like Duran Duran’s ‘Come Undone’, please play this if you would like while you read their complete love making section. It’s entirely up to you.

  So join Victoria and Dalton on their culinary erotic journey.

  ♥Anastacia Kelley♥

  Chapter One

  Oh, not a-freaking-gain!

  Of all the rotten, stinking luck. Now what was she supposed to do? Snap her fingers and expect her supplies to just magically appear on her desk?

  Victoria Bradley paced her office frantically, hoping she didn’t wear down the new carpeting she had just installed. She absent-mindedly put a fingernail in her mouth and chewed until she realized that she was, yet again, biting her nails. She quickly withdrew her finger, berating herself. Hadn’t she kicked that habit long ago? Why were bad habits so hard to break? She knew they were bad and it frustrated her when she gave in.

  Yes, she got frazzled but in the catering business, delays and screw ups were to be expected. She would eventually get a hold of herself and figure out a plan of action.

  Don’t I always?

  Victoria hadn’t long opened up her new bakery, ‘The SweetTooth’. It had been an instant success. She had orders pouring in from not only the bustling city of Birmingham but other surrounding cities, as well. People all over the Magic City seemed addicted to her unique confections and they started to frequent her store.

  She was immensely proud of her accomplishments. She had worked so very hard to get to where she was today. She did it all without mommy or daddy’s money.

  So there, she mentally thumbed her nose at them.

  Sometimes coming from a very wealthy family wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. Unfortunately, her parents thought that money gave them the right to look down on people less fortunate than themselves.

  Well, that excluded almost everybody known to man.

  The ‘needy ones’, her m
other called them. In her eyes, if they weren’t born with money, they were pretty much worthless.

  Her mom’s screwed up philosophy sucked. The thought of it made Victoria roll her eyes and sigh heavenward.

  Victoria couldn’t count the number of times her mother had set her up with doctors, lawyers, CEO’s and other men with high paying occupations. In other words, men who were on the same level as her mom. All of them proved to be equally boorish.

  They were so conceited. All they could do was drone on and on about themselves; their money; their success.

  Blah. Blah. Blah. That’s all Victoria could comprehend from these ‘clones’.

  She cringed every time she thought of the sex. She could just barely tolerate the one doctor. She was truly surprised she didn’t fall asleep during the whole debacle.

  Not that she was a snob or cruel but, honestly, some men didn’t know how to touch a woman or please them. It’s as if some men needed a step-by-step manual to know how things worked. Even then, they ended up as robotic C3PO.

  Who was she kidding? She needed some spice. That man-on-top crap went out with the burning of the bras. She liked to take some control. Get a little wild every now and again.

  She knew that some people would consider themselves lucky just to be having sex but she was picky. She wanted a hot and sexy man to play out her fantasies with her. Heat things up. She had silk scarves practically begging to be used on a man’s wrists and a blindfold over his eyes. Her furry black handcuffs were probably rusted shut by now. Along with something else that hadn’t got any use in ages.

  What was wrong with using whipped cream and chocolates? Shoot, even she could find something sexy to do with a fruit roll up. There were a lot of foods considered to be aphrodisiacs. To bad they were usually neglected.

  Her vibrator was practically worn out. Just how many batteries did a desperate woman need to go through for some pleasure? It sure didn’t beat the flesh and blood version, of course.

  Victoria ran a frustrated hand through her soft black hair. This train of thought was not going to get any work done.

  “Okay, Bradley,” she scolded herself. “Back to work.”

  She had to figure out how she was going to cater the Bloomberg’s party of two-hundred and fifty guests. They were paying an incredible amount of money for her extraordinary confections. This party was going to be the most extravagant affair to date. And she was to make a large sum of money for doing it. After all, the Bloomberg’s were known for their wealth.

  And for their exceptional taste in caterers. She groaned. She’d really hate to disappoint them. Even with all their immense wealth, they were not snobs by any means. They were quite friendly, with a ready smile or a joke to brighten your day.

  Surprising, given the background of her mother’s snootiness.

  Victoria let out a pent up sigh. When she had called Hughes’ Catering Supplies, Inc., they had the gall to tell her that they would be a few days later than expected.

  She needed those supplies yesterday, as the saying went.

  Oh, and she was fired up. This happened to be the third time. Three! In only five months. It was the final straw. Something had to give and it sure wasn’t going to be her.

  She walked over to the phone to call Hughes’ Catering back. She was going to give them a piece of her mind. She quickly dialed as she sat back on her gray swivel chair. After two rings, a secretary picked up.

  Well, Victoria fumed silently, if only their deliveries were this prompt.

  Victoria felt like being rude but it wasn’t the secretary’s fault for screwing up her orders. Victoria wasn’t a witch but when she paid out that much money, or any amount for that matter, she expected the payee to hold up their end of the bargain. She gave them money; they gave her the supplies as promised and on time.

  “May I speak to the manager, please?” Victoria forced herself to remain polite.

  “Yes, ma’am. Please hold.”

  Victoria drummed her fingers on her desk restlessly when a male voice answered with the same upbeat attitude.

  “Hello. This is Max Sheldon of Hughes’ Catering Supplies. How may I help you?” He sounded courteous enough but he spoke the phrase as if he said it a million times and it was becoming tedious to do so.

  “Yes. This is Victoria Bradley,” she replied sharply. “The owner and manager of ‘The SweetTooth’.

  “What can I----“

  “I was expecting my order four days ago,” she cut in. She didn’t have time for any small talk. “But, for some reason, I am delayed in receiving my delivery. Again. I can’t seem to get anyone to tell me why my supplies are late.” She sucked in a frustrated breath. “If this is the way it’s going to be every time I order from your company, I will take my business elsewhere.” There. She said what she had set out to say.

  She waited for a response but all she heard was silence on the other end of the line. Victoria started to believe he had hung up on her.


  “Yes. I’m here.” Max cleared his throat nervously. “Miss Bradley, I’m only the manager of a small part of this company. If there’s a problem in shipping, you’ll need to notify the manager in the shipping department. His name is-----“

  “Mr. Donegan. Yes, I know. I’ve already spoken to him. All he said was that my shipment was going to take a few more days,” she explained as if she had done it over and over again. She was beginning to sound like a broken record herself.

  “You could always lodge a complaint,” Max offered.

  “I’ve done that once before,” Victoria informed him gruffly.

  “Would you like to speak to the president of the entire company? His name is Mr. Dalton Hughes. He could be of more help since he oversees the whole business.”

  “As a matter of fact, I would,” Victoria remarked shortly. “I would like to speak with Mr. Hughes as soon as possible.”

  “Very well, Miss Bradley.” Max ruffled some papers before he spoke again. “Well, tomorrow around three o’clock would be convenient. Is that fine with you?”

  “Wonderful,” she said as she wrote the information on a notepad.

  She hung up with Max Sheldon and sat back in the chair.

  Well, well, well, Victoria mused as she laced her fingers behind her head. Now maybe I can get at this stuff straightened out. Finally.

  And when I see Mr. Dalton Hughes, I am going to give him a piece of my mind.

  She hoped he had a good appetite for what he had coming.

  Dalton checked the clock hanging on the wall opposite his desk. Seeing that it was almost five o’clock, he shut off his computer and went about tidying up his desk. He was just about finished when Max, his billing manager, walked into his office.

  Dalton looked up from his files and smiled. “Hey, Max. You finished for today?”

  “Almost,” Max answered, waving a piece of paper in front of Dalton. “Got another complaint from Victoria Bradley.” He handed Dalton the paper.

  “Who?” Dalton asked, etching his brows. He looked at Max, waiting for him to elaborate on the name.

  “Victoria Bradley,” Max repeated. “She’s the owner of that new bakery on Third Street called ‘The SweetTooth’. Said her order has been delayed again. I told her to come by your office at three tomorrow to fix the problem. I took the liberty of making the appointment since I knew that would be the only time you’ll be free for a few weeks,” he explained, obviously proud of himself.

  Dalton nodded his approval and hid a smile. Max did get a little over confident at times but he was an excellent manager.

  “Well, the sooner the better. I’m not partial to heated confrontations,” he admitted. He knew he should be ashamed of himself for admitting that bold women sometimes made him forget the English language. It wasn’t that he was all thumbs when it came to women who could give it as good as they got. He had no problems with a woman who knew what she wanted and how to get it. It was the subject matter that bothered him. He was perfectly fi
ne with heated conversation but not because one of them was unhappy with a certain situation.

  Max chortled at this. “You’d better watch out for this one. She might have a bit of a hot temper.” Max wiggled his eyebrows. “She sounds like a spitfire.”

  Dalton shrugged his shoulders in a defensive gesture. “How bad could a little old lady that owns a bakery possibly be?”

  “Yeah. Even little old ladies can give it as good as they’ve got.” Max clapped Dalton’s back. “Don’t worry. All we have to do is fix the problem as quickly as we can and give her a great discount on her next shipment. Just let me know how much so I can adjust her bill.” Max started towards the door before he turned around. “Oh, heads up. I think this one’s wound a bit too tight.” he laughed.

  Dalton snorted and gave Max a disapproving stare. “Max, you know better than to talk about our customers that way. Even if they can’t hear you.”

  “Yeah. I’m sorry. Won’t happen again.”

  Dalton sighed. “Great. Tomorrow should be wild and crazy,” he said with false enthusiasm.

  Max laughed sympathetically. “Everything will be fine.” He glanced at his watch. “Well, got to get going. My old lady’s probably got supper on the table. See ya.”

  “See you tomorrow, Max.”

  Dalton finished putting his files away and sat back in his chair. He took a deep breath. He always got a little nervous when something went wrong and he was confronted by an angry customer. He just wished everything would run according to the plan at all times. But he knew that was just wishful thinking. Nothing worked out one hundred percent of the time.

  Max thought Victoria Bradley was wound tight. He was constantly tight as a bowstring. He knew he needed to relax but he didn’t have the time.


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