Beast Billionaire #1

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Beast Billionaire #1 Page 3

by Mac Flynn

  Maggie hesitated for a moment before she reached out and set her fingers atop his. He pulled her to her feet and led her back down the hall. They passed by the servant, and the man's narrowed eyes studied her sharply.

  Adrian guided her back to his room where he released her hand. The cold room was dark and filled with shadows. He gestured to the chair in front of the fireplace. "Please have a seat."

  Maggie hesitantly seated herself while he stood in front of the fireplace. In a minute he'd stoked a fire within its hearth and the room was filled with a warm light. Adrian readjusted the coat and turned to her. The light from the fire cast long shadows over his front, but Maggie could clearly see his yellow-tinged eyes.

  "I'm sure I don't need to tell you I'm not human, at least not completely so," he commented.

  Maggie shifted in her chair and swept her eyes over him. "I did get that impression."

  He chuckled. The sound was without humor. "I'm sorry for that. I hadn't meant to lose herself, but with you laying by my side and after such a-well, an exercise, I couldn't control herself." Maggie blushed at the remembrance of their liaison. Adrian half-turned away from her and set a hand on the mantel. A small hand mirror lay on the mantel close to his hand. His bright eyes gazed into the crackling fire. "I suppose after seeing me in that form you would believe I'm a werewolf."

  Maggie's eyes widened. "A. . .a werewolf?" she choked out.

  He looked to her and gave a nod. "Yes. A creature of myth and legend made flesh and blood." He slid his hand off the mantel and gazed at his palm and spread fingers. "A beast, some would say a monster, resides inside me. Most of the time I'm able to control myself, but as you saw, that isn't always the case."

  Maggie shifted and tried to steady her shaking hands by clutching the arms of the chair. "Is. . .is that why you stay here?"

  He dropped his hand and returned his intense gaze to her. A sensual heat arose in her, but Maggie tamped down the urge to kiss him. She noticed his nostrils flared and he stiffened. He reached up and grasped the mantel. His voice was thick with need. "You are very susceptible to my scent."

  Maggie shook her head to clear the haze of lust. A deep, long breath finished the job. "I don't know what you-" He slipped over to her and placed his hands over hers.

  Those beautiful yellow eyes pierced her with their deep, lustful gaze. He leaned towards her so their lips nearly touched. His voice was low and sensual. "I can smell your need for her," he whispered. He tilted his head to the side and our lips ghosted against one another. Maggie closed her eyes and shuddered. "You desire me as much as I desire you."

  Maggie leaned forward to kiss him, but he pulled away and retreated to the fireplace. His burning eyes never left her. His hand returned to the mantel and his fingers turned white from the hard hold. "I should never have allowed you in here."

  Maggie swallowed her unfulfilled lust. "Then why did you?"

  A sly smile slipped onto his lips. "Because your scent intrigued me." His eyes swept over her. "You intrigued me."

  Maggie blushed and looked at her lap. "This is. . .this is all so unbelievable."

  He chuckled. "You won't believe me, nor your own eyes?"

  Maggie pursed her lips. "No. I mean, yes. Well, sort of." Maggie closed her eyes and shook her head. "This is insane." She stood and met his gaze. "I came here to help my father. Do I still have your word you'll help him?"

  Adrian bowed his head. "You have my undying word."

  "All right, then I guess I'll be going."

  Maggie turned and strode over to the balcony, but his voice called her back. "What of your word?"

  Maggie froze. She didn't turn around. Her voice was tense. "What word?"

  "That you would remain here with me," he reminded her.

  Maggie swallowed and half-turned to face him. "You can't be serious."

  He nodded. His eyes never left hers. "I am."

  Maggie set her hand on the knob of one of the French doors and frowned. "You can't expect me to stay here with a stranger. What about my father and friends? What about my life?"

  Adrian's smile returned. "You never cease to amaze me. Even when you list off what's most important to you, you place yourself below everyone else."

  Maggie shrugged. "That's what's most important to me, now if you'll excuse me." She turned her back on him.

  He stretched out his hand. "Wait. A moment more of your time."

  Maggie glanced over her shoulder in time to see him remove the hand mirror from the mantel. He held out the glass to her. "Please take this. As a remembrance of me."

  Maggie arched an eyebrow. Her eyes flickered between the gift and the man who held it. "You'll help my father, won't you?"

  He nodded. "I will see that justice is done. This gift, this mirror, is my apology to you."

  She arched an eyebrow. "You. . .you'd really let me go knowing what I know about you?"

  Adrian bowed his head. "With a heavy heart, but my grief would be somewhat alleviated if you accepted my gift."

  Maggie shook her head. "I couldn't. And I might drop it down the vines."

  His shoulders fell, but he nodded. "I understand, but wouldn't you rather go through the front door?"

  Maggie opened the French door and stepped onto the balcony. "Thanks, but this way's a little more familiar. Anyway, I really appreciate your help with my father. Goodbye."

  Maggie turned and hurried to the vine. The thick tendrils waited for her, and she climbed down them as quickly as she could. She dropped the last three feet to the ground and looked around. The fog was somewhat lifted, and she could see the stone path we'd followed from the gate.

  "Maggie!" She tilted her head backwards and looked up. Adrian leaned over the balcony. A devilish smile graced his lips as he held the mirror over the edge. "Catch!"

  Maggie's eyes widened. She reached up and opened her hands. The mirror fell perfectly into them. Maggie turned the item over in her hand. A quick perusal told her the yellow covering was gold. The frame of the glass was ringed by small, glistening jewels. The weight of the mirror bespoke its extensive value, and the shimmering glass reflected its great age.

  Maggie hugged the mirror to her chest and glanced up into Adrian's face. "Thank you."

  He smiled and shook his head. "No, thank you."

  Maggie furrowed her brow. "For what?"

  He gestured to the balcony and the room beyond. "For brightening these halls with life. Real, beautiful life."

  Maggie smiled and took a step backward away from the house. "I guess I'll be seeing you."

  A strange, crooked smile graced his lips. "Then it's farewell for now."

  Maggie bowed her head. "Goodbye."

  Maggie spun around and fled down the stone path.


  Adrian watched her until she disappeared behind the high wall. He turned and found his manservant standing in the doorway to his room.

  The older gentleman pursed his lips. "Do you think it was so wise to allow her to leave?"

  "Would you I rather eat her?" Adrian retorted as he swept past him and into his chambers.

  The manservant turned his body to follow his master. "But she is a threat to you."

  Adrian stepped up to the fireplace and lay his arm across the warm mantel. He gazed into the fire and a sly grin slid onto his lips. "I find this game rather exciting, don't you?"

  His servant frowned. "Not in the least, sir."

  Adrian chuckled and turned to him. He tossed the manservant his coat. "Where has all your courage gone, Albert?"

  "The world is a dangerous place, particularly for a man with secrets," Albert reminded him. "It may attract equally dangerous men."

  Adrian strode over to the dresser and attired himself in a pair of pants before he turned to face his old companion. "Then maybe it's about time I went out into the world and saw what I can do with this secret of mine. It's already fetched me a very beautiful young woman with my even leaving the house."

  "And the enemies it made for you befo
re you came to live here, and those within your own company?" Albert pointed out.

  Adrian plucked a piece of paper from the floor and read the contents. He flashed his manservant a toothy grin as he handed the note to Albert. "I think it's high-time I took a bite out of the competition, and my enemies. Have these gentlemen see me tomorrow."

  Albert took the note and read the names. His eyes flickered up to Adrian. "Together, sir?"

  Adrian shook his head. "No, apart, and have the junior employee come just before nightfall. I don't want him to interfere with my mate's return."

  Albert arched an eyebrow. "You're sure she'll return?"

  The young man strode over to the French doors and looked at the night sky. His eyes flashed a brilliant yellow. "Quite sure. In fact, I've guaranteed it."

  * * *

  Maggie's car waited for her, and she drove home. She found her father asleep in his favorite chair. The TV was on. She set the mirror on the coffee table in front of the chair and took a quilt from the foot of the bed. It was one sewn by her mother. She lay it over her father. He stirred a little and a few mumbling words passed his lips.

  "Maggie. Maggie, where are you?"

  Maggie smiled and whispered her reply. "I'm right here, Dad."

  Robert's eyes fluttered open. His gaze fell on her and his face brightened with a smile. He sat up and clasped her hands. "I've been worried sick about you! Where did you go? Why didn't answer you phone?"

  Maggie patted his hand. "You didn't need to worry, Dad. I went to see A-Mr. Forrest about your job."

  His eyes widened. "You did what?"

  Maggie winced. "I thought it would help."

  He squeezed her hands and shook his head. "I know my job meant a lot to us, but you didn't have to go to see him."

  Maggie smiled. "But it was worth it. I met him and he promised to look into it."

  Her father blinked at her. "You. . .you did?" He shook himself. "I mean, he did?"

  Maggie nodded. "Yep. We might hear from your work tomorrow."

  His eyes lit up and a grin parted his lips. He jumped to his feet and swung her in a wild dance around the furniture. "This is wonderful! Stupendous! Now you can stay in college!"

  Maggie fell back onto the couch and laughed. "It hasn't happened yet."

  He rubbed his hands together and smiled. "But I believe it has. If Mr. Forrest is as honest a man as his father then I'm sure to get my job back." He gave her a wink. "Just you wait and see. He'll come through for us."

  Maggie's eyes flickered to the mirror on the table. Her heart sank as she thought about her half of the strange, unfulfilled bargain. Her father hurried past her to the kitchen.

  "Now why don't we celebrate with some spaghetti?" He pulled a frying pan from the cupboards and turned to her. "My treat."

  Maggie grabbed the mirror and stood to face him. The mirror was hidden behind her back. "Actually, I'm a little tired from all that driving. I think I'll go to bed."

  He blinked at her. "Oh, all right. Goodnight."

  "'Night," Maggie replied.

  Maggie slipped down her hall into the room and shut the door. The mirror weighed heavy in her hand as she strode over to her bed and settled herself on the covers. She cupped the mirror in one palm and studied the beautiful jewels and gold that surrounded the glass. Her palm brushed against the back and her fingers touched something. Maggie flipped the mirror over and studied the back. A few words were engraved in the gold inlaid.

  * * *

  A glass to see

  What may be

  Or what one

  Needs to see

  * * *

  Maggie raised an eyebrow. "That's different." She flipped the mirror back to the glass and gazed at her reflection. A sigh escaped her lips. "Adrian. . ."

  Maggie's eyes widened as the reflection of the room in the glass became distorted and foggy. The white mist cleared and revealed a familiar room. The reflection revealed Adrian's chambers. The master himself sat in the high-backed chair before a roaring fire. The glass zoomed in on his countenance. His chin leaned on the knuckles of one hand and he gazed into the flickering flames.

  "Wow. . ." she whispered.

  Maggie lay down on her back and studied Adrian's clear face. Sadness tinged the corners of his beautiful lips. His eyes were partially lidded, but the fire reflected in their dark depths.

  Maggie reached up with one hand and brushed her trembling fingers against the surface of the glass. The image flickered and faded.

  Maggie sat up and clutched the mirror in both hands. "Wait! No!"

  The image melted into the reflection of the room around her. Maggie shook the glass, but nothing happened. The image reverted back to her own room. Her shoulders slumped.

  Maggie jumped at a knock on her door. "Are you okay?" her dad called through the shut entrance.

  Maggie stuffed the mirror under the sheets. "I-I'm fine, Dad. Just-um, just looking at myself in a mirror."

  "You sure you don't want some food?" he asked her.

  "Um, sure, why not?"

  Maggie hopped out of bed, but not without one last glance over her shoulder at the lump beneath the sheets.

  Her dad and she had his celebratory spaghetti. They sat down at the table with a mountain of the Italian food between them. She piled her plate high enough to keep her mouth full for a month.

  Robert's eyes flickered to his daughter. "So what was Mr. Forrest like?"

  Maggie shrank down, but managed a shrug. "Oh, you know, just his normal self."

  He smiled and shook his head. "I'm actually not too familiar with him. Nobody even knows what he looks after such a long seclusion."

  Maggie furrowed her brow and twirled with the spaghetti on the end of her fork. "How long has it been like that?"

  Her father tilted his head back and tapped his fork against his chin. "Hmm, I'd say about ten years, just two years after his father died and he took complete control of the company. He used to come by the offices once a quarter to view the cubicles in person."

  "How old was he then?" she wondered.

  He shrugged. "Oh, he's about five years older than you, give or take one or two."

  Maggie glanced down at her plate. Her imagination formed the noodles into his face. She started when her dad reached across the table and set his hand down on her free hand.

  Maggie looked up into his kind but concerned eyes. "Something's bothering you," he commented.

  She cringed. "I. . .it's just that-well, do you think monsters exist?"

  He removed his hand and settled back into his chair with a raised eyebrow. "Monsters?"

  Maggie nodded. "Yeah, like vampires, ghosts, and-um, werewolves."

  He chuckled and rolled a large hunk of spaghetti onto his fork. "Yes, I do. I work with financial vampires all the time. They suck all the equity and fun out of life."

  Maggie frowned. "I'm serious, Dad."

  He paused and raised an eyebrow. "Really? What brought on this interest in things that go bump in the night?"

  Maggie looked away from his prying eyes. "Maybe I bumped into one of them."

  He furrowed his brow. "Maggie, if there's something you need to-" She dropped her fork and stood.

  "It's nothing. Really," she assured him. She tossed down her napkin and managed a smile. "I think I'll go to bed. It's been a long day."

  Maggie swept past him towards the hall. She'd just reached the corner when Maggie heard her dad behind her.

  "I do."

  Maggie paused and half-turned to her dad. "You do what?"

  He looked her in the eyes. "You asked if I believes in monsters. Real ones. I do."

  Maggie arched an eyebrow. "You do? Why?"

  He shrugged. A mischievous smile slipped onto his lips not unlike that which belonged to Adrian. "Let's just say there's more to life than numbers. Anyway, goodnight."

  The young woman smiled, but this time for real. "Goodnight."

  Maggie returned to her room and pulled the mirror from its hiding spot.
The glass reflected her room. she pursed her lips. "Adrian."

  Maggie's eyes widened as the mirror reflected once more the object of her desire. Adrian stood beside the bed. His shirt was removed and he wore a plain pair of white shorts. She brushed her hand over the mirror to feel his strong muscles, but she felt nothing but smooth, cold glass.

  Maggie sighed and set the mirror face-down on the bed. The mirror was a torture device for the new lust that pulsed inside her. She fell back on her bed and closed her eyes.

  Her dreams were filled with a certain handsome man and their delicious desires.


  Maggie stood before the wrought-iron gate. The cloudy image of the house stood beyond the entrance. The gate swung open with a deep groan, but she wasn't afraid. She walked straight ahead past the tall skeletal trees and to the front doors. They, too, opened for her. The interior of the house was long and distorted, but she knew the way. Her footsteps took her up the flight of stairs close by the front door and to the long hallway at the top.

  A single door lay open. His door. She stopped in the doorway and looked inside. The large chamber was lit by the glow from the fire. The bed was empty, but she could see the shape of an arm on the arm of the chair.

  A smile lit her face. Maggie rushed forward to the front of the chair. The figure stood and wrapped his strong arms around her. He pressed his warm lips against her neck.

  "You're late," he whispered to her. His lips traveled down her neck as his hands massaged her curves. "Should I punish you?"

  She leaned into his touch. Her body pulsed with hot, wet need. She closed her eyes and shuddered. "Please take me. . ." she murmured.

  He chuckled. The sound deeply penetrated her body with a warmth that left her shivering. He leaned down. Their lips nearly touched.

  A loud alarm woke Maggie from her beautiful slumber. She started up and whipped her head left and right. Her bedroom stared back at her.

  She clutched her beating chest and took deep breaths. "Only a dream. It was only a-" She shifted her legs and her foot knocked into something hard.

  Maggie glanced down and her eyes widened. There, at the foot of her bed, lay the golden mirror. She scrambled to the mirror and clutched it in her shaking hands. A wild, jubilant smile slipped onto her lips as she hugged the object to her chest.


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