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Fugitives Page 9

by Jes Drew


  “Chase and Mary-Ann don’t know what they’re missing,” I say, studying a Raphael.

  “Indeed,” Christopher agrees.

  I glance over to where Oto is trying to make sense of the caption about the painting. It’s not that he has a hard time reading- he’s actually quite fast- it’s just that the caption has a bunch of new words, like Renaissance. It must be hard to suddenly realize that the world is much, much bigger and more complicated than you were taught. Though, Oto and Ata are definitely coping well- in their own ways.

  Christopher and I walk over to the next painting and then I quickly walk past it to the next one when I see that it contains nudes.

  Then again, maybe it’s a good thing that Chase and Mary-Ann decided not to come.

  Christopher studies me with a bemused expression before rejoining me. “I have a feeling that we’ll be skipping over much of Michelangelo’s work.”

  I blush and look down at the floor. Then I look back at Oto as he moves on from his caption. He takes one look at the painting that Christopher and I had skipped before turning red and hurrying over.

  Huh, I’ve never seen Oto blush before. It’s cute.

  “There are some things I will never understand about the Outside,” he says.

  I nod. “You and me both.”

  A mental list of other things that I do not understand about people:

  (1) Their fascination with nudes;

  (2) Their need to be both individuals and be part of a group;

  (3) How they can be so cruel to each other (and yet, some part deep inside me understands);

  (4) Three words: slap stick comedy (again, some part deep inside me understands);

  (5) The general populaces’ addiction to caffeine;

  Oto continues quickly to the next painting, but I remain where I am a little longer. Christopher remains standing by me.

  And I know this is the time to clear the air. I take a deep breath first. “Christopher.”

  He glances down at me and frowns. “Oh, dear, is there something weighing on you?”

  I gnaw my lip as Oto moves onto the next painting. “I just feel so… dirty and violated with you thinking I did… inappropriate things with Oto-”

  Suddenly, his finger is beneath my chin and lifting my face up to his.

  “I don't think that, Ma colombe.” His tone is as gentle as his words, and his eyes are even more so as they search my face. “I can see the truth in people, remember?”

  I blink. “But you were so upset...”

  “I was. My vision was… temporarily clouded.” His gaze drops to his fingers still on my chin, and he drops that next. I miss the warmth.

  “So you know the truth, then?”

  “I do.” This time his voice is sad. Then he glances at Oto.

  Without another word, he strides to the next painting.

  And I'm left breathless. He really is jealous, isn't he?

  I open my mouth to call out to him, but then close it again. What if I'm wrong? Then he'd know too much about me and I'd know too much about him…

  If only I had his gift. Or better yet, telepathy.


  “There you are,” Ata says when Christopher, Oto, and I make it back to Madame Monique’s. “She found them.”

  Them. The Masters.

  Everyone assembles in the kitchen. Madame Monique opens a laptop.

  “Have any of you heard of Tropical Trading Co.?” Madame Monique asks.

  Christopher and I both nod. “My father has worked with them on occasion,” Christopher adds.

  “Well, that’s who your father is doing business with right now.”

  “I thought as much,” Christopher admits. “I just wanted to make sure.”

  “But I thought-” I begin, but then stop myself. No need to make Christopher feel any worse.

  “Do you know the names of the owner?”

  “Well, I know that one owner is Clovis Masters- he’s kind of the spokesman of the company. He runs the business with his two younger brothers. Kind of sweet how they share the business.”

  Nothing cute about it since they're obviously the men we encountered on the Island: Clovis Masters, Rudolf Masters, and whoever the youngest brother is.

  “That’s them all right,” Oto says.

  “So what do we do?” I ask.

  “We learn where they’re keeping our parents,” Christopher answers. “Then we plan, prepare, infiltrate, and finally, escape.”

  “What exactly have you been up to lately, Christopher?” Madame Monique asks.

  I ignore her and study my hands. I’m going to willingly walk into danger- again!- but it will be worth it for my parents who are in the custody of three business men… and maybe even Christopher's father.


  I press the pair of binoculars Madame Monique lent us to my eyes and study the base of operations of the Tropical Trading, Co.

  It’s a large, steel and glass building that gives the appearance of having no secrets. The fact that the windows are tinted says otherwise. Palm trees have been planted in organized positions around the building and the road leading up to it.

  I shudder.

  “Are you cold?” Christopher asks.

  “No,” I answer, handing Oto the binoculars. I’m not cold; I’m scared to death. How are we supposed to get into that building? More importantly, how are we going to get out?

  Ata drums her fingers on the table, deep in thought. Joseph, who is studying his laptop, also looks deep in thought.

  I spin my spoon around my smoothie. We had chosen this café mostly for its great view of the Tropical Trading, Co. building from its outdoor patio. We also chose it for its wi-fi signals, lack of crowds, great prices, and the lovely aromas permeating it.

  “I’m in,” Joseph announces suddenly. “I’ve hacked their security system.”


  Joseph nods. “From here, I’ll be able to unlock doors, switch off alarms, blind cameras, and the whole kit-and-caboodle!”

  “Can you get a blueprint of the building?” Christopher asks.

  “Coming right up.” Joseph types furiously on his laptop. “If you want, I could also find the business schedules of all employees and planned appointments.”

  Christopher nods.

  “What would you do without me?. Oh, look here. Your dad is scheduled to have lunch with the Masters at twelve tomorrow. It also says that four other ‘guests’ will be present, but it doesn’t specify any names…”

  “It’s them!” I cry. “It’s my parents and my uncle and my aunt!”

  Everyone turns to me.

  “How do you know?” Oto asks.

  “I just do.”

  Ata nods.

  “So, what do we do?” I ask.

  “What can we do, Joseph?” Christopher asks.

  Joseph studies his laptop for a moment before answering. “Well, I can disrupt the security systems and you can try the stealthy approach. Or, I could cancel a couple of employees’ shifts and get you to temporarily replace them. Or I could sign you up as actual guests- the most logical option, but also the riskiest.”

  “What do you think, Emily?” Oto asks.

  Uh… “I think we should vote on this.”

  “What is vote, exactly?” Oto asks.

  “It’s basically what we did back on the ship to Belgium,” Christopher explains.

  Oto nods. “I say stealth approach.”

  “I do… too.” Christopher doesn’t sound very happy to be agreeing with Oto.

  “I choose disguise approach,” Ata says.

  “I second that,” Joseph agrees.

  I roll my eyes. Then I bite my lip. Why does it always seem like I’m always the one who has to make the decision? I’m, like, the most indecisive person on the planet. “I choose…” Come on, Emily, just say something. “Stealth.”

  Joseph nods. “Very well. I’ll familiarize myself with their security system tonight.”

; “And I’ll purchase the necessary equipment and rent a get-away car,” Christopher adds.

  I force a smile. “And I’ll try to actually get some sleep tonight.”

  I’ve got the hardest job of them all.

  Chapter Seven

  A sudden flash of light jerks me from my sleep.

  Ata stands near our now open bedroom window. “Sorry, but it’s time for you to get up. Breakfast is in ten minutes.”

  I nod and climb out of bed. My head hurts and my body is sore- painful reminders of the many wakeful hours I suffered through last night.

  Ata leaves and I change into the outfit I had decided on last night (it was a tough decision between my two changes of clothes): a dark blue top; my only pair of jeans on me; my blue slip-ons; and, of course, my pearl ring. Then I carefully braid my hair and apply my makeup- I want to look put together when I see my parents again.

  When I’m done, I repack my satchel and gather together all the clothes that won’t fit in it before going downstairs.

  Madame Monique is in the hallway. She dabs her eyes when she sees me. “I’m going to miss you, child. There was so much I wanted to show you and your family too.”

  “I’ll miss you too.” There are few women like Madame Monique left in the world.

  “You be sure to take good care of Christopher now. And come back soon. You’ll always be welcome.”

  “Thank you. Um, Madame Monique?”

  “Hmm, mon chéri?”

  “What does that phrase you called Mary-Ann, Ma clombe, mean?”

  Madame Monique cocks her head, and I can see in her eyes that she's wondering if I'm curious for curiosity's sake or if there's something more. “Did Christopher-”

  “What could it possibly mean?” I blurt.

  She smiles knowingly. “It means 'my dove'.”

  Oh. So maybe he was just agreeing with my being as innocent as a dove or whatever.

  Whatever the motive behind his choice of words, I feel a warmth spreading all the way down to my toes and back up again at the thought of him calling me that.

  I really am such a fool.


  “Here is what we’re going to do,” Christopher announces, standing strong and tall, and most definitely not like a pining, love-sick puppy. “Mrs. Rogers, you will wait in the getaway car with Mary-Ann and Chase. Keep your phone ready so we can contact you when we need you.”

  Grandmother nods and Chase grunts- he doesn’t look like he likes the idea of being left behind

  Poor Grandmother. She has the worst job of us all- baby-sitting two grouchy kids. Except… Mary-Ann doesn’t look very grouchy. She looks rather pleased to be spending the day with Grandmother.

  “Joseph, you’ll help us from the café,” Christopher adds, glancing at his friend. And Ata beside him?

  Joseph gives him a thumbs-up. “Got it. So, do we use my comm units?”

  “Yes. Now, Oto, Ata, Emily, and I will be the ‘grab team.’ Does everyone agree with this arrangement?”

  This arrangement is risky at best- but it’s the only way to get our family. It must be done.

  Everyone voices their agreement but Chase and Oto, who raises his hand.

  Sighing, Christopher turns reluctantly to him. “Yes, Oto?”

  “I agree with the vote, but I have just one question.”


  “Isn’t Emily supposed to be the leader?”

  “Christopher’s my spokesperson,” I answer quickly to diffuse any approaching arguments. We don't have time for that- the Masters are our enemies.

  And I most definitely don't have time to analyze Christopher's every word and gesture.

  Oto shrugs.

  “Now it’s time to hand out the equipment,” Christopher announces. “Joseph, the comms.”

  Joseph nods. “I only have two official comms. Thankfully, I was able to figure out how they worked so I could build my own as well.”

  “So that’s what you spent this summer doing,” Christopher says. “Okay, Joseph, you have the homemade one and the four of us who are going in will share the other two by splitting into pairs.”

  “Who will be in each pair?” Ata asks.

  “You’ll be with me. Oto and Emily, you’re the other pair.”

  What?! Did a pig fly and I missed it or something?!

  I guess things aren’t like they were on the Island anymore.

  “I also got us each a hoodie,” Christopher says, handing out dark blue sweatshirts. “Hopefully, if we do get seen, these will raise fewer flags than our faces would.”

  Doubt it- I’d be suspicious of someone wearing a hoodie in this heat. Still, I take it and pull it over my head. It’s a bit big, but then again, I’m a bit short.

  Christopher turns, facing each of us in turn. “So, using the element of surprise, we get in, grab our parents, and get out. Any questions?”

  Yeah: why did you pair me with Oto and pair Ata with yourself?

  And why does your calling me something in French wipe out any romantic feelings I might possibly have toward Oto so deftly?

  “I do,” Oto says.

  Christopher visibly restrains his frustration.

  And Oto grins. “When do we start?”

  I step forward. “Right now.”


  “I’d like to get in sometime today,” Christopher says into his comms unit.

  “You have to give me a moment to crack the security codes,” Joseph answers matter-of-factly right into both Christopher’s and my ears. “Genius can’t be rushed.”

  I rub the comm unit in my ear. It'll take a while to get used to it. Is this what a hearing aid feels like?

  Frowning, I glance over to where Christopher is waiting for Joseph’s signal to enter the building in question. He looks so poised and- even in that hoodie- dashing. How could I have ever thought that he could be jealous over me?

  Tears fill my eyes and threaten to spill. Stop it, Emily, this is not the time to cry.

  A mental list of all the times one shouldn’t cry:

  (1) When one is about to do an illicit, dangerous rescue mission;

  (2) When one is giving a speech (I did that once- apparently public speaking isn’t my thing);

  (3) When one is congratulating someone (except at weddings);

  (4) When one is being mocked;

  (5) And above all: when one is wearing non-waterproof mascara;

  “It’s open,” Joseph announces.

  Christopher approaches the entrance first, like we had planned, once he’s inside, he gestures for us to follow.

  Once we’re all inside, Joseph says, “Go into the next doorway. The guard is coming back from his bathroom break and it wouldn’t be wise to be there when he gets back.”


  We all hurry inside the doorway Joseph had pointed out to us. It’s actually a hallway that ends in a fork.

  “Which way do you want me to go?” I ask into my comm.

  “Either one will lead you to where you need to go,” Joseph answers. “This is probably a good time to split up.”

  Christopher nods and gestures for me to choose first.

  I purse my lips and choose the path leading to the right. Oto follows me while Christopher and Ata go to the left.

  And just like that my security blanket is gone and it's just the blind leading the blind.

  Not sure what else to do, Oto and I creep down the empty hallway to an elevator.

  “Do we take the elevator, Joseph?” I ask into my comms, hoping I pushed the button right.

  “Not yet- there’s somebody in it. Beta team, hide.”

  I quickly dive underneath a table with a long, decorative table cloth before remembering that Oto doesn't also have a comms unit. “Oto, hide!”

  Oto flattens himself against the wall next to the elevator just as it opens. A man pushing a janitor cart emerges and pushes past both of us.

  “Beta team, go.”

  Oto and I hurry into the elevator.

  “What does this thing do?” Oto asks, staring at the buttons. “I’ve never been in one before.”

  “Uh, it’s called an elevator,” I answer. “It takes people up and down. We’re going up, right, Joseph?”

  “Yes. Floor number four. Alpha team, do you copy? Your destination is floor number four.”

  “They must be taking the stairs,” I whisper to Oto. “We got lucky.”

  “Indeed. If Ata had to ride this thing, she’d freak out.”

  Ata? Freak out? That’s about as likely as Christopher and Oto getting through the day without bickering.

  The elevator doors swing open and we step out.

  “Which direction do we go, Joseph?” I ask.

  “I’ll be right with you, Beta team. Alpha team, someone is descending the stairs towards you. Go down a flight and hide in the room across from the stairway. Okay, Beta team, you need to keep going straight. The room you need is at the end of the hallway. Nobody is in it yet. I’ll unlock the door and blind the cameras for you until you can get in the adjoining closet. Then you wait there until Alpha team joins you. You have a quarter of an hour until the ‘lunch meeting’ is scheduled to begin. Do you roger?”

  “Do I what?” I ask.

  “Roger. Do you roger?”

  “Oh. Yeah, I roger. Sorry, I thought you were saying my name. I’m Emily Rogers, you know.” Ugh, of course I had to mess up on comms.

  Joseph sighs. “Yes, you're a doofus. Now go.”

  I nod, and then blush- he can’t see me nod through comms (though, he might be watching through security cameras…). Why can’t I stop messing up? “Roger.”

  Then I turn to Oto, who's watching me with a raised eyebrow. I ignore his unasked question. “Come on,”

  Oto nods and we hurry down the hallway and into the room.

  The room is spacious, with a long table in the center and a potted tree in each corner. One wall is completely made up of tinted windows. The wall across from the windows contains a large closet door.

  I open the closet door. Though the closet is wide, it isn’t deep. There is just enough room for four people to stand inside shoulder to shoulder, which is just what we need.


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