Thrice ignored him as he helped with making lunch. It was the knock at the door that stopped all the commotion. Aran and Rena took all the children this morning, so it wasn’t them.
“Who is it?” Serenity called out while Slade and Phoenix stood on either side of the door.
“Delivery for Mila Broken.” A young voice called out from the other side.
Slade opened the door to reveal a young delivery boy standing there.
“Sorry, it took me so long to get here. We don’t usually make deliveries, but we understand the extenuating circumstances.” He repeated the words like he had been tutored before he came. He held up his hand.
“What’s that?” Mila got up crossing to the door.
“Are you Mila Broken?”
“This is for you. It was sent by a Me’akal,” he tripped over the name several times before he gave up. “It was sent by Mr. Hound.” The boy turned to leave with his face shaded in reds.
“Please tell me this isn’t a humanoid,” Mila begged looking at Slade.
“There’s no way to tell. He was just weaned; he's too young to shift.”
They turned to find Dante sitting at the table.
“Thanks for the food, Thrice you're becoming a better cook.”
Slade glared at him before leading Mila back to the table. She stopped and looked at the angel nestled in her arms and then at Dante. She walked over to him. Leaning down she whispered into his ear. “Thank you.”
The smile he gave her was absolutely heart-stopping. His blue eyes flashed catching everyone’s attention before dulling.
Mila sat on Slade’s lap while they stroked their cat. Family, she lost hers long ago. Now she had family and love. It only took a dip in the Allegheny to get here.
Slade pulled her close to kiss her. This is what she dreamed of on all those cold, long, lonely nights. The murmur of the voices of her family surrounded her as Slade’s warmth reminded her she would never be alone again.
“Cole stop chasing your brother this instance,” Mila called out.
“He started it, mommy!” Cole called back as he chased Aaron around a rack of hanging dresses.
“No I didn’t mommy! He said he was going to pull my tail when we get home. That hurts!” Her son's voice rose into a wail loud enough for the whole store to hear.
The other mothers in the store stopped to look at them. There was a look of relief on their faces that it wasn’t their children making such a spectacle. There was one mother who was lecturing her child about what would happen if he tried to do that. She reminded Mila of her mom when she took her and Rena to the mall.
“Boys I’m going to have to tell your father.”
“No!” They both wailed at the same time coming to an abrupt halt.
Oh, how the mighty have fallen. The Ky Zo Mol master needed to use her mate to get her children under control. She grinned but refused to let the boys see it. They could twist her around their fingers so fast it made her head swim.
Rena walked out of the dressing room. She was six months pregnant.
“Act up more boys,” she mumbled under her breath.
“I keep telling you I had nothing to do with you getting pregnant,” she told Rena.
“It’s all your fault.” She rolled her eyes at Mila. “Doll,” her voice took on the deep throatiness of Aran. “You don’t want my younger brother to show me up, do you?”
Mila laughed rubbing her sisters’ belly.
“I say we get rid of her.” Quinn waddled when she came from the dressing room. “All she had to do was use protection.”
Mila raised an eyebrow. They had this talk more than once. She was not to blame for everyone getting pregnant.
“It’s not my fault,” Quinn huffed. “How was I supposed to know that the created, create in cycles? Someone could have told me I would be fertile three years after Mila.” Quinn turned to look at Rena and Dee, who was just coming out of the dressing room.
Sister day at the mall went from Mila and Rena to all twelve of them. They were going to do it every other month. With a month in-between to recuperate.
“Here’s the problem with that,” Janis told them coming out. “Since Dante put the brothers together, only he knows the order. Nicolas was sure that Rylee would be next since Phoenix is Slade’s second. He was wrong.”
“So it’s the roll of the dice, and no one knows who’s next,” Mila told them.
“Isn’t it so exciting,” Tori said.
Piper rolled her eyes. “Spoken like a true woman who has nothing to worry about.”
“Are we done here? The guys are cooking out.” Mila missed her mate, and their boys were missing their father. She picked them up one for each arm. Aaron was four he was her shifter. Cole was three he hadn’t managed to shift, but she could see signs of Slade’s beast within him. With all his extended cousins to help him, she wasn’t worried about when the change came, it would come. With all the shifters in the house, she knew it would be sooner than later.
“Dad,” the boys took off when she let them out of the car.
Slade picked them up swinging them around eliciting giggles and shouts of again. He treated them like they were both his. He told her long before Cole was born that Aaron was his son because he was chosen for him.
The male who didn’t think he could love overwhelmed her with his ability to do so.
He put the boys down and came over to her. They were one big extended family. Joy and love rang through the house and the ones who occupied it.
“I was running away when I ended up on Earth. How could I know that my future was in the past?”
He kissed her while their sons made choking sounds of death.
From the desk of…
Hi all! I hope you love Slade and Mila as much as I do. I also hope you had fun with them. When I first started writing the Love Me Harder series I never counted on Slade, but I think Dante did. In fact, I have a tendency to blame the whole series on him. When I look back I can see random thoughts geared to take me in directions I was in no way prepared for.
For everyone who skipped to the back I’m not going to tell you who Mila is, but for the rest of you were you sitting going OMG? I was and I knew her story was going t be told, but when she started telling me what happened to her, al I can is wow.
Then Slade took me on an emotional roller-coaster reminding everything isn’t always what it looks like when you outside looking in. So yeah they owned my heart. I love the way they worked together and could get mad at each other and even tease each other because their relationship was solid.
Thank you for taking this journey with me. Last stop (the conductors voice echo’s through the full cars) reality. Look for this train it will be back again with more love and affection. Ride it enough you’ll find it even in reality. Buckle up!
Serena Simpson
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Other books by the author
Love Me Harder
Aran Book one
Niko Book two
Sergey Book three
Nicolas Book four
Hale Book five
Alexei Book six
Ash Book seven
The A’rouk Brothers
Mick Book one
Damon Book two
Lucca Bok Three
The Broken
Mekhi Book one
bari Book two
Thrice Book three
Akron Book four
Phoenix Book Five
Slade Book six –
Aran’s twin Prequel
Alien Mates
Soul-bonded to the alien Book one
Rylan’s Heart Book two
Gabe’s Destiny Book three
Colun’s Passion Book four
Joaquin’ Saving grace Book five
Slade Page 16