The Keaton Series Boxed Set

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The Keaton Series Boxed Set Page 19

by B. A. Wolfe

  He put the candle on the table next to him as he walked closer to me. “It’s the old library. They moved it to a new location. No one has bought this place yet though, so for the time being, I’ve used it as my thinking spot. When the weather gets bad, I come inside, though I love the spot outside.”

  “That makes much more sense now, but why is there still furniture left in here then?”

  “Well,” he said as he sauntered even closer to me. “The person who moved it bought all new stuff, so they just left everything else behind.”

  “Are there any books left?” I asked.

  “Let’s go look.” He took my hand as he pulled us away from the back door, and grabbed the lit candle from the table.

  We walked out of the back room and down a dark hallway, and then finally back to an open space filled with rows and rows of bookshelves so tall that they almost reached the ceiling. When we stopped in front of one of the aisles, Jason looked back at me.


  He let out a quiet chuckle. “Are you doing okay?”

  “Yeah, this is actually really fun,” I replied.

  “I think so too,” he said.

  He pulled my hand and we walked down the row of bookshelves. Even though they appeared empty, we kept looking. He sat the candlestick down on an empty shelf and walked down to look at the end.

  “Anything?” I asked.

  “No, grab the candle; let’s go look on the other side.”

  I did as he asked and grabbed the candlestick, followed him to the end of the aisle, and slowly trailed him down the next one. I put the candle down and looked at the bookshelves; there were no books left anywhere. I should have guessed they would all be gone, but it was still a good, fun way to pass the time while waiting for the storm to pass. I looked around and suddenly realized that Jason wasn’t next to me or even behind me anymore. I called his name, but he didn’t answer.

  “Come on, Jase. This isn’t funny,” I said, getting slightly panicked.

  “I’m over here,” I heard a faint whisper from the aisle next to me.

  I quickly walked over and saw his shadow walking back toward me. “What are you doing?” I asked.

  He looked up at me. “I was looking for a book for you,” he said quietly.

  “You left. It scared me,” I told him, embarrassed by my fear of being alone in this dark, vacant library.

  “I’m right here.” He reached out his hand. At the same time I grabbed his hand, a loud rumble of thunder roared through the old building making everything in my body tense. I screamed like a little girl and all but jumped into Jason’s arms.

  “You’re okay. I’ve got you,” he whispered into my ear as I clung onto him. His hands slid down my back to my waist, soothing me from the thunder’s jolt.

  The candle in the aisle next to us did little to break the darkness that surrounded us, but I could clearly see his eyes. I would always be able to see those eyes. They pierced mine as my hands leisurely moved up his chest and around his neck. He slowly took a step closer, moving us so that my back was now against the bookshelf. His hands left my waist to rest on the shelf behind me. My chest was rising and falling as quickly as his was, and it was as though our bodies were in sync. I could tell we both were feeling everything. Every butterfly that fluttered in our stomachs, every breath exhaled and inhaled, and every bit of self-control lost the longer our bodies held this position.

  I couldn’t help but lick my lips. I wanted his on mine badly, they needed the taste of Jason on them again. It was as if the storm now raged inside of us, ready to be unleashed. Another loud roar of thunder around us, and then, there it was. A growl escaped Jason as I bowed my back to take a tighter hold of him. His eyes watched as my teeth captured my bottom lip, and his lips immediately found mine. For a split second, a crash of lightning appeared, lighting up the row around us. Our tongues immediately intertwined, kissing frantically as though it was our first kiss.

  I slid my hands from around his neck, and up his arms, until I reached his hands, placing mine inside his. He gripped them tightly as he pulled his lips from mine and began softly placing kisses down my neck into the curve of my shoulder. I let out a soft moan, loving the feel of his wet lips against my skin. His grip tightened as his body pressed harder against mine, and his teeth bit down softly on my ear. I wanted to melt into a puddle right here on the floor. Turning my head toward him, my lips were ready to taste more of him. I kissed him and then like something fierce had stricken inside me, I bit his bottom lip. His answering growl made every pulse in my body race. I trailed my lips down his neck but enjoyed the feel of his scruff against my soft cheek first. When I got to his neck, he moved back slightly. With my hands still gripped tightly in his, I was stuck, unable to continue kissing his neck.

  “This isn’t funny,” I said, my voice husky.

  He leaned closer, his hold still firm on my hands. “Cassandra, I don’t know if I’ll have the ability to stop, so I have to keep your hands locked in mine where they’re safe.”

  I slowly shook my head. “I don’t want to beg for this. I have never wanted anything more in my life. I’m giving this to you, and I want you to take it and never give it back. I want you, Jason.”

  His eyes closed, and with a heavy sigh, he let my hands go without saying a word. That said more than any verbal response he could have given me. I smiled and could make out his as the lightning flashed through the windows. I placed my hands on his chest and slowly pushed away, sauntering down the aisle past him. I glanced over my shoulder and saw his confusion before I made my way around the corner. That was exactly what I wanted. I pulled my boots off and placed them in the middle of the aisle. I quickly slipped my wet shirt over my head, and left it peeking out of the bookshelf. I made my way down the next aisle, leaving my shorts on another bookshelf making the trail of clothes easy to follow. I slowly slipped each bra strap off my shoulders, and then hung it on the end of the last bookshelf. When I reached the middle of the aisle, I casually stood with my arms crossed over my chest.

  My heart raced as I waited for him. I saw the toe of his boot peeking around the corner as he finally made his way to the front of the aisle. He was carrying my boots, shirt, shorts, and bra as he walked closer to me.

  “You are doing a number on me right now,” he said breathlessly.

  I could only bite my lip and grin. I didn’t know what had gotten into me, but I was more than positive it was Jason. He made me want him as I had never wanted anything before in my life. He made my insides rage with desire for him. I felt myself getting even hotter the longer I thought about it. I uncrossed my arms and let them fall to my sides. My chest was now fully exposed. He dropped my clothes to the floor as he made his way to me. He pushed his body close against mine. The wetness from his shirt against the bare skin on my chest gave me goose bumps. He gazed deeply into my eyes almost as if he was unsure of something.

  “I don’t have a condom, Cassie.”

  I peered into his conflicted green eyes and gave him an honest response. “I had a feeling, but it doesn’t matter Jason. I know I’m clean. If you say you’re clean, I trust you. It might not make sense to you, but being with you, this way, feels right. I trust you and I want this intimate moment between us.”

  His eyes searched mine before he replied in a soft whisper. “I swear I’m clean. It does feel right, doesn’t it?”

  My heart raced because I knew what was coming. It seemed like I was going into this as a virgin again, except this time was with a guy that meant more to me than he would ever know. This time, it was special. I nodded my head gently. “Yes. More than you know.”

  As he pressed closer against me, my eyes drifted closed as I savored the feel of his body on mine. He put his hand to my face, slowly moved it back, and tangled his fingers in my wet hair before pressing his lips hard to mine. I opened my mouth, welcoming his tongue; I was being too impatient for him. He pushed his body harder against mine, making it impossible to think about anything other
than the feel of his body on mine. A soft moan rumbled through my throat as I felt his hardness against my thigh. As I broke the kiss, I impatiently pulled his shirt up over his head, and tossed it on the growing pile of wet clothing. A sexy smile appeared on his face before his lips found their way back to my skin, tracing a line from my chin to my ear.

  “You are so sexy,” he whispered before untangling his hands from my hair.

  The goose bumps that he just gave me were too apparent as his lips curled up to the side. “All you,” I whispered.

  He chuckled as he put his arms around my waist and pulled my body away from the shelf. My hands fumbled with his belt buckle. Finally taking the hint, he moved my hands, unbuckled his belt, and unzipped his pants. He heel-toed his boots off and slowly lowered his pants to the floor and kicked them to the side.

  “Now we match,” I said quietly.

  “That’s about to change,” he said.

  When he picked me up as if I were a rag doll, a shiver traveled all the way down my spine. I threw my arms around his neck and wrapped my legs around his waist, as he slowly carried me to the middle of the aisle.

  “I’m going to lower you down. Don’t let go,” he told me.

  I held on tight, needing him to understand that I would never let go. He should know better. With one hand under my ass and the other on my back, he slowly but surely lowered me to the floor. His lips immediately settled on my tingling skin that ached for his touch, his love. Kisses trailed from my neck to my stomach to the top of my lacy panties. His finger traced an outline on the top of them, sending my body into a heated frenzy. He was teasing and he knew it. I closed my eyes, enjoying the feel of his light touch on my skin. A soft moan escaped me as his fingers gently pulled the lace, tickling my legs as they moved down and then off. I opened my eyes to see him kneeling over me.

  “We don’t match anymore,” I said in a sexy voice that probably cracked because he had me so anxious for more.

  “That’s a problem,” he said quietly as his lips curled up. God, I was going to come undone right here without any help from him. Between his delicious lips curling up into sexy grins, his gorgeous eyes shooting me winks every time he was up to something, or his soft caressing touch, I wasn’t sure that I would be able to hold on much longer.

  “It’s a major problem,” I said, putting my hands on his chest as I quickly raised myself up.

  As he leaned back, I kept one hand on his chest and crawled over him until he was flat on the floor and I was completely hovered over him. He ran his hands up my legs until they perfectly gripped my waist, pulling me down until our lips were together once again. My wet hair cascaded around us until his hands swept it back, and holding it in place, forced our lips together even harder. I couldn’t help but feel pleased when a moan escaped him as I continued to move back and forth against his rock hard excitement between my legs. Now who was teasing whom? My lips left his to taste his skin, doing what he did to me until I got to the top of his boxers. Those needed to come off immediately. As I sat up to remedy that problem, his hands gripped the tops of my thighs. I traced my fingers along the top band of his boxers, and took pleasure in giving him goose bumps all over his body. I slowly inched his boxers lower and lower until he was bare. I couldn’t help but stare at his body after I tossed his boxers on top of my panties. He sat up and gripped my waist, pulling me closer to him.

  “Are you sure you want this?” he whispered as both hands cupped my face.

  I put a hand on top of his. “I am more sure of this than I am about anything else in my life.”

  “Me too.” He let go of my face, took my hand, and pulled it to his mouth, placing a soft kiss on it.

  He crawled over me and placed a hand behind my back, lowering me to the floor.

  “You are so beautiful, Cassie,” he said as his eyes toured my excited, bare body.

  I wrapped my legs around his waist and my hands behind his head. I couldn’t wait any longer; I needed him now. He got the hint and his cold hand cupped my warm, aching spot. I softly moaned as his fingers slid in with ease. It wasn’t going to take long as every flutter inside my body brought me closer and closer to my eager release. His other hand gently massaged my taut peak. His scruff scraped against my neck and his teeth gently bit my ear, forcing more moans from my throat. My hands ran through his hair, gripping it tightly as I was so close and could feel it.

  “Jase…” I moaned out, ready for him to go faster and harder, but he didn’t. He stopped, pulling his fingers out quickly.

  “Shhh,” he said, giving me that damn sexy grin that just kept turning me on even more.

  He pulled back and positioned himself perfectly between my legs. He put an arm on either side of me and my legs hugged his body. His lips found mine as he slowly eased into me. It was as though his key found the perfect lock to fit into, filling every bit of me as though we were made for each other.

  “Oh my God,” I cried out as he began rocking in and out of me.

  He stayed quiet as his lips claimed mine. With every gentle thrust he made, the ecstasy building inside of me rushed through my veins, hitting every sensitive nerve in my body. I wanted to moan, yell, and scream Jason’s name but I couldn’t. His lips covered mine, not once releasing, not even to take a breath. I grabbed his neck as we continued to rock our bodies back and forth, devouring each other until the intensity that built was too much. It was coming, the end, and the orgasm that my body was so ready to have. I wasn’t prepared to leave this moment with him, but the feelings that were building needed release, needed to explode inside my body. Our breathing was heavier and the kissing was hungrier as we clung to one another, both getting closer, knowing what was waiting for us at the end. And like a flash of lightning that had lit the sky earlier, it struck my body, bolting through every vein in me. It was every moment, from seeing him at the scene of my accident to dancing under the stars, to our first kiss, and all the buildup in between, raging through my body as the orgasm took over. I felt Jase’s body tremble over mine as we both let the release take over until our bodies slowly collapsed against one another. My legs and arms fell to my side as the euphoric sensations rapidly raced through me. His breathing slowly returning to normal, but his heart still beat fast as he lay on top of my chest. He slowly raised his body, hovering over mine, and I didn’t want to let go of the tingles still shooting through my body like aftershocks of an earthquake.

  He took a long deep breath and closed his eyes. “Wow, Cassie. That was…” He paused.

  I took my hand and put it under his chin, pulling his face down toward mine. “I know, Jase. I know,” I panted before placing soft kisses with my swollen lips onto his.

  He eased his body down next to mine, pulled my waist toward him and my back against his chest, and we laid there while he cradled me in his arms. We were both calm and relaxed, just like the weather now that the storm had passed.

  “How often does it storm here?” I asked him as I ran my fingers across his arm around my waist.

  “Why?” he asked quietly.

  “Because we need to repeat this every time it storms, and all the other moments in between.” I teased, but not really, because I would be more than okay repeating that with him.

  That wasn’t like sex with Parker or even my ex-boyfriend. Their kind was raunchy and quick, whereas this was powerful. It was meaningful. This was the type of sex you took slowly. You didn’t want it to end because you’d miss being inside, feeling everything the other person felt. This was making love. I finally understood what it meant.

  “It just so happens to storm here a lot,” he whispered into my ear as he softly tickled my side causing me to giggle.

  “Even better,” I replied.

  We held onto each other for what seemed like mere minutes before we realized the sun was setting. We grabbed our damp clothes and put them on before leaving the abandoned building. I took one last look at the library that now forever held a special place in my heart, before Jason helped me get
in the truck. He placed his lips on mine and gave me a quick wink before closing my door. This man had me, all of me. I didn’t think I would ever be able to drive away now, fixed car or not. I was his like he’d said, and I couldn’t bear to lose him either. I finally had something in my life that made sense. When everything else around me seemed to spin out of control, he was my center, my balance. I grabbed his hand as we drove home. It wasn’t my hom


  I wasn’t able to fall sleep, yet again. My mind and body were back at the library with the thunder, the lightning, the kissing, the moaning, the growls, everything. I couldn’t stop replaying the night in my head. It was like reliving every moment. I was definitely not going to fall asleep. I saw my phone light up, heard it vibrate on the nightstand next to me, and couldn’t help but get excited. My heart already knew who it was.

  I can’t sleep.

  Me either.

  Will you come down here and lay with me?

  He didn’t even have to ask. I wanted nothing more than to be wrapped in his arms again tonight. I pulled the covers off and slipped out of my bed, put a pair of yoga pants on, and quietly left my room. I crept downstairs and opened his door, tiptoeing over to his bed. It was dark but it didn’t matter, I didn’t have to see anything. His arms pulled me into his bed, and I couldn’t help but giggle as he did. He pulled me against him, snuggling my body with his warm one.

  “Much better,” he said.

  “Almost,” I said as I pulled off my constricting yoga pants, threw them next to the bed and intertwined my legs with his. “Now that’s much better,” I said.

  “Goodnight,” he whispered into my ear.

  “Night, Jase,” I replied, before nestling my head on his chest and falling asleep in his arms for the second time.


  I WOKE UP IMMEDIATELY feeling a cramp run through my stomach. I shot up in the bed as another pain followed. I grabbed my stomach and could feel that something wasn’t right. I took off, trying to be quiet so I didn’t wake Jason. I closed the bedroom door behind me and all but ran to his bathroom. I stopped at the sink, put a hand on the counter, and a hand on my stomach as another cramp hit me. They weren’t excruciating, but they were painful enough to let me know something was not right.


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