The Keaton Series Boxed Set

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The Keaton Series Boxed Set Page 82

by B. A. Wolfe

  Mel watched me with hawk eyes as I moved back and forth, finally setting the last of my bags by the front door.

  “Where are you going?” Mel asked, her laptop in front of her as she sat at the dining table.

  “Keaton.” I balanced Jase on my hip, meeting her stare. “I have to go. I can’t be in this city right now. Especially not knowing if the two of them are together in his apartment.” I shuddered at the thought.

  Mel narrowed her gaze. “You’re running away?”

  That’s what it sounded like, but I wasn’t. “No. I’m getting away. Big difference.”

  She tapped her fingers against the cherry wood table. “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure. I’ll be back. I just need to get out of town. Mel, I need somewhere to think. Somewhere that’s not minutes from Aidan.”

  She stood from her chair and made her way toward me. “Okay. But, why Keaton?”

  I shrugged in defeat. “I don’t know. Maybe because it feels like home and I miss being there?”

  Her arm wrapped around my lifeless body. “Don’t stay gone long. Please. I’ll miss you.”

  A somber smile played on my lips. “I won’t. I just need a few days.”

  Mel helped put my bag in the car before she stood on the sidewalk, waving as I drove away. I’d be back. I just didn’t know when. Three long, uneventful hours later I pulled up to the Bradley’s house. My eyes couldn’t help but scan for Aidan’s car. It wasn’t anywhere to be seen; I let a sigh of relief escape my lungs as I put my car in park. I grabbed Jase out of his car seat and headed inside.

  I heard voices as I shut the front door behind me and thanked my lucky stars they were home. The last thing I wanted was to be alone right now. I followed Trish and Bart’s voices into the kitchen to find them unloading groceries. Both of their heads raised, smiles playing on their lips as I stood in front of them.

  “What a nice surprise, Cassandra.” Trish closed the distance between us, hugging Jase and me in her arms.

  “I hope it’s okay that I’m here. I didn’t know where else to go.”

  “You can always come here. This is your home too.” She pulled away, looking at me with those concerned eyes of hers. “What’s wrong?”

  “Everything,” I muttered, gazing to the floor.

  Trish’s hand rubbed against my arm. “Bart, can you take Jase and give us a few minutes?” Her voice was soft as she spoke.

  I looked up to see Bart bridging the gap between us with open arms. With a loving smile, I nodded and Jase went right to him. The two of them went off to the family room.

  Trish’s eyebrows rose as if to say, we’re alone now. “Tell me what’s wrong.”

  I wasn’t sure if I could tell her what I saw between Aidan and Shay. The words were locked on my lips and wouldn’t come out. So, instead I told her what I felt. “My heart’s broken and it’s my fault. Who does this? Who falls for someone they shouldn’t?”

  “Dan?” she asked.

  “I knew I shouldn’t have fallen for him, Trish.” I shrugged. “Maybe it’s better this way, you know?”

  She shook her head as if she were confused. “Who says you shouldn’t have?”

  “What do you mean?”

  She looked at me with that knowing grin she wore too often these days. “It’s time. I have something for you. Stay here.” Trish left, stalking down the hallway only to return holding a piece of paper.

  “Sit down, Cassandra. I have something for you to read.” She ushered me to the couch. I sat next to her as she handed me the paper.

  I stared at it, my eyes not sure if they were prepared for what I was about to see. I didn’t know if my heart was capable of another letter. I was struggling to find the courage to open it. She urged me on with a smile I couldn’t say no to, so I unfolded the paper and gasped. My name and Dan’s name both appeared.

  I read on. Tears streamed down as the words in the letter slowly seeped into my heart. Oh, sweet Jase. Every few sentences I’d look up at Trish who had this loving grin stretched across her face. Her hand soothed my back as I finished reading.

  . . . be the love that you both need. Take care of each other and take this as my blessing. I love you both, but whom you both need right now is each other.

  Love always,


  I read the last line and let the hard cries escape. I definitely wasn’t prepared for that. “Has Aidan read this?” I asked.

  Trish nodded.

  I caught my breath, my hands wiping away the dampness that covered my cheeks. Things were beginning to piece together in a way I never expected. “Thank you for showing me this,” I whispered. “It was . . . beautiful.”

  I re-folded the letter and handed it to her.

  “Dan only did what he thought was best. He thought he was doing right. He didn’t mean to hurt you. I know he didn’t. I never thought I’d say that, but he really does lo—” Trish pressed her lips together, stopping herself. My gut told me what she was about to say. I knew it because I felt the same words about to slip off my tongue about him. “His intentions were good.”

  “I know that now, Trish.” I did. I badly wanted to go back in time and give Aidan the chance to explain himself and not react like an irrational person. But time was never our friend, was it?

  Trish’s smile widened as she met my gaze. “You two were meant to cross paths, you know. You both have helped each other so much. Please, take Jason’s push and don’t give up. You and Dan have something special. I know it hasn’t been easy; but Cassandra, what you have to remember is that life is not about easy. It’s about having someone to lean on and hold you through those hard times that make it worth living. “

  Everything was crystal clear. Coming to Keaton was exactly the reprieve my heart and mind needed. But now . . . now I had to push forward. I had to fight for Aidan, just like Mel said I did. A fire lit in my chest, igniting something fierce inside me. “I have to find him, Trish.” As I stood from the couch, Trish’s hand clasped around mine, stopping me. I spun to face her.

  “Aidan’s home, Cassandra. He said he had some stuff to pick up this weekend.”

  My heart raced. What did she just say? “B-But I didn’t see his car.”

  She released my hand and stood next to me. “Well, he’s not home right now. He went to Dog Gone with Moose not too long ago.”

  “He did?!” A ray of hope shone bright through the window. My pulse electrified as I watched the smile on her face spread. He was here. I still had a fighting chance. I didn’t know what to do. My body froze as I stood next to her.

  “Go! I’ll watch Jase.” Trish nudged me toward the front door.

  “Wait,” I said, stopping short. I rushed to my overnight bag. I couldn’t see Aidan without my cowgirl boots. Pulling them out—thrilled with myself for packing them—I slipped them on over my skinny jeans. I wasn’t even close to looking nice for going out, but as I gazed at my feet I knew I was ready. My smile resurfaced but I needed one last thing. My X & O necklace dangled from my fingers as I pulled it from my bag and clasped it around my neck. It swayed atop my black blouse, shining bright. My eyes connected with Trish’s. The look on her face told me I looked perfect.

  “I’ll be back,” I told her as I hugged her goodbye. With my keys in hand, I got in my car and drove off. My heart clung to my chest as I pressed my foot to the gas pedal. What would he say when he saw me? Would Shay be there? Would he dismiss me? If Mel were with me, she’d tell me to grow a pair and take no prisoners. I laughed at the thought. I was fighting for him. I was really doing this!

  I drove onto the dirt lot and parked. I gazed out the windshield, my hands unrelenting as they gripped the steering wheel. You can do this, Cassie. You have to tell him how you feel. Expanding my lungs, I released a deep breath and stepped out of the car, repeating my mantra. The gravel kicked up as I stalked my way to the door. My lungs took one last deep breath. There was no turning back now.



  THE PLACE WAS PACKED and each step I took seemed like it took forever. Not to mention, each step I braved, my heart raced a little more. I halted when I saw him. Aidan sat at the bar next to Moose with their backs toward me. I palmed my chest, fingering my necklace. My lungs worked overtime as I inched forward. Aidan’s voice rang through my ears. At the sound of Moose’s husky tone I froze.

  “What? Are you serious? Does your mom know?”

  “I haven’t told anyone yet.” Aidan brought a beer to his lips.


  “Because. If she—”

  And I couldn’t take it anymore. They were probably discussing Shay being with Aidan again. I stepped backward until my heart screamed, yelling at me to do what I came here to do. Damn voice of reason. With a brave face, I put a new plan into effect. I ducked behind several people, hoping not to be seen as I made my way to the other side of the bar. I slid behind a larger-framed gentleman and flagged down the bartender.

  “Hey, long time no see.” It was the bartender who was always here. I returned his smile. “What can I get you?”

  “Can I get a napkin and a pen please?”

  He eyed me suspiciously, but did as I asked. I scribbled on the napkin and read over it.

  Can I have this dance? If yes, meet me in the middle of the dance floor.

  Sweet Tea

  With a deep breath, I handed the pen and the napkin to the bartender. “Can you give this to the gentleman down there—” I pointed to Aidan. “Along with a glass of water?” I grinned.

  He nodded with a smirk and stalked off. I scurried from the worn bar and wove my way out of the crowd. I tucked myself next to the DJ booth and motioned with my finger for him to come see me. He looked confused, but leaned his ear next my mouth. I told him what I needed. He nodded with a grin. I thanked him and left, sneaking through the crowd once more. After squeezing past several couples, I was safely in the middle of the dance floor. I stood with bated breath. My hands gripped themselves as I waited with eyes that were glued in front of me.

  Fall Into Me, the song I requested finally started to play, filling the bar with beautiful lyrics from Brantley Gilbert. I thought of how much I’d loved this song the first time I heard it. How love wasn’t a race and patience meant everything, to fall when you were ready. Lord, was I ready.

  I scanned the people around me, but Aidan wasn’t one of them. I twisted, looking in the other direction.

  Nothing . . .

  Time passed and I was still alone. My heart began to shrink and the pit in my belly was about to swallow me whole. The only thing I knew was that I had tried. I overcame my fear for someone I wanted—no, needed—in my life. I was proud, but my chest was still pierced with hurt. I shuffled around and took one step forward. I was ready to leave the dance floor. I glanced up. It took only two seconds for my gaze to lock onto a set of gorgeous green-flecked eyes.

  I blinked, not believing what I saw in front of me. Aidan traveled through the sea of bodies, heading straight toward me, determination in his features. My breath hitched as he made his way closer. Shivers spread through me like a wildfire the minute his tall body stood inches in front of me.

  His pupils dilated as his eyes burned into mine. “Cassie?” he asked as if I weren’t really here.


  He closed his eyes and sucked in a heavy breath. My heart beat out of control as I watched his lids slowly open, their color twinkling beneath the lights. “How did you know I was here?”

  “Your mom.” My shoulders rose and fell. “C-Can I have this dance?”

  I couldn’t read him. He looked pained, surprised, scared, and happy all at once. He nodded and the minute my body collided with his, an overwhelming sensation traveled through my veins. I’d missed him. So damn much. I missed his hold, his touch, but more importantly, the way he made me feel. So special, so wanted, so loved.

  His hand grasped mine as his other reached around and held my back with a touch that was both protective and gentle. I snaked my hand up his arm, over his shoulder and clasped it around the back of his neck. My lungs finally allowed a normal breath as I began to relax. I was here. He was dancing with me. I did it.

  I relaxed into him, letting him sway us to the music. The music I selected. His eyes had yet to abandon mine as he held me in his arms.

  The words, And I’ll fall for you every day, sounded through the speakers, traveling straight to my heart. God, I was falling for him each and every day. It was now or never. I couldn’t hold my words in any longer.

  I opened my mouth and let it all escape. “I thought no one would ever be able to hold my heart again. But you changed that. You changed everything in me. I’m stronger because of you and I’m no longer afraid to face my fears because of you. It’s you Aidan. It’ll always be you.”

  His lips slowly curved up.

  I gulped back the lump in my throat. “I know Shay was at your house.” Aidan’s expression deadpanned. Our feet stopped and his hands released my body, falling to his sides. We stood in the middle of the dance floor, frozen in front of one another. “But it doesn’t matter. I’m here. I’m fighting for you. Please tell me I’m not too late.”

  His eyes closed for a second only to reopen with a regretful look. “Oh, beautiful. I’m not with Shay. Not now. Not ever. I gave her an old box of her stuff. She was in town so I had her grab it. I made her leave as soon as I handed it to her. Cassie . . . It’s you that I want. I told you that.” He took my hand and lifted it to his mouth, pressing a kiss to my palm. “Always and forever.”

  Thank God. A weight lifted from my heavy heart.

  Aidan had me. He healed my heart, and now he held it tight in his hands. Protecting it and loving it with everything he was. I thought he did it solely for Jason, but he didn’t. He did it for the ache in his chest that was also in mine. The one that pulled the two of us together with a force neither could deny. We healed each other.

  I smiled and held both of his hands in mine. “Green light, Aidan.”

  He shook his head as a smile I’d never forget spread on his lips. “No, Cassie. That was a thing between you and Jase. I don’t ever want to take that from you.”

  My heart swelled at his compassion. He wiggled his hands from mine and brought them to my face, framing it. “Cassie, I love you. With everything that I am. And nothing, absolutely nothing, will ever change that.” The pads of his thumbs gently rubbed the sides of my cheeks. His eyes appeared glossy as if this were the moment he’d been waiting for too. “Those three words, they can be our thing.”

  He’d just taken my heart and I never wanted it back. “Aidan . . .” I rose on my tippy toes, placing my mouth by his ear. “I love you.” Our thing. Those three words. They were ours.

  My hands cupped the back of his neck, my body becoming one with his as he hugged me to him. A sexy smile appeared on his face before his lips crashed onto mine. And there we stood, two broken souls melding together on the dance floor, kissing under the dim light. Everything I thought had happened was false and it seemed things were falling into place just as they should. It took work to get there, but in the end we were right where we were supposed to be.

  He pulled back, sucking in a deep breath before he spoke. “Let’s get out of here. I need to talk to you about something, but I want to do it in private.”

  My stomach took a little tumble as I nodded. He clasped my hand in his and guided us off the dance floor. Before we reached the door, a voice stopped us short.

  “Big D. Hey, man,” the older man said as he patted Aidan’s shoulder.

  Aidan smiled and greeted him back. “Hey, Chuck. How’s it going?”

  “Great,” Chuck responded. He put his arm around the lady standing next to him.

  “Hey, how’s your dad?”

  Aidan did a one-shoulder shrug. “Fine. Same old, same old.”

  Chuck’s head bobbed in a nonchalant way. “That’s good. I was just wondering, ya know, with the dialysis and all.”

?” Aidan and I both said in unison. I covered my mouth as my stomach dropped to the floor. My eyes had yet to veer away from Chuck’s mouth. I needed him to repeat his words before I broke down right there in the bar. There was no way in hell Bart was sick. No way.

  “Your dad’s dialysis. I wasn’t sure how he was taking it. We ran into him at the hospital last week and I couldn’t believe it. I’m so sorry, man. This has to be really hard for your family. Let me know if there’s anything I can do.”

  I finally mustered the courage and twisted my neck. Aidan stood there motionless as he stared at Chuck with wide eyes.

  I willed myself to hold it together. I had to, at least until we were out of the bar. As if Aidan could sense the same thing, he gripped my hand tighter. “Yeah . . . thanks . . .” those were his final words before he hauled us out of the bar.



  NEITHER OF US SPOKE a word as Aidan drove us to his house in my car. I sent Moose a text letting him know we left. I grabbed Aidan’s hand and held it with all that I had as he tore through town. Every once in awhile he’d squeeze it and I squeezed back, letting him know I was there. We got to the house in record time.

  Aidan reached the door first and held it open for me. Trish’s voice carried from the kitchen. Aidan followed behind me. He remained quiet, which only made me uneasy. I knew he was freaking out inside, but he was trying to keep himself together. I wanted to hold him, but I could barely walk myself. I halted at the sight of Trish and Bart.

  They sat at the table. The Scrabble board was out and letter tiles surrounded it. I wanted to cherish this moment, this amazing breakthrough they had reached. They were playing a board game. I glanced sideways at Aidan, who stood next to me. His body was like a statue.

  “Oh good, you found each other.” Trish’s voice was lighthearted. “Do you guys want to play the next round?”

  Bart grinned and Trish appeared eager. This family was changing for the better. They were going back to the way things used to be and yet, this huge lie sat between the four of us. I shook my head, my heart crumbling at the sight before me. “No, Mom. We can’t play right now.” Aidan’s voice was quiet, his features broken.


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