The Keaton Series Boxed Set

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The Keaton Series Boxed Set Page 94

by B. A. Wolfe

  Warmness spread through my veins; my world felt complete. “I had just finished up lunch and I was going to get you and Jase outside. You were playing football.” I stifled a giggle at the memory of their attempt to throw and catch. “You had scooped him into your arms with the ball and ran to the end of the yard. He cheered for the touchdown and I knew I had to capture that moment. Father and son, something for you to keep forever.”

  Silent tears fell down his cheeks and rolled down his jaw. It was all I could do to stop the happiness from leaving my eyes, but there was no use. I wiped them away with the back of my hand and smiled as Aidan set the picture on the table beside us. “It’s like he’s here with us now,” I whispered.

  Aidan leaned down, his tears catching on my head as he pressed his lips hard against my forehead. “I’ll never be able to repay you for that memory.”

  My pulse quickened as I gazed at our sweetly sleeping daughter and then up at him. “You already have.”


  Extended Epilogue

  I BLEW A STRAND OF HAIR from my eyes as I juggled the heavy laundry basket into the family room.

  “Maggie, this is my toy. You have that one,” Jase tried to reason with his sister. She was two he was six. There was no reasoning with a toddler.

  “Jase, let Maggie play with the toy,” I told him as I dropped the basket on the carpet.

  “But Mom!” Jase stood from the floor and pointed at his blonde-headed sister. “She has a cowgirl. She can’t have the cowboy too!”

  “It’s a toy, Jase. Do as Mommy says and let her play with it.” Jase shook his head and held his toy in the air, causing Maggie to cry. “Please . . . You can help Mommy with laundry instead!” My voice raised a few octaves in hopes he’d be excited about this task, instead of the chore that it really was.

  “Fine,” he grumbled and gave Maggie the cowboy. Her little face lit up and she bounced on her diaper. Jase pouted his lips and kicked his feet across the carpet as he walked toward me.

  “You’re a good big brother.” I ruffled his curly hair and smiled.

  He wasn’t having it though. I tickled his sides and got him to giggle. “Stop, Mommy!”

  I laughed and handed him a pair of socks. “Can you fold these?” Honestly, I couldn’t wait until both kids were older to help out. I was wearing thin.

  He took the socks from me and I rubbed my tired eyes. Then I watched as Jase peeked over his shoulder with a mischievous look in his eyes and realization hit me. As I went for the socks, they flew out of his hands. “Catch, Mags!”

  Maggie’s wide eyes followed the socks. She stood with a wobble, socks in hand, and threw them back toward Jase, of course they only landed a few inches in front of her.

  “No, no! That was not okay.” I pointed my finger at Jase, who covered his smiling mouth.

  Before I knew it, both kids were into the basket, their hands full of clean clothes.

  “Jase, stop! Maggie, put that down! Please you guys!”

  Their giggles continued and so did the steady stream of socks, shirts, and underwear around the room. I was in my own personal clothing tornado.

  I palmed my face and closed my eyes.

  Aidan’s low chuckle wafted around me. I peeked at him through my fingers, cringing at the mess I knew I’d have to clean up once my kids were done being terrors.

  Aidan caught a fly by sock and tossed it back at the kids.

  I dropped my hands and huffed. “You aren’t supposed to be playing back!” I waved my hands around. “This is when you come in and ask what in the heck is going on!”

  He laughed harder, tossing another fly by sock. “Have a little fun, Sweet Tea.” Aidan continued to watch the kids as if they were the cutest things on the planet right now. Me? I just yawned and shook my head. ”You think he’s gonna be a football player?”

  Of course he’d think of that. I watched as Jase threw a shirt half way across the room. “With that arm? He better be.”

  Jase continued to toss and Aidan continued to play along. Clothes blanketed the carpet. My shoulders caved and I exhaled. The house was a mess, I hadn’t washed my hair in three days, and I barely got out of my yoga pants. I was positive that pancake batter still splattered the pair I was in now. I was exhausted. Our three year anniversary was next week and all I wanted to do was sleep through it.

  Aidan’s fingers curled around my shoulder in that comforting way I loved. “What can I help you with?”

  I cocked my head and grinned. I had a list a mile long, but there was only one thing I needed from him. “I could use an X.”

  A sexy smile touched the corners of his lips. “I’ll do you one better.”

  “Is that so?”

  “You better believe it.” He pulled an envelope from his back pocket and handed it to me.

  I took the manila envelope in my tired hand. Scribbled across the front were the words ’All Inclusive’. My pulse picked up and I snapped my gaze to his. “What’s this?”

  He smirked. “This, Sweet Tea is what should have been our honeymoon.”

  “Are you saying . . . what I think you’re saying?” My voice was laced with disbelief. We had never went on a honeymoon. Instead we opted to stay in town, spending our wedding night in our special place, the barn. It didn’t sound romantic on paper, but my God was it a night I’d never forget.

  Aidan crouched down in front of me, warmness dancing over his eyes. “You, me, and the beach.” He tucked a stray hair behind my ear, his fingers lingering on my skin. “And I’m sorry, Sweet Tea, because we should have done this a long time ago.”

  I dropped the envelope between us and cupped his scruffy cheeks. “Our honeymoon was one for the books, honey.”

  He leaned forward and kissed my forehead. “But this will be a trip we’ll never . . .” he kissed me again. “Ever, forget.”

  “What about the kids?” I let go of his face and the tension rolled through my shoulders. Who would watch them, tuck them in at night, make sure Jase had his Robin pajamas, and Maggie had her stuffed unicorn she never let go of.

  “All taken care of. Mom and Dad are watching them, in fact they’re staying here so the kids are more comfortable.”

  I lowered my gaze. “They really want to watch two kids?”

  And as if on queue Maggie and Jase started screaming. Their sibling love in full swing as they fought over a pair of Batman underpants.

  I released a frustrated breath. I loved my kids with every ounce of my being, but they weren’t easy. “Aidan, it’s a nice thought, but these two are a handful.”

  “Mom! Maggie won’t give me my big boy undies back!”

  I shook my head and pushed the envelope into Aidan’s chest. “There’s no way we can leave.”

  Aidan secured his hand over mine before I could move. Our overdue honeymoon settled between his heart and my palm. “Not so fast, Sweet Tea.”

  “Let’s be real, honey,” I whispered. “We can’t leave your parents with our two screaming kids so we can go enjoy . . .” I paused and closed my eyes. “I don’t even know where we’re going.”

  “Look at me.” His soft voice fanned over my flushed face. It was like I could hear him smiling that smile I loved. I opened my eyes and sure enough his mouth was bowed. “There’s my wife. First of all, we are leaving the kids with their grandparents. They love this stuff. In fact, they love it so much that they’ll be here in about four hours.”

  My jaw dropped. “What?”

  “I’m not finished yet. Secondly, I’ve kicked myself everyday for not giving you the honeymoon you deserve. I love that barn just as much as you do, but I’m ashamed I didn’t give you the holiday of your dreams.”

  ”Aidan,” I interrupted him.

  “No.” His voice firmed. “You’re not gonna sweet talk your way out of this one, babe.”

  Something between a giggle and a cry lodged in my throat. He didn’t have a clue. “No, look behind you.”

  Curiosity struck his features and he twisted hi
s neck. I couldn’t help but laugh. Jase had his Batman toddler underwear over his head, peeking through the leg hole, and Aidan’s dress socks over each arm trying to make Maggie laugh, and it was working.

  A husky chuckle rumbled through Aidan and he looked back at me. “I love those kids.” I leaned forward and brushed my lips against his in a moment of no self control. “One last thing,” he mumbled against my mouth.

  I settled back and lifted a brow.

  “I packed for you.”

  My other brow raised high. “You did what?”

  His cheeks split into a wide grin. “I’ve been busy this morning.” His voice lowered and he leaned in close. “You’re not going to need a lot of clothes for what I’ve got planned.” Heat flooded my veins and those butterflies I loved so much filled my stomach.

  He stood and reached for my hand, lifting me from the couch. “Now let’s finish this laundry fig

  The kids shouted in excitement and I decided it was time for a little fun, what’s the worst that could happen? In just a few short hours I’d be on my way to a long awaited honeymoon on the beach.


  It was pitch black and all I could hear was my name. It wasn’t a soft whisper but more like a panicked yell. I groaned, forcing my lids open.

  Blink Blink Blink

  “Cassie, can you hear me?”

  My husbands worried face hovered over mine. His eyes darted all over my features, his cold hand palming my cheek. I groaned again. What in the hell happened? The last thing I remembered was waiting in line to board the plane to Maui. Did we make it? Who was the woman staring at me? And why was someone touching my neck?

  “She’s awake!” Aidan yelled behind him. “Shit you scared me.” He blew out a long breath. “What’s wrong? Is she okay?” he asked the man who was taking my pulse.

  “Wha . . .” my voice was too groggy to speak so I tried again. “What happened?”

  “You passed out, we’re just checking you out. I’m a doctor,” the older male answered.

  Oh God. I passed out? So we never made it to Hawaii.

  “I was behind you when you passed out. We’re on the same flight. How do you feel? Anything hurt?” the kind man asked.

  I moved my arms forward and tried to prop myself up on my elbows. Aidan and the grey haired man immediately supported my back.

  “I’m fine, I’m just tired.” I knew what was wrong. I knew exactly what was wrong. I just didn’t know how to tell him. Which was another reason I didn’t want to go on vacation just yet. The timing was all off.

  Aidan pushed a flyaway hair from my face and said, “We’re not going.”

  He had spent so much time planning this magical, overdue honeymoon. We were going.

  “Yes we are.” I curled my fingers around his firm forearm getting his attention.

  He looked down at me and really stared at me, looking over every feature of my face. “No. Not until you’re fully checked out. We’ll go another time.”

  I huffed. “Aidan, I’m fine.”

  “You call passing out, fine?” he asked in a loud whisper.

  “The rest of the plane is boarding; we can’t hold the flight any longer.” The flight attendant interrupted.

  “We’re going.” With Aidan’s help I stood and filled my lungs, releasing it slowly. “I’m tired is all. I’ll sleep on the flight over there. It’s gonna be great.” He shot me an unconvinced look but followed me on the plane anyway.

  Eight hours later we were in the humid, lush air of Maui. Our resort was situated on the beach and our one bedroom suite faced the ocean. Now, all I needed was to get my husband to stop worrying about me. The entire flight over, Aidan wouldn’t let go of my hand. A sweet gesture, but not when he asked me if I was okay every five minutes.

  “Let’s go to the beach!” I told him, digging for my swim suit in the luggage he packed for me. The waves crashing outside our lanai was much too inviting to ignore. The sun wouldn’t set for another few hours, plenty of daylight.

  He scrubbed a hand down his exhausted face. “I really think you should rest.”

  I snatched my two piece up in my hand and marched over to him. “We will rest at the beach. Go put your trunks on.” I pointed to the bathroom.

  Both of his brows shot up and before he could tell me no, I said, “Now!”

  “You’re really all right?” he asked, his tone the type of quiet that made me sad. He was so worried.

  I smiled and stood on my tip toes and kissed Aidan’s scruffy jaw. “I’m great.” I lied. There really was something going on, but I wasn’t quite sure how he’d take the news yet. I had a plan though.

  A few minutes later Aidan emerged from the bathroom wearing his navy blue swim trunks. His chest chiseled, his body toned. I sighed in appreciation of this yummy sight.

  “You know,” he drawled, pulling a plain white tee over his torso. “We won’t be leaving this hotel room if you keep looking at me like that.”

  As delicious as that sounded, I had to take care of few things first. “Later.” I winked.

  His face relaxed and a smile crept across his beautiful face.

  “I’ve missed that smile,” I told him.

  He closed the distance between us and framed my face. “I don’t like it when my wife isn’t one hundred percent. I’m gonna worry about you, Sweet Tea. Always.”

  “And that’s just one of the reasons I love you,” I reminded him.

  We shared a chaste kiss and then headed down the elevator to the lobby.

  I reached for Aidan’s arm. “Hey babe?”

  “Yeah?” His jaw immediately firmed.

  “I’m fine. I just forgot our sunscreen in the luggage.”

  “I’ll go get it.”

  I waved a dismissive hand. “It’s okay. I got this. Go get us some chairs on the beach. I’ll be there soon.” I blew him a kiss and took off for the gift shop hoping they had what I needed.

  I was in luck. The gift shop was like a mini drug store. I had gotten my items and did what I had to do. I pushed my sunglasses up into my hair and searched for my husband on the beach full of blue chairs and umbrellas. A smile crept across my face when I saw him lying in a lounge chair, the sun beating down on his rippled abs, his hands folded behind his head. He was totally relaxed. God he was gorgeous.

  My feet burned in the hot sand as I padded my way toward him. I stood next to his side, shadowing his body from the sun. Without hesitation I lifted my leg across his waist and straddled him. Aidan pulled his sunglasses off, his hazel eyes melting into mine.

  “Hi there, baby,” he murmured, resting his warm hands on my hips. The strings of my bikini heating under his touch.

  “Hey.” Outside I was cool and calm, inside I was a hot mess.

  His hazel irises drifted downward toward the bag in my hand. “Whatcha got there, Sweet Tea?”

  “Just a little anniversary surprise is all.” I chewed on my lip nervously and wondered if I was brave enough to do this.

  “Oh yeah?”

  My stomach fluttered with nerves, my fingers itching to toss the damn bag behind my head and pretend this never happened. “Hmm mmm.” I rested the bag on his stomach between us.

  “Are you gonna show me or just tease me?” His lips tugged to the side in a sexy grin.

  I could do this right? Yes, yes I could. And I was. Right now.

  “First I want to explain what it is.” I looked down at the gift and then back up at him. This was going to be extremely hard.

  He tilted his head ever so slightly. “But that takes away the surprise,” he said.

  I wasn’t sure if it was the blazing sun or the anxiety, but my body flushed from head to toe. Here went nothing. I shrugged. “Okay then. Open at your own risk.”

  “You’re always worth the risk.”

  I choked back a cry at his words. “Congrats,” I whispered as his fingers fished into the little yellow bag. His face slackened in shock as he pulled out my pee stick with a positive plus sign on it. “You’r
e? We’re? Again?”

  My heart raced at his rapid fire questions and lack of smile. This wasn’t planned, so I was unsure how he would take the news. I mean, I knew he wouldn’t be angry, but a third kid, when we already had two crazy loveable ones at home, wasn’t something you just sprung on someone. But I didn’t know what else to do.

  “Are you mad?” I asked, my voice dropping so low it blended in with the waves.

  Without saying a word, he placed the stick back in the bag. My skin crawled with anticipation for his feelings as he dropped the sack on the sand beside him. Seconds later his hands framed my face as he pulled me toward him, our lips crashing together. His passionate kiss was all the answer I needed to replace my nerves with excitement.

  “You’ve made me the happiest man, husband, father, in the world.” He said against my lips. “When I saw the positive pink sign I couldn’t even form words. I’ll never forget this moment as long as I live.”

  Life was a journey made up of all different kinds of moments. Beautiful, sad, heartbreaking, and earth shattering. But my favorite kinds of all, were the ones him and I shared together.



  Jase Bradley Grown Up

  IT WAS WARM SUMMER DAY in Colorado. Dad and I were in the backyard playing catch. I was normally always focused, but not today. Today, my mind kept wandering to thoughts about college.

  “Hey, Dad?” I released the football from my fingers and sent it down the lawn. I was following in my dad’s footsteps. I was the quarterback of Keaton High School and had a scholarship waiting for me.

  “Yeah, son?” He caught the perfect spiral I sent his way. ”What’s on your mind?”

  I cleared my throat. “How do I know this is the right school for me?” This was tougher than I thought it would be considering I already accepted the school’s offer. I was nervous. I loved playing football, but sometimes I wanted more.

  He rolled the ball between his hands and smiled. “It’s a great school, son. But at the end of the day, you go there because you want to. It has to be your dream.”


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