by John Markoff
“Grand Traverse,” 234
Green, David A., 80
Grendel (rover), 203
Grimson, Eric, 47
Gruber, Tom, xiii–xiv, 277–279, 278, 282–297, 310–323, 339
Grudin, Jonathan, 15, 170, 193, 342
Guzzoni, Didier, 303
hacker culture, early, 110–111, 174
Hart, Peter, 101–102, 103, 128, 129
Hassan, Scott, 243, 259–260, 267, 268, 271
Hawkins, Jeff, 85, 154
Hayon, Gaby, 50
Hearsay-II, 282–283
Heartland Robotics (Rethink Robotics), 204–208
Hecht, Lee, 135, 139
Hegel, G. W. F., 340
Heims, Steven, 75
Hendrix, Gary, 135
Herr, Bill, 78
Hewitt, Carl, 175
Hewlett-Packard, 255, 291
Hillis, Danny, 119
Hinton, Geoffrey, 143–156, 151
Hoaloha Robotics, 330–332
Hoefler, Don, 178
Hoffman, Reid, 295–296
Homebrew Computer Club, 197, 210–211
Hopfield, John, 145
Hopfield Network, 145, 149
Horvitz, Eric, xiii, 215–220, 336
How to Create a Mind (Kurzweil), 85, 154
“How to NOT Build a Terminator” (Arkin), 333–335
Hubbard, G. Scott, 168
Hughes, Kevin, 290–291
Hughes Corp., 126
Humanoids 2013, 333–335
Human Use of Human Beings, The (Wiener), 8, 70, 98
HyperDoc, 298
Hypermail, 290–292
hypertext links, invention of, 6
IBM, 109, 138, 225–226
Illich, Ivan, 213–215
Inaba, Masayuki, 244
Industrial Perception, 241–244, 269–270
Infocom, 224
Inoue, Hirochika, 244
Instagram, 83
Intel Corp., 95, 178, 260–265
Intellicorp, 128
intelligence augmentation (IA) versus AI, 159–194
agent-based interfaces and, 187–194
autonomous cars and, 24, 62
ethical issues of, 332–341, 342–344
Gerald (digital light field), 271
Google founding and, 184–187
human-computer interaction, 11–18
human-in-the-loop debates, 158–165, 167–169, 335
IA, defined, xii, 5–7, 31, 115, 141
McCarthy’s and Engelbart’s work compared, 165–167
paradoxical relationship between, xii–xiii
Searle and, 179, 180–182
Siri and, 12–13, 31, 190, 193–194, 282
social construction of technology concept, xvii
Winograd’s changed views about, 170–178, 171, 182–187
intelligent cruise control, 43
intelligent elevator, 215
International Federation of Robotics (IFR), 87
advent of, 7
ARPAnet as precursor to, 164, 196
Internet of Things, xv, 193
neural network advancement and, 151
photographic film industry and, 83–84
search engine optimization, 86
“Third Industrial Revolution,” 88, 89
Web 2.0, 295
World Wide Web development, 140, 288–290
Interval Research Corporation, 213, 267, 268
Intraspect, 292–295
Intuitive Surgical, 271
iRobot, 203
Jennings, Ken, 225, 226
Jobs, Steve, 13, 35, 112, 131, 194, 214, 241, 281–282, 320–323
Johns Hopkins University, 145
Johnson, Lyndon B., 73
Joshi, Aravind Krishna, 132
Joy, Bill, 336, 343
Kaplan, Jerry, 27, 131–141
Kapor, Mitch, 140, 292
Kay, Alan, 7–8, 115, 120, 198–199, 306–310, 339–341
Kelley, David, 186
Kelly, Kevin, 17
Keynes, John Maynard, 74, 76, 326–327
Kittlaus, Dag, 310–323
Kiva Systems, 97–98, 206
knowledge acquisition problem, 287
knowledge-based systems, 285
knowledge engineering, 113, 128
Knowledge Engineering Laboratory (Stanford), 133–134
Knowledge Navigator, 188, 300, 304, 305–310, 317, 318
Kodak, 83–84
Koller, Daphne, 265
Komisar, Randy, 341
Konolige, Kurt, 268–269
Kuffner, James, 43
Kurzweil, Ray, 84–85, 116, 119, 154, 208, 336
labor force, 65–94
aging of, 93–94, 327
autonomous cars and, 25, 61–62
Brooks on, 204–208
Brynjolfsson and McAfee on, 79–80, 82–83
cybernation revolution, 73–74
deskilling of, 80–82
economic change and, 77–79, 83–84
for elder care, 236–237, 245, 327–332
growth of, xv, 10, 80–81, 326–327
Industrial Perception robots and, 241–244, 269–270
lights-out factories and, 65–68, 66, 90, 104, 206
Moravec on, 122–123
recession of 2008 and, 77–78, 325
Rifkin on automation and, 76–77
Shockley on, 97
singularity hypothesis and, 9–10, 84–94
technological unemployment, 16–18, 76–77, 104, 211
technology and displacement of, 16–18
unions and, 325–326
Wiener on, 8, 68–76
Labor-Science-Education Association, 70, 73
Lamond, Pierre, 129–130
lane-keeping software, 49, 51
language and speech recognition. see also Siri (Apple)
chatbot technology, 221–225, 304
early neural network research, 146–148
Eliza, 14, 113, 172–174, 221
Hearsay-II, 282–283
natural language work by Kaplan, 135
semantic autocomplete, 284
semantic understanding, 156
Shakey and, 2
SHRDLU, 132, 170–172, 174–178
Siri’s development and, 12–13, 15, 280 (see also Siri [Apple])
software agents, 193
Lanier, Jaron, 82–83
Leach, Edmund, 90
LeCun, Yann, 148–152, 151, 156–158
Lederberg, Joshua, 113
Legg, Shane, 337–338
Leonard, John, 55
Lerner, Sandy, 134
Levandowski, Anthony, 45
Levy, Frank, 10
Lexus, 57
Licklider, J. C. R., 11, 24, 31, 111–112, 163–164
lidar, 19–20, 39–40, 42, 51
Lighthill, Sir Michael James, 130, 144
Lights in the Tunnel, The (Ford), 79
lights-out factories, 65–68, 66, 90, 104, 206
LinkedIn, 295–296
Lisp Machines, Inc., 128
Lisp (programming language), 111, 128, 285
Loebner, Hugh, 14
Long Range Anti-Ship Missile (LRASM), 26–27
Lotus Development Corporation, 140, 292
LS3 (robot), 253
MacMillan, R. H., 209–210
Maes, Pattie, 191–194
Magic Leap, 272–275
magnetometers, 125–127
Maker Movement, 213–214
Mako Surgical, 271–272
“Man-Computer Symbiosis” (Licklider), 24, 163
Marcuse, Herbert, 173–174
Markel, Lester, 71
Markoff, John, xi
Markram, Henry, 144, 155
Marr, David, 46, 145
Massie, Thomas, 258
McAfee, Andrew, 79, 82–83, 86–87
McCarthy, John
AI terminology coined by, xii, 108–109
on autonomous manipulat
ion, 257
early career of, 105–111
early personal computing and, 197–198
IA versus AI debate and, 15, 130, 165–167
Moravec and, 117–118
SAIL inception and, 7–8, 111–115 (see also Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory [SAIL])
McKinsey, 80–81, 84
McLuhan, Marshall, 187, 199
Mead, Carver, 231
Media Equation, The (Nass, Reeves), 189
medical applications, 127–128, 271–272, 285
Memex, 6, 62
Menlo Ventures, 315
Men of Mathematics (Bell), 105
Mercedes, 45, 57, 119
microcosm, 9
MicroPlanner, 175
agent-based interfaces and, 187–191, 215–220
early smartphones and, 239
HoloLens, 273
IA versus AI debate and, 170, 187–191
Intel and, 262
neural nets, 152
Robotics Developer Studio, 329–330
Windows, 187
microsofts, 24
Mind Children (Moravec), 118, 125, 257
Minsky, Marvin
AI Winter and, 131
early AI and, 4, 6, 104–109
Engelbart and, 17
on machine vision, 114, 234–235
MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and, 109–111
neural networks and, 142
Perceptron, 146
Salisbury and, 257–258
Selfridge and, 190
Winograd and, 171, 172
Architecture Machine Group, 306–307, 308–309
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 109–111
“Automation” (panel discussion), 98
Autor and, 10, 78
Baxter (robot), 195–196, 204–205, 205, 207
Brynjolfsson and McAfee, 79, 82–83
Leg Lab, 232, 235
Leonard and, 55
Media Lab, 191–192, 306–310
Minsky and, 4, 104, 109–111
Model Railway Club, 110
Raibert and, 230
Shashua and, 46–47
Wiener and, 69, 71–72
Winograd and, 16, 170–172, 171, 174–178
Mobileye, 46–54
Model S (Tesla), 46
Montemerlo, Mike, 20, 22, 32, 35–36, 36
Moore, Gordon, 95, 307–308
Moore’s law, xvii, 9, 88, 117–119
Mooter, 222
Moravec, Hans, 112, 114, 115–125, 120–122, 199, 200–201, 257
Morgenthaler, Gary, 315
Morozov, Evgeny, 213–214
Motwani, Rajeev, 185
mouse, invention of, 6, 255
Murnane, Richard J., 10
Mycin, 127
My Cybertwin (Cognea), 221–225, 237
My Perfect Girlfriend (My Cybertwin), 221–224
Ames Research Center, 8–9, 168
bottom-up ideology, 202–204
early Mars robot, 233–234
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 202, 230
moon exploration by, 113–114
Sojourner, 203
Stanford Cart project and, 120
Taylor and, 159–165
Valkyrie, 251
Nash, John Forbes, 107
Nass, Clifford, 189
National Australia Bank, 223
National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), 80, 87, 325
National Commission on Technology, Automation, and Economic Progress, 74
National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, 45
National Institutes of Health, 336
Navlab (Carnegie Mellon), 33
NCR, 150
NCSA Mosaic, 301, 312
Negroponte, Nicholas, 191, 306–310, 340
Nelson, Ted, 288, 308
Nettalk, 147–148
Neural Computation and Adaptive Perception, 150–151
Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 157
neural networks
convolutional neural networks, 150
deep learning neural networks, 150–156
Google’s work on, 152–154
Hinton and Sejnowski on, 143–148, 151
LeCun on, 148–152, 151
Minsky and, 142
Rosenblatt and, 141–142, 143
Shakey project, 101–105
Neuromancer (Gibson), 23–24
Newell, Allen, 108
Newell, Martin, 47
NeXT, 305
Ng, Andrew, 153, 259–260, 265, 267
1984 (Orwell), xvi
Nissan, 50
NLS (oN-Line System), 5–7, 172, 197
Norman, Donald, 143, 170, 186
Norvig, Peter, 55–56, 63, 92
“nouvelle AI,” 201–204
Nuance, 223, 300, 321
nuclear power plants, robots used for rescue, 233–235, 237–238
Numenta, 154
Obama, Barack, 24, 81, 167–168, 236
Odyssey (Sculley), 306
On Intelligence (Hawkins), 85, 154
ontologies, 288
Open Agent Architecture (OAA), 299
Open Source Computer Vision (OpenCV), 261, 261–265
O’Reilly, Tim, 83–84
Orwell, George, xvi
Osborne 1, 211
Out of Control (Kelly), 17
Ozzie, Ray, 299
Page, Larry
on agent-based interfaces, 13
founding of Google, 16, 184–187
Google’s image and, 41
PageRank algorithm, 62, 92, 259
robotic advancement and, 241–244
Thrun and, 35, 37, 38
Pandemonium, 190
Papert, Seymour, 143, 144, 146, 148, 177–178, 191
Parallel Distributed Processing (PDP), 145
Pask, Gordon, 308–310
pattern recognition, 9
Pearl, Judea, 216
Peninsula School, 3
Perceptive Assistant that Learns (PAL), 31
perceptrons, defined, 142
Perceptrons (Minsky, Papert), 143, 146
personal computing
advent of, xv, 196–201, 210–211, 255–256
“post-PC era,” 239
Personal Information Manager (Lotus), 140
Phenomenology of Self, The (Hegel), 340
Philips, 65–68, 66
Planetary Society, 168
play-based interaction, 212
Poggio, Tommy, 47, 50
Poindexter, John, 29
Pratt, Gill, 232, 235–238, 335
probabilistic decision tree, 4
Program on Liberation Technology (Stanford), 342
Prospector (SRI), 128
PR1/2 (Personal Robot One/Two), 258–260, 267–268
Q&A, 135
“Race Against the Machine” (Brynjolfsson, McAfee), 79
Raibert, Marc, 227–232, 235, 238, 245, 247
RAND Corporation, 74, 177
Raphael, Bert, 103
Rashid, Richard, 152
Real Travel, 295–297
Reddy, Raj, 112–113, 282
Redzone Robotics, 233
Reeves, Byron, 189
Replicant (Rubin’s robot), 256
replicants (Blade Runner), 338–339
Rethink Robotics, 99, 204–208
Reuther, Walter, 68–73, 74
Rice University, 9, 86
Rifkin, Jeremy, 76–77
Robby (robot), 331
Robot Children (Moravec), 118
robotics advancement, 227–275
autonomous robots, 250–251
Bradski and, 260–275, 261
computer vision, 46–54, 114, 120–122, 200–201, 234–235, 242, 261, 261–265
DARPA Robotics Challenge, 227–230, 234, 236–238, 244–254, 249
early personal computing and, 255–256
effect on labor force, 241–24
4, 269–270 (see also labor force)
Google and, 241–244, 248–255, 256, 260–261
Raibert and, 227–232, 235, 245, 247
Rubin and, 238–241, 240, 249–254
Salisbury and, 256–260, 267
scene understanding, 47–48, 155–156
self-aware machines and, 9–10, 15, 26, 72–76, 84–94, 119, 122–125, 220–221
touch, 257–260, 271
walking robots, 232
Whittaker and “field robotics,” 233–234
Robot (Moravec), 122–124
“Role of Autonomy in DoD Systems, The” (Department of Defense), 334–335
“Role of Raw Power in Intelligence, The” (McCarthy), 118
Rosen, Charles, 5, 100–105, 143–148
Rosenblatt, Frank, 141–142, 143
Rubin, Andy, xiii–xiv, 99–100, 195–196, 238–241, 240, 249–254, 332
Rubinsteyn, Alex, 157
Rumelhart, David, 143
Rutter, Brad, 225, 226
Saffo, Paul, 10
Salisbury, Ken, 256–260, 267
Samsung, 83–84
Sand, Ben, 80
Sandperl, Ira, 3
Schaft, 245–246, 248, 250, 251–254
Schank, Roger, 131, 180–181
Schirra, Wally, 161, 163
Schmidt, Eric, 41
“Scientist Rebels, A” (Wiener), 70
Scoble, Robert, 319
Scripts, Plans, Goals, and Understanding (Schank, Abelson), 180–181
Sculley, John, 35, 280, 300, 305, 306, 307, 317
Searle, John, 179–182
Second Machine Age, The (Brynjolfsson, McAfee), 82, 86–87
Sejnowski, Terry, 143, 144–148, 148–152, 151
self-aware machines
machine learning, 91
“robot rights,” 15
singularity concept, 9–10, 84–94, 119, 122–125, 220–221
weapons as, 26
Wiener on, 72–76
Selfridge, Oliver, 190
Sensable Devices, 258
Shakey project, 1–7, 5, 101–105
Shannon, Claude, 107, 174
Shashua, Amnon, 46–54
Shneiderman, Ben, 186, 187–194, 317
Shockley, William, 95–99, 100, 256
Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory, 96, 98
SHRDLU, 132, 170–172, 174–178
Sidekick (Danger, Inc.), 240
Silicon Valley, inception of, 95–99, 100, 178, 256
Simon, Herbert, 108, 168, 215, 283
Simon (personal computer), 231
Singhal, Amit, 314
Singularity Institute, 17
Singularity Is Near, The (Kurzweil), 119
Sinofsky, Steven, 217
Siri (Apple), 277–323
Apple history and, 279–281
Apple’s acquisition of Siri, 281–282, 320–323
Cheyer’s early career and, 297–305
Gruber’s early career and, 277–279, 278, 282–297
IA versus AI issues, 12–13, 31, 190, 193–194, 282
Knowledge Navigator and, 188, 300, 304, 305–310, 317, 318
released as iPhone App, 319–320
Siri (company) founded, 310–320
Siu, Henry, 326
Sketchpad, 230–231, 306, 308