Blind Hearts and Silenced Passion

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Blind Hearts and Silenced Passion Page 11

by Anya Byrne

  "I'm not sure how I know, but I think I'm pregnant."

  Baqir froze. It had not occurred to him that them having sex could result in a child, but now that Remy mentioned it, it made a lot of sense.

  He didn't doubt it for a moment. In fact, he wasn't as surprised as he should have been. "I see," he said, gently cupping Remy's cheek. "It's all right. Don't be frightened. I'm here for you."

  At that, Remy released a small sob of relief and fell into Baqir's embrace. "Sorry... I'm sorry. I'm just... I don't understand how I even know. This is all so confusing."

  Baqir understood his mate perfectly. "I agree," he said as he caressed Remy's hair. "But let's start with the beginning. It's high time we left this place, don't you think?"

  Remy did, and hand in hand, they made their way toward the exit. Remy stuck close to Baqir, and Baqir held on tightly to his mate. Neither of them could see, but Baqir had the advantage of being accustomed to this place, so he could navigate it without the need for anything else except memory.

  It was largely why his mother had chosen it. The deep cave opened through two exits, and its corridors were labyrinthine. It would be very easy for someone unaccustomed to it to get lost. Before her death, his mother had deemed it a good place to shake off pursuers if necessary. In the end, it had all been futile, but the knowledge she'd instilled in Baqir was still there, and it served him well.

  The cave was quite large, so it took them a while to make their way out. Once they emerged from the darker depths, the trek became easier, since Remy started being able to see as well. His face was very pale and he was sweating, and for the first time, Baqir realized how difficult the journey must have been for Remy. It had undoubtedly brought out bad memories from the years he'd been blind.

  And yet, he had been so brave, and he still was. The first thing he did once they could see each other a little was to smile at Baqir. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

  Baqir had never been more humbled than at that moment, and he vowed no one would ever hurt his family. Never again. Words of love and gratitude were on his lips, but now was hardly the time for them, so he just smiled back, held on tighter and continued to guide Remy toward the exit.

  As it turned out, by the time they reached the mouth of the cave, a different sort of darkness had set over the world. Baqir found himself reluctant to venture into the shadowed forest with his mate in such a delicate condition.

  "We'll wait until daybreak," he said. "We should be safe enough here, and by morning, we'll be more rested and recovered." It was regrettable that they didn't have any supplies, as food would have been invaluable, especially for Remy. Fortunately, they at least had a water source inside the cave—a small underground stream—where they could sate their thirst and wash up. That would have to do until morning, because Baqir simply could not leave Remy's side.

  Remy didn't seem too put out at the prospect of spending the night in less than comfortable circumstances. If anything, he was amused. "Maybe we can even figure out why you have your ears and tail out," he commented idly.

  Baqir blinked, having not realized there was anything different about him. Now that Remy had mentioned it, though, he noticed it too.

  It should have alarmed him, especially when he realized that he couldn't retract said ears and tail, but his reaction was more along the line of "hmm, that's interesting." He was intrigued, and it made his tail wag alarmingly.

  Remy made a grab for the disobedient appendage, and the moment he took hold of it, arousal swelled over Baqir. A niggle at the back of his mind had him wondering if maybe he'd experienced something similar before, but Baqir didn't let it bother him for too long.

  Soon, they were kissing, and Baqir forgot about worrying, about over-thinking and wondering and asking questions. Only he and Remy remained, and the peace and passion they could find in each other's embrace.

  It didn't matter that they were in a cave that held many heavy memories for Baqir and too much darkness for Remy's comfort. It didn't matter that they didn't even know how they'd gotten here. They were together now, and the rest—the fear, the future, the world itself—could wait.

  They ended up on the ground, impatiently clawing at their clothes. Baqir managed to maintain enough composure to not tear them off altogether, since they would probably be needed once he and Remy had to leave. That was as far as his control went, though, because beyond that, he was completely lost to it, to the moment, to his mate's taste, touch and scent.

  Somehow, despite the fact that they were both beyond desperate, they managed to make a small nest out of their own clothing. After that, all bets were off. Baqir felt like he hadn't touched Remy in forever, even if that couldn't possibly be the case. At the same time, he was almost afraid to do so.

  He'd never given Remy the gentleness he deserved. Their few times together had burned with the same frantic need, because they were never quite sure what tomorrow would hold.

  Perhaps for that very same reason he had to do things differently now, because gentleness was just as precious as passion and their desire held more than just lust. But maybe Remy felt the same, because he sneaked out of Baqir's hold and climbed into his lap.

  Whatever thoughts he'd had before, Baqir could not dispel the enchantment Remy had set on him. And so, he waited, letting his precious mate do as he wished.

  Remy didn't rush, and for that, Baqir was thankful. As his mate licked and nibbled on his throat, Baqir got to caress Remy's back and sides, exploring all the silken skin at his disposal. He groaned when Remy nipped slightly on the juncture between his neck and shoulders, reminded of the promise Remy had made him. Remy had said that he would claim Baqir the same way Baqir had claimed him. The idea filled Baqir with possessive fire and he tightened his hold on his mate, all the while grinding his erection against Remy's ass.

  Remy's response came with a speed that surprised even Baqir. With a small hiss of his own, he crawled down Baqir's body and took Baqir's cock in his mouth. He licked, sucked and teased, swirling his almost vicious tongue around the head of Baqir's prick. Baqir had wanted to allow Remy the complete freedom of choice, but he ended up gripping Remy's hair anyway. His muscles went taut as he struggled to contain his more dominant impulses. It was not for naught, because his mate proceeded to show his appreciation in the best way possible.

  Remy soon started to bob his head up and down Baqir's dick, and the wet heat of his mouth threatened to shatter Baqir's every resolve. Perhaps Remy aimed to do exactly that, because when Baqir stubbornly held on, Remy sped up, humming around Baqir's dick, sucking so hard he hollowed his cheeks.

  Baqir spluttered, and his grip on Remy's hair tightened to the point where he knew he must be harming his mate. Remy seemed actually encouraged, and he went on to caress Baqir's tail with his hand, adding another layer of sensation.

  Remy was also far more wicked than Baqir had realized, because just as Baqir was about to come, his mate stopped his ministrations on his dick. Much to his embarrassment, Baqir couldn't help a moan of protest. He snatched his hands away from Remy, knowing that if he didn't do so, he might act rashly and lose control.

  Remy grabbed Baqir's wrist, keeping him from pulling away. "I want you. Now, Qiri."

  They were simple words, but they still shut down Baqir's attempts to keep some modicum of composure. It didn't help that Remy decided to point out exactly what he had in mind by positioning himself right above Baqir's aching prick.

  It was Baqir's turn to act and to speak, and he set his hands on Remy's hips, both to steady his mate and to stop him. "I don't want to hurt you."

  "You won't," Remy assured him, and his smile held no doubt, only relief and desire. Baqir had no defense against that.

  Remy slowly pushed down, and Baqir gritted his teeth and stayed completely still as his dick was slowly engulfed in the haven of his mate's channel. The only thing they'd used for lubrication was saliva, so it couldn't have been easy for Remy to take.

  Baqir carefully watched his mate's face f
or any signs of pain, but he found none—only a wide-eyed expression that echoed and matched the same burning passion that coursed through Baqir's veins. Even with his instincts of protectiveness stronger than ever, he could not deny this, or the truth of how well they fit together.

  They moved slowly, lazily, taking their time with one another, enjoying and drawing out every second of their union. At first, the pace was more of a gentle rocking, with Baqir staying for the most part still and allowing Remy to get used to the penetration. It progressed from there, but they never strayed beyond the limits Baqir himself had set. Their desire for one another was not tamed, never tamed. It was simply a different manifestation of it, one which they both embraced openly and willingly.

  The pleasure spiraled higher and higher, rising steadily, like soft raindrops pooling together to form a maddening hurricane. The apex came naturally, following the same progression they'd silently decided on. Remy lowered his mouth over Baqir's throat and bit down, and as white-hot pleasure-pain shot over Baqir, their bond glowed golden, brighter and steadier than ever.

  Overcome by the weight of the sensation and emotion, Baqir came. He felt his knot expand, binding them together, and it went beyond the carnal, to the point where he could distinguish realities and truths that he and Remy had acknowledged, but had been so uncertain about.

  He saw his child, nestled deep inside Remy, a bright glowing light around him or her. He felt Remy's confusion and awe and pulled his mate even closer, in every way that he possibly could.

  "I love you so much," he sent out through their bond.

  "And I you," Remy replied.

  And Baqir welcomed and reveled in that sentiment, so much so that he almost missed the foreign element permeating their shared embrace. The glow around their child was not the magic of the bond. It was something else, and it seemed to pepper them both, like a fog that made everything except the two of them misty.

  Baqir was deeply unsettled, and it shattered the afterglow that could have been very pleasant indeed. Remy must have realized something was not right as well, because the first thing he uttered once he caught his breath was a hesitant question. "What is going on, Qiri?"

  Remy's voice was trembling slightly, but Baqir didn't know how to reassure him. "I have no idea," he admitted, the words bitter on his tongue. "I don't understand any of this."

  They clung to one another even after Baqir's knot receded and his dick slid out of Remy. It helped, although it still didn't clarify Baqir's confusion.

  In hindsight, he should have known he wouldn't even be given the chance to find the truth behind this peculiar development. After all, this cave had not been able to protect Baqir's family before. Why would now be any different?

  Still, when the woman appeared, Baqir was taken aback. For one, he had not felt her approach, which was alarming in itself since very few people could sneak up on a silencer with his experience.

  Even if that hadn't been the case, Baqir would have still known something was fundamentally amiss about her. She was beautiful, and she seemed strangely familiar to him, but at the same time, incredibly alien. Was it his impression or did she have no real scent? Or did that odd sharp brimstone smell emanate off her?

  Baqir found it prudent to get ready for what seemed to be an imminent confrontation. He got up and eyed the woman from head to toe, wondering if he should attempt any sort of conversation with her.

  She stopped him before he could even try."Well, it seems I underestimated my sister." The strange woman laughed. "Or perhaps I overestimated her. I did wonder what she would do since she knows she can't beat me, but I did not expect this amount of cowardice from her part."

  Baqir had no idea what she was talking about, but he could clearly tell this stranger didn't have any good intentions. His senses were blaring, alerting him of the danger, and he put himself between his mate and the woman.

  "Look, just leave us alone. We don't want any trouble."

  The woman chuckled, a light and airy sound that somehow still grated on Baqir like nails on a chalkboard. "Too late now. Your little mate took something of mine and got in my way. I believed that he could be of use to me, but apparently not. It is time to end this."

  That didn't bode well for Baqir and Remy's well-being. Baqir wasn't arrogant enough to underestimate the stranger just because she was a woman, or worse, because she was alone. An enemy whose abilities he didn't know was three times more dangerous. Not to mention that the power the woman exuded was unlike anything he'd felt before.

  Still, he would have faced her in battle nonetheless, even if he didn't know what chances of success he truly had. He'd have at least bought Remy some time to make a break for it, although his mate would have likely had some trouble in the dark depths of the cave.

  Even this tentative plan was shattered when a group of men appeared at the mouth of the cavern, sliding past the unknown woman. Silencers, Baqir knew at once. He recognized the way they moved, the blank expressions, the postures reminiscent of every other soldier force in the world. It was almost ironic, that this was happening again, that he risked losing his family for a second time, in the exact place it had occurred during his youth.

  But no, he would not allow it. He refused to let the story repeat itself. There was too much at stake, and Baqir had a promise to keep.

  His mate and their child would not perish like his mother had.

  With a wild roar, Baqir attacked, shifting even as he lunged toward his opponents. The wolf came easily to him, already hovering at the back of his consciousness, impossibly closer than ever before.

  The silencers didn't panic, not that Baqir expected them to. They were trained for this, for facing opponents both human and shifter. They had learned the same lessons Baqir had, and had likely lived through similar experiences.

  One thing they seemed to lack, however, was the same apprehension that had kept Baqir from underestimating the woman. That was not something just anyone could do, he supposed, even if they were experienced silencers. For one, he was insanely outnumbered, so he couldn't fault them for their arrogance.

  Several of them had started to smirk slightly as they retrieved their weapons. Doubtlessly, they'd been informed about his identity, and they'd take special enjoyment in supposedly teaching him a lesson, just because he'd once been Malik, the leader of his own guild.

  What they did not realize was that in some things, willpower and determination made all the difference in the world. Emotion had more strength than most people realized, and there was very little—no, nothing—Baqir would not do, give up or sacrifice as long as it meant keeping his mate and child safe.

  Something inside Baqir shut down, and his world turned into blood and death. He moved faster than the other silencers could have ever expected. They hit him, of course they did, and their silver blades and bullets burned his flesh. Baqir ignored it. He ignored the pain and the weakness that naturally came with silver poisoning, shutting down the part of him that could feel any debilitating sensation to focus on taking out the threat.

  The first five men fell under his assault before any of them could truly realize what was going on. After that, the opposition increased. When Baqir tried to dance out of their reach, he was met with yet another rain of bullets and realized with no small measure of despair that there were more men waiting outside.

  And then, he heard a put-out sigh somewhere to his right, and the purest, most intense agony he'd ever experienced exploded over him.

  He had no hope of pushing this back, no hope of burying it until later, when he could perhaps try to retreat and lick his wounds in private—or more realistically, when he made sure Remy was safe. This was too much. He felt like he'd burst into flame, like he was frozen solid, like he was lost, weak and incapable of moving a muscle. He was twitching and writhing and shifting between shapes—and everything was a paradox, until at last, he felt like he was dying. The only thing that kept him alive was the strong bond between him and Remy, supported by something else, the s
ame alien power that they'd seen protecting their child. Remy anchored him, kept him from losing himself into the pain, and so Baqir fought, fought with everything he had, and more than that.

  It ended as abruptly as it started. One moment, he was struggling with willing his heart to keep beating, and the next, the pain was gone.

  Baqir looked up—at one point, it seemed, he must have collapsed on the ground—only to be met with the sight of blood, ash and death.


  From the moment he'd woken up in this place, it had been very, very clear to Remy that something was not right. It wasn't even strictly connected to the fact that, at the time, he'd been lost in a darkness that rivaled his previous blindness. Indeed, even there, he had been less terrified than expected.

  He'd also known something he shouldn't have been aware of—he was no mage and his abilities didn't extend to detecting pregnancies, even his own. He had managed to briefly forget about his apprehension within the fire of the passion he shared with his mate, but then, everything had gone even crazier, more wrong.

  Remy had once thought he could be a silencer too, if that was what it took to make Baqir accept their connection. But as he watched his mate take out the attacking men one by one, he became aware of just how weak and helpless he was compared to Baqir. He wanted to come to Baqir's aid, but his lover was moving so fast that Remy feared his interference would just hinder Baqir. Not to mention that he had their child to worry about and he couldn't just jump into battle without thinking about the consequences.

  But there was a bigger threat here, one Baqir had not been able to handle. To his left, Remy heard an amused sigh, and then the strange woman who had first spoken moved in.

  After that, everything happened impossibly fast. Baqir was suddenly writhing on the ground, experiencing such an excruciating pain it almost paralyzed Remy too. The woman was laughing, clearly enjoying Baqir's agony. Her men surrounded Baqir's prone from, ready to deliver the final blow once she dictated it.


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