Made to Love

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Made to Love Page 27

by Medina, Heidi

  I clawed my way through the endless sea of people, feeling as if I was swimming upstream. I hadn’t made near as much headway as I had hoped when I heard Bailey’s voice. “Thank you all so very much for coming out and celebrating with me!”

  I turned and saw him up near the DJ, mic in hand. “And to James, who completely surprised me by putting this all together.” I smiled at his emphasis on the word surprised. “They’re playing our song. Come dance with us.” Bailey threw up his arms and hopped off the stage as the first opening strains of Matt Cardle’s cover of “The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face” began flowing from the speakers.

  Couples, whether they arrived here together or were randomly formed once inside, streamed past me to flood the dance floor. I caught a glimpse of Brooke and Blonde Guy swaying gently in the far corner, her face buried in his chest. Good for her, I mused. Lord knows she needed the distraction.

  My chest tightened as I watched them. For all my outward appearance at fun, I was a wreck inside. I missed Nathan terribly and not hearing from him once in four days was taking its toll. I didn’t understand his sudden disappearance and my heart cracked further with every day that passed.

  I heaved a heavy sigh and waved at Bailey, who spotted me over James’s shoulder and broke out into a sly grin.

  It was then that I felt it.

  It was as if the air around me shifted and I felt tiny pinpricks of sensation as they spread rapidly across my neck and lower back.

  Nathan was here. I could feel it.

  I drew in my breath and held it as a strong, hard arm snaked around my waist, pulling me back against an equally hard body. My eyes fluttered shut as I relaxed against his chest, feeling his heart slamming against my back. I knew I needed to be furious with him, and I was, but right now all I cared about was that he was here. After four days of unexplained silence, he was here. Holding me.

  His head dipped down and he pressed a hot kiss in the curve of my neck, and suddenly it was too much. Tears slipped from my eyes and without speaking, I turned around and buried my face against his chest, my fists gathering his shirt as I clutched at him . He was indeed here, and no matter where he’d gone or why, he’d come back to me and my relief was so great I literally began to cry.

  “Baby, no. . … no, please don’t cry,” he whispered, tightening his arm around my waist, the other smoothing down my hair. “I’m here. It’s okay. I’m here,” he repeated.

  I looked up at him, tears staining my cheeks. “Where did you go? I didn’t hear from you and—“

  “Shhhh, I know,” he interrupted. He leaned down and kissed my cheek, before wiping tears away with his thumb. “I had some things I needed to do. I hated every single second I was away from you. You can’t begin to know how much.”

  Tears fell anew at his words and not caring who might see, I raised up on my tiptoes and kissed him on the mouth. “Let’s get out of here,” I breathed.

  Two hours later, I lay facing him in the dim light coming through his bedroom window, my body thoroughly sated from Nathan’s attempt to make up for the last four days. “Do you want to talk about it?”

  His eyes clouded at my words, but then cleared as he reached for my hand and inched closer. “I am fully aware of how these last few days must have appeared to you. I truly didn’t see any other way around it.” He stared off in the distance above my shoulder, momentarily lost in thought, before returning his gaze back to me. “My father. . . .it’s very complicated. I need to see him first and then I can tell you everything. I promise.”

  I ignored the annoying trace of anxiety that had been my companion for the better part of the last week, and searched his face. “He came to see me, you know. He kept asking me these questions about if I knew where you were and if I had talked to you.”

  He shook his head. “Don’t worry about him, Reagan. This has nothing to do with you. It’s about me and him; it always has been. Harassing my girlfriend is just another one of his shitty ways to get back at me, and I will end it. It’s not—“

  He stopped suddenly, as if he’d only just realized what he’d said. Silence hung between us for several beats. Anxiety tried to rear her ugly face again, but I squashed her down with the tender wisp of hope that caught in my chest. I cleared my throat. “Am I?” I had never been a girlfriend, anyone’s girlfriend. The thought that I was Nathan’s girlfriend, officially, was at once nerve-wracking and exhilarating.

  He bit his bottom lip, appearing every bit as nervous as I was, but pretending so hard to be otherwise. “Sorry, I know you didn’t want—”

  “Am I?” I repeated.

  He swallowed. “I think I have more than amply proven I consider you to be.” He squeezed my hand. “It’s an official title. Boyfriend, girlfriend. Are you okay with that?”

  “I think I am.” I love you, I wanted to scream. “I have a boyfriend,” I mused. “Nathan Preston is my boyfriend.”

  He laughed. “Yeah, but have you seen his girlfriend? Chick is fucking hot!”

  You’re gonna have to tell him, Reagan. About mom, the boys, Buddy. . .all of it.

  I pushed aside those depressing thoughts and squealed as he rolled over on his back and pulled me with him. I lay on top of his length, feeling giddy with a happiness I hadn’t felt in a very long time; perhaps my whole life. He reached up and cupped the sides of my face with his hands, all teasing gone.

  I tilted my head. “Promise me again that tomorrow after you see your dad, you will explain these last four days to me.”

  “I promise,” he vowed. He lifted his head and kissed me softly. “We’re really gonna do this, you and me, right?”

  I felt the familiar hardening against my belly and I closed my eyes. “Yes. I think we are.”


  “Let’s not go the office today.” I surprised even myself the minute the words were out.

  Reagan rolled her eyes at me as she finished slipping on the strappy black sandals she’d been wearing last night. “Yeah, okay.”

  I grabbed her hand and pulled her to me. “I’m serious. We could find a beach somewhere and just skip out on all the adult stuff for a day.”

  She wrapped her arms around my neck. “Somehow, I don’t think that would go over. Besides, I have a meeting with Isaac this morning.”

  I ran my hands down her back and kissed her neck. Already I was remembering the taste of her skin and growing hard. “A meeting about what?” I murmured.

  Her fingers tangled in the hair at the nape of my neck. “I don’t know. I just got a text from B a few minutes ago. Probably a routine update.” She sighed as I cupped her boob through her dress. “You gotta stop or I’ll never leave. I have to go home and get ready still.”

  I continued my assault. “About that. I think we should reconsider the living arrangements, in light of exclusivity, and all.”

  She closed her eyes. “Fair enough,” she agreed. She kissed me firmly on the mouth and then moved away from me. Her face was flushed and I reveled in a moment of cockiness at knowing the effect I was having on her.

  She picked up her bag and turned to me. “So, tonight.” .

  I nodded. “Tonight. No more secrets, I promise.”

  Reagan tilted her head at me, and a shadow passed over her face and was gone so quickly I could’ve imagined it. “No secrets.” It was almost as if she was repeating this to herself, and I wondered about her own, things I knew she kept from me. I didn’t want to pressure her, but this no-hugging thing was a huge deal for her. I needed to understand why.

  Things were getting too heavy up in here. I needed to dispel some of the sudden tension. I walked over and kissed her nose. “Get out of here, Miss Andrews, before I say to hell with Isaac and have my way with you right here, right now.”

  It did the trick. Her cheeks flushed again and I knew whatever memories had clouded her thoughts were gone. “I’m going. I know you need to meet with your dad, so if you can’t get away for lunch today, it’s okay. I’ll just see you back here tonight?”
  She left and instantly my apartment felt empty. It was amazing to me how fast this woman had become so vital, had wormed her way into the parts of me I had never opened to anyone else. The feelings I felt for her were foreign to me, and had me scared, nervous and heady with excitement, all at once. I needed to finish this with my dad and move on.

  With her.

  I was more than ready for it.

  I arrived at work a few hours later, and not bothering to stop at my office, I rode the elevator up to the thirteenth floor. I had arranged for the documents to be delivered to my father early this morning, and I had no doubt he was livid. Best to just get this over with now.

  I didn’t recognize the brunette sitting behind the large desk in the reception area. It felt odd to not see Brooke there, and I wondered how long this new one would last. I smiled as I walked past. “No need to get up. I just need a few words with my father.”

  “He’s not—“

  Her remaining words were lost to me as I rounded a corner and saw the one person I had not expected to see, exiting my father’s office, her face completely drained of color. I stopped mid-stride and took in her stricken face.

  “Reagan? What are—“

  “Did you do it?” she whispered, her ragged breath coming out in short gasps between words.

  Pressure mounted in my chest as I looked up and saw my father standing in the doorway of his office, a look of victory on his face.

  She stumbled past me, visibly shaking. “Never mind. Of course you did.”

  I had no idea what ‘it’ was. I ignored my father for the time being and raced to catch up with Reagan, who had already entered the elevator. I slammed my hand between the two doors and hopped on with her. She had already pressed the button for the lobby. “What did my father tell you, Reagan?”

  “All the things you should have!” she spat. Her eyes were filled with unshed tears. “Do you know how humiliating it is to find out the only reason, the only reason, I got this job is because you practically forced Isaac to hire me? God, Nathan! Why would you. . .,” she stopped and turned her face to the side away from me.

  My heart slammed inside my chest as I realized the cause for my father looking so victorious. I’d expected him to use Reagan against me. I’d known he would if given the opportunity. So why was I so shocked that he’d proved me right?

  I would kill him with my bare hands.

  I stepped behind her and tentatively placed my hands on her shoulders. She stiffened, shrugged them off her and moved to the far side of the elevator. “Don’t touch me!”

  I stabbed the emergency stop button and the elevator jerked as it ground to a halt. “It wasn’t like that. . .you have to let me explain. I was going to—“

  “How long were you going to let this go on, Nathan?” She turned and faced me again, and my heart cracked as I saw her tears had fallen. “Until you got your fill of me and then what? Were you gonna have Isaac fire me? What, Nathan? What the fuck were you gonna do?”

  “No.” I shook my head. “That is not how it was at all.”

  “Wasn’t it? I can’t believe a word you say, Nathan. I’m here, working my ass off every day, and for what? And that charge against me. Sexual harassment? Did you and Tyler Winston get a good laugh over that one?” She hiccupped as a strangled sob escaped her throat.

  Rage and desperation filled my head. “Don’t be ridiculous. You were never supposed to find out about that. I went to a great deal of length to ensure it. Tyler’s claim was a joke and everyone knew it.”

  “But me, Nathan. Everyone knew it but me! I was completely blindsided today. Your father basically sees me as nothing more than your whore! Do you know how that feels?” She reached around me and released the emergency stop. “I can’t believe this. I should have never trusted you to be honest with me. I thought you were different. . .I can’t even. . .I need to go.”

  I stepped in front of the door. “Honesty? Coming from someone who wears her secrets like a fucking medallion around her neck.”

  Her head whipped back as if she’d been struck. “I was honest about my intimacy issues before we even started this.”

  “You told me I couldn’t hug you, and I was never allowed to ask why or question it in any way. I wouldn’t exactly call that full disclosure.” She stared at me, stricken, as fresh tears began to fall. I was being an ass. “Christ, Reagan. I’m sorry. For all of it. Please, let’s get out of here, and let me explain.”

  “The time for explanations is over, Nathan. Stay the hell away from me!” She shoved past me as the elevator dinged and the door opened behind me.

  She dashed across the lobby, which was thankfully somewhat empty. I hurried after her. I had almost reached her when I saw Jake coming toward me. “Now’s not a good time, Jake,” I ground out between my teeth.

  Reagan’s head turned at my voice and she stopped so suddenly I barreled into her back, knocking her forward. Time seemed to suspend as my arms instinctively closed around hers in an effort to catch her fall, and as if from a distance I heard Jake yell for me to stop at the same time I heard Reagan whisper his name.

  Wait, what?

  Reagan’s knees buckled and I braced myself as she fell, completely out cold.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  “Reagan, are you mommy’s girl?

  “Yes, mommy, always.”

  “Come dance with me, baby. Mommy likes to dance.”

  “Jacob! Please come get me! I hate it here!”

  “Reagan, it will be okay. I will come as soon as I can. You have to be strong!”

  “Mr. Preston, I’m sorry. I cannot give out any information to anyone other than family.”

  “When is she going to wake up?”

  “It’s difficult to say. Does she have any family you can call?”

  “What do you mean she’s your sister? I’ve known you for years, Jake. You don’t have any sisters. “

  “I didn’t think. . .it’s been so long. I’m sorry, man. She’s my birth sister. I’ve never told anyone about—“

  “Told them what? You’re adopted? I can’t even wrap my brain around this right now.”

  “I’ve called her mom. She’s on the next flight out.”

  “Thank you, Brooke.”

  “Is it true, Dr. Miles? Are you really her brother?”

  “It’s been two days. She should be awake by now. Why isn’t she waking up?”

  “I’m sorry, Mrs. Andrews. Your daughter has suffered a complete shock to her system, something she possibly could not handle, and her body has in essence shut down to protect her from it. Her vitals are good, and she’s stable. We are monitoring her very closely. When she’s ready, she will wake up.”

  Voices. Words. Memories. They floated over and around me. My brain tried to focus on who was speaking but the words just flittered away as I moved in and out of consciousness. I couldn’t remember what had happened. Where was I and how did I get here?

  I wanted to see Nathan.


  “I’m taking her home,” Reagan’s mother announced softly as she sat with us in the waiting room. It was Wednesday, and we were all still here. Me, Jake, Brooke and Reagan’s mom, Helen. I hadn’t even been home to shower or change. I hadn’t spoken to my father. I’d done nothing but sit here in frustrated silence as I waited for Reagan to wake up, and terrified because I had no idea what was happening to her.

  “As soon as she is awake and can travel, she’s coming home with me where she belongs.” Helen’s voice was final, and brooked no argument.

  But I refused to allow it to be that easy. “She belongs here. “ My voice was just as soft and reflected every ounce of exhaustion I felt. Jake continued to stare at the floor, while Brooke warily watched the exchange between me and Helen.

  Helen wiped a stray tear from her cheek. “She’s been here less than six months, and what has that gotten her? All the progress she’s made. . .gone. She’s broken and she needs her family.”

nbsp; “She has family here.”

  I turned and watched as Jake looked up at Helen, looking as if he’d aged ten years in the last two days. I still couldn’t get used to the fact that he was Reagan’s brother. In all the years I’d known him, he’d never let on he was adopted, or that he’d had a family before Steven and Judy Miles. It was like I suddenly didn’t know my best friend.

  Helen pointed her finger at Jake. “You? You’ve been her brother for all of five minutes. I am her family.”

  He returned his gaze back the floor, saying nothing further. Brooke looked at me and shrugged helplessly. She didn’t know what to say, and I didn’t either. There was nothing that could be said that could make this situation any less uncomfortable.

  I leaned forward and rested my elbows on my knees and pressed the heels of my hands against my eyes. I was terrified. This woman had the power to Reagan away from me, and I no longer held the faith that I would be able to dissuade her. Who I was, my name and my money, mean nothing in this moment.

  The thought of Reagan leaving was enough to send me to my knees.

  “Mrs. Andrews, Reagan is awake.”

  We all stood at the doctor’s words, and without speaking or looking at each other, moved as one down the hall to her room. “Wait.” Jake spoke up just outside the door. “We can’t all just barge in like this. Maybe,” he gestured to Helen. “You should go alone. You’re her . . ..” he trailed off and ran a hand through his hair.

  Helen nodded once and slipped inside, shutting the door behind her. I wanted to howl in frustration, knowing Reagan was awake and I wasn’t there. I wanted to fling the door open and beg her forgiveness, Helen be damned. Jake, as if sensing my inner struggle, tugged on my arm. “We need to give them some time, Nathan.”


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