Beauty in Winter

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Beauty in Winter Page 3

by Alexa Riley

  Chapter 7


  I feel the heat of him inside me, but it’s not painful. None of what he’s done to me is.

  “Reid, let me look at you,” I ask, trying to turn in his arms.

  He pulls out of me gently, and I look down at his cock. It’s still just as thick and hard as it was when I first laid eyes on it. How that monster fit inside me, I’ll never know, but it did. We fit so perfectly that it had to have been magic.

  He helps me lie back on the chaise as he comes over me, his body blanketing mine as he slowly slides back inside my warmth. The feel of him there is so right that I don’t want to think about him taking it out again. I’m full and whole, and not just down there. My heart is nearly bursting.

  His lips press against mine softly, and the kiss is as slow as his thrusts. Our first time was frantic and lustful, but this is deeper somehow. This is more.

  He moves his lips down my neck and to my breasts, his teeth grazing one nipple before sucking it into his mouth. I moan with pleasure as he moves over to the other one and does the same.

  My grip on his hair tightens, and I cry out as my body releases another orgasm. There’s not even a build-up anymore, I just give it over to him. When he wants me to climax, he pulls it from me, and all I can do is feel.

  There is such intensity in his eyes as warmth fills me again and he continues to thrust through his own orgasm. With his high cheekbones and dark hair he looks predatory. But the honey in his eyes softens it, and I think he’s the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen.

  I run my hands along his defined chest. It’s wide and thick with muscle. He’s easily twice as wide as I am with the size of his ribcage. Dark hair covers him and trails down to solid abs. He’s meaty, but the hair makes him feel soft and cuddly.

  Watching where we’re joined, I’m mesmerized by the way he enters me. He’s like a machine, never stopping, the need to mate with me his only thought. I continue to pet his body as he drives in and out, each of us reaching countless heights of pleasure.

  He rolls us over so I’m spread out on top of him, and he draws his knees up. He thrusts lazily as I lie there with my eyes closed, and I can’t help the smile on my face. He can’t stop.

  We kiss every so often, and his hands are always on me, but even still I somehow manage to fall asleep.

  But in the arms of my beast, there is no safer place.

  Chapter 8


  My eyes flutter open, and I immediately think that last night was all a dream. But reality comes back to me in a rush when I feel his arms wrapped around me so tightly. I’m surprised I can still breathe. This all seems so unreal. Turning, I look at the man who worshipped my body all night like I was the most precious thing that ever existed. He acted like if he let go of me for even a moment I might disappear.

  He looks so much more relaxed in sleep. Reaching up, I run my finger down the side of his hard jaw. His eyes open, looking into mine. He’s so quickly become everything to me. How can this be? How can I feel something for someone I didn’t even know existed before yesterday?

  “What are you?” I whisper the question like it’s a secret we can’t say too loudly. Maybe it is.

  “I’m yours.” His words come out deep and raspy.

  I smile at the simplicity of it. “You make it sound so easy,” I tell him. He pulls me even closer to him, wrapping his body around mine as he presses his face into my neck.

  “It wasn’t easy. I’ve been waiting for what feels like forever for you,” he murmurs against my skin, making my heart ache for him. He sounds so alone. I know the feeling.

  He start placing kisses along my neck. They are playful and light, and the feeling makes me giggle.

  “You’re so soft. I didn’t know something could feel this good,” he says, pulling back to look at me. His eyes flash a honey gold before returning to their usual dark brown. It should scare me, but it doesn’t. I know the beast that lurks beneath the surface is gentle and wants to be close to me, too.

  My stomach rumbles, reminding me I haven’t eaten. Concern flashes across his face, and he emits a small growl. “I haven’t fed you.” He growls again, and I think he actually might be growling at himself.

  He pulls me from bed and tosses me over his shoulder. I drag the sheet with me, unsure of where we are going.

  “Where are you taking me?” I ask, but get distracted by his backside. He really is all muscle.

  He doesn’t answer, but a moment later I’m being placed on a counter. I wrap the sheet around me and watch as he starts to pull things from the refrigerator, completely naked. I didn’t know someone so big could move so easily.

  “You’re a shifter?” I ask, already knowing the answer to the question.

  “I am now that you’re here. I’ve been waiting for you to save me for a long time.”

  He sets down the container in his hand and comes to stand between my legs. I spread them wide to make room for him. “People in my pack call me alpha, but I was unable to lead. Until you, I had never fully transformed.”

  “What am I?” I think about the mark he left on my thigh.

  “You’re his mate.” At the sound of Mr. Blackden’s voice Reid spins around and snarls loudly. He widens his stance, blocking me from the other man’s line of sight.

  “Calm, alpha. I’m only here to leave this.” I look around Reid to watch Mr. Blackden place a small box on the counter. Reid moves to grab it, opening the box. He looks down, and his whole body freezes.

  “What is it?” I ask, trying to see why it feels like time has stopped.

  “Where did you get this?” Reid asks Mr. Blackden.

  “It’s hers.” Reid turns to look at me, and I see what’s in the box. My ring. “It’s how I knew she was yours.”

  “My ring.” I try to jump off the counter, but Reid stops me. His free hand grasps my hip to keep me in place.

  “Careful, little lamb. Don’t want you to hurt yourself.” He wraps his arm around me, pulling me from the counter and putting me on my feet.

  “Leave. I need more time. I don’t think I’m stable, and I don’t like you even near her right now. My wolf wants out,” Reid says to Mr. Blackden.

  “Alpha,” Mr. Blackden says before lowering his head and turning to leave.

  Reid then picks me up, making me squeal out in surprise. He carries me out of the room, and before I know it, I’m back on my feet again in what looks like an office. I gasp as I look around and take it in. Hundreds of drawings of my ring litter the room. It’s as if he’s been drawing it over and over again.

  “You drew these,” I whisper, looking around the room in shock.

  “I can’t seem to stop drawing them. I started to dream about the ring.” He walks over to me and drops down to one knee. “I’ve been waiting my whole life to do this.” He slides the ring onto my finger.

  “This is crazy,” I say in awe.

  “No, this was fate. You were meant for me as I am meant for you.”

  “You’re right. I feel it. I love you more than anything, I don’t care if it’s crazy fast.” My grandparents fell in love in a day, after all. He grabs my hips, pulling me into him as his mouth comes to mine in a soft possessive kiss.

  “Love is simple,” he says, rubbing his nose against mine. “It’s a tale as old as time.”



  A little over a year later…

  “The pack has never been better,” Ron says as we make it into the clearing.

  We had a pack run this afternoon, and it always creates a feeling of bonding between pack members. I look up and see Fiona sitting on a blanket by the tree, the sunshine spread out around her. Her belly is starting to show, and it makes me feel so much more possessive of her.

  She’s playing with our son as he giggles up at her, and a few of the other females in the pack sit with her. She looks up at me, like she can smell I’m near, and I watch as her eyes roam over my bare chest. I’m a little sweaty fro
m the run, and I catch the desire flashing in her eyes.

  “All they needed was a little leadership. And we have her to thank for it.” I don’t take my eyes off of Fiona as I speak.

  “She’s worthy of being by your side,” Ron says, and I shake my head.

  “It’s me who needs to be worthy of her.” I smile and pat him on the back.

  I walk over to where she is and kneel down in front of her, pressing my forehead to hers. It’s something we do anytime we have to be separated. I’m getting her scent back on me, but my wolf is also greeting her. She seems to love it as much as I do, though. Then I reach down and pick up our son, Silas, laying him on my chest, and I lie back on the blanket with her. The females sense our need for bonding and politely give us space.

  He smells just like Fiona, and I let out a sigh of happiness. She cuddles in beside us as I kiss the top of his sleeping head and then hers.

  Most of the families are playing and enjoying the picnic. It settles my heart to know my pack is together and happy, that Fiona was able to bring out my wolf and create the peace we now have. Everyone was lost before she came along. My beauty righted our world, and we are all grateful to her for it.

  We are continuing to grow, more of the females carry our young, more males are coming of age. There is only happiness ahead of us now, and I will do everything to protect that.

  “What are you thinking of, my love?” Fiona asks, wrapping her arm around my waist.

  “That I want to make love to you right here, right now.”

  She lets out a little laugh. “I’ve heard that some of the night runs get a little crazy.”

  “Who told you that?”

  I look down at her, and she raises an eyebrow and shrugs a shoulder.

  “I need to speak with the women about what they tell their alpha female,” I grumble.

  “What? Can the alpha male not enjoy his mate like the others? From what they said, it’s a point of pride, not something they sexualize.”

  “The females are shifted into wolf form when that happens. You don’t have that ability, and I’m not for the idea of the pack seeing my mate laid out naked.”

  “Oh,” she says, and disappointment dashes across her face.

  I hate the thought of her not getting what she wants, so I try to improvise.

  “What about on the next full moon we set up a safe place for us outside? Close to the pack, but far enough that no one will see us.”

  “That might be fun,” she agrees, biting her lip as a blush hits her cheek.

  My chest rumbles, and now wanting to act it out even more.

  “You tempt me too much, little lamb.” I kiss her softly, but she can feel my wolf pacing with need.

  “Let’s go inside for a little bit. You can help me put Silas down for a nap.” She sits up, winking at me.

  That’s all the encouragement I need before I’m on my feet, cradling both of my loves in my arms.



  Eight years later…

  I giggle as some of the females take off toward their mates, and I sneak off to the side and take my robe off. I’m not in our usual hiding spot for the moonlight run, and they’ve got bets on how long it’s going to take their alpha to find me. And how mad he’s going to be when he does.

  “Where is she?” I hear him growl, and I have to put my hand over my mouth to keep from giggling.

  I watch through the bushes as the females scatter, and he raises his nose in the air.

  They’ve all participated tonight in helping me trick him. I brought some of my clothes with me and had them wear them to throw him off the scent. I don’t know why, but I love seeing him get worked up. Especially when it comes to me.

  Our four little ones are at home with a sitter, so we’ve got all night to play.

  I try to keep from laughing as I run from one set of bushes to the next, but I can’t stay silent and a giggle slips free. I hear him growl low and take a step in my direction. This part of the forest has been cleared, and the few females that were here should be long gone by now if they know what’s good for them, so Reid and I have the whole place to ourselves.

  “Be careful how you tempt the beast, little lamb.”

  He’s getting closer, and I have to bite my lip to keep from squeaking in anticipation.

  “You like to tease a little too much. Maybe it’s time I remind you of what teasing does to me.”

  Dampness spreads between my legs, and I try to stifle a moan. God, when he’s worked up he’s truly an animal, and my body responds to it in every way.

  “I can smell your desire. Do you think you can try to keep that from me? That sweet smell that makes my cock so hard? The smell that has my tongue aching to taste it? Come out from behind there, little lamb. Give me what I want.”

  My knees are shaky with want, but I know him catching me will be better than giving myself over to him. So instead of doing what my body is begging me, I take off running.

  The mossy grass is dry and soft as I run, but I feel him hot on my trail. He’s letting me win, and a delighted laugh bursts from my lips as I stay barely a few steps ahead of him.

  “Ready to give up?” he challenges, and I hear the laughter in his voice, too.

  “Never!” I shout just before I’m scooped up in his arms.

  “You love being chased,” he says, rubbing my body as he lowers me to the ground.

  His head goes straight between my legs, and his warm mouth opens ravenously over my pussy.

  “Mmmm. You love chasing me,” I say, arching my hips up for more.

  He continues to lick me, pulling one orgasm then another from me before flipping me over onto my hands and knees.

  “I think you just like being fucked in the woods,” he whispers against my ear as his thick cock enters me.

  The heat of him and the adrenaline racing through his body makes it deep and hard. It’s rough, and I beg him for more as he grips my hips and thrusts every inch of himself into me.

  He leans down over me, licking the shell of my ear. “You still want to run?”

  “Yes,” I say defiantly, giving him a wicked smile over my shoulder.

  He releases my hips, and his big cock slips free. “Let’s see how far you get this time, little lamb.”

  The shimmer of gold in his eyes flashes, and his wolf is right on the edge. He wants the challenge tonight, and I’m happy to give it to him.

  My legs are even shakier than before, but the excitement is pushing me on.

  That’s how we spend the rest of the full moon—him chasing me, only to give me a few thrusts before he sets me free again. By the time I’m exhausted and promising him I’ll never run again, he’s making slow love to me by the river.

  As the sun comes up and he snuggles me close, my eyes are heavy with sleep.

  “I love you,” he whispers, kissing me softly. “Thank you for making my world beautiful.”

  “Beauty is found within,” I say, leaning into his touch and drifting into the most perfect dreams.


  Riding Red

  Fairytale Shifter Book 1


  Alexa Riley

  Gray Ridge, Colorado is a quiet town, but this Halloween there's a mating moon, and the shifters' need to breed their fated mates runs strong.

  Ruby is the proud owner of Red's Goodie Basket, and as the new girl in town, she's looking for business. But when the local sexy sheriff, Dominic Wolfe, keeps the customers away, she finds it's hard to stay mad when burning with desire.

  Dominic is a shifter, and his wolf wants Ruby. Since the second he laid eyes on her, he's been fighting the need to mark her as his. But when the mating moon is full, he won't be able to control his wolf any longer.

  Tricks and treats are the last things on his mind when the mating heat takes over, and his obsession is put to the test.

  Warning: This story is a sexy twist on a classic fairy tale, complete with a red cape, a basket of goodies, and a hungry
wolf. It's written to make you smile, turn you on, and help you celebrate Halloween!

  Copyright © 2015 by Alexa Riley. All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, email to

  Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

  Edited by Aquila Editing

  To the hubs: my life, my love, my mate.

  Chapter 1


  “We can't serve those!” I look down at the cookies, which are shaped like tiny dicks, and I try to convince myself I’m seeing things. It’s 5:30 in the morning, and I haven’t had any coffee yet, so maybe my brain is still putting things together. I scan the tray again, hoping I’m wrong. Nope. Definitely little cocks.

  “Why not?” Gwen picks up one of the cock-shaped cookies and bites off the head, making me cringe. I don’t have a penis, but I can imagine that would hurt. “They taste delicious. I added a hint of pumpkin spice. Bitches love pumpkin spice.” She nods her head like it’s a fact that bitches love pumpkin spice. She finishes the cookie, moaning appreciatively. It gives a whole new meaning to ‘swallowing’ here at Red’s Goodie Basket.


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