Unleash The Darkness: (Eternally Mated Novela)

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Unleash The Darkness: (Eternally Mated Novela) Page 2

by Valerie Twombly

  “W-what is this place?” Simon asked.

  The gates swung open with a slow, melodramatic groan and the keeper walked––or in this case floated––forward. Dressed in only a tattered, ebony robe, there were no signs of limbs and only a black gaping hole where his face should be. Seph handed the invisible chain to the keeper who quickly tugged a screaming Simon away. Once the gates were closed, Seph’s job was complete. He transformed back to his angelic form and let the darkness slide off his skin. He was still too wired to go home so decided the prick of the needle was exactly what he needed. Summoning a portal to the human realm, he headed for the Windy City of Chicago. His favorite tattoo artist had a bustling shop downtown, and the urge to add more ink to his skin was exactly what he required to soothe his dark soul. When he walked into the shop, he was greeted with the warmth only Tiny, the shop’s owner, could offer.

  “Reap! Where the fuck you been? I’ve been sitting on a new design special for you,” Tiny announced in his deep, gruff voice. The man was every bit of six foot two with a head that looked like it had been spit shined only this morning. His muscular arms were sleeved in colorful artistry, and Seph was sure the guy had tattoos in places he didn’t want to know about.

  “Tiny.” Seph gave a nod and took a seat while the guy continued his work on the customer in his chair. “I’ve been busy, but I’m here now and ready for the needle.”

  Seph had been coming to this shop since it opened five years ago. Tiny had declared Seph’s nickname Reap, short for Reaper since Seph had more than one depiction of the human’s imagination on his arms. If the guy only knew that Seph was indeed the real living thing, and when he changed he was a person’s worst fucking nightmare come true. Only those who were headed to the fiery jaws of Hell ever saw his true form. Not his friends and certainly not his beautiful Eva had ever bore witness to his transformation. He hoped like hell she never did either. Not that he was ashamed, but he transformed into something sinister, and deep down held a fear that if his mate were ever to see it, she would never look at him the same way again.

  Tiny finished up with his client and sent another happy customer on their way. He pulled out his sketching book and flipped to a page then shoved it under Seph’s nose.

  “Impressive. Were you thinking of me when you sketched this?”

  “Pretty bad-ass, huh?” Tiny smiled.

  Seph grabbed the notebook and studied the image. The reaper stood on a hill, souls of the damned reaching upward. His wings spread, sword in one hand with the tip shoved into the cluster of condemned. The reaper’s face was a grim skull, evil etched in every line and covered by a dark hood. The upper body bore intricate armor plating that went to his hips where the robe flowed into the breeze. Seph traced a finger along the black lines on the page and wondered if Tiny had seen him when he’d come to collect the damned. The sketch could have been his twin.

  He shoved the book back at his friend then pulled off his shirt. “This one deserves a place on my back.” He laid on the table. Excitement rolled through him as he waited for the pain of the needle.

  Seph enjoyed the punch of the needle into his skin and muscle. He watched in a mirror as black ink mingled with blood created outlines on his back. Most people flinched through this process, but Seph welcomed the pain like an old friend. It helped put things back into perspective. Reminded him of who he was and where his duty lie. Tiny stopped and wiped a cloth across his skin.

  “This is looking kick-ass if I do say so myself.”

  Seph chuckled. “Of course you’d say so.” Though he would admit from what he could see, it was pretty damn fine. “Now hurry the fuck up. I’ve got shit to do.” He felt a slight tug deep in his core. While not common, it sometimes happened that he got called out twice in one day. This one would have to wait though.

  “You can’t hurry perfection,” Tiny responded and went back to work.

  Two hours later, the masterpiece was complete, and Seph was admiring his new art in the mirror. “Okay, I’ll admit it’s pretty kick-ass.”

  Tiny flashed a toothy grin. “Fuckin’ A. You’re going to have to donate your skin when you die. It would be a shame to bury all that fine art.”

  Seph laughed as he pulled his shirt back on. If Tiny only knew that his art would live on forever. Considering reapers were part of Hell, a piece of it resided deep in their souls. A blade forged in the fires of Hell wouldn’t kill them as it did other angels. His head had to be taken clean off in order to cause his death. If not severed completely, it would reattach and then he’d kill his enemy. This was a little secret reapers kept to themselves. A code of conduct, if you will, that they never reveal their weakness.

  Most didn’t fully understand what a reaper was. Humans viewed them as evil to be feared, and in their case, it was mostly true. Their duty was to carry out the agreement between brother and sister. Good people went to the clouds, while those who bargained with the devil went to Hell. Seph’s job was to make sure the evil was contained and sent where it belonged. In order to do this, the Almighty had combined a little of each of his children, Ambriel and Lucifer, to make the darker angels. It was agreed that reapers would reside with the rest of the angels, though he was certain Lucifer had fought that rule. However, the Maker said leaving them in Hell would eventually tarnish their souls. Seph was positive she was right on that account. Every time he went there, he felt the tug on the dark spot inside him. It was only the light that kept him on the right path.

  Pulling a wad of cash from his wallet, he tossed it at Tiny. “Thanks, man. Until next time.” He exited the shop and headed down the street. The tug he’d felt earlier, now turned into a buzz.

  Chapter Three


  The skin on the back of Seph’s neck prickled as his name slid across his mind. He chose to ignore it.

  Sephtis. I command you to come to me.

  Son of a bitch. His fingers rolled into fists as the command tugged at every muscle, urging him to move. How was this possible?

  Do not think to defy me, Sephtis. I will make those you love pay dearly.

  Panic swirled in his gut and burned a path up his throat. He had no choice but to respond. Yes, my Dominus. I will be there shortly.

  Make it quick, and tell no one.

  “I need to leave.” He slipped from bed and pulled on his jeans.

  “You just got here,” Eva replied, sleep still in her voice.

  “I know but I am needed.” On went his shirt and then his boots before he bent and kissed his mate on the lips. “Don’t stray into the human realm until I get back.”

  Eva lifted her head. “Why?”

  Seph started to move away. “Just do this one thing for me, dove.” He left the room before she could question him further. His gut was now rolled into one giant knot. What the hell did Lucifer want with him? But more important, how was he able to communicate? The Maker had locked him away, and no one had any contact with him since that day. Once outside, he took in a deep breath, summoned his wings, and called for a portal straight to Hell. He had no idea where Lucifer was, but expected once he arrived in the demon king’s domain, directions would be forthcoming. As soon as his boots hit the steaming dirt of Hell, a map flashed into his mind.

  “Ah shit,” Seph whispered. It was Lulerain, his favorite fucking place. Grasping the image planted in his mind, he stepped into the gate beside him and followed the map in his head. Seconds later the gate opened, leaving him in a small rocky hole with only enough room for him to turn around. This wasn’t his last stop though. He checked the image again and followed the instructions. Turning to the left, he placed his palms on the rock wall, and instantly it shimmered into a gooey gel-like substance.

  He stepped through, wondering how deep into Lulerain he was going and would he be able to get the hell out with his soul intact? On the other side, Seph found himself in a large room made of pure white crystal. From floor to ceiling, the room sparkled like a brilliant diamond. Light reflected from every inch an
d would be blinding to a normal mortal.

  Come forth.

  In the center, on top of a crystal pedestal sat a small wooden box. Seph made his way closer, not having much choice since his legs seemed to move of their own accord. Once he reached the box, he noted how simple it was. No ornate carvings, only a seal that looked as frail as gold foil indicated the box had never been opened. Seph didn’t need anyone to tell him this was where Lucifer resided. Inside that damn box. He never experienced fear before, but he was certain it was the emotion coursing through his body at the moment.

  “My Dominus. Why have I been summoned here?”

  My sister thinks to keep me a prisoner in my own realm. This is only a temporary situation of which I plan to rectify.

  Seph took a deep breath. “If you think to command me to release you, you must know I cannot.” He didn’t need to explain he belonged to both Lucifer and the Maker, and he could not plot against either of them, which meant it was impossible for him to free the demon king himself.

  I’m not a fucking imbecile. There is another who can free me, but she will need your assistance in getting to me.

  Who the hell was powerful enough to open the box? It may look fragile, but the Maker’s power was stamped all over it. Seph said nothing but waited for the bomb to drop.

  My daughter can set me free.

  Okay. Lucifer had several children. Sons and daughters, some of which Seph and the others were aware of and likely several they were not. But which of them would have the kind of power it would take to set their father free? Seph was beginning to think Lucifer was delusional. Again, he remained quiet and waited for more information.

  Lilly is special. You will go into the human realm, locate my daughter, and bring her here to me.

  Fuck. Fredrick was the only child they had been warned was hidden in the human world. Who was this daughter?

  “And if I refuse?”

  A sinister laugh filled his mind. Then your mate will suffer. Don’t think for one black minute that simply because I am contained in here, my grip is not far-reaching. I know where your mate is this very second. Comfortable in your bed.

  Every muscle in Seph’s body stiffened. There was no reason and every reason to trust that bastard in the box. The fucker had killed him once and if not for Ashley who had brought him back from the dead, he’d be wherever it was reapers went upon their death. His mate left unprotected. However, guessing Eva was at home in bed didn’t prove anything. It’s where any one would be at this hour.

  Go back to your mate and think on it until I summon you again.

  Seph left the same way he entered and headed back home. His heart had already stopped beating. Did Lucifer have spies still in the clouds? Exactly how far was his reach? Seph scrolled down the list of those he trusted. Tegan and Ashley, but they were related to Lucifer, so check them off the list. Eli was Ashley’s mate, therefore couldn’t be trusted to keep this from his mate. He could request an audience with the Maker, but Lucifer likely knew what his sister was up to. Every option he came up with wasn’t safe. Not when it came to the life of his mate. At the moment, he wasn’t left with many choices.

  Eva was wakened by the gentle internal alarm that told her she was needed in the human realm. Seph still wasn’t back so she rolled out of bed and dressed. His request for her to stay home ran through her mind, but certainly he couldn’t expect her to ignore her duties.

  Within minutes, she hovered over twisted metal and broken glass scattered on wet pavement. Two paramedics worked furiously on a young woman while another tried to soothe a screaming child.

  “Dammit,” she whispered, her heart breaking. These were the calls she hated most, but a guardian wasn’t allowed to pick and choose. She was called here to do a job and the circumstances mattered not.

  She moved closer to the woman and lay her hand on the woman’s cheek then opened a telepathic link. Eva hit a mental wall. She frowned as this was odd for a mortal, but some did hold special gifts. She pushed a little harder and finally broke through, learning the woman’s name was Jenny.

  I’m going to take your pain, Jenny.

  The woman opened her eyes and tried to speak but was unable.

  Shhh. Don’t speak but think about what you wish to tell me.

  My son. Is he hurt?

  Eva looked at the crying boy whose gaze was on his mother. I don’t sense any injuries other than a few scrapes.

  I’m going to die. That’s why you’re here.

  Eva’s heart fractured. It was never fair to take parents of small children. Yes. But she never lied to them.

  I need to tell my son I love him.

  Biting her lip, Eva made a choice to break the rules. I can connect your minds. Eva reached for the boy’s mind, brought mother and son together, and then faded into the background, allowing Jenny privacy while Eva kept her eye on the child. After a few moments, Eva sensed the woman tire and knew the time drew near.

  Eva moved closer to the child and sent a wave of soothing calm over him. He suddenly looked up at her. His tear-filled eyes widened and he pointed.

  “You see me?” Even though she was cloaked, sometimes children were able to see her. Their innocence somehow allowed them to view things adults couldn’t––at least not until their time of death––or if an angel chose to be seen.

  The boy smiled at her, causing the officer to look her way. It was obvious he couldn’t see her by the look of confusion on his face. Eva was drawn to the boy and his tear-stained cherub cheeks until the voices of the paramedics drew her back out of the moment she held with the child. She moved back to the mother.

  “Oh, please stop trying to revive her,” Eva muttered as Jenny reached for her but was forced back into her body by the constant attempts at resuscitation. Having had enough, Eva reached her hand into the mother’s chest and pulled. “Come to me. It’s time to begin your new life.” The woman’s soul freed itself and with their hands entwined, Eva encouraged her to look back at the scene beneath them. It was always best to allow the recently deceased to take a moment and say goodbye to their mortal life.

  “Am I really dead now?” Jenny asked.

  “Your body is but your soul lives on,” Eva replied, and it was then she noticed the white aura surrounding the woman. She had angel somewhere in her linage.

  The mother looked to her child and extended her hand, as if to touch him. “My son.”

  Eva’s heartstrings tightened. “I will check back on him.”

  “Thank you. I-I’m ready now.”

  Eva opened a portal and a beam of bright light filled the darkness. She looked back one more time at the boy who now sat in the back of the squad car. At least they had enough sense to finally remove him from the scene. Eva would keep her promise and come back to check on him. The imprint she had left on him would allow her to find him anywhere. Turning her attention back to the task at hand, she escorted Jenny to her new home. Her heart was heavy with the way things had turned out for the boy.

  Seph entered his home and knew immediately Eva was gone. Just as his temper mingled with worry, she materialized in the kitchen.

  “You’re back.” She smiled and started toward him.

  “Where did you go?”

  Eva kissed his cheek. “I was called to duty. It was odd though. I had a hard time entering her mind. Jenny had the ability to block. Then when I finally freed her soul, she had the aura of an angel.”

  Seph shrugged it off. “Some humans do have special abilities, and it’s not uncommon to have angel ancestors. You know this and don’t change the subject. Did I not tell you to stay out of the human realm?” He tried yet failed to keep the angry tone from his voice. She didn’t understand the risk she took by leaving the house.

  “You did but I have a duty.” She brushed past him and went to the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water. His mate’s irritation filtered through the air, but he refused to relent. Especially not after Lucifer’s threat.

  Maybe I should just tell her? He quic
kly decided that was a bad decision. Eva would worry more about him and endanger herself by stepping into something that was over her head.

  “You could have requested another guardian to take your place.” He leaned against the wall and crossed his arms.

  She spun to face him, her fingers curled into her palms. “I have never delegated my duties. What is going on that you would even ask me to do so?”

  “I cannot tell you.” Keeping her in the dark, regarding what was happening, was for her safety. “You will stay in this realm. As a matter of fact, you should stay in the house until further notice.” His mind wandered to places where he might keep her safe, but it came up empty. Even though Lucifer likely had spies here, it was still the safest place for his mate. Especially if she stayed at home.

  “If you refuse to give me a valid reason, then I don’t see why I should listen.” Her voice was deadly calm, but her eyes lit with fire.

  A ripple of Lucifer’s evil rushed through Seph as a reminder of what they were playing with. Brimstone and fire were ways mortals described Hell and its demon king, but there was no way to describe Lucifer. The longer he reigned, the blacker his soul became. What was he planning to unleash once he gained his freedom? Seph could only guess and the pictures that were forming in his head were not ones he liked.

  Not one fucking bit.

  Lucifer would kill Eva without flinching.

  “Now is not the time to question or give me attitude.” He had never raised his voice at Eva and refused to start now. However, he made sure to inflict his lethal power into every word. “I’ve been around far longer than you, and––”

  She glared. “Do not play the age card with me, Sephtis. We have been mated far too long for that.”


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