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Unleash The Darkness: (Eternally Mated Novela)

Page 6

by Valerie Twombly

“Good boy,” she cooed, still not sure how to handle the situation. It was obvious this was a hellhound pup, but where was its mother? Every angel was versed in “stay the fuck away from hellhounds.” They snacked on their prey. Dead or alive, the beasts didn’t care. However, she recalled Wraith. Though she had never met the hound, she was familiar with the story of how he befriended Ashley. Still...

  Eva, not wanting to turn her back on the little beastie, backed away in the direction of the water flow. Maybe he would wander off back to his mother or something. Instead, he followed her.

  “Shoo. Go home.” She flailed her arms in exaggerated movements trying to scare him off, but his tail wagged harder. Eva stopped, slapped her hand over her mouth, and laughed. “Yeah, I suppose scaring off a hellhound is rather unlikely.” She sighed, hands on her hips. “What am I supposed to do with you?” She didn’t have time for this so turned her back and began to follow the creek. The Maker help her, she needed to find a way out of here.

  Chapter Eight

  Seph made his way out of Lulerain and to the farthest southern region of Hell. This area was where Charon helped the more wealthy souls cross over. Even in Hell money talked, and the rich were not immune to the evils that plagued society. Sometimes they were the worst offenders, but a person could buy their way into the better parts of the Underworld. Here, a soul could be reincarnated into a demon. There had been times during Seph’s bachelorhood that he might have liked Charon’s job, but it meant total servitude to Lucifer. Charon hadn’t left Hell since he’d become the ferryman. Seph wondered if the man was even able to hold a human form any longer. Guess he’d find out.

  Reaching for the next portal, he stepped in and seconds later exited into a balmy landscape. Seph had only been to this region a couple of times. The wealthy weren’t normally the ones he escorted to Hell. His were much more tainted: serial killers, rapists, and the like were therefore dropped off in the northern region were they usually ended up in Lulerain. The southern portion of Hell was more like a tropical paradise, if there was such a thing down here.

  Seph followed the river as it meandered along sandy banks dotted with palm trees. He shook his head as he stared at demons lounging as if they were vacationing at a posh resort. Many looked at him with fear in their eyes. He doubted they saw a reaper other than Charon in this section of Hell often. Becoming impatient, he moved faster along the landscape, searching the waters for Charon. Finally, he spotted the boat that the reaper navigated heading his direction. He summoned his wings and took flight, making a soft landing on the deck of the boat.

  “Ferryman.” Seph bowed his head slightly.

  “Sephtis. I have not seen you in centuries. What brings you to this part of Hell?” Charon asked, his face hidden in the shadows of his hood.

  “I know it’s been a long time, and I come seeking a favor.”

  The boat followed an invisible path to shore and headed for a dock. The two passengers gave Seph a nervous glance. Probably fearful they would be jerked from their ride and sprinted away to a less desirable destination. Relief swept over them when the boat docked, and they were escorted off by a younger demon who would take them the rest of the way into Etodall. The lord who presided over this region would make the final decision where these two souls would reside and if they would become reincarnated. Finally, Charon brought his attention back to Seph.

  “What is this favor you seek?” There was a hint of sarcasm laced in his voice. Not that Seph could blame the guy. They hadn’t seen each other in forever and here Seph was asking for favors.

  “My mate was dragged into Hell and I need help finding her.”

  Charon finally pushed back his hood, and Seph was relieved to see he was in fact still able to hold his human form. His blue eyes sparkled with the same mischief Seph had remembered. “How long have you been mated?”

  “One hundred years.”

  Charon smiled but Seph saw the sadness behind it. “I have not heard of any guardian angels in this area, but I can ask my connections in the other regions to keep an eye out for her.”

  “Can they be trusted?”

  Charon laughed. “As well as any demon. A reward for her safe return would likely help.”

  “Done. I will grant them any amount of gold to ensure her safety. I can also say that the Angel of Death would not be pleased if anything were to happen to my mate.” Seph was certain whoever harmed Eva would be tortured for eternity. Ashley and Eva had grown close.

  The ferryman lifted a brow. “I will relay that message. However, my services do not come free.”

  And there it was. Didn’t matter. Seph would pay whatever was requested. “Name it.”

  “I require you to be my replacement for thirty days. I need a vacation.”

  “Shit. When was the last time you were out of here?”

  Charon scratched the scruff on his chin then leveled his gaze back on Seph. “Not since I came here.” He lifted a shoulder. “While there are more than enough female demons to go around, I find that I have forgotten what a human female feels like.”

  “Done, but my mate must be safe beforehand.”

  Charon gave a nod of agreement. “I will contact the others.”

  Seph gave a bow to his longtime friend. “Thank you.” Then he flew off in the hopes the others might have information by now.

  Eva forged on, following the creek, and was pleased when it began to widen. She hoped it was a sign she was going in the right direction. Meanwhile, the hellhound pup still tagged along next to her. She looked over at the creature and wondered if he was alone in the world too.

  “You’re a real rebel, you know that?”

  He simply looked up at her, tongue dangling from one side of his mouth, and she could swear he smiled. She shook her head. “That’s what I’m going to call you. Rebel.” Eva hated to admit she enjoyed having his company as long as he didn’t try to take a bite out of her.

  She continued along, her new friend in tow. Every once in a while, Rebel would make her laugh as he would frolic after some small flying... Well, she wasn’t sure if they had insects in Hell or if they were some sort of demon. This world was so foreign to her. One thing was certain, she was growing weary and hungry. She’d not eaten since the peanut butter sandwich Freddie had given her earlier. Her thoughts went to the boy, and she hoped he was okay.

  Finally, they came to an open grassy field with a small tree line to the south. It looked like a good place to rest so Eva plopped down and leaned against a tree. Rebel did a few laps around the tree next to her before he lifted his leg.

  Eva yawned. Her lids started to drift shut but she snapped them open. Fighting a losing battle, she finally allowed them to close even though she knew better.

  Only for a moment.

  She must have drifted off to sleep.

  Something poked her.

  “Ouch!” She forced her burning eyes open only to find a demon standing over her, a walking stick in hand. She quickly scanned the area to search for others but didn’t see any. She also didn’t see Rebel either. Ungrateful mutt. Figures now he’d decide to go home.

  “Stop poking me with that thing or I’m going to shove it up your ass,” she snarled. Damn, but she was testy. Apparently lack of food and sleep had finally gotten to her.

  The demon––who happened to look more human than beast––must have accepted her challenge because he poked her again. “Angels fetch a pretty price in these parts.”

  Cripes. Is that all these demons ever thought about? Eva had all she could take and jumped to her feet, jerked the cane from his grip, and threw it. “I’m not for sale.” She really should have broken it off in his ass, but it wasn’t her nature. The demon took her by surprise when he pulled out a long blade and shoved her against the tree, the sharp edge of his knife pressed against her neck.

  “I think I’ll just have you for myself.” He rubbed his erection against her while his free hand groped her breast.

  Bile mixed with panic rolled up her throat,
but she fell back into her training. Running on instinct, Eva slammed her hand into his chest, dug her fingers into the hollow at the base of his throat, shoved in, and pulled downward. As the demon stepped back, she brought her knee up and nailed his junk, sending him into a doubled over position. Before he could recover, she ran, trying the entire time to call Seph’s sword but nothing happened. Her heart raced with fear because she knew the demon would come after her. Still, she followed the riverbank and continued trying to reach anyone. She hadn’t gone far when she was tackled to the ground. The demon had her by the ankles so she kicked out, but he was stronger.

  She clawed at the ground trying to escape, but he dragged her to him.

  She screamed and fought with every ounce of strength she had, and then the most frightening sound reached her ears. A skin-crawling growl. Followed by a scream of terror and suddenly she was free. Jumping to her feet, she debated whether or not to look behind her.

  She did and found Rebel with his jaw latched onto the demon’s calf; the hound’s eyes glowed red.

  “Call off your beast!” the demon begged.

  “Why should I? You were going to rape me.” She had half a mind to let Rebel have his snack, but her nurturing side warred with her. Shit. This was one of those times she wished to be a hardened warrior.

  “I was only kidding. I wasn’t really going to hurt you.”

  “Rebel.” The hound paused, but kept his jaw locked tight. “Here’s the deal. Leave your weapon and never bother me again.”

  “Done.” He tossed his blade toward her, and she bent to retrieve it. This was probably a mistake, but she gave the command.

  “Rebel, let him go.”

  The hound released the demon, who now sported a rather nasty bite. Blood oozed down his calf as he made his way to his feet. “You’re not worth the trouble.” He vanished into thin air and Eva’s shoulders slumped.

  “Rebel. I’m so happy to see you!”

  The beastie wagged his tail then bounded off behind a tree. When he came back, he had something in his mouth that he dropped at her feet. She looked down, discovered a rodent-looking carcass, and tried not to wrinkle her nose. “Aww, you brought me dinner, but I like my meat cooked.” She glanced into the tree line, biting her lip.

  “Besides, I don’t think we should stick around here.”

  Rebel nosed his offering then looked up at her. It was hard to resist those puppy eyes. “Ok.” There was enough brush and sticks, maybe she could rub something together. She was starving after all. As if reading her mind, Rebel trotted off, picked up a stick, and brought it back to her, dropping it at her feet. She laughed.

  “Okay, I get the idea.” Eva went about gathering wood with Rebel’s help, and soon they had a nice small pile. She stared at the firewood and sighed. “I don’t have any powers, Rebel. I don’t know what has happened to them.”

  The hellhound approached the pile and stared at it. Right before Eva’s eyes, smoke began to curl upward from between the sticks. Eva dropped to her knees and blew into the smoldering twigs, elated to see embers glow and flames catch the wood on fire. She sat back on her haunches and stared in wonderment, first at the flames then at the hound. “Dog might be man’s best friend, but you have proved today that a hellhound is this angel’s.” Rebel came up and licked her cheek, sending her into a fit of laughter.

  “Okay, Reb. Let’s get this cooked.”

  A few minutes later she had fashioned a crude spit and had the rodent roasting over the fire. While not exactly fine dining, she was hungry and had a life growing inside her. If this was what it took to survive, then so be it. She looked skyward and said a silent thank you to the Maker then looked at the hound curled up at her feet sleeping. The little beastie was quickly becoming her best ally in this foreign world.

  Seph continued his attempts at reaching Eva telepathically, but to no avail. His gut told him she was still alive because he would know if she was otherwise. He reassured himself repeatedly. Currently, Cade and Raze searched the far reaches of Lulerain. Lyzander and Kelana had taken another area of Hell’s pit and were snooping for any Intel, which might lead them to a new female angel in the area. So far, no one was having any luck. Ashley had dispatched every demon under her command with strict orders to “find that angel.” Both she and Eli had taken the western region, a territory called Owar, a grassland that led into dense forests where all kinds of evil lurked. They hadn’t reported any news. Tegan had gone back to the Maker to question Fredrick, in hopes he might learn what Lucifer’s plans were. Afterward, Tegan would begin a search for the boy’s sister who had started this entire mess. They had every reason to believe she had the box containing Lucifer. There hadn’t been any indications he’d been released yet.

  Hell would literally break loose when that happened, but Seph did worry that Lucifer might sit tight in hiding and plot whatever mess he planned to unleash. He stared into the distance. Hell was a massive world with at least five territories, and his Eva could be anywhere. He’d never felt so lost or alone in his entire life.


  Seph glanced beside him. “Wraith. How familiar are you with the eastern region?” It was the only place not covered yet.

  “The east is mostly desert and not well traveled, but don’t let that fool you. There are a lot of traps, not that I think you can’t handle yourself.”

  Seph simply offered a grunt.

  “I’ve sent word out to all of my friends, and so far none have seen or heard of any angels,” Wraith continued.

  Seph pulled in a deep breath and closed his eyes, needing to find calm. “Will your kind harm her if they encounter her?” Hellhounds had a nasty reputation and for good reason. They ripped their prey to shreds and consumed every last morsel. To a hound, anything that moved was considered edible. Their appetites were enormous.

  “I can’t speak for all hounds, but those who belong to my pack will make sure she stays safe if they find her. Currently, they’re searching for my nephew who was separated from his father.”

  Seph raised a brow and opened his eyes to look at Wraith. “I thought you were all linked together?”

  “Usually we are, but the pup is young and has not yet developed all of his skills.”

  “I see. Well if I run into him, I’ll be sure to let you know.”

  “I’m going with you. I know the eastern territory fairly well, and there are a few places we can visit to ask questions.”

  “I appreciate the assistance. Let’s get going then. I’m now concerned word has gotten out we are looking for a lost angel, and others will start searching for her as well.”

  “Good point. Those demons won’t have her best interest at heart.”

  Seph didn’t even want to think about it. Most demons were pure evil, and anything that would gain them gold or favor, they wouldn’t hesitate to snatch it. He took small comfort in the fact Eva hadn’t called his sword again so hopefully that meant she was safe. He prayed that was the case as he headed for a gate that would take them deep into the territory of Iman.

  “I hear Lucifer has a black book of his conquests in the bedroom,” Wraith said as they entered the gate.

  “Yes. You’ve seen it?”

  “I had a chance to look it over. I found the entry about Zuriel interesting.”

  “Zuriel?” Light flashed then they were pulled into the pitch black as the gate transported them. Seconds later, they stood on the edge of a small town.

  “Yes. Surely you know of Zuriel? All Hell knows that story.”

  “Of course I know.” Seph trudged across the sand, his boots leaving deep impressions. “She was the first and only female warrior––well, that is until Kelana. She and the Maker were best friends, but as they got older, Zuriel developed affections for Lucifer. It’s said that when he left heaven, Zuriel fell from grace to follow him.”

  “Hmm. What do you suppose happened then?”

  Seph stopped to stare at the hound. “Lucifer killed her or so the story goes.”
He narrowed his gaze. “What was in the book?”

  “Zuriel bore Lucifer a son before she died. He was named Logan.” Wraith continued walking.

  “Wait! What the ever loving hell?” He moved beside the beast. “You mean to tell me that Lucifer, and the only female fallen angel ever, had a son?”

  Wraith turned his head and looked Seph up and down but continued walking. “You don’t look like a stupid angel.”

  “Smart ass. Do any of the others know this yet?”

  “No idea. If they read the book then I would imagine they do.”

  Seph swatted away a dragonfly demon. “Does it say where the boy is?”

  “See, that’s the funny thing. There is no mention of him except for the birth. It is unlike the other entries of Lucifer’s children.”

  “Maybe the child died shortly after birth.” Seph wondered if any of the others knew this information.

  “Perhaps. But can you comprehend the power that child might possess?” Wraith opened his massive jaw and raised up on his haunches, snatching a dragonfly from the air. Seph wasn’t sure why he bothered, as the small creature would be no more than an hors d’oeuvres to the hound.

  “That was centuries ago, we would have learned of Logan by now. He must be dead.” Good thing too because yeah, a fallen warrior and Lucifer? The child would have some shit kickin’ powers. Even Seph shuddered to think about it.

  “Never discount anything. Simply because time hasn’t revealed the son does not mean he is dead.” Wraith jerked Seph from his thoughts.

  “Whatever. I have more important things to worry about now than some lost child. Are we going into town or not?”

  Wraith jerked his head toward the buildings on the horizon. “As you wish.”

  Chapter Nine

  After a hot meal and another quick nap with the watchful Rebel on duty, Eva was as refreshed as one could be in her situation. She got to her feet, stretched, and gave a yawn. Rebel was already running circles around her legs. Apparently, he was ready to move on.


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