Lasting Attraction

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Lasting Attraction Page 2

by Ashley Beale

  I reach up and grab the showerhead, bringing it down to run over her body. She lays the back of her head on my shoulder, letting me massage her with the flow of water. I use my free hand to go between her legs, which she immediately opens for me, then I move the shower head to meet my fingers down there.

  "Oh," she breathes when the hot water touches her sensitive area. Between the pressure of my fingers and the hot water beating against her clit, it doesn't take long for her to start shaking in my hold. "God, Pierce, I'm going to come so fast."

  My dick immediately hardens against her tight ass and I get an idea for when we get out of the shower. I add more pressure to her sensitive area and I'm nearly coming again already, just at the thought of putting my dick in her ass once and for all. Her shaking increases and her panting become louder before she finally starts to scream out in pleasure, repeating my name over and over.

  I drop the shower head and turn her around to face me. Her eyes widen in surprise and I pull on her hips until she jumps up and wraps her legs around me. "I'm putting my dick in your ass," I tell her.

  She starts to laugh before she realizes how serious I am then she completely deadpans. "No you're not."

  "Cassie, come on baby. God, I can only imagine how tight you'd feel around me." One hand snakes down and my fingers runs along the crack of her ass.

  She pushes on my shoulders and to avoid her from falling down, I let my grip go so she can stand up again. She steps out of the shower, grabs a towel, and walks out of the bathroom, closing the door behind her. She doesn't even give me a moment to respond. I can't tell if she is actually mad or playing a game with me. I like when she plays games with me, it fucking turns me on so much. I can't explain it.

  But I never intended to actually make her mad.

  Girls- god they're so confusing!

  I know I need to wash up real quick, so I use shampoo to wash myself head to toe, and after I place the showerhead back where it belongs, I rinse off and get out of the shower. When I walk out of the bathroom I go straight into my room. I see her pile of clothes next to the bathroom door, so I know she is still naked and waiting for me.

  When I walk into my bedroom, Cassie is laying on my bed, legs spread wide and she is grinning. Her fingers move down to touch herself and I can't seem to move. I'm stuck right here, watching her.

  "You're not getting my ass, I'm sorry to say Pierce, but I'm going to give you quite a show. I suggest you sit down and enjoy yourself." I don't question anything as I take my desk chair and place it directly in front her and watch the special treat she has decided to give me.

  Blood, sweat, tears. Fighting brings all those things out in me. I'm not talking about the physical type of fighting though. No, I'm talking about for my heart. For my angel. She is mine, she'll forever be mine. I haven't been fighting hard, thinking that all along she'd choose me in the end. Now I'm not so sure. So I'm fighting, and I'll continue to fight, I'll do whatever it takes to get her back in my arms. Back in my future. Back to being made just for me.

  The plane arrives just after ten and I know its too late at night to stop into her place. I never got a key off from her and technically I'm not supposed to be arriving until tomorrow. Instead I make my way over to Mason's in a taxi. He meets me outside, because apparently Aubrey is ready to cave my face in, so she claimed the last few months. I know I fucked up, but I haven't had the time to explain myself. I'm not going to either, not until I get an hour or two alone with Cassie.

  Mason and I climb into his pickup without much conversation. We give each other props before he starts the car. We had plans to go out to the Tuck Hut tonight. Its a new outdoor Mexican restaurant with live local bands. I'm in need for some booze, good food, and a great friend. I've needed this for months. Fighting isn't doing it for me right now, not without Cassie.

  "How was your flight?"

  I look over to Mason and lift a brow. "Like every other fuckin' flight I've been on lately, boring and long and cramped."

  "Sorry man, that sucks."

  "Yeah, its whatever. How’s Dakota?"

  He smiles at me like the proud dad he is. "She is perfect. She has been babbling and I wouldn't be surprised if she said her first word any day now. When Aubrey isn't around, I keep saying 'Dada' over and over, hoping that'll be her first word."

  "Aubrey would probably cry."

  "No doubt. She still cries about everything. The pregnancy did a number on her for sure."

  I should probably feel bad for him, but I can't. I don't. He has it all. A gorgeous wife who loves just him, a beautiful, healthy daughter, and a job that'll pay their bills until college is done. Hell, I think Aubrey is starting work sometime here soon. I won't admit it out loud, yet, but I want everything he has, and absolutely nothing more.

  We arrive at the restaurant just a few minutes later and the parking lot is full. I hop out of the truck and we both make our way to the hostess stand. The little blonde with perky tits smiles at me like I'm her fucking prey. God, if only I could just screw anyone I wanted to. I've tried, lord knows I have, but I can't. Not anymore. Not without thinking about Cassie.

  It doesn't stop me from staring at her tight ass as she walks us to our table. Once she places the menus on the high top table, her hand accidently glides across the front of my jeans. An uncontrollable growl reverberates through my throat at the touch, giving her a start. With a fluff of her blonde hair she walks off, leaving a laughing Mason and an annoyed me behind.

  "Dude, you just growled," Mason says as we take our seats.

  "She touched my dick."

  His eyes move from the menu to look up at me. "Since when is that a bad thing? You're used to that shit."

  I run my hand through my hair, using the other hand to hold the menu while I search for something to eat and drink. I'm not explaining myself. I haven't yet and I don't plan to tonight. No, fuck that shit, I plan to drink some beer, eat some nachos and quesadillas, and have a good time. I'll drink myself into a slumber, passing out wherever the hell I end up. That way morning will be here and I can finally go see Cassie.

  The waitress comes over takes our order, not paying much attention to either of us. Thank fucking god. The music is better than I expected and the weather outside is perfect. Its a good atmosphere and I wish I were in a better mood, so I could actually enjoy myself. You'd think I would be in a fantastic mood, considering I'm back home finally, and I know I can clear shit up this week. That is, if I'm not kicked out of Cassie's place this week, or if Pierce is there the whole time. Fuck. He better not be.

  Before the waitress even places my ale down on the table, I'm picking it up and pressing it to my lips, guzzling back as much as I possibly can. I've been a little more used to the hard shit while being gone, so the taste is bitter and thick, but its exactly what I need right now.

  Mason is smiling at me behind his bottle as he takes a much smaller sip. When he places it down he looks at me knowingly. "Dude, calm your shit. You'll see Cass tomorrow and you can clear the air. You need to tell me anyways if that shit is true. Katie, really? A fucking sex tape. What were you thinking?"

  I just pick back up the beer and finish it off, waving it in the air with a burp. The waitress sees me and gives me a small smile while walking towards the bar. Good, she'll get a good tip. I make plenty of money now, may as well spend it on people who deserve it.

  "Fine," Mason says after he realizes I'm not saying anything. "Not tonight. Let’s just have a good time. You're third in your class, that’s some awesome shit."

  I haven't admitted this out loud but I know I can trust Mason. "I've lost it."

  "Lost what? The fight? No, you're..."

  "No," I interrupt. "No, I've lost my love for fighting. It used to consume me, now its just filling a void, and not very well. I can't focus. I don't wake up excited. I'm not anxious before a fight and I don't give a shit if I win. I just go out, fight, go to some empty hotel and count my days until I'm back home."

  I play with the napkin o
n the table, waiting for some of Mason's advice.

  "Then stop."

  Not what I was expecting him to say.

  "What?" I ask, looking up to him.

  He shrugs his shoulders. "Quit. Tell them your shoulder is hurting, or you're not breathing well, or some shit. Get out of your contracts."

  "I can't just quit."

  "Why not? If you want to fight, fight, if you don't want to, then stop."

  I shake my head at him. "I knew I shouldn't have said anything. I can't just quit. I'm just saying, I don't love it anymore. I'm sure once I see Pierce's hand on Cassie I'll be fueled with fight once more, so its whatever."

  "Just take it out on the guys in the ring, you know, the ones you get paid to fight."

  I laugh as my new beer and the nachos are brought to the table. We both dig in and leave the conversation at a standstill.

  A few more beers in, I'm finally forgetting all about Cassie, the fighting, Katie, and all the other bullshit. I'm catching up on Mason's life, laughing, and enjoying myself. Just what I need. A few different times girls have come up and asked to dance with either Mason or I, but instead of dancing with them, I just buy them a drink and they're off somewhere else. A lot of people know I'm making some dough, so it doesn't surprise me that they're trying to get my attention. My cock could use a good release, or two, something other than my hand, but I already know none of these girls will be succeed in making me feel better so I don't bother.

  As the night goes on, things start to blur together, moments start to be forgotten, and before I know it, I'm being half dragged out to the parking lot. Mason helps me up into his pickup and I lay sloppily in the seat, laying my head against the chilled glass. He gets in his side, cranking the engine, then we pull out of the driveway.

  "Just bring me to my dad’s," I tell him. At least, I think I do. I can barely speak as my stomach starts to curdle. I don't think I'll puke but I was throwing back those thick ales so fast, I guess I wouldn't be surprised.

  When the truck parks, I reach for the handle but miss... twice. By the third time, the door swings open but I don't think I'm the one who opens it. I lean into Mason and we walk to a very familiar apartment building. I start to say something but Mason beats me to it. "I got Aubrey's key. She isn't home tonight, so you'll be fine. You need to rest."

  I don't argue as we make it into Cassie's apartment. It's dark and lonely already. I strip out of my shoes, falling only once, then strip out of my jeans, leaving them next to the door. My shirt comes off at some point before I walk into my room for the next week. Even as drunk as I am, I see that the pillows are ruffled and I can smell her. I haven't smelt her in so many months it hits me like a ton of bricks.


  Mason helps me lay down and he walks towards the door. "Your phone is on the night stand. Call if you need me. Lay on your stomach dude, you don't look so good."

  I lift my hand in the air and drop it, unable to say anything or move too much. He gets the hint and leaves. I hear as the door closes and I try my dammest to fall asleep, but that smell. Her smell. Its all-consuming. The pillows are drenched in everything Cassie. The last time we were in this bed was just...

  Shit, now I have a boner.

  Boners while laying on your fucking stomach are not fun. I lift myself up to roll over and realize yeah, I'm going to throw up. I make it out of the bed and into the bathroom in just moments, lifting the toilet seat as I toss up the Mexican food and beer. Its definitely not good passing through my mouth a second time. This shit sucks.

  After a few rounds and a bit of dry heaving, I search under the sink in the cabinets to find the mouthwash. Placing it back under the sink I see something that immediately has my blood boiling. I'm completely sober now. Fuck! I'm pissed.

  So, he is here. Awesome.

  I thought I was ready. I thought I could do this. I'm not so sure now.

  His shoes and jeans are by the door and I can hear him snoring in the back room that is occupied with his stuff. He is sleeping in the bed I've spent many restless nights in. Not that I allow anyone to know that.

  We have so much to discuss and I'm scared. I'm terrified. I'm not sure how to start the conversation.

  I'm not sure I want to start the conversation.

  There is so much to discuss, so much more than he realizes. Than anyone realizes.

  Well, ready or not.

  I close the door behind me and make my way towards the coffee pot. Once that is brewing and the aroma makes its way around the kitchen, I make my way into my bedroom to dispose of yesterday’s clothing and to throw on some sweats. I don't think its appropriate for me to wear normal clothing attire right now, or anything remotely attractive. I'm pretty sure this week I'll be wearing a lot of loose fit clothing so he doesn't have to be tempted by me in any way. Let’s just hope he is wearing clothes, so I won’t be tempted by him.

  I will not give into temptation with him. I will not. I cannot. I won't.

  There is too much to lose. There is too much to discuss. There has been too much put between us.

  Its Pierce and I now. That’s the way it’ll be. There is no changing that.

  I walk into the bathroom and add some deodorant and brush my teeth, then I adjust my ponytail. I'll worry about my shower after I eat something and have a little coffee. Its summer vacation and Pierce is at work, so its not like I have to rush my morning.

  While pouring coffee into my mug, I hear the creak of the floor so I know he is awake. My heart immediately starts to thump extra hard and my palms sweat. I've pictured this moment so many times but it hasn't prepared me enough. I have butterflies in my belly and my throat is tightening up. I close my eyes and take a few deep breathes as I inhale his scent behind me. I cannot believe how terrified I am to face him.

  After a slow, small sip of my hot coffee, I hesitantly turn around and face Avery. I'm sure my heart has never pumped so hard in its life.

  We both just stare at one another. Those green eyes piercing into my own, his lips dry and cracked, not giving away any emotion. No smile, no frown, just a straight line. The scruff around his jaw line a little thicker than the last time I saw him but not too much. It still looks amazing on him. His hair on his head has grown out just a little and its completely unruly, sticking up in every which way. He has added a lot of tone and muscle to his already gorgeous body, as well as a few more tattoos. As my eyes make their way down his nearly naked body, I stop at the wings coming up from under his boxer briefs. I want to ask, but I don't. I won't. I already know. Angel wings. Shit!

  I notice that I'm biting down on my lip so hard I end up drawing blood. I can taste the bitter liquid in my mouth and it brings me back to reality. My eyes meet his again just as he raises an eyebrow. What do I say? What do I do? Should I act pissed? Excited? Happy? Sad? Nonchalant? I don't freaking know! How aggravating!


  Yup, that is what I say. Pathetic, Cassie, just pathetic.

  "Can I get some?" Well, at least I said hey. He doesn't even greet me.

  I smile softly and move out of the way so he can get his own damn coffee. He can't expect me to get him some after the shit he pulled.

  I sit on a bar stool, taking a few more small sips while he pours his coffee. I watch his muscles pull and twist as he reaches for a cup and stirs his sugar in the coffee. When he turns back towards me, I hurry my eyes to look at his face but its too late, he caught me. He smirks ever so much before taking a sip of his damn drink. This is bullshit.

  "How are you?" I finally dare myself to ask.

  "Fucking fantastic."

  Wow, what an ass. Shouldn't I be the pissed one here?

  He looks at my cup when I place it down and he gives me a bitter smile. "How's Pierce?"

  Oh, so it makes sense. Right. Of course he'd be pissed, too. I still have more of the right, but whatever. Its not a competition. Although, sometimes with Avery it certainly feels that way.

  "Great. How's Katie?" Oops.

  His lips l
ift into that boyish grin that I usually love but right now, not so much. In fact, its straight pissing me off, because he is doing it on purpose. He has that look that says he is about to really piss me off! "She’s great. We had a blast last night."

  I think I'm going to be...

  I get up and run to the bathroom. Yup. He literally just made me sick.

  I brush my teeth, again, and take a long look in the mirror. I hear as he passes the door and makes his way into his current bedroom. I startle a bit when he slams the door. I thought I was confused before, I thought I was hurt before, now, I just don't know what I am! Damn, this really sucks!

  Returning to the kitchen, I dump my drink down the drain and I place the mug in the sink. He didn't even finish half his drink either. I think on it for a minute before I turn around and grab the salt from the back of the stove. I walk over and pour some in his coffee before I stir it up and walk back into my bedroom, slamming the door as well.

  Its less than twenty minutes before I hear cussing and grumbling and spitting coming from the kitchen. Good, that'll teach him. All of a sudden I'm super nervous as I hear him slam the mug down and his feet walking heavily in my direction. Oh no, I hadn't thought that far in advance. The same time my door swings open I start apologizing immensely.

  "Avery, I'm sorry, seriously. I just..."

  "You just what?" He cocks his head at me.

  "I wasn't thinking."

  "You never think Cassie! That is your damn problem." His fist hits my door and I hear the wood splinter. Wonderful.

  He shakes his head before running both his hands down the front of his face. I sit down on my bed and scoot back until I'm in the corner near the headboard. When he looks in my direction again, it nearly breaks my heart. He looks like a lost, lonely puppy dog. Thankfully a fully dressed one now.

  He takes a step forward, almost asking permission to enter. I silently nod my head, allowing him in here without saying as much. I'm too scared to speak. Like he said, I don't ever think. "Sorry about the door,” he says, pointing his thumb. "I'll fix it."


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