The Princess of Wands (Villainess Book 3)

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The Princess of Wands (Villainess Book 3) Page 12

by Alana Melos

  Rory sat up as Adira turned me over on my back, her mouth clamped over my breast still. Unlike in myth, vampire bites had no inherent pleasurable aspect to them, no waves of ecstasy… it was pain, pure and simple, but I liked pain. With the right kind of build up, I enjoyed it more than pleasure, and her bite, hard and firm, caused a wave of want to sweep through me. Helpless in the throes of lust, I opened my eyes briefly to see Rory naked in all his glory. His erect cock bobbed a little as he climbed onto the bed again, this time feeling his way up my legs with his rough hands.

  I couldn’t articulate my want aloud. I want you here, I sent to them both, showing them visions of me tasting every inch of Rory’s hardness. Opening myself, I let them feel what I felt. It was an incomplete circle as it had to be with any non-'path, but more exotic for having the two of them with me. Their desire ebbed into me and trickled into each other. It wasn’t just lust for them. It was affection and the understanding of old lovers who had grown used to things one way, but revitalized by a new scenario in their lovemaking.

  When he repositioned himself to kneel by my head, I took the head of his cock into my mouth. This Adira did for him, loving to use her mouth, but always her host rebelled against it. Since they shared the same body, Huraiva had no choice but to give in now and again. Sometimes her reluctance bled through to make the encounter less than satisfactory. Not so with me. I sucked him eagerly, tasting every inch. I ran my tongue along his shaft to lubricate him as he moaned. Adira licked the wounds she’d made around my nipple slowly, her tongue teasing the bite marks and my nipple both, driving me crazy. This in turn made me suck harder, wanting to get the same whimpers out of Rory which were being pulled from me. Adira’s hand snaked down, tracing a line over my stomach until she reached the juncture between my legs. She spread me, forcing my legs open wider and then stroked me softly while I licked and stroked Rory.

  Letting our desire run through me to feed our pleasure, I tied it together, making it all one, however briefly. Adira began to move down as Rory thrust slowly into my mouth, savoring the sensation of a warm mouth around his prick. I swallowed him as she began to swallow me, licking me as her wolf had licked her. Her cool tongue slid over my clit, chilling me as I trembled. It increased my heat instead of diminishing it. The vampire gave it her all, ravenously devouring my sex as I swallowed Rory’s, pumping the base of his cock with my fist as I sucked the head. He grunted with exertion, trying not to thrust wholly into my mouth though he wanted to grab me and fuck my face without any sort of subtlety. I reveled in the primal urge and fed it until he quivered there. Stock still, he gripped my hair and bobbed my head in time to my movements, striving for that feeling of taking control while not tipping over the edge into shedding his skin.

  At the same time, Adira ravished my pussy. She thrust her fingers into my wetness and fucked me with them hard and wanton as she lavished my clit with fast licks. My ecstasy grew and I whimpered with need. I wanted to come. I needed to come. Right on the edge, I teetered on the razor fine edge of climaxing until Adira sent me flying over the edge. As I came, I moaned around Rory’s hardness, unable to keep sucking under the onslaught of pleasure. They felt it too and the wolf withdrew from me, panting heavily as he growled.

  “Move,” he said to Adira. “Move, I want to fuck her.”

  The vampire smiled and gave me a last lick before crawling up the bed to kiss me. I tasted myself on her lips as the wolf opened my legs wide and probed at my swollen, heated pussy. Each brush of his cock sent me into shivers and I moaned into Adira’s mouth as her tongue ravaged me. Her desire, fed by my own and Rory’s had begun to rise again, fierce and wicked. Pleasure ruled ruled our circle. Each sensation, each touch… kiss… lick… every little thing brought the three of us higher and higher. As Rory thrust into me, he groaned and clawed at my thighs, trying to pull me closer to him.

  Adira broke the kiss and gave me a wicked smile. I saw her intent in her mind and nodded my assent, licking my lips in anticipation. It had been a while since I’d pleasured a woman but my sexuality was fluid. I tended to prefer men, but when push came down to shove: I didn’t care. A body was a body was a body. The fulfillment I sought wasn’t just for my body, but for my mind. I needed emotions. I craved them like any drug. So long as a person felt deeply, or their meat responded to my attentions, that was all which mattered.

  When she moved, she was careful not to hurt me, especially since the wolf kept pumping between my thighs, fucking me hard and fast. I couldn’t help but to be jogged by his thrusts. When he saw Adira position her pussy over my face, he stopped with one hard thrust and held there, watching his partner with hungry eyes. She kissed him as my hands curled around her legs, steadying her. Perhaps a bit awkward in practice, but we made it work. Sometimes, I felt so sorry for the mindblind; without my ‘pathy it would have taken us forever to get coordinated. As it was, I shared their desires and intentions throughout the circle and we worked together as one, heightening the pleasure for all.

  Her lower lips were as cool as the ones on her face, but it didn’t detract from my excitement at all. As I kissed her softly and spread her open, she told me without words how she wanted it, where, how hard, and how much. Man, I loved that about some people. Even intimate couples sometimes had a hard time talking about what they wanted specifically, so when I found someone who told me, I relished it. Of course, when the mood struck me I’d tease them no matter how much they begged. In this case, I dove right in, circling around her sex and tasting her. Perhaps because she was a vampire, but she tasted faintly of blood, which didn’t jibe with my memories of a woman. As I got into a rhythm and Adira began to bite Rory’s lip softly as they kissed, he started to move again. Each thrust began soft, almost tentative, but as our desire increased, so did his pace. A thunderous wave of desire swept through me, carrying us all along with it. It may have been a pale shadow of the circle I could work with Gerard, but the additional mind made it unique, almost confusing. It was as if I was getting fucked, getting licked, and fucking someone else all at the same time and every motion on the bed drove the three of us to new heights.

  When Adira undulated her hips, I moved mine in a similar way. Rory moved as well, but discordant to our rhythm, playing harmony to our melodies. One of his hands flew to the vampire’s cheek and he drew her close for another long kiss as he gave me short little strokes with his cock, barely moving back and forth. He hit all the right places with that and spurred on by my pleasure, I attacked Adira’s luscious pussy with vigor, whipping her clit with my tongue in fast and furious strokes. In response, Adira bit Rory’s lip a little, drawing blood before lapping it up and kissing him hard in return. She clawed his arm, her talons out and razor sharp. The skin sliced easily and I moaned, both in giving pain and receiving it. The wolf lay just below the surface, which was never more apparent than now. Even that small action split his skin, revealing the blood soaked fur underneath which sprang through the claw marks. The heat of him surged through his body, infecting me with his wildness, and my fingers tightened around Adira’s legs, forcing her to stay still as I savaged her pusssy.

  I’m close, Rory sent, unable to articulate the words vocally. His cock pulsed and both of us urged him on, told him to come hard, to come in me, to fill me up. The silent urgings tipped him over the edge of his pleasure and he ripped back his head to howl long and hard as if he were an animal and not a man. He shoved his cock into me hard, holding me there pinned. His climax set off a chain reaction; as our thoughts spurred him on to come in me, his pleasure caused me to orgasm around him. Our flesh throbbed together, aching and hot as the release swept through us and into Adira. Even though my licks had slowed down as I began to come and moan into her sex, she echoed our pleasure and came with us anyway. She leaned forward as she moaned and writhed on my face, putting her forehead against Rory’s chest as he drew a harsh, ragged breath after his howl.

  We three rode out the waves of pleasure until the very end, then disengaged from one another. I h
eaved a big sigh, feeling sated, yet full of energy at the same time. I wanted more, but I could tell at a glance they were done for now. Hmph. Just another reason to find Gerard. He was the only one I’d ever found who could keep pace with me, who was just as hungry for sensation and emotion as I.

  As Rory slipped his softening cock from me and climbed up on the bed, he nudged me up and over to lay on my side. When I moved as he wanted, he spooned me from behind as Adira lay down facing me. I had a feeling this was a more or less unique thing for them, though the polyamorous nature of the pack meant they had other lovers. It wasn’t just the mental tinkerings, but the fact of having a third with them at the same time in such a small circle.

  “That was something,” Rory said, kissing my shoulder. “If Adira wouldn’t have a fit, I’d have myself a smoke. I’ve earned one.”

  “They smell bad,” she said, wrinkling up her nose as she leaned over me to kiss him softly. As she moved back, she kissed me as well. “With your sense of smell, I do not know how you can stomach it.”

  “I like the smell,” he replied, rubbing my hip absently.

  “You guys do this often?” I asked, watching their emotions as they came down off of their ecstatic high. It wasn’t anything I’d ever seen before, not like this. Some of my lovers, like Septimus for example, started to get a crush, or small bits of affection for me because we’d fucked. These two, on the other hand, already had a relationship built on mutual trust and loyalty, as well as asynchronous desire. It wasn’t feelings forming because they had fucked. It was fucking because they had feelings, which was a whole ocean apart.

  “A threesome, you mean?” Rory asked. When I nodded, he shrugged, “Sometimes. Not often. The pack has to function different here.”

  Adira smoothed my hair absently, giving me small kisses as she did. This cooling down and cuddling part I’d rarely experienced. Either I was ready to go again, or I got up and left. It wasn’t bad… and because it was her, I sank into the sensations, letting her pet me as she liked. “This world… we found it’s better to function in small groups than as a whole. Every part of contributes to the whole, but some decided to stay in Germany, and others have been arrested.” A dark cloud obscured her eyes for a moment, “And… Richter.”

  “Why not have your big… blood orgy thing?” I asked, curious about it, though I had my suspicions as to why not.

  “Too many people go missing to feed us… it is not good,” she said, shaking her head slightly. “We did, once, and were found. They are serving time in the Citadel now, branded as criminals.”

  I nodded, having thought as much. “So it’s easier to work each other up in small groups, keep to a partner or two instead of everyone?” They nodded in unison. “If you’re gay, why not have a lady partner?”

  To that, she quirked her lips. “Some of us were partners before, and some not, but of the women who are left, none share my host’s inclinations.”

  “Ah…” I said, then fell silent considering. It didn’t seem right or fair, but in order to function, a person did what they had to do. I kept examining their thoughts, seeing the warm oranges, pinks, and golds of affection and loyalty, love even, if that’s truly what it was. It wasn’t just one thing a person felt, but many different things all wrapped together. When I turned my thoughts to myself, I noted a couple of new threads of feeling there, but I knew they were because of the blood I’d imbibed. They made me feel… sorry for the host, for Adira… for the pair of them. A certain sort of affection bloomed in me, but nothing like the obsession I held for Nosferatu. Maybe with him… maybe it was because… there had been something there to begin with for the blood to bring into the light?

  Had I real feelings for him?

  That would be crazy, even for the level of crazy I normally operated on. I was changing; he would not. If nothing else, he would use me and throw me away, especially if I brought this to his attention. I worked so well with him because we were predators. Never love a predator or a psychopath. They would just get what amusement from you they could and throw you away. I refused to be treated like that, yet those threads of emotion stayed put, as strong as ever.

  Pushing away from that, I looked at the vampire. “Can you let your host take over for a bit?” I asked. “I want to do something.”

  The slightest red of alarm ran through her mind, but she nodded. Trust was being earned and, after the shared experience, she was inclined to grant a favor. As she relinquished control, her skin grew a shade or two darker, her eyes a touch lighter. Huh. What an interesting indicator of age. When Nosferatu turned, Michael’s normally dark skin turned bone white. I knew he was old, but it still floored me when I thought about exactly how old the vampire must have been.

  “Yes…?” Huraiva said, her voice sweeter somehow, more tremulous.

  “Hold still,” I whispered and moved to kiss her. When our lips touched, she sighed the softest of sighs and relaxed, having held some pent up fear and frustration. It wasn’t the hungry kisses of before, but something soft and tender. A gift from me to her. Our tongue barely touched as we teased one another, keeping mouths only partially open, almost as if it were a kiss on a first date: something sweet with a lingering promise for more.

  When we parted, she opened her eyes and gazed at me. I read affection in them and swallowed any reaction I had to that. The old me would have scoffed at her outright, but this new kindler and gentler me kept any negative reactions under control. It was a gift; I wanted to give it to her so I had, but it meant nothing more.

  “Thank you,” she said, giving me another peck.

  “You should tell Adira to let you date or something,” I observed, smiling my fake smile tightly.

  Her skin paled a little and her eyes darkened as the vampire took control again. “We do not ‘date’,” she replied, amused. As the vampire sat up, she stretched, “And now, I must go. I have other duties.”

  I blinked at that, but Rory laughed. “I just hate being your duty,” hehealed and snickered like a juvenile. I hmphed again as Adira rolled her eyes and smiled graciously at him. He should have been insulted, but he wasn’t, nor was she for the stupid joke. The easy camaraderie they shared extended to joking and making fun of one another. That I wasn’t sure I would ever accept. Screw people joking about me. I was something to take fucking serious!

  I watched as she got dressed, trying to relax, but puzzled by all of these new things, new emotions rupturing in my mind. It wasn’t just the possible affection for Nosferatu, but the fear I’d felt in Axis too, the stark terror of being changed… of the darkness within Gerard. My anger had been slipping more and more too. Case in point, the dead guy in the Underground. I never lost control like that. Ever.

  Yet now I had.

  Something had changed in me. I didn’t know what it was. For all of my telepathic skill, I was unprepared for it. It was as if something long repressed burst like a boil, infecting the surrounding tissue with its poison. My head buzzed with too many thoughts. Even though the aches in my body were slowly subsiding as I healed and power coursed through me, I felt more fucked up than when I’d come here.

  Chapter Nine

  Restless, I couldn’t stay in bed with Rory. Perhaps if I wasn’t jazzed up on vampire juice I might have and slept off my worrying thoughts. Instead, I got up and started to get dressed. Once I got my phone out, I scrolled through my contacts searching for an information broker, or a fixer, which moved in the right circles. Everything screamed ‘organized’ and ‘high tech’ to me about Ger’s sudden disappearance in addition to ‘power’.

  The werewolf watched me as I slid on my boots and slid through the list, sitting down on the opposite side of the bed to focus better. “You can stay here, y’know,” he said with a yawn. “It’s late. There’s not much you can do now.”

  “Wrong and wrong,” I muttered. “I can always do something, and this is the city that never sleeps.”

  “I thought that was Las Vegas,” he said. Rory reclined on the pillows and fo
lded his arms behind his head.

  “I don’t think any city really sleeps anymore,” I replied. I had a couple of possibilities narrowed down and… if I could leave the Siren here, I could talk to Alistair. He hated Gerard and I didn’t think he’d be too keen on helping his daughter find her father.

  “It’s strange,” he said. “I’m not used to that. Berlin, for the most part, shut down by midnight at the latest.”

  “Freedom does that.” Most of the guys I knew would want to meet in the Underground. I pulled up a map and looked at some places which might work in a pinch. I could have them choose the place, which would ease their minds in case they thought this was a set-up.

  “You’re so focused,” he observed and I barked a laugh at that. My brain going ten different directions at once and he thought I was focused? I really did pity the mindblind. It would be like having my arm cut off or something.

  “Have to be,” I said as I stood up. “I’ve got work to do.”

  “Anything you need help with?” I turned when he asked the question and shook my head. The wolf man flashed me a brilliant smile, “Well, I was glad to be able to be your rescuer one time, at least.”

  Hearing the words aloud made it difficult to give him even the briefest of smiles. It still galled me when I needed help, but I was learning to accept it. “Yeah, well, you have to think me weak,” I said, forcing the words out. Showing a little bit of vulnerability was OK. I kept telling myself that it was building trust.

  “Weak?” Rory lowered his arms. “You think I think you’re weak?”


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