The Look of Love

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The Look of Love Page 15

by David George Richards

  “That’s too easy,” Chrissy remarked. “I’m bound to find a country with a currency you can’t remember sooner or later.”

  “You think so? Try again.”

  Adam picked up his knife and fork and began to eat. He was very confident. Chrissy couldn’t resist.




  “The lek.”

  Chrissy stared at him, her eyes narrow. “How do I know you aren’t making these up? I mean, who ever heard of the lek?”

  “Albanians of course,” Adam replied smugly. He held up his hand as he saw her about to protest further. “It is a fair point. We need validation. I will give you time to look up some countries and their currencies. That way you will know I am telling the truth. But in return, I will put a limit on the length of our game. I will give you fifty countries. If you cannot name a country whose currency I do not remember out of those fifty, I win. Do you agree?”

  Chrissy looked thoughtful. She picked up her knife and fork. “That seems fair. But when will I see you again? I’ve got to have the chance to put the names of the countries to you.”

  “Spend the afternoon with me tomorrow,” Adam replied quickly.

  “You slick bugger!” Chrissy exclaimed. “Alright, Adam! I’ll spend the afternoon with you tomorrow. It’ll give us the chance to talk about winnings.”

  “I already know what I want.”

  “And what’s that –as if I didn’t know,” Chrissy said as she ate.

  Adam smiled. “I intend to find out what you’re wearing under that dress.”

  Chrissy swallowed with a gulp, a hand to her chest. “You’re being a bit premature aren’t you?” she said reaching for her wine.

  “Not at all. I want you at my house, wearing that dress next Saturday night. I want you to wear exactly the same things as you’re wearing tonight, down to the last tiny detail. The same perfume, everything. I want to know what makes that sound when you move and walk. But I want to find out in my own good time. I want to spend the night with you. One night, during which I can explore you and truly know you.”

  Chrissy stared at him. “You don’t want much do you?”

  Adam shrugged. “As always, I want the unattainable.”

  Slowly she smiled and nodded her head. “Alright. But tomorrow you can show me your house. I want to see everything you’ve got. And when I win, I get to pick whatever I want, no matter what it is. Deal?”


  By the time Charles returned to pick them up at ten-thirty as arranged, both Chrissy and Adam were in high spirits.

  “Well, Chrissy, did you enjoy your meal?” Adam asked as they left the restaurant.

  “Yes, I did,” Chrissy replied, smiling. “I’m glad you talked me into going. I’m a stuffed bunny. Holland.”

  “Yes, a very expensively stuffed bunny. Guilder.”

  “Permit me, Sir, Miss,” Charles said as he held the door of the car open for them. “But you both appear to be free of any blood stains. Have you called a truce?”

  “Not at all, Charles!” Adam said as he walked Chrissy to the car. “We have merely decided on a more civilised solution to our wager. Isn’t that so, my dear?”

  “Of course,” Chrissy replied as she climbed into the car. “And a lot of fun it’s been too. Guatemala.”

  “Quetzal.” Adam followed her in.

  “That’s something you eat at parties.”

  “That’s a pretzel.”

  Charles smiled and closed the door.

  Chrissy pointed warningly at Adam. “If I find out that you’ve been making any of these up, you forfeit. Understand? Cuba.”

  “I understand perfectly. Peso.”

  As they drove away, Charles said over his shoulder, “I hope you’ve been keeping count, Miss.”

  “I have,” Chrissy replied. “That’s twenty-three so far.”

  The way Charles had asked his question in such a casual and knowing way brought a sudden thought to Chrissy’s mind. It was a cold realisation that caused her nicely filled stomach to sink.

  “He’s done this before hasn’t he, Charles!” she exclaimed in dismay.

  “I’m afraid so, Miss,” Charles replied in a sad voice. “So far it’s eight to one in Mr Campbell’s favour. The only woman to beat him did so on a count of forty-nine. She was a financier from New York.”

  “Well, I’ll take my knickers off!”

  Adam smiled. “That is the intention.”

  Chrissy began to poke him in the ribs. “You slick bugger! You did it to me again, didn’t you? You smug bastard! How much of that school tie crap was truthful? I bet your dad’s still alive and living in the Bahamas! You liar! You deceitful cheat!”

  Adam had no more success in fending off her jabs than he had on the outward journey. “I told you before; the best lie is hidden among much truth! My father is dead, and my feelings towards those I work with was honestly expressed! Now stop! Or I may deposit the expensive contents of my stomach on the car floor!”

  “It would serve you right!”

  Charles coughed. “Please, Miss. I’d prefer it if he didn’t. It would only be me that would have to clear it up.”

  Chrissy relented. She glared at Adam. He couldn’t help laughing.

  “I’m sorry, Chrissy!” he said. “But the choice was yours, and you did say it could be fun!”

  Chrissy continued to glare at him. She crossed her legs, and pulling her coat more tightly around her, she folded her arms.

  “Just you wait,” she said in a stern voice. “I’m going to have a really good look around your house tomorrow! I’m going to find your most valuable possession, and I’m going to take it from you!”

  “Fine sentiments,” Adam replied, patting her leg. “But first you must win! Twenty-seven to go, I think!”

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  In all, Louise and Victoria spent two hours with Rosanna, and by the time they were finished Victoria and Rosanna were well established as good friends. Louise was pleased that her two friends got on so well, she was also pleased at how easy going and friendly Victoria was. It was quite a difference from that first impression in class last week.

  Was it only last week?

  Louise realised that it wasn’t even that. It was Wednesday when Victoria first came to class, and now it was Saturday evening. How things had changed so quickly. But life was like that, wasn’t it? One moment you could be at the pit of despair, and the next, overjoyed. But life also threw the reverse at you, and in a moment, joy could turn back to despair.

  Even with Victoria busily sorting out her bedroom, storing away her clothes and investigating the cupboards and wardrobe, Louise was still conscious of the fragile nature of her predicament. At the moment Victoria was here, living with her. She had said that it was to be only as friends, but downstairs in Rosanna’s presence, she had indicated that love was still a possibility. That tiny possibility tore huge holes in Louise’s heart.

  Louise yearned for the security of a permanent relationship, and even though Victoria had always insisted that she was unsure of her feelings, Louise still wanted that assurance. She was dying to question Victoria about what she had said from the moment they had returned to her flat. But so far she had held her tongue, knowing that constant questioning on the subject might drive Victoria from her. Louise hated this…this limbo, of neither knowing nor not knowing. Even rejection was better than this.

  No, it wasn’t.

  As Victoria was unpacking, Louise tried unsuccessfully not to watch her, finally distracting herself by telephoning Angela to let her know that both she and Victoria were alright. She sat on the sofa and dialled the number. It was a lot later than she had planned to phone, and Angela must have been getting worried as she answered straight away.

  “Where have you been?” Angela asked anxiously. “I rang and rang and there was no answer! I was expecting you to phone ages ago!”

  “I know. I’
m sorry,” Louise replied. “I didn’t mean to leave it this late, but things sort of got out of hand, and this is the first time I’ve been able to sit down.”

  “Well, how did it go?”

  “It was very eventful. Vikki got drunk as a skunk and ended up being beaten up in the club we visited.”

  “Oh, no! Not again! Is she alright?”

  “Yes, don’t worry! She seems to be fine! A few cuts and bruises but nothing worse. But I didn’t think that last night. She had me really worried, I can tell you –what do you mean, again?”

  Then Victoria called out, “Tell her I was rat-arsed, as usual, so I didn’t feel a thing!”

  Angela picked up her voice and immediately asked, “Is that Tori I can hear? Is she with you?”

  “Yes,” Louise replied beginning to blush even though Angela wasn’t even in the room. “She’s in the other room unpacking.”

  “Unpacking?” Angela repeated in surprise.

  “Yes, unpacking. She got thrown out of the halls of residence after that binge on Thursday night, so I asked her to move in with me.”

  Victoria came to stand in the doorway to her bedroom. “Are you telling her all my secrets?” she said in mock indignation.

  Louise nodded, listening as Angela said on the phone, “Does she know?”

  “Yes,” Louise replied, going even redder.

  “And she doesn’t mind?”

  “No, not at all.”

  Victoria could only hear Louise’s side of the conversation, but she could tell from Louise’s expression what the subject was about. She stepped away from the doorway and stood in front of Louise with her hands on her hips, and demanded, “Does she know?”

  Louise smiled shyly.

  “Bollocks!” Victoria exclaimed. Now she really was indignant. “Was I the only one who didn’t know? And there goes my party girl reputation at Uni! Give me that phone, Louise!”

  Louise was just telling Angela that Victoria wanted to speak to her when Victoria reached out and snatched the phone. From then on it was Louise’s turn to listen to a one sided conversation.

  “You sly cow!” Victoria said to Angela immediately she got the phone. “How long have you known?…When?…You cow! You out and out cow! And I suppose you knew Louise fancied me, too!…You did!”

  Louise stared on as Victoria paced around the room with the phone, getting more and more excited and shocked with every word.

  “I hate you, Angie!…What? I’m not answering that question, you harlot! You’ve got no room to talk, anyway! I saw you with that Andy last night! Did you sleep with him?…Nah! I thought not!…Well, don’t ask me then!…You listen to me, fat-arse! If you blab any of this to anyone, I’ll shove an umbrella up you and open it!…We are doing no such thing! As far as anyone is concerned, we’re just flatmates!…We are not, you nosey cow! I have my own room!…What! You-! That-! Awwwhh! That’s it, Angie! On Monday you die!”

  Victoria slammed down the phone and turned to face Louise. “She knows!” she snapped. “This is all your fault! Did you plan this?”

  “How could I plan getting you beaten up in the toilets?” Louise answered immediately. “Even though you seem to make a habit of it. How many times has this happened before?”

  “Oh, once or twice, half a dozen times,” Victoria said as if it didn’t matter. Her shoulders slumped and she threw herself down on the sofa next to Louise. “Oh, bollocks,” she sighed. “That’s it, I’ve had it. Angela will be on the phone this instant telling Jo and Chrissy the juicy news.”

  “She won’t.”

  “Ha! She will! If you put the telly on in five minutes, it’ll be on Teletext!”

  Louise laughed. She looked across at Victoria, who was sitting on the sofa with one leg tucked underneath her. She had discarded the trainers and her feet were bare. Why were even her feet sexy?

  “Vikki,” Louise began slowly. “Do you mind? Really?”

  Victoria scratched her head and brushed at her long blonde hair. “Oh, I don’t know. A bit maybe. It’s strange; I’ve never felt self conscious before. Well, you’ve seen me, haven’t you? I go prancing about with hardly a stitch on and it doesn’t bother me. And the kind of responses I get from people I can deal with. But this feels different, and I don’t know how to deal with it yet.

  “Until now I never realised how being a lesbian was so kind of public. I mean, if you’re heterosexual, everybody knows that you like men, but even if you have a boyfriend, nobody really knows who you’re sleeping with. But if you’re a lesbian, every lesbian friend you have is assumed to be sleeping with you. Like us. Once everyone finds out, we’ll be the two lesbians in class. It’ll be like having a placard hanging around our necks saying, ‘We are lesbians. We are sleeping together’. But on the other hand, the fact that another girl in class might be sleeping with an entire football team on a regular basis will go virtually un-noticed. It doesn’t seem fair.”

  “That’s what I always thought,” Louise said recognising the feeling right away. “But my friends Dayna and Sam think everyone has to know if you’re a lesbian. It’s like they belong to an exclusive club and they want to brag about it. I want to keep my sex life private, like everyone else. People don’t want everyone to know what they are doing, do they? That’s natural, isn’t it?”

  Victoria nodded. She seemed a little subdued. Then she suddenly smiled and said, “We could always go in disguise. Do you remember the Adams Family?” She brushed all her hair forward until her face was completely covered. “I’ll be Cousin Itt.”

  Louise smiled, and leaning forward she brushed Victoria’s hair back, revealing her face once again. Their faces were now much closer together, and for a moment they stared into one another’s eyes. Louise started to move closer, but Victoria suddenly got up and moved away.

  “I better finish unpacking,” she said, heading back to her bedroom.

  Disappointed, Louise got up and followed her. She stood in the doorway watching Victoria. “You’re spending quite awhile in here unpacking.”

  “I’m making myself at home. This is a new room, and I have to make it me. And don’t you dare say that the best way to do that is to just fling everything on the floor!”

  The remark was meant to make Louise laugh, but it didn’t. “Did you mean what you said to Rosie downstairs?”

  Victoria took a deep breath and sighed, leaning on the open wardrobe. “There’s one thing I can say about Rosie, she’s not shy. I like her, she’s straight forward, but the question was a bit unfair. Especially with you sitting right next to me.”

  “So you didn’t mean it?”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “So you did mean it?”

  “Oh, Louise! You’re as bad as Rosie!” Victoria snapped at her. “I told you before, I don’t know. Just leave it alone will you!”

  Louise lowered her head, immediately downhearted. Victoria saw the signs, muttered, “Oh, bollocks,” closed the wardrobe and came over to her.

  “Look, maybe it’s more yes than no. I can’t be any surer than that. I’m here, aren’t I? So why don’t we just leave it at that and see how things go? If it’s going to happen, it’ll happen. If not, well, it won’t. Okay?”

  Louise looked up and smiled weakly. “I’m sorry to pressurise you all the time. But you know how I feel about you, and it’s just that I feel so insecure not knowing how you feel about me. It’s like being in limbo, it’s like…” Louise suddenly thought of a good example, and said excitedly, “It’s like the moment before you open the letter with your A’ Level results inside! Do you remember?”

  “I was drunk. Zach opened it for me.”

  Louise was deflated. “Trust you!”

  Victoria smiled. “I know what you mean,” she said, stroking Louise’s hair. “Why do you think I got drunk in the first place? Look, I don’t want to prolong your agony, but I have to be fair to my own feelings. I don’t want to disregard the idea straight away, but I don’t want to jump too soon either. I need to think abou
t this. There are some things I like, but there are some things that worry me. Like the label, for example. I’ll suddenly be a queer, a dyke. By the way I behave you might think I couldn’t care less what other people think, but I do. We all do. It’s just that I’ve been used to the labels I’ve lived with. I know I’m a slut, that’s just me, or it was. Now all that’s going to change. So let me make up my own mind first. And when I have, I promise that I’ll tell you straight away. Okay?”

  Louise nodded. “That sounds fair.”

  “Good! Now, remind me were the toilet is. After all that tea I need a wee.”

  Victoria was in the bathroom when she had a sudden thought. “Why don’t we visit your friends tomorrow?” she called out.

  Louise came to stand outside the door. “You mean Sam and Dayna?”

  “Yes! Why not? You haven’t got anything else planned, have you?”

  “No, I suppose not. But I’ll have to ring and tell them first. They like doing the whole Sunday lunch thing.”

  There was the sound of the toilet flushing. “No, you don’t! I want to surprise them. I want to see their faces when I come in the door with you!”

  Louise winced. She had forgotten to tell Victoria that Sam and Dayna already knew about her. But they didn’t know she had moved in. Maybe it would be fun.

  “Alright,” she said with more conviction. “We’ll have to go early though, or they’ll start without us.”

  The door opened and Victoria emerged with a grin. “I told you this would be fun,” she said. “Have you got any videos? You’ve got a VCR, so you must have some videos.”

  Louise was surprised by the sudden question. “Er…yes, they’re in the cupboard by the telly.”

  “Let’s have a look then! I fancy a real weepy, or if not, a big block-buster with a body-count to match! It’ll be much more fun than going out for another binge! And we have to have something to nibble on! Have you got any popcorn?”


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