Marrying an Asshole (Dirty Fuckers MC #3)

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Marrying an Asshole (Dirty Fuckers MC #3) Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  Letting go of her hands, he glided his down to cup her hips. He didn’t release her lips, kissing her throughout as his orgasm started to build. The kiss went deeper as his release rushed through him. Spilling his cum into her pussy, he filled her up. At the back of his mind, he wondered if he’d get her pregnant.

  You shouldn’t do this.

  Pulling back from the kiss, he moved his hands to cup her face. “Hey,” he said.

  She smiled at him. “That is some way to wake up in a morning.”

  “It’s good.”

  “Yes, it is.”

  A spark of guilt rushed through him.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked.

  “Nothing. Chloe comes back today.”

  “Oh, yeah, she does.”

  “I’m thinking we need to come up with a plan so we can spend some time together.”

  “We find ways of being together all the time.” She cupped his cheek. “We’ll figure it out.”

  “Why don’t we just tell people? My brother knows.”

  “I don’t know. I guess I’m just a little nervous that people will treat me differently.”


  “You’re known for leaving brokenhearted women with other men. Your brother, or whoever you share your women with. I don’t want to deal with that.”

  Pixie was starting to really hate his reputation.

  “I liked sleeping with you.”

  “I did as well.” She lifted up and pressed a kiss to his lips. “I don’t want to be late for work.”

  “Okay. Let’s get dressed, and I’ll treat you to breakfast at Teri’s place.”

  “Oh, goody.”

  “Hey, I just made you come really well, and you’re more excited about eating.”

  “I’m hungry.”

  She nibbled the back of his hand, and he laughed.

  “Get dressed, and just go with jeans or something. It’s an MC so nothing fancy. Last thing I need is for guys to be checking you out. Second thoughts, don’t go with the jeans. I don’t think I can stand to have guys checking out your ass. It’s all mine to check out. Do you have jogger pants, or a white suit that makes you look insane?”

  “Shut up, Pixie. I’ll dress like I did for my last job. Will that be acceptable to you?”

  “Not really.”

  “Ugh! You’re just going to have to deal with it.”

  Pressing a kiss to her pursed lips, Pixie pulled out of her, and avoided actually looking at her pussy. He wondered what it would look like to see his own cum spilling from her lips.

  Another time.

  She jumped off the bed, and rushed toward the bathroom. So far there was no screaming or throwing shit, so he went to Chloe’s bathroom and took a pee. Staring at his reflection in the mirror, he shook his head.

  “I did what I had to do.”

  His reflection didn’t look happy, which was crazy because he was staring at himself.

  You shouldn’t have done it.

  Closing his eyes, he finished his business, flushed the toilet, and washed his hands. All the time he was aware of what he’d done. Did Suzy even know or was she too distracted to care?

  Leaving the bathroom, he found her back in the bedroom, finishing with the buttons on her shirt.

  “Are you okay?” she asked. “You look a little troubled?”

  “Nothing. Just wondering how your first day is going to go.”

  “You’re actually a real sweetheart, you know that?”

  “Totally. I’m a catch. You should consider yourself lucky.” He pulled up his jeans, then left the room to find his shirt on the floor.

  By the time he was dressed, Suzy was finishing with her ponytail, and they were both ready. “I’m riding my bike, so you’re going to have to hold onto me.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Of course.”

  He chuckled.

  “Oh, wait, I’ll just leave Chloe a note for when she gets back. Let her know not to worry.”

  He waited as she did that, admiring her rounded ass. It wasn’t long before they were on his bike, heading toward the diner.

  The guilt didn’t go away. It wouldn’t take long, but he’d soon forget what he did, and he wouldn’t care. Providing Suzy stayed with him, he was more than willing to get her pregnant. It was a last resort, but it was something he had to do.

  Chapter Four

  It didn’t take long for Suzy to discover that James needed a secretary, a PA, a miracle, as she looked through all of his paperwork. He never filed anything, nor did he have it any kind of order.

  “How do you do your taxes?” she asked.

  “I have people who deal with it. They charge me a fortune to go through all the crap.”

  “How do they go through it?” She looked at all of the paperwork and the notes, and it was a little confusing. “This is all over the place.”

  “Then it’s good that you need a job because I need someone to deal with this.”

  “Have you just employed me as your PA?”

  “Pretty much.”

  “An MC needs a PA?”

  “I own the diner as well as the main bar out front. We have some customers here every night, and I deal with everything.”

  “This has been happening for the past five years?”

  “Seven, actually.”

  She shook her head, staring at the paperwork.

  “Do you want the job or not? Can you even do it?”

  “Don’t even think of being a smart-ass. I can do this. I’ll have to spend a couple of weeks going through all of this, and I’ll deal with your other stuff, before I start on your present stuff.”

  “Good.” James sat down at his desk, and proceeded to bring out multiple large boxes. “Here is everything related to the club, and here is a contract that I had Richard write up for me.”

  He handed her a quick sheet of paper, and she read through it. It was an employment contract. This one demanded her being quiet about what she saw, and never letting anyone know what was going on.

  “If you talk or let anyone know what you see, you’re gone without pay.”

  “I won’t say anything. I swear, I’m good at keeping a secret. Most of my friends are part of your club.”

  “I know, but this is more personal.”

  “I get it. You can trust me.” She signed her name, and smiled up at him. “Thank you so much for giving me this chance.”

  “You should really thank Pixie. He’s the one that asked.”

  “I’ll let him know.” She really did owe Pixie a lot. Even with the mountains of paperwork, she was happy.

  “Right, get to work.”

  Staring at the boxes of paperwork, she took a deep breath, and immersed herself in her work. After twenty minutes there was a knock on the door, and James called for whoever it was to come inside.

  Kitty Cat entered, and Suzy sent her a smile.

  “Here you go,” she said. “I’ve also got you a coffee, Suzy.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Got a lot of work there.”

  “I’m happy to do it.” She took a sip of the scalding coffee before putting it on the table. She had four different piles, and that was just going by year. She was starting at the beginning and working her way back.

  Throughout the day, men came to visit James. Leo and Paul entered, complaining about the women that were not looking for long term. She was surprised to hear of the two men looking for forever. They didn’t seem to care that she was there, listening to it all.

  Lunch came from Teri, and she walked in carrying two plates. When Suzy glanced at the clock, she saw it was a couple hours past lunch time.

  “Here you go. Sorry it’s late, I was experimenting. I’m surprised you haven’t quit.”

  “I kind of like a challenge, and this is totally what this is, a complete challenge.” Suzy let out a breath. “I think I’ll be working here until I die.”

  “I hope by that time all of this is dealt with,” James said. “I’m not paying
you to fail.”

  Suzy chuckled. “I’ll get it done.”

  “I got you a veggie burger. I’m experimenting again,” Teri said, flopping down onto the sofa opposite her.

  “What was wrong with your last burger?”

  “Nothing. I got bored of making it, and when I get bored, I know it’s time to move on and jazz it up a little. Take a bite, and let me know what you think.”

  Teri was one amazing cook. The best, actually, and the diner was the best in the world. She didn’t just serve fast diner food. She was constantly changing the menu, and putting her own spin on everything.

  Taking a bite, Suzy closed her eyes.

  “Now, I didn’t put mayo as a spread, but I put a spicy kind of yogurt sauce thingy,” Teri said.

  “That has to be the best way to eat vegetables.”

  “You really think so?” she asked, nibbling her lip.

  “Teri, you know it’s perfect,” James said. “What I don’t get is why I’m having to eat it. I like meat.”

  Teri blew a raspberry. “You know being a man doesn’t have anything to do with the amount of meat you consume.”

  “I like meat. Beef, chicken, pork, lamb even. I’ll settle for shrimp, and the occasional fish, but tofu and vegetarian is not going to satisfy me,” James said, dropping the burger onto his plate.

  Teri rolled her eyes, and then whistled. A second later Damon came in carrying a plate of steak and potatoes.

  “That’s more like it.”

  When Damon went to take the burger from him, James slapped his hand.

  “I thought you didn’t like it,” Teri said.

  “I still need to eat my five meals a day.”

  “Yeah, yeah, you’re just worried that your rep is going to be ruined because you liked a veggie burger.” Teri chuckled, turning toward Suzy. “I’ve got to head back to the diner. It’s good having you around. There needs to be more women here. I need to balance things out a bit.”

  “Please. You know how to handle the men, and you’ve been doing a good job of it for a long time.”

  Teri smiled. “I do, don’t I?” She was at the door when she turned around. “I forgot, Cora called. Ryan’s in some trouble again at school, and she wanted me to tell you. She couldn’t get in touch with the club.”

  James cursed. “I thought we’d dealt with Ryan.”

  “Something’s not right. According to Cora, he just snapped. She saw him this morning, and he wasn’t the same kid.”

  “I’ll call Lucy. Thanks, Teri. You’re the best.”

  “I try.”

  Teri left, James finished his food, and then he stood. “I’ve got to head out. I should be back by five, but if not, you’re free to go. I’ll give you a grand tour another day.”

  “Okay, is everything all right? Do you need my help?”

  “Unless you know how to help a temperamental teenage boy with issues, then no, this one I’ve got to do all on my own.”

  Suzy winced. “I don’t. Sorry.”

  “Oh, well. Enjoy your afternoon, I’m going to go and see what is bothering young Ryan.” Just as James was about to leave, Pixie appeared. “Excellent timing. I’ve got to deal with Ryan again. Will you show the lovely Suzy around? I know you don’t have a problem with that.”

  “You got it.”

  “Good, good.”

  “Tell Ryan he needs to get his shit together.”

  “Before I do that, I want to know why he’s decided to be an asshole.”

  “Should be fun. I thought boys were all assholes,” Pixie said.

  “No, not all of them, just some of them. Something has happened though, and I intend to get to the bottom of it.”

  Suzy watched as James left his office, and turned her attention to Pixie. He’d changed. The scruffy torn jeans were replaced with a fresh clean pair. “Do you like it?”

  “You look good.”

  Quickly looking back at her work, she tried to focus on the words in front of her.

  “Oh, dear, he’s got you on filing.”

  “Yes. I need to put the last seven years into order. He must have paid a fortune for whoever dealt with his finances.”

  “Pretty much.”

  Pixie took a seat opposite her, and she was aware of him staring. It made it even harder to do her job.

  “I love your hair,” he said.

  “The red just does it for you?”

  “It’s beautiful, and I love the way it fans out across my pillow, or when it’s wrapped around my hand as I fuck you long and hard.”

  Pressing her thighs together, she stared at him. “We shouldn’t be talking like this.”

  “I don’t care what we should or shouldn’t be doing. I know that I want my dick wet, and you’re the only woman that can get me that way.”

  Her cheeks heated, but she didn’t succumb. Instead, he went back to looking at the paperwork right in front of her.

  “You want it, don’t you? Your pussy is wet. It would love for me to spread you on this table, and show you how much I want to taste you.”


  “Don’t lie to me. You suck at it.”

  Staring into his eyes, she bit her lip, knowing it drove him crazy. “Maybe.”

  “This is going to be so much fun. I have every excuse to be here.” He leaned back. “I won’t interfere. Do your work, and then I’ll take you on the grand tour.”


  If someone had told Pixie a year ago that he would happily sit doing nothing but staring at Suzy for hours at a time, he’d have laughed at them. He wasn’t the kind of man to be controlled by a woman. He did the controlling. Suzy wasn’t even begging for his attention or doing anything appealing. She was reading through paperwork, placing it in random orders.

  On her lap were a pen and a notepad as she made the odd scribble here and there.

  His cock thickened, and he wanted her so badly. Checking the time, he saw it was a little after five. He’d been so riveted by her that he hadn’t even noticed the time.

  “Time’s up, and I’ll let James know you worked overtime.”

  “Oh, crap.” She stood up, and looked down at the mess. “What do I do? I’ve made good headway, but I don’t know where to put it all.”

  “Leave it here, and I’ll lock the office. No one will come in, and I’ll talk to James when he’s here.”

  “Awesome.” She tucked behind her ears the hair that had fallen out of her ponytail. “Tour?”

  “Yep.” He held out his arm. “Take my arm, and I will show you the danger that is the Dirty Fuckers MC.”

  “You’re rather playful, do you know that?”

  “You inspire me.”

  She giggled, taking his arm. They left the office, and Pixie locked the door, pocketing the key. Just from watching her, he’d seen that she had done a lot of work today, and he didn’t want her to lose any of that time.

  Several of the club brothers were in the bar. Some were talking, others were doing some work, and he nodded at all of them. Each one said hello to Suzy. She was known to all of them seeing as she was friends with a couple of the club members.

  “This is the main bar. We open up to some of the local couples, men and women. Most of the time we’re selective. Leo and Paul will man the door for a little time, and when we have enough people, we don’t allow anyone in.”

  “So it’s not a real bar, right?”

  “It is and it isn’t. We don’t do rowdy shit. The last thing we want is to deal with the cops being called. This is a selective club. Feel honored to be working here.”

  Once again, he got a giggle. He loved that sound, and intended to make her provide him with many more.

  “You’re a little crazy, do you know that?”

  “Totally.” He was crazy for her.

  “You okay, Suzy?” Damon asked. He was tapping away on the computer, wearing a pair of glasses.

  “You’re going to ruin your cred if you keep wearing them. You’re supposed to be a badass,”
Pixie said.

  “Yeah, yeah, I’m a badass that can’t see shit without them. You liking the new job?” he asked.

  “It’s … interesting.”

  Damon chuckled. “Interesting?”

  “Yeah, James doesn’t understand the first meaning of order, does he?”

  “Ah, he’s got you on file duty. I wouldn’t worry. You’ll ace it.”

  “Thank you, Damon.”

  Pixie didn’t like the easy banter between Damon and his woman. “Of course she’ll ace it. It’s why I asked James to give her a job.”

  “You did, did you?” Damon asked. “Pixie helping out a woman. That doesn’t sound like you.”

  “I’m not all bad.”

  “You’re not all good either.”

  “It’s nothing. He’s taking me on a tour, right.”

  “Yes, I’m taking her on a tour.” Pixie gripped the back of her neck, and moved her away from the main bar.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Why don’t we tell anyone again why we’re together?”

  She sighed, and turned toward him. “I don’t want people to pity me or change the way they see me because I’m with you.”

  He frowned. “You really think the club will give a shit.”

  “When you move on, I’m thinking things will be different.”

  “What makes you think I’m going to move on?” He was trying to get her pregnant. When she’d started work for James, he’d taken a trip to the pharmacy to pick up a pregnancy when she missed her monthly cycle. She hadn’t long come off her last one, so he had three weeks to get her pregnant—or he had that one time when she’d been too far gone to care.

  She tilted her head to the side, and smiled. “I’m not the kind of person to believe that I’m more than enough for you.” She glanced around and touched his face. “I’m happy with what I’ve got.” She pressed a quick kiss to his lips, and withdrew. “Now, show me what has everyone in town all ready to gossip.”

  Pixie took hold of her hand, and another wave of guilt hit him. He was starting to get annoyed with the constant waves of guilt that were flooding him.

  “Are you okay?” she asked.

  “Fine, fine, don’t worry about me.” He took her around the various areas of the clubs, even going to the rooms where some of the club whores liked to strip for some of the locals. He let her know that he hadn’t been to see any of them for a long time. He didn’t need to visit anyone else when he had her.


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