Woman of His Dreams

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Woman of His Dreams Page 2

by Sam Crescent



  Putting away her English Lit books actually felt good to Julia. Moments like this, she felt like she’d never get to live her dreams. She’d failed courses for some time now, and it wasn’t because of working either. No matter how much she studied, she just couldn’t seem to grasp everything.

  Her professor at the night college had even suggested that she take a break and consider her options. If she couldn’t even pass her courses, teaching would be out of the question.

  Life just seemed to suck.

  She didn’t linger on everything she wouldn’t have though. At least she still had a job, and that was way more than most. She checked her hair and makeup, seeing that she looked ready to get to work.

  Grabbing her tray, she headed out to the club. It was a little after seven, and it was already humming with activity. James’s Place was more than just a nightclub. He saw that bars and nightclubs could come and go. During the day, he accepted business meetings and lunches for working staff, and offered a dinner menu for families on certain nights.

  He had a schedule that catered to everyone. Tonight was date night. This wasn’t with ordinary couples though. This was where couples got to meet other couples, and share.

  James also had a night for speed dating, which was interesting. She’d never seen a room move so fast going from one person to another.

  She went to one of the first tables and got their drink orders. Anyone could just go to the bar, but sometimes it interrupted the flow of conversation, and James hadn’t wanted that. He wanted to keep everything flowing, so people knew by word of mouth his club was the best. Now people would come here just to check the place out.

  With a smile, she left the table and headed toward the bar. Reese was free. She ignored the rush that came to her at the sight of him.

  “Who would have thought it? Swingers?” He gave her a wink.

  She wrinkled her nose and glanced around the room. Men were eyeing up other men’s wives, and it just didn’t sit well with her. “I don’t think I could live like this. What about you?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Men are looking at other men’s wives. If you had someone else looking at your woman and wanting to screw her…”

  “That wouldn’t happen,” he said.

  “Why wouldn’t it?”

  “She’d never want to be with anyone else.” He gave her a wink. “You’re not into swinging?”

  “I have no problem with it really. Kind of like all lifestyles. I know they’re there, but they’re not for me.” She shrugged.

  “Would you be the jealous type?”

  “Possibly. I don’t know. I don’t think I’d be happy being with one man while knowing he’s with another woman, and it’s not even considered cheating.”

  He chuckled. “James certainly saw a business opportunity and took it.” He finished her drinks. “Are you free later?”

  “What?” They never usually asked this.

  “I was wondering if you were free later. We could go and get a coffee or something.”

  Most nights they stumbled together. Coffee was rarely drunk. The sex was always off the charts.

  “Yes, I’m free.” She threw caution to the wind.

  “Good.” He gave her another wink, and she refused to let that charm her.

  Get a grip, Julia.

  She delivered drinks, took orders, then stood and waited while either Lori or Reese finished her order before heading back out. She caught conversations along with flirtation from most of the couples. They were all really digging it.

  James was there, like at all events, because he liked to make sure they ran smoothly. He was guiding his staff, pointing out areas that needed cleaning, or showing them who needed to be attended to.

  He was a good boss.

  By the end of the night though, she was tired. She finished cleaning up the bathrooms, and headed to grab her stuff from the back staffroom.

  There was no sign of Reese, and when she came out she thought he’d ditched her.

  But he waited by his car.

  “I thought you’d left me. Sorry. I promised Andrea that I’d clean the toilets today. Her wrist was hurting her.”

  Reese chuckled. “She was more than capable of lifting a tray earlier. You need to stand up for yourself, and tell them to fuck off. She was using you.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “That bitch.”

  “Don’t worry about it. Make sure you say no next time. Don’t let people walk all over you. Nice once and they’ll take it all.” He held out his hand. “Come on.”

  “Is there even anywhere open this late at night for coffee? It’s two in the morning.”

  “There’s always somewhere open.” He opened his car door, and she climbed in. Breathing in the scent of the car, she felt herself relax.

  Reese joined her, and she watched as he pulled away from the curb, heading out of town.

  “Is this place top secret?”

  “Maybe. I’ve never taken anyone to it before. Let me tell you, they have the best coffee and cheeseburgers going. I mean, Sally, the owner, she cooks those burgers just right, and in bacon grease. Of course, there’s lots of bacon on the burgers.”

  Her stomach chose that moment to rumble. “You’re really not helping right now.”

  He laughed. “When you eat the food I’m about to share with you, you’ll be thanking me.”

  This was the first time that they’d ever really carried on a conversation before. She liked it.

  Staring out of the window, she ran her hands down her thighs and jerked as he touched her. Reese took hold of her hand and locked their fingers together. He didn’t say anything, but the closeness was there.

  I hate him.

  She didn’t hate him, and she had a feeling he didn’t hate her either.

  Chapter Three

  “It’s good, right?” Reese asked, watching as she took a large bite out of the bacon burger that he’d ordered.

  “Oh, wow, I’m, like, in total meat heaven right now. Everything is so perfect,” she said.

  He smiled.

  “Do you bring women here a lot?” she asked.

  “You’re the first.”

  This made her pause, and she looked at him. “Are you being serious?”

  “Totally serious. I don’t share my stuff with a lot of people. I’m not very good at sharing, and this is my one sanctuary.” And he’d brought Julia here.

  He’d wanted to bring her to Sally’s for some time. A few weeks ago, he’d overheard her talking to one of the girls at work about a place she’d gone to dinner. She’d been raving about their meatballs and pasta, and he knew that if he brought her here, she wouldn’t moan about the calories or the diet she was on.

  Some of the women he’d dated in the past had made dinner dates particularly uncomfortable. He didn’t want to sit through ordering food while she demanded everything be removed until it was just a plate of lettuce. Each time that happened, the dates never went that far.

  There was no way he could compare dates though. Julia was so different from most of the women he dated.

  “I feel honored that you brought me here. I’m a little shocked actually.”

  “I’m more than a ‘love them and leave them’ kind of guy,” he said. He’d also been very wrong about Julia, and he felt guilty for thinking the worst of her.

  “This is good food though.”

  He took a bite out of his own burger and released a moan. This was why he came here. If life was ever getting him down, Sally knew exactly how to pick him up. Her food was the best. No offense to James and his food at the club, but it didn’t even touch this.

  “Try a cheese fry. She adds some chili or something, and they are, like, amazing.”

  She took one of his fries, and placed it in her mouth. He saw the moment flavor exploded. “Wow. This is … wow. Can I come here? Like forever? I want to live here.”

  “I only have one condition,” he

  “What is it?”

  “You have to bring me. Even if I’m being a dick. This is the place to come.”


  They shook hands and burst out laughing.

  “So, how is studying going?” he asked.

  She shrugged. “Not great, to be honest. I’m so bad even my professor thinks I need a break.”


  “Yeah. It’s not exactly comforting, is it?” She shrugged. “Not a lot I can do really.”

  “What do you think it is?”

  She sighed. “I think that there are some people who test well and others that don’t. I’m one of these people, even in high school, that didn’t test well. My teachers always knew that I put the effort in, but it just never came out on paper. It sucks.”

  “Some things can’t be taught. You said you wanted to be a teacher.”

  “Yep, but there’s no way anyone will consider me for that kind of position.” She shrugged.

  “Then you don’t really want it.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “When you want something badly enough, you fight for it. If you wanted to teach, you’d find a way. What’s your real passion?”

  “I’m not good at that either. I’ve got over a hundred rejections from my writing.”

  “Let me read one of your books.”

  “Hell no, that is not happening.”

  “Why not?” he asked.

  “Because … they were all rejected, so they must be terrible.”

  “You do know a lot of the greats out there were rejected a bunch of times.”

  “I get it. It’s fine.”

  “No. It’s not fine. Have you ever thought that maybe sometimes you’ve got to put yourself out there?”

  She pouted, and it looked so cute. “We’re talking, and there’s no sex.”

  He burst out laughing. “It’s so nice for you to see that. I know you’re completely addicted to my body and all that, but I’m trying to help.”


  Reese saw the smile on her lips, though, and knew that he’d gotten to her.

  “Don’t you forget it either.”

  They finished their food, and he followed her out to his car. The tension became thick as he helped her inside his car. Neither of them spoke on the way to her place. Parking the car in the available spot, he took her up to her apartment.

  His home was bigger than her place. He’d gotten it at a good price. Having a full-time reliable job, he’d been able to take out a small loan from the bank. She opened the door to her apartment and turned toward him.

  “Dinner was amazing.”

  It was now a little after three, but he didn’t feel tired. She rested her head against the door, and those fuckable lips just looked too tempting to ignore.

  Reaching out, he cupped her cheek, stroking the backs of his fingers against her flesh. Sliding his hand to the back of her neck, he pulled her to him.

  Julia didn’t fight him. When he crashed his lips down on hers, she gasped, wrapping her arms around him. Entering her home, he slammed the door closed, being sure to lock it.

  Picking Julia up in his arms, he ignored her protests and took her to the bedroom.

  Dropping her on the bed, he pulled his jacket off and began to remove his clothes. When he was completely naked, he began to remove her clothes, revealing her curvy body to his gaze.

  He loved her full tits, rounded hips, and thick thighs.

  She was a big girl.

  A woman that could take the pounding he was about to give her.

  “Condom, we need a condom,” she said, breaking from the kiss.

  He reached into her bedside drawer where he also found her vibrator.

  “I’m not at work tomorrow,” he said.

  “Neither am I.”


  Julia gasped as Reese ran the tip of the vibrator down her body. She arched up as he went over each of her tits, then down her stomach. In his other hand, he held the condom, and didn’t seem in a rush to put it on. Watching him play with her drove her wild with need.

  She was already soaking wet, and when he placed the vibrator against her clit and switched it on, she moaned. He didn’t give her time to get accustomed to the feel of it against her nub.

  He glided it down to her entrance and began to press inside. She gripped the sheet beneath her, biting her lip as he continued to tease her.

  His mouth moved to her breasts. He kissed his way up her body, taking one of her nipples into his mouth, sucking on it hard, and releasing it with a loud pop. His tongue trailed across her chest, doing the same to her other one. At the same time, he worked the vibrator between her clit and pussy.

  “Please,” she said.

  “What do you want?”

  “I want your cock.”

  The vibrator was switched off and he moved away from her. She didn’t want him to stop but his cock was far more appealing than the toy. She couldn’t bring herself to look away as he rolled the condom over his cock seconds before placing it against her slit. She gasped as he brushed against her clit, driving her crazy with each stroke.

  The pleasure was already intense. She hadn’t come yet, but every single part was ready and primed. She wanted it.

  Slowly, Reese began to tease her body. He rubbed his cock against her slit, bumping her clit before sliding down and starting to fill her.

  He wasn’t in a rush, so he gave her time to feel every single inch of him as he filled her.

  Reese wasn’t a small man.

  He held onto her hips, and at the final inches, he thrust in deep, making her cry out.

  “That feels good,” she said.

  “Yeah, you like that?”


  He grabbed her hands and pinned them above her head. “One day I’m going to take you without this damn condom, and I’m going to feel every single tight clench of your sweet pussy.”

  She whimpered as he pulled out only to drive inside her, harder.

  “Wrap your legs around me.”

  Julia did as he demanded, feeling his dick go even deeper as she lifted up to take more of him. With her legs around his waist it had opened her up, and he could sink to the hilt. Closing her eyes, she felt every single inch of him as he began to rock inside her.

  He started off slow, giving her time to get accustomed to his large size. His breath fanned across her neck, and she held onto him.

  Reese didn’t give her long to wait.

  With a single thrust, he plowed inside her, fucking her harder, taking her breath away with the sheer force of his dick. The bed hit the wall repeatedly, the sounds echoing around the room along with their own moans.

  “Fuck, you’re so tight. It’s like you can’t get enough of my dick.”

  He held her to the bed as he took his pleasure.

  Each thrust of his cock took her close to the peak, but it wasn’t enough.

  Suddenly, Reese let her go, and before she knew what was happening, he’d changed positions so that her pussy was above his face, his cock near her lips.

  She removed the condom from his cock as he began to lick her pussy. Running her hand up and down his length, she closed her eyes, as he pressed two fingers inside her. Taking the tip of his cock into her mouth, she licked the pre-cum from the tip, and then sank down until he hit the back of her throat.

  Reese removed his fingers from her pussy, and with how she was kneeling, her bottom half was spread so he glided his fingers between her ass, coating her anus.

  She moaned around his shaft as he continued to stroke her ass, the tip of one of his fingers teasing across the puckered entrance. When he pressed against her ass, she let out a little squeal.

  In response, he sucked her clit into his mouth even harder, and the pleasure was out of this world.

  The tip of his finger pressed inside her ass, and she gripped his leg, holding onto him.

  “I’m going to fuck here, baby,” he said.

; “No.”

  “Yes. You know you’re going to want me there.”

  Again, she shook her head, but he began to push his finger in and out of her, and she couldn’t deny that he’d get there. Of course she’d let him.

  Reese set her world on fire, and as he finger-fucked her ass while sucking on her pussy, the pleasure drove her higher and higher. When she came, she sucked his cock, swallowing him down. When he came seconds after her, she swallowed his cum, milking him of every single drop.

  Afterward, she tried to climb off his body, but he wouldn’t let her.

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” she said. She knew she wasn’t a light girl.

  In response, he slapped her ass, making her yelp.

  “Why did you do that?”

  “I’ve come to see stupid things that are said deserve a spank.”

  Even though her ass was stinging, she felt … weird. Resting her cheek on his thigh, where his cock lay spent, she felt peaceful. Closing her eyes, she rested a little while, and figured she would move when he let her.

  It had been a long day, and she hadn’t intended to spend any time with Reese, but his offer of coffee was too good to ignore.

  She felt so incredibly tired, and before she knew it, sleep claimed her.

  Chapter Four

  Reese stared down into Julia’s sleeping face, marveling at how damn happy he was. She’d passed out on him, and he’d moved them so that she was in his arms. She looked so tired, and all he wanted to do was take care of her.

  Tucking some hair behind her ears, he smiled. Never had he cared to have a woman in his life before, or in his bed. Not that they were in his bed, they were in hers, but still. The way she felt against him, his arms wrapped around her, she felt utterly perfect.

  Closing his eyes, he allowed sleep to take him, and he did so with the comfort of her against him.

  The following morning, he woke up and glanced down to see Julia still in his arms. Her eyes were open, and she was biting her lip.

  “Good morning, sleepyhead,” he said.

  “I’m the sleepyhead? You were the one actually sleeping.”

  He smiled and gave a little stretch while also keeping one hand around her. “Neither of us have to be at work.”


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